Failed black state again: now S.Sudan

If you were superior you'd support maintaining our country with funding for educating our children, paving our highways and investing in science. Right? The fact that most African nations don't do this is why they're shit holes.
Which we do. They don't. We inherently strive for it. They don't. We instinctively pursue it. They don't...

We certainly don't instinctively pursue it. Nor is it inherent. It's learned and it's mandated. Otherwise, half our population would probably be semi-educated in substandard religious "home schooling" environments that thinks creationism is science.

We are FORTUNATE. We've had over 200 years of freedom, self governance, a RICH in resources nation and we haven't been occupied by foreign powers. We don't have the diseases that afflict Africa, we don't have the droughts, the famines or other natural disasters that make living there and creating stability more difficult in certain areas. That's not the only reason of course - but to blame it on race alone ignores the successful African countries that never make it in the news.

Which is the best African country to live in? How region stacks up in the 'good society' stakes
Tunisia has the highest overall ranking on the index. It scores highest in the areas of child well-being, environment and infrastructure, education, and social sustainability and social cohesion. In the overall rankings, it is followed by Cape Verde and Botswana, which has the highest scores in both safety and security, and integrity and justice. Ghana (seventh overall) tops the economic performance ranking; South Africa (ninth overall) performs best in democracy, freedom and governance; and Egypt (fourth overall) scores highest in health and health systems. Only Botswana and Cape Verde perform above average in all components of the index. Tunisia scores slightly below average in economic performance.

On the other end of the spectrum, Chad is the lowest-ranked country, scoring worst in child well-being and very poorly in the education, and social cohesion and social sustainability measures. The Central African Republic, Côte d’Ivoire and the Democratic Republic of Congo perform only marginally better, scoring very low in safety and security. The Central African Republic scores lowest in education. Zimbabwe is worst ranked for integrity and justice.
Blacks cannot build a first world country, In fact they can't even maintain one after they steal it from whites as happened in rhodesia and South Africa. Blacks are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming.
Its telling how many nutters see South Africa as a success.
If white Christians established states in Africa, anything was fine and well. Just remember former Rhodesia and South Africa. If blacks try to do the same, except sh... coming nothing, only murders, wars, corruption and epidemics.

Blacks have received entirely states, now they are sh...holes ( Liberia, S. Africa, S.Sudan )

But if white Christians go to failed black states, they transform they to little paradises.

A small example:Even in failed South Africa

Sorry guys, nut 1000000 and more proofs are clearly evidences superiority of the White Christian Race.

Liberals want the United States to be like South Sudan.

How cute. Thank you for your contribution.

No it's not cute when Democrats play race card as a wedge issue for political purposes. Look at past violence from L.A. In 93' Ferguson, and then Baltimore. Sure, I want these people running my country.
If white Christians established states in Africa, anything was fine and well. Just remember former Rhodesia and South Africa. If blacks try to do the same, except sh... coming nothing, only murders, wars, corruption and epidemics.

Blacks have received entirely states, now they are sh...holes ( Liberia, S. Africa, S.Sudan )

But if white Christians go to failed black states, they transform they to little paradises.

A small example:Even in failed South Africa

Sorry guys, nut 1000000 and more proofs are clearly evidences superiority of the White Christian Race.

Islamic Sudanese forces slaughter and kill hundreds of thousands of Sudanese Christians in a mass genocide. The UN does nothing.

Gaddafi threatens to take action against a rebellious faction who are Muslim and poised for war, the UN destroys Gaddafi.

Now why do you suppose that is?
So, literally trillions in foreign aid came to naught!
A lot of the foriegn aid sent is stolen and sold to the poor in the cities or used to feed the gangs that have forced people into their factions to fight for their groups or be force into being their entertainment. The money made from stolen food and medical supplies is then used then to buy weapons and support more thug type operations.

Instead of sending larger quantities of bulk aid that can be stolen in transports drops where conflicts are obvious and the people in need do not get those supplies individual packets should be made and spread over wider areas where the needs are. The thugs would not be able to grab onto whole shipments so easily that away.
So, literally trillions in foreign aid came to naught!

That's another complicated problem - how foreign aid is issued and used. To much goes to corrupt governments where it lines the pockets of a few and not much trickles down to be invested in the country and it's people.
So, literally trillions in foreign aid came to naught!
A lot of the foriegn aid sent is stolen and sold to the poor in the cities or used to feed the gangs that have forced people into their factions to fight for their groups or be force into being their entertainment. The money made from stolen food and medical supplies is then used then to buy weapons and support more thug type operations.

Instead of sending larger quantities of bulk aid that can be stolen in transports drops where conflicts are obvious and the people in need do not get those supplies individual packets should be made and spread over wider areas where the needs are. The thugs would not be able to grab onto whole shipments so easily that away.

I think aid works better when it's invested on smaller scales, into individual communities to promote development of small scale economies, agriculture, etc. Kind of a bottom up rather than top down.
So, literally trillions in foreign aid came to naught!
A lot of the foriegn aid sent is stolen and sold to the poor in the cities or used to feed the gangs that have forced people into their factions to fight for their groups or be force into being their entertainment. The money made from stolen food and medical supplies is then used then to buy weapons and support more thug type operations.

Instead of sending larger quantities of bulk aid that can be stolen in transports drops where conflicts are obvious and the people in need do not get those supplies individual packets should be made and spread over wider areas where the needs are. The thugs would not be able to grab onto whole shipments so easily that away.

I think aid works better when it's invested on smaller scales, into individual communities to promote development of small scale economies, agriculture, etc. Kind of a bottom up rather than top down.
Yes individuals are what makes a difference so it has to be one at a time.
So, literally trillions in foreign aid came to naught!

That's another complicated problem - how foreign aid is issued and used. To much goes to corrupt governments where it lines the pockets of a few and not much trickles down to be invested in the country and it's people.
and then you want more money to help them. Funny
supporting people who all think the same ends up in Jim Jones suicide cults. Yep so creative, with destruction at the end. To force all people to think alike is dangerous to humankind. Humans have minds and those minds ought to be utilized. Dems don't get it. Never an opposing point, and the buddy buddy system is scary. Look at what just happened with Hillary and Bernie. Complete opposites that now agree. huh?
So, literally trillions in foreign aid came to naught!

That's another complicated problem - how foreign aid is issued and used. To much goes to corrupt governments where it lines the pockets of a few and not much trickles down to be invested in the country and it's people.
and then you want more money to help them. Funny
Its a joke isnt it ? Failed states are nothing to do with us and dont affect our way of life.
So, literally trillions in foreign aid came to naught!

That's another complicated problem - how foreign aid is issued and used. To much goes to corrupt governments where it lines the pockets of a few and not much trickles down to be invested in the country and it's people.
and then you want more money to help them. Funny
Its a joke isnt it ? Failed states are nothing to do with us and dont affect our way of life.
well failed states just means more money hunting advertisements that waste everyone's time since as posted earlier, the money doesn't go where it is actually needed. Funny. Can you say Jim Jones?
I have to say, I am shocked at how stupid some individuals really are.
So, literally trillions in foreign aid came to naught!

That's another complicated problem - how foreign aid is issued and used. To much goes to corrupt governments where it lines the pockets of a few and not much trickles down to be invested in the country and it's people.
and then you want more money to help them. Funny

Where did you get that info from? What I"d really like to see is Aid money spent better. For example - this is just a small thing - but aid organizations send tons of used clothes and other products to poor countries, and it seems on the surface to be a great humanitarian thing, but the flip side is that it destroys the local garment industries that can't compete with "free", so you're actually hurting the economy while helping people.
So, literally trillions in foreign aid came to naught!

That's another complicated problem - how foreign aid is issued and used. To much goes to corrupt governments where it lines the pockets of a few and not much trickles down to be invested in the country and it's people.
and then you want more money to help them. Funny

Where did you get that info from? What I"d really like to see is Aid money spent better. For example - this is just a small thing - but aid organizations send tons of used clothes and other products to poor countries, and it seems on the surface to be a great humanitarian thing, but the flip side is that it destroys the local garment industries that can't compete with "free", so you're actually hurting the economy while helping people.
yep, it also means more garbage if there isn't anyone who will use it. I've seen the information on people sending merchandise like they're helping and they end up hurting. Money is all they really need in order to use it to stabilize the area.

Where did you get that info from?

TV and advertisements. help out these poor individuals in these countries, etc, etc......
So, literally trillions in foreign aid came to naught!

That's another complicated problem - how foreign aid is issued and used. To much goes to corrupt governments where it lines the pockets of a few and not much trickles down to be invested in the country and it's people.
and then you want more money to help them. Funny

Where did you get that info from? What I"d really like to see is Aid money spent better. For example - this is just a small thing - but aid organizations send tons of used clothes and other products to poor countries, and it seems on the surface to be a great humanitarian thing, but the flip side is that it destroys the local garment industries that can't compete with "free", so you're actually hurting the economy while helping people.
yep, it also means more garbage if there isn't anyone who will use it. I've seen the information on people sending merchandise like they're helping and they end up hurting. Money is all they really need in order to use it to stabilize the area.

Where did you get that info from?

TV and advertisements. help out these poor individuals in these countries, etc, etc......

The best way imo to address aid is at community levels - provide them with economies, micro-loans, clean water, schools, clinics - opportunities that can expand beyond that communitee to neighboring ones. Charities like Grameen Bank and Heifer international do that. It won't help in an all out famine or disaster - but when it comes to rebuilding, that is what needs to be done.
Money IS needed....but it does no good if all it does is prop up corrupt regimes and enrich politicians.
If white Christians established states in Africa, anything was fine and well. Just remember former Rhodesia and South Africa. If blacks try to do the same, except sh... coming nothing, only murders, wars, corruption and epidemics.

Blacks have received entirely states, now they are sh...holes ( Liberia, S. Africa, S.Sudan )

But if white Christians go to failed black states, they transform they to little paradises.

A small example:Even in failed South Africa

Sorry guys, nut 1000000 and more proofs are clearly evidences superiority of the White Christian Race.

I don't care what anyone says, hispanics, arab muslims, chinese, blacks, etc are incapable of building quality societies that are democratic and advanced. The one white christian exception are the russians, who are seemingly afflicted with some type of mental disorder that, if they were black, would not seem so out of place.

Why the whites of north america and europe have allowed their countries to be sullied and damaged by mass immigration from non-white countries is simply astounding. It is an insane act, and will lead to the likely destruction of Western civilization since the non-whites are incapable as cultures of civilizing and advancing.
If white Christians established states in Africa, anything was fine and well. Just remember former Rhodesia and South Africa. If blacks try to do the same, except sh... coming nothing, only murders, wars, corruption and epidemics.

Blacks have received entirely states, now they are sh...holes ( Liberia, S. Africa, S.Sudan )

But if white Christians go to failed black states, they transform they to little paradises.

A small example:Even in failed South Africa

Sorry guys, nut 1000000 and more proofs are clearly evidences superiority of the White Christian Race.

I don't care what anyone says, hispanics, arab muslims, chinese, blacks, etc are incapable of building quality societies that are democratic and advanced. The one white christian exception are the russians, who are seemingly afflicted with some type of mental disorder that, if they were black, would not seem so out of place.

Why the whites of north america and europe have allowed their countries to be sullied and damaged by mass immigration from non-white countries is simply astounding. It is an insane act, and will lead to the likely destruction of Western civilization since the non-whites are incapable as cultures of civilizing and advancing.

I don't think race or religion have anything to do with it.

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