Facts: How Obama Has Screwed Over Black America.

95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Nothing you cited would have been better if McCain or Romney had been elected.

Maybe....but Obama was supposed to be the great racial healer that would unite all Americans. Remember? Hope & Change. :)

I stupidly voted for him in 2008 hoping in part his election would improve race relations. Instead they have gotten much worse.

He has been an incredibly divisive figure. The opposite of what was promised.

If race relations have gotten worse it's only because the rightwing bigots in this country have been emboldened.
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Nothing you cited would have been better if McCain or Romney had been elected.

Maybe....but Obama was supposed to be the great racial healer that would unite all Americans. Remember? Hope & Change. :)

I stupidly voted for him in 2008 hoping in part his election would improve race relations. Instead they have gotten much worse.

He has been an incredibly divisive figure. The opposite of what was promised.

If race relations have gotten worse it's only because the rightwing bigots in this country have been emboldened.

Ah....yeah.....that's it. :lol:



Hahaha is like "what systemic racism? The problem with blacks people are... Black people"

The problem is not black people, it is people in general.

People that are politically biased make excuses for people that share their bias, so right, wrong or indifferent, they will agree, just because. Then the minimize the oppositions viewpoint by claiming racism, communism, socialism and other minimizing rhetoric, all while ignoring the facts.
Why is it that Liberals feign to champion "content of character" while Conservatives are accused of only seeing "the color of skin".

Fuck that shit.

Liberals are also all talk and little action. Conservations are far more charitable to the needy. Liberals don't walk their talk—conservatives do.

Sixteen months ago, Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University, published "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism." The surprise is that liberals are markedly less charitable than conservatives.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers
Why is it that Liberals feign to champion "content of character" while Conservatives are accused of only seeing "the color of skin".

Fuck that shit.

Liberals are also all talk and little action. Conservations are far more charitable to the needy. Liberals don't walk their talk—conservatives do.

Sixteen months ago, Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University, published "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism." The surprise is that liberals are markedly less charitable than conservatives.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers

This data has been around for years, Aqua. You are absolutely correct. Conservatives.....particularly Christian Conservatives donate much more of their time and money to charity than Liberals.

I guess Liberals feel like the Government should do it...(i.e. spend anyone else's money but theirs. :lol: ).
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My opinion. There is no strawman present. :D I believe race relations have gotten worse under Obama and I believe he has been a very divisive figure.

I know you disagree which is fine. It is USMB. :)

What made you think voting for a black person would erase hundreds of years of fuck ed up race relations?

Either you have to be dumb or lying.
3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

Who knew that Obama had been president since 1999?

That "acceleration" started when your fellow Republicans almost destroyed the economy in 2008.

Racists blame Obama for everything, even all of the things that Bush and the Republicans did to this nation.
Who was in charge of both houses in 2008?
Why is it that Liberals feign to champion "content of character" while Conservatives are accused of only seeing "the color of skin".

Fuck that shit.

Liberals are also all talk and little action. Conservations are far more charitable to the needy. Liberals don't walk their talk—conservatives do.

Sixteen months ago, Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University, published "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism." The surprise is that liberals are markedly less charitable than conservatives.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers

This data has been around for years, Aqua. You are absolutely correct. Conservatives.....particularly Christian Conservatives donate much more of their time and money to charity than Liberals.

I guess Liberals feel like the Government should do it...(i.e. spend anyone else's money but theirs. :lol: ).

I've also been in many businesses that involve tipping the person who assisted one in their goals, and liberals were the cheapest. Conservatives, the most generous. Always, this was true. Conservatives have more charity in their hearts and they don't need words or activists to bring attention to themselves for it.

^^^^ I speak generally. There are always exceptions, but rarely.

My opinion. There is no strawman present. :D I believe race relations have gotten worse under Obama and I believe he has been a very divisive figure.

I know you disagree which is fine. It is USMB. :)

What made you think voting for a black person would erase hundreds of years of fuck ed up race relations?

Either you have to be dumb or lying.

Thanks!!! :thup:

Part of Obama's promise was to heal racial divisions. That was said explicitly. Obama the savior would part the waters and bring the chosen people out of Egypt. :D

I sincerely thought black America would see Obama's election as a watershed moment.

Instead their lives have gotten worse under Obama (and that is fact...not opinion)...and I think there is a lot of misplaced anger.

Per polling there is no doubt. The vast majority of Americans feel race relations have gotten worse under Obama. That is part of his legacy now.
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight
More blacks are living in poverty because our government made it easier to get and live on welfare.

Income is down since the dot com bubble because a) our government made it easier to get and live on welfare, b) U.S. Corporations decided to offshore tens of millions of U.S. jobs, and c) the U.S. Government decided to help U.S. Corporations offshore tens of millions of U.S. jobs.
3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

Who knew that Obama had been president since 1999?

That "acceleration" started when your fellow Republicans almost destroyed the economy in 2008.

Racists blame Obama for everything, even all of the things that Bush and the Republicans did to this nation.

Bush did place his trust in the wrong people for advise and perspective on occasion:

"I believe there has been more alarm raised about potential unsafety and unsoundness [of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae]
than in fact, exists." Barney Frank...September 25, 2003

"Fannie and Freddie are fundamentally sound, they are not in danger of going under.....I DO think their prospects going forward are very solid." Barney Frank....July 14, 2008

From 2003 until his retirement, [Barney] Frank was the leading Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, and he served as committee chairman when his party held a House majority from 2007 to 2011
Hahaha is like "what systemic racism? The problem with blacks people are... Black people"

The problem is not black people, it is people in general.

People that are politically biased make excuses for people that share their bias, so right, wrong or indifferent, they will agree, just because. Then the minimize the oppositions viewpoint by claiming racism, communism, socialism and other minimizing rhetoric, all while ignoring the facts.
Well to be fair democrats are pushing socialism and racism tools to get votes, no?
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Wait....so it's cool to show that blacks have been discrimination against for decades as long as you can blame OBama or Dems?

If I made this screams of racism and the race card would be flying from the usual bunch
Well if it wasn't for liberals, blacks would be educated and self supportive. Not uneducated, and dependent on government. All for a vote.
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It sure is a bitch for white folk when the shoe is on the other foot...
Is that your justification? Some whites were racist back in the 60s so that justifies black racism forty-fifty years later, because now this is your chance to wear the racist boot?
I call the Democrat strategy the hyphenation of America.

You know....we are no longer Americans.

Nope....we're Transgender-Americans....Latino-Americans....Gay-Americans...African-Americans....Lesbian Americans.

The entire strategy is sick and divisive...but it doesn't seem to be working anymore. I think there is a real desperation in the Democrat Party now.
Why is it that Liberals feign to champion "content of character" while Conservatives are accused of only seeing "the color of skin".

Fuck that shit.

Liberals are also all talk and little action. Conservations are far more charitable to the needy. Liberals don't walk their talk—conservatives do.

Sixteen months ago, Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University, published "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism." The surprise is that liberals are markedly less charitable than conservatives.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers

This data has been around for years, Aqua. You are absolutely correct. Conservatives.....particularly Christian Conservatives donate much more of their time and money to charity than Liberals.

I guess Liberals feel like the Government should do it...(i.e. spend anyone else's money but theirs. :lol: ).

I've also been in many businesses that involve tipping the person who assisted one in their goals, and liberals were the cheapest. Conservatives, the most generous. Always, this was true. Conservatives have more charity in their hearts and they don't need words or activists to bring attention to themselves for it.

^^^^ I speak generally. There are always exceptions, but rarely.

I've dealt with many businesses where tips are the majority of the income. Some people are just cheap when it comes to tipping. It crosses political boundaries, age, class, race, education...you name it. I paid for 7 years of college behind the bar and/or on the floor waiting tables. One the worst shifts on the floor was the Sunday morning after church rush. Families all pressed and dressed after church that will run you around like a crazy person and then leave a 10% tip. Sometimes they would just leave fake money with inspirational messages about the Lord on it instead of an actual tip.
It sure is a bitch for white folk when the shoe is on the other foot...
Is that your justification? Some whites were racist back in the 60s so that justifies black racism forty-fifty years later, because now this is your chance to wear the racist boot?
There are white racists alive in today's society....they never go away, it's a personal choice...
Why is it that Liberals feign to champion "content of character" while Conservatives are accused of only seeing "the color of skin".

Fuck that shit.

Liberals are also all talk and little action. Conservations are far more charitable to the needy. Liberals don't walk their talk—conservatives do.

Sixteen months ago, Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University, published "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism." The surprise is that liberals are markedly less charitable than conservatives.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers

This data has been around for years, Aqua. You are absolutely correct. Conservatives.....particularly Christian Conservatives donate much more of their time and money to charity than Liberals.

I guess Liberals feel like the Government should do it...(i.e. spend anyone else's money but theirs. :lol: ).

I've also been in many businesses that involve tipping the person who assisted one in their goals, and liberals were the cheapest. Conservatives, the most generous. Always, this was true. Conservatives have more charity in their hearts and they don't need words or activists to bring attention to themselves for it.

^^^^ I speak generally. There are always exceptions, but rarely.

I've dealt with many businesses where tips are the majority of the income. Some people are just cheap when it comes to tipping. It crosses political boundaries, age, class, race, education...you name it. I paid for 7 years of college behind the bar and/or on the floor waiting tables. One the worst shifts on the floor was the Sunday morning after church rush. Families all pressed and dressed after church that will run you around like a crazy person and then leave a 10% tip. Sometimes they would just leave fake money with inspirational messages about the Lord on it instead of an actual tip.
Still better than the places I worked at where dinner was costly and the tips were low, why they put a mandatory gratuity in place...I've waited at Denny's and made more.

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