Facts: How Obama Has Screwed Over Black America.

It sure is a bitch for white folk when the shoe is on the other foot...
Is that your justification? Some whites were racist back in the 60s so that justifies black racism forty-fifty years later, because now this is your chance to wear the racist boot?
There are white racists alive in today's society....they never go away, it's a personal choice...
Well we do have a racist president right now. Things will only get worse with someone like that in the Whitehouse.
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Hahaha is like "what systemic racism? The problem with blacks people are... Black people"

The problem is not black people, it is people in general.

People that are politically biased make excuses for people that share their bias, so right, wrong or indifferent, they will agree, just because. Then the minimize the oppositions viewpoint by claiming racism, communism, socialism and other minimizing rhetoric, all while ignoring the facts.
Well to be fair democrats are pushing socialism and racism tools to get votes, no?

No, the Democrats use racism and the Republicans use socialism. Both are wrong and neither promote conversation.
Why is it that Liberals feign to champion "content of character" while Conservatives are accused of only seeing "the color of skin".

Fuck that shit.

Liberals are also all talk and little action. Conservations are far more charitable to the needy. Liberals don't walk their talk—conservatives do.

Sixteen months ago, Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University, published "Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism." The surprise is that liberals are markedly less charitable than conservatives.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers

This data has been around for years, Aqua. You are absolutely correct. Conservatives.....particularly Christian Conservatives donate much more of their time and money to charity than Liberals.

I guess Liberals feel like the Government should do it...(i.e. spend anyone else's money but theirs. :lol: ).

I've also been in many businesses that involve tipping the person who assisted one in their goals, and liberals were the cheapest. Conservatives, the most generous. Always, this was true. Conservatives have more charity in their hearts and they don't need words or activists to bring attention to themselves for it.

^^^^ I speak generally. There are always exceptions, but rarely.

I've dealt with many businesses where tips are the majority of the income. Some people are just cheap when it comes to tipping. It crosses political boundaries, age, class, race, education...you name it. I paid for 7 years of college behind the bar and/or on the floor waiting tables. One the worst shifts on the floor was the Sunday morning after church rush. Families all pressed and dressed after church that will run you around like a crazy person and then leave a 10% tip. Sometimes they would just leave fake money with inspirational messages about the Lord on it instead of an actual tip.

"It crosses political boundaries, age, class, race, education"

They were all liberals, OR from a country and culture where tipping is not considered important. Agreed there are just some tightwads across the spectrum, but really, I do know well from whence I speak. Some of the oldest were the most charitable. Schoolteachers, Canadians....among the worst.

Wait....so it's cool to show that blacks have been discrimination against for decades as long as you can blame OBama or Dems?

If I made this screams of racism and the race card would be flying from the usual bunch
Well if it wasn't for liberals, blacks would be educated and self supportive. Not uneducated, and dependent on government. All for a vote.

Really because only liberals stopped blacks from attending schools in certain areas, under funding black schools, cutting head start progs, etc. ..not white people tho....just liberals?

Lol...If it makes u feel better
I love when whites accuse someone of racism. .. Their examples consist of a bunch of statements that start with "want to" "believes" and "hopes" which mean nothing happen happened they just believe someone wants to do something and it hurts them so. Then when talk about housing discrimination they go "get over it"
Wait....so it's cool to show that blacks have been discrimination against for decades as long as you can blame OBama or Dems?

If I made this screams of racism and the race card would be flying from the usual bunch
Well if it wasn't for liberals, blacks would be educated and self supportive. Not uneducated, and dependent on government. All for a vote.

Really because only liberals stopped blacks from attending schools in certain areas, under funding black schools, cutting head start progs, etc. ..not white people tho....just liberals?

Lol...If it makes u feel better

Do you think all the social programs and all the black activist help the black community or hinder it's progress?

I see social programs that could help but I also seeing them hurting the black community.

MLK helped all Americans while I see Sharpton dividing a country.

What do you think?
It sure is a bitch for white folk when the shoe is on the other foot...
Is that your justification? Some whites were racist back in the 60s so that justifies black racism forty-fifty years later, because now this is your chance to wear the racist boot?
There are white racists alive in today's society....they never go away, it's a personal choice...
What does that have to do with Government mandated racism (aka. Affirmative Action), where the blacks get to wear racist boots dancing and laughing all the way in celebration of their retribution over whites?
Hahaha is like "what systemic racism? The problem with blacks people are... Black people"

The problem is not black people, it is people in general.

People that are politically biased make excuses for people that share their bias, so right, wrong or indifferent, they will agree, just because. Then the minimize the oppositions viewpoint by claiming racism, communism, socialism and other minimizing rhetoric, all while ignoring the facts.
Well to be fair democrats are pushing socialism and racism tools to get votes, no?

No, the Democrats use racism and the Republicans use socialism. Both are wrong and neither promote conversation.
You gonna sit there and tell me democrats don't promote socialist programs to their constituents to garnish votes? Then scream and holler that if they don't vote democrat they will loose their socialist programs? The democrats don't scream and holler about the evil rich for having assets and earning profits?

The problem with democrats is they want credit for profits then they turn around and call them evil. They want credit for people being successful then they turn around and call success evil. They claim to want people to climb the ladder then they use hand-out programs instead of hand-up programs. They claim they want less people on welfare but then they scream and holler at republicans when they actually try to get people off welfare.
Last edited:
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Just a couple quick questions for you.
1. Why are every one of these threads about the left supposedly mistreating blacks started by lily white posters whose other posts are filled with extremely insulting and degrading remarks about blacks? All your so called concern for the treatment of blacks by the left doesn't hold much weight when you also say their mistreatment is deserved in other threads.

2. Why don't you just admit that you don't really care about blacks. While like minded teabaggers will certainly agree with everything you write, nobody else will.
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Just a couple quick questions for you.
1. Why are every one of these threads about the left supposedly mistreating blacks started by lily white posters whose other posts are filled with extremely insulting and degrading remarks about blacks? All your so called concern for the treatment of blacks by the left doesn't hold much weight when you also say their mistreatment is deserved in other threads.

2. Why don't you just admit that you don't really care about blacks. While like minded teabaggers will certainly agree with everything you write, nobody else will.

Your mind-reading abilities are extraordinary. :)

You don't know what I think. You have no idea. I sincerely want a color blind society. The obsession with race needs to stop.
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Just a couple quick questions for you.
1. Why are every one of these threads about the left supposedly mistreating blacks started by lily white posters whose other posts are filled with extremely insulting and degrading remarks about blacks? All your so called concern for the treatment of blacks by the left doesn't hold much weight when you also say their mistreatment is deserved in other threads.

2. Why don't you just admit that you don't really care about blacks. While like minded teabaggers will certainly agree with everything you write, nobody else will.

Your mind-reading abilities are extraordinary. :)

You don't know what I think. You have no idea. I sincerely want a color blind society. The obsession with race needs to stop.

Bull hit it spot on...The only times you even acknowledge the existence of discrimination its to put the blame on liberals
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Just a couple quick questions for you.
1. Why are every one of these threads about the left supposedly mistreating blacks started by lily white posters whose other posts are filled with extremely insulting and degrading remarks about blacks? All your so called concern for the treatment of blacks by the left doesn't hold much weight when you also say their mistreatment is deserved in other threads.

2. Why don't you just admit that you don't really care about blacks. While like minded teabaggers will certainly agree with everything you write, nobody else will.

Your mind-reading abilities are extraordinary. :)

You don't know what I think. You have no idea. I sincerely want a color blind society. The obsession with race needs to stop.

Not mind reading, just post reading. Everybody who has read your writings knows what you think, and it's a little late now to try to hide from it. You don't actually think anyone who is truly concerned about race relations will give your rant a second thought do you?
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Just a couple quick questions for you.
1. Why are every one of these threads about the left supposedly mistreating blacks started by lily white posters whose other posts are filled with extremely insulting and degrading remarks about blacks? All your so called concern for the treatment of blacks by the left doesn't hold much weight when you also say their mistreatment is deserved in other threads.

2. Why don't you just admit that you don't really care about blacks. While like minded teabaggers will certainly agree with everything you write, nobody else will.

Your mind-reading abilities are extraordinary. :)

You don't know what I think. You have no idea. I sincerely want a color blind society. The obsession with race needs to stop.

Bull hit it spot on...The only times you even acknowledge the existence of discrimination its to put the blame on liberals

Bullshit. Slavery and racism are America's original sin. It has been a problem from the beginning. All sides of the political spectrum have been part of the problem.

But I believe the current Democrat policies of divide and conquer are making race relations worse and are not helping black Americans. That is my opinion.

If you feel current Democrat Party policies are helping black America...fine...state your case. But the name calling shit accomplishes nothing.

And it cannot be argued that the economic state of black America has gotten much worse under Obama. You can argue that it is not a result of his policies....that the facts do remain things are worse.
Wait....so it's cool to show that blacks have been discrimination against for decades as long as you can blame OBama or Dems?

If I made this screams of racism and the race card would be flying from the usual bunch
Well if it wasn't for liberals, blacks would be educated and self supportive. Not uneducated, and dependent on government. All for a vote.

Really because only liberals stopped blacks from attending schools in certain areas, under funding black schools, cutting head start progs, etc. ..not white people tho....just liberals?

Lol...If it makes u feel better

Do you think all the social programs and all the black activist help the black community or hinder it's progress?

I see social programs that could help but I also seeing them hurting the black community.

MLK helped all Americans while I see Sharpton dividing a country.

What do you think?
I think that any program that actually helps blacks help themselves are good. Keeping them on welfare for life doesn't help anyone. I think for any race, if you need short term help. You should be helped.
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Just a couple quick questions for you.
1. Why are every one of these threads about the left supposedly mistreating blacks started by lily white posters whose other posts are filled with extremely insulting and degrading remarks about blacks? All your so called concern for the treatment of blacks by the left doesn't hold much weight when you also say their mistreatment is deserved in other threads.

2. Why don't you just admit that you don't really care about blacks. While like minded teabaggers will certainly agree with everything you write, nobody else will.

Your mind-reading abilities are extraordinary. :)

You don't know what I think. You have no idea. I sincerely want a color blind society. The obsession with race needs to stop.

Not mind reading, just post reading. Everybody who has read your writings knows what you think, and it's a little late now to try to hide from it. You don't actually think anyone who is truly concerned about race relations will give your rant a second thought do you?

More butt hurt. :lol: I don't give a shit what you think. When someone resorts to bullshit to avoid discussing the facts it tells me all I need to know. Now go play in a place where everyone will agree with you. Adults are trying to have a real discussion. :D
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Just a couple quick questions for you.
1. Why are every one of these threads about the left supposedly mistreating blacks started by lily white posters whose other posts are filled with extremely insulting and degrading remarks about blacks? All your so called concern for the treatment of blacks by the left doesn't hold much weight when you also say their mistreatment is deserved in other threads.

2. Why don't you just admit that you don't really care about blacks. While like minded teabaggers will certainly agree with everything you write, nobody else will.

Your mind-reading abilities are extraordinary. :)

You don't know what I think. You have no idea. I sincerely want a color blind society. The obsession with race needs to stop.
Color blind? I like colors.

The obsession with hate for people of particular races needs to stop.
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Just a couple quick questions for you.
1. Why are every one of these threads about the left supposedly mistreating blacks started by lily white posters whose other posts are filled with extremely insulting and degrading remarks about blacks? All your so called concern for the treatment of blacks by the left doesn't hold much weight when you also say their mistreatment is deserved in other threads.

2. Why don't you just admit that you don't really care about blacks. While like minded teabaggers will certainly agree with everything you write, nobody else will.

Your mind-reading abilities are extraordinary. :)

You don't know what I think. You have no idea. I sincerely want a color blind society. The obsession with race needs to stop.

Bull hit it spot on...The only times you even acknowledge the existence of discrimination its to put the blame on liberals

Bullshit. Slavery and racism are America's original sin. It has been a problem from the beginning. All sides of the political spectrum have been part of the problem.

But I believe the current Democrat policies of divide and conquer are making race relations worse and are not helping black Americans. That is my opinion.

If you feel current Democrat Party policies are helping black America...fine...state your case. But the name calling shit accomplishes nothing.

And it cannot be argued that the economic state of black America has gotten much worse under Obama. You can argue that it is not a result of his policies....that the facts do remain things are worse.

Of course it is worse. Racist crawled out of the woodwork at the first sign of a black president. It's a pretty long stretch to say that was his fault. It's a little surprising to hear you complain about name calling.
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Just a couple quick questions for you.
1. Why are every one of these threads about the left supposedly mistreating blacks started by lily white posters whose other posts are filled with extremely insulting and degrading remarks about blacks? All your so called concern for the treatment of blacks by the left doesn't hold much weight when you also say their mistreatment is deserved in other threads.

2. Why don't you just admit that you don't really care about blacks. While like minded teabaggers will certainly agree with everything you write, nobody else will.

Your mind-reading abilities are extraordinary. :)

You don't know what I think. You have no idea. I sincerely want a color blind society. The obsession with race needs to stop.

Bull hit it spot on...The only times you even acknowledge the existence of discrimination its to put the blame on liberals

Bullshit. Slavery and racism are America's original sin. It has been a problem from the beginning. All sides of the political spectrum have been part of the problem.

But I believe the current Democrat policies of divide and conquer are making race relations worse and are not helping black Americans. That is my opinion.

Yeah we know no one is helping blacks but its all about the dems...and plus tell us how blacks shouldnt be helped in the first place because that would make the fucking irony alarm go nuts right now.

If you feel current Democrat Party policies are helping black America...fine...state your case. But the name calling shit accomplishes nothing.

You have no case...You just say things arent working from one party as if one party controls the US. I have yet to hear you make a point about how Republicans are offering winning policies. Oh thats right, because they arent instead they complain that blacks vote dem and call them slaves instead of presenting policies because.....THEY DONT BELIEVE BLACKS SHOULD GET ANY HELP IN THE FIRST PLACE.

And it cannot be argued that the economic state of black America has gotten much worse under Obama. You can argue that it is not a result of his policies....that the facts do remain things are worse.

What happened before Obama? Was anyone else responsible at all? Or just Democratic Presidents all of them?
95% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Let's look at what he and the Democrats have done for them. And btw....all data is from Nate Silver....hardly a right wing darling.

1. Blacks are 250% more likely to live in poverty than whites. This has accelerated under the Obama Presidency.

2. The average median household income for blacks is 40% less than whites. This is down 10% since the year 2000.

3. Median family income for all Americans has dropped every year since 1999. It is down 8.7% over that time frame. This loss of income has accelerated under Obama.

There are many more facts...but you get the idea. Obama and the Democrats have not only failed to help blacks (or the rest of us) but have made things far worse. So can anyone explain the almost blind support black Americans have for the Democrat Party? Anyone?

Here is a key quote.

Big racial gaps remain: The median income of an African-American household was $34,600 in 2013, more than 40 percent less than the median non-Hispanic white household. The race gap has been little changed in recent years. It peaked at about 45 percent in the 1980s and narrowed to 35 percent in 2000, but has since lost much of that ground. More than a quarter of blacks live below the official poverty line, compared to 10 percent of whites.

A link to the full story. Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight

Just a couple quick questions for you.
1. Why are every one of these threads about the left supposedly mistreating blacks started by lily white posters whose other posts are filled with extremely insulting and degrading remarks about blacks? All your so called concern for the treatment of blacks by the left doesn't hold much weight when you also say their mistreatment is deserved in other threads.

2. Why don't you just admit that you don't really care about blacks. While like minded teabaggers will certainly agree with everything you write, nobody else will.

Your mind-reading abilities are extraordinary. :)

You don't know what I think. You have no idea. I sincerely want a color blind society. The obsession with race needs to stop.
Color blind? I like colors.

The obsession with hate for people of particular races needs to stop.

He would be better off wanting a Unicorn riding Society

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