Factual: My Niece Work's the COVID Ward at her Hospital Sends Cases Everyday to the Cancer Ward Where They Belong


May 23, 2014
Not going to post a news article with this it's just her words. She has been exasperated for months when all the supposed ".COVID" cases fill her ward and they are not even COVID. It's cancer, allergy to a bee sting, or drug related. The COVID shit Democrats push is bullshit!
I have a step grandson who works at a hospital and says the same thing. An 80 year old man in intensive care for COPD and pneumonia was said to have died of covid. A 22 year old had his death certificate recalled and changed from drug overdose to covid.
Thank you for supporting my post. This COVID crap is an effort to destroy the Western World.
I have a step grandson who works at a hospital and says the same thing. An 80 year old man in intensive care for COPD and pneumonia was said to have died of covid. A 22 year old had his death certificate recalled and changed from drug overdose to covid.
Thank you for supporting my post. This COVID crap is an effort to destroy the Western World.
Communist democrats want another lockdown. This time shutting down everything. Food delivery, processing, stores. Everything. China did it, Russia did it. Democrats want to join their communist brothers in ushering in communism by government induced famine.
Not going to post a news article with this it's just her words. She has been exasperated for months when all the supposed ".COVID" cases fill her ward and they are not even COVID. It's cancer, allergy to a bee sting, or drug related. The COVID shit Democrats push is bullshit!
Your niece's observations are absolutely correct and here's the reason why. It's all about reimbursement. Hospitals are guaranteed to get paid for an admission if the admitting diagnosis is Covid-19 or presumptive Covid-19. Any respiratory symptoms will qualify for an admitting diagnosis of presumptive Covid-19. The plus side for the democrats are inflated hospital admission stats and deaths. The admitting diagnosis is not changed if the patient is later determined to be negative for the virus. That information will appear on the discharge documents but nobody is looking at hospital discharges, they are looking at hospital admissions.
Not going to post a news article with this it's just her words. She has been exasperated for months when all the supposed ".COVID" cases fill her ward and they are not even COVID. It's cancer, allergy to a bee sting, or drug related. The COVID shit Democrats push is bullshit!
Your niece's observations are absolutely correct and here's the reason why. It's all about reimbursement. Hospitals are guaranteed to get paid for an admission if the admitting diagnosis is Covid-19 or presumptive Covid-19. Any respiratory symptoms will qualify for an admitting diagnosis of presumptive Covid-19. The plus side for the democrats are inflated hospital admission stats and deaths. The admitting diagnosis is not changed if the patient is later determined to be negative for the virus. That information will appear on the discharge documents but nobody is looking at hospital discharges, they are looking at hospital admissions.

It doesn't seem it's helping hospitals out a bit if what you say is true, seems like the other surgery cancellation's would be made up in revenue with all this money coming in from Covid.

I've started responding to the multitude of surveys that I am sick and tired of the chinavirus scare tactics being used to force or coerce compliance with outrageous goverment overreach. Just got done with an AT&T survey about their service which required me, an elderly invalid, to stand outside in close-to-freezing temperatures for a presumptive hour wait to do business. This shiite has got to stop, really. I'm still looking for the cordwood piles of bodies lined up along the streets...
Not going to post a news article with this it's just her words. She has been exasperated for months when all the supposed ".COVID" cases fill her ward and they are not even COVID. It's cancer, allergy to a bee sting, or drug related. The COVID shit Democrats push is bullshit!
Your niece's observations are absolutely correct and here's the reason why. It's all about reimbursement. Hospitals are guaranteed to get paid for an admission if the admitting diagnosis is Covid-19 or presumptive Covid-19. Any respiratory symptoms will qualify for an admitting diagnosis of presumptive Covid-19. The plus side for the democrats are inflated hospital admission stats and deaths. The admitting diagnosis is not changed if the patient is later determined to be negative for the virus. That information will appear on the discharge documents but nobody is looking at hospital discharges, they are looking at hospital admissions.

It doesn't seem it's helping hospitals out a bit if what you say is true, seems like the other surgery cancellation's would be made up in revenue with all this money coming in from Covid.

Read the entire article you posted. Its says;

“The decision to eliminate elective surgeries and outpatient visits was the right decision in terms of protecting the safety of our patients and staff,” said Mayo’s chief administrative officer, Jeff Bolton. “But it has led to significant reductions in revenue.”

The hospitals made the decision to cancel elective surgeries.

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