Failed black state again: now S.Sudan

OJ was never black until he needed to be after killing his wife. ask his lawyers and him. Documentary on the guy. Funny shit.
I think problems like these are far more complex than you seem to credit. It's not simply one or the other's faults. You have culture, history, resources, climate, ethnic/tribal/sectarian violence that's yet to be resolved. Are you suggesting that the current means of aid through large amounts of money given to governments is effective?

Spare me the liberal fucking garbage nonsense; if I wanted to hear that shit I'd read the NY Times.

After WW2 plenty of aid went to Europe and Japan, including countries that were not democratic, and lo and behold - they formed functional democracies.

What was the single element that could be applied in those cases - not black, arab or hispanic countries. The one hispanic one was Spain, and stayed a shithole for decades, so there you go.
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It's easier to fall back to racism isn't it?

Claiming different cultures/peoples are incapable of forming functional countries isn't racism - its reality. Calling those people you cannot defeat/debate "racist" is a time-worn out tactic of the left, and its fucking boring.

The world of the 1700's was a different place than the world 100 years later. You can demand all you want but ignoring realities isn't going to help realize your demands.

Is there a bullshit excuse you are not going to throw out there, hoping will stick?

The french and 13 colonists had no fucking template to follow, they were wandering in the dark and they managed - yet almost EVERY black, arab and hispanic country - which has rock-solid foundations of Western democratic countries on which to base their countries - still is a shithole even in 2016.

Stop making excuses for the inept and the incapable. all you are doing is showing your reverse racism by lowering your expectations and dumbing down the basic standards of acceptable behavior.

Who do you actually think you are convincing with that bullshit?
I think problems like these are far more complex than you seem to credit. It's not simply one or the other's faults. You have culture, history, resources, climate, ethnic/tribal/sectarian violence that's yet to be resolved. Are you suggesting that the current means of aid through large amounts of money given to governments is effective?
so curious, have you ever been to a neighborhood that was once all white then converted to all black? Two of my previous childhood subdivisions was this scenario. When the whites all left, the neighborhood went to shit. Why do you think doing what you proposed will end up being any different? I'm just saying. I don't get it.

there have been studies on this phenomenon, 'White Flight' it still isn't known why.

White flight is caused because whites believe that property values will go down when blacks move in, so they move out and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are plenty of wealthy and middle class predominantly black neighborhoods that don't "go to shit" and plenty of factors that cause neighborhoods to go to shit.
name one of these middle class predominantly black neighborhoods.

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Atlanta Black Star

Some more interesting info on this:

Middle class whites live in nicer neighborhoods than blacks
There are three main reasons for this schism, researchers said. The wealth gap is one of them. Whites have 12 times the wealth of blacks and nearly 10 times that of Hispanics, according to the Urban Institute. That allows white families to buy homes in fancier neighborhoods than blacks and Hispanics with similar incomes.

Other factors include lingering racial discrimination in housing and the tendency to live among people of similar backgrounds.

This is particularly true of whites. Regardless of their income level, white families typically live in neighborhoods that are roughly 80% white.

Black and Hispanic families, meanwhile, live in communities that are roughly a third to a half black and Hispanic.

Here's an interesting article on this:

Differences in middle class and black and white neighborhoods are vary quite a bit around the country.
funny stuff, I looked at the cities/ neighborhoods and mostly California. hmm, would that have to do with the movies at all? Not one city in that list not on a coast. Nice try though I'll give you that. Even had Maryland, and that's the state with Baltimore, the comments even suggest it is communities not cities. LOL. Let's see one in Detroit, or Chicago majority black. Missouri as well. Dude I'm from Missouri and live in Chicago, all one needs to do is drive through one of their communities at night. Right...........nope, people avoid it like it's the plague.

Why do you want to force a race on another? I don't get it. it's been since the 1950s jack, and it ain't any different today. I gave you the Wiki page. Go read.

No one is "forcing" anything - people have free choice of where to live. What's wrong with that?
It's easier to fall back to racism isn't it?

Claiming different cultures/peoples are incapable of forming functional countries isn't racism - its reality. Calling those people you cannot defeat/debate "racist" is a time-worn out tactic of the left, and its fucking boring.

The world of the 1700's was a different place than the world 100 years later. You can demand all you want but ignoring realities isn't going to help realize your demands.

Is there a bullshit excuse you are not going to throw out there, hoping will stick?

The french and 13 colonists had no fucking template to follow, they were wandering in the dark and they managed - yet almost EVERY black, arab and hispanic country - which has rock-solid foundations of Western democratic countries on which to base their countries - still is a shithole even in 2016.

Stop making excuses for the inept and the incapable. all you are doing is showing your reverse racism by lowering your expectations and dumbing down the basic standards of acceptable behavior.

Who do you actually think you are convincing with that bullshit?

You're claiming races (not cultures) can't form functional countries.

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