You Want to Understand Black Americans’ Solidarity With Palestine?

arrogant AND selfish.
you gotta attract a lot of potential partners, right?
i bet not.
i hope you die lonely.

& you're not smart enough to realize this is gonna hit your wallet & savings sooner or later too.

What you NEED to hope for is -- that the "looting is reparations" crowd come to understand that they are largely destroying their own communities and commerce there in. THAT makes it THEIR problem. They might target high end stores in SOME neighborhoods -- but the BULK of the destruction hits BLACK store owners disproportionally. When all the grocery, shoe, apparel shops leave "the hood", only their neighbors and families will suffer the most.

Same with Hamas supporters/sympathizers in Gaza right now. Their choice of "leadership" is a cult of doom. Hamas has MISUSED international aid to the detriment of their own people. Are known for their public executions of their political opponents. Hamas has SPLIT the Palestinians into camps warring amongst themselves and should rightfully be shunned.
arrogant AND selfish.
you gotta attract a lot of potential partners, right?
i bet not.
i hope you die lonely.

& you're not smart enough to realize this is gonna hit your wallet & savings sooner or later too.

I've been happily married for over 30 years now.
I dont have money issues but thanks for caring.
The majority of them owned 2-3 slaves who were actually family members.

Need a source for this because "family members" should be considered FREED SLAVES and not slaves. Terribly bad accounting if this is real.

And in fact, there were more FREED SLAVES by FAR in the South -- even at the beginning of the Civil War -- than there was PROPORTIONALLY in the Northern states where slaves were also kept. In some Northern states (like Maryland) right up to the Civil War...

Benjamin Netanyahu failed Israel​

We can now be sure: His policy of repressing Palestinians doesn’t make Israelis safe.

In the past 24 hours, two reports out of Israel have pointed to a striking conclusion: that the failure to prevent Hamas’s murderous assault on southern Israel rests in significant part with the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

First, the Washington Post’s Noga Tarnopolsky and Shira Rubin wrote a lengthy dispatch on the many policy failures that allowed Hamas to break through. They find that, in addition to myriad unforgivable intelligence and military mistakes — especially shocking given Israel’s reputation in both fields — there were serious political problems. Distracted by both the fight to seize control over Israel’s judiciary and their effort to deepen Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Netanyahu and his cabinet allowed military readiness to degrade and left outposts on the Gaza border in the south unmanned.

“There was a need for more soldiers, so where did they take them from? From the Gaza border, where they thought it was calm ... not surprising that Hamas and Islamic Jihad noticed the low staffing at the border,” Aharon Zeevi Farkash, the former head of the Israel Defense Forces’ military intelligence, said in comments reported by the Post.

Second, a columnist at Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper unearthed evidence that Netanyahu has intentionally propped up Hamas rule in Gaza — seeing Palestinian extremism as a bulwark against a two-state solution to the conflict.

You seemed SHOCKED that Conservatives in Israel would be attacked and slimed by American media and press. Grow up. VOX is super left cultural warriors. THey'll attack ANY politician that doesn't have a bent towards their kind of Marxism.
Citizens who live in Israel do not like the Netanyahu government. This guy is not a member of the NOI.

Netanyahu Is on Brand: No Responsibility, No Accountability, No Remorse​

On Thursday, Benjamin Netanyahu took his zero-responsibility-always-share-the-blame attitude to a new level by forming a “temporary war cabinet.” In any other case it would be the right thing to do - for him, it's just another way to make sure there is someone else to blame for the Gaza war failures

Wrong, progressive jews don't like Netanyahu. Globalists as well hate him.
Obviously, you have no idea what you are talking about. The article you linked to Identifies only one southern Jewish politician who was a slave owner. If that's the best evidence you could find that Jews were slave owners, then you certainly are "one of those amateurs who listen to Farrakhan ramble and just accepts his word as fact."

I think the problem is that as Chief of Grievance Operations, IM2 cant READ the parts he doesn't want to interfere with his preconceptions.

from the referenced article.

While a small number of Jews took part in the transit of slaves to America, British government records demonstrate that Jewish slaveholders owned less than two percent of the slaves imported into North American ports in the 1700s.

After the United States declared the slave trade illegal in 1808, no Jews took part in the illegal smuggling of slaves that arose afterward.Jews played an equally small role in the domestic sale of slaves. The 1859 City Directory of Charleston, South Carolina listed forty-four traders, auctioneers and brokers, four of whom were Jews. Only one of these men, Benjamin Cohen, was part of a list of the thirteen most lucrative traders in 1860.In terms of ownership, none of the South’s largest cotton producers, rice planters or the large-scale sugar planters included Jews. In the cities of Charleston, Savannah, Richmond and New Orleans, Jews owned less than two percent of the slaves.

Making current moral felonies out of ancient misdemeanors is his trade.
Wrong, progressive jews don't like Netanyahu. Globalists as well hate him.

As a matter of fact, the entire govt of Israel was teetering on chaos after the last several elections because the divide between Israelis was historically humongous. Hamas helped reunite the country with their rampage. Kinda like the break we got from Bush Derangement Syndrome briefly after 9/11.

I think IM2 has contracted a bit of NDS. Aint gonna behave well when you're already terminally infected by TDSyndrome,
You seemed SHOCKED that Conservatives in Israel would be attacked and slimed by American media and press. Grow up. VOX is super left cultural warriors. THey'll attack ANY politician that doesn't have a bent towards their kind of Marxism.
Flacaltenn it's like this:

The actual people who did what they did to those people should be crushed. EVERYBODY responsible for what happened should be destroyed. That includes the government that allowed Hamas the leeway it had and the ability to take money from other countries. Your whining about conservatives getting dissed gets no play here. Netanyahu has been a fuckhead since he was first elected. And his hatred of the thought of a Palestinian state led to the deaths of his own people.

You Jews are supposed to be Gods chosen and God told Israel back in the beginning to follow the laws in the covenant he made with them. One of the rules was to be kind to the foreigner because the Jews were once foreigners in a land and God delivered them from the bondage they were suffering in that land. Yet today the Nation of Israel refuses to allow the Palestinans a state just as the Jews were without a state and was gven one. So don't come to me with your bs. Netanyahu is partly responsible for what happened and when the war is done, Netanyahu needs to be done too.
Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad.
Just drop this turdish accusations. SOMEONE -- actually a LOT OF people need to find the name and number of the RESPONSIBLE govt that is RECEIVING international aid. You just dont address all that material, food and supplies to

Dear People of Gaza.

What part of this DONT you and idiot lady from the NYTimes understand?

I can help you understand, I'm Mr USMB patience award winner of 2020. Just answer these questions.

1) WHO is the responsible leadership for the West Bank (in name only, not by democratic process)

2) WHO is the assumed leadership of Gaza since the Pali Civil war (in name only, not by democratic process)

3) Do you believe the Palestinians are ALIGNED as a whole behind EITHER of the above?

4) How and WHO can hold responsible for recieving and distributing international aid for the Palestinians without TALKING to both of part 1) AND part 2)?

I guess as a fan-boy of OUR incompetent Prez that you stuck us with -- Not of lot of leftist thinking goes on about spending or shipping our tax dollars overseas. But with no UNIFIED GOVT -- and a wish to get aid directly to the people and ACCOUNT FOR IT ---

IF YOU SEND IT -- you need to have a responsible party RESPONSIBLE for its use and fair distribution. NOT just move $6Bill to a bank in Quatar and HOPE that these con artists follow your directions. Especially since Hamas is WELCOMED in Quatar.

If you cant find a responsible party -- let them suffer and die from embargo? Is that your alternative for communicating with Hamas about aid and supplies?

Seems leftists have no idea how things need to work.
Flacaltenn it's like this:

The actual people who did what they did to those people should be crushed. EVERYBODY responsible for what happened should be destroyed. That includes the government that allowed Hamas the leeway it had and the ability to take money from other countries. Your whining about conservatives getting dissed gets no play here. Netanyahu has been a fuckhead since he was first elected. And his hatred of the thought of a Palestinian state led to the deaths of his own people.

You Jews are supposed to be Gods chosen and God told Israel back in the beginning to follow the laws in the covenant he made with them. One of the rules was to be kind to the foreigner because the Jews were once foreigners in a land and God delivered them from the bondage they were suffering in that land. Yet today the Nation of Israel refuses to allow the Palestinans a state just as the Jews were without a state and was gven one. So don't come to me with your bs. Netanyahu is partly responsible for what happened and when the war is done, Netanyahu needs to be done too.

You were doing quite well until that bolded part. It's the PALESTINIANS MOVE. NOBODY is stopping them from having more elections. THEY decided they wouldn't have any more elections because OFFICIAL Palestine Authority REFUSED TO EVEN TALK to Hamas in Gaza about NATIONAL politics. Palestinians ABHOR "national politics". Their honor is to tribal and family roots.

State of ISRAEL cant CREATE a government FOR Palestine. They play no role in RESISISTING a govt of Palestine. They wouyld PREFER a UNIFIED Palestine to have 2nd state status along side them, but that AINT GONNA HAPPEN because Hamas would have maybe 25 or 30% representation (with some minor other terrorist orgs in the number.


Go talk to THEM about it. You cannot CREATE A STATELESS GOVT!!!!!!!!

Is that too hard for you to understand??????

It really is that simple.

Only way to make it happen is to rid Gaza and the West Bank of the radicals. That's NOT our job. And shouldn't even ever BE Israel's job until current events transpired. Israel is now AIDING the creation of an actual Palestinian nation by vowing to rid Gaza of Hamas.

Get woke.

I said white racism will kill this economy and that's a fact.

The United States economy could be $8 trillion larger by 2050 if the country eliminated racial disparities in health, education, incarceration and employment, according to "The Business Case for Racial Equity: A Strategy for Growth." The gains would be equivalent to a continuous boost in GDP growth of 0.5 percent per year, increasing the competitiveness of the country for decades to come. The national study released today by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) and Altarum concludes that while racial inequities needlessly stifle economic growth, there is a path forward.

The report projects a tremendous boost to the country’s workforce and consumer spending when organizations take the necessary steps to advance racial equity. Led by Ani Turner, co-director of Sustainable Health Spending Strategies at Altarum, researchers analyzed data from public and private sources, including the U.S. Census, Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, Brandeis University and Harvard University. Their methodology included applying established models to estimate the economic impact of the disparities faced by people of color.

Key Findings

  • There’s a potential economic gain of $135 billion per year if racial disparities in health are eliminated, including $93 billion in excess medical care costs and $42 billion in untapped productivity.
  • Greater opportunity has already led to economic growth. Researchers at Stanford University and the University of Chicago have estimated that more than 25 percent of the growth in productivity from 1960 through 2008 was associated with reducing occupational barriers faced by Blacks and women. Further reducing barriers to opportunity will help drive the level of economic growth possible over the next 50 years.
  • Nine million potential jobs would be created if people of color owned businesses at rates comparable to Whites.
  • State and federal prison costs would be cut $30 billion annually if Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos were incarcerated at the rate of Whites. Currently Black men are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of White men, while Hispanic/Latino men are incarcerated at twice the rate of White men.

Now you can pretend this is Marxist, leftist, or whatever you guys make up when the facts don't fit your narrative and recognize that white racism is not just a bunch of slurs, that democrats make up racism to make people believe they are victums or whatever other silly nonsense you "conservatives" make up, and understand it's complete impact.

You were doing quite well until that bolded part. It's the PALESTINIANS MOVE. NOBODY is stopping them from having more elections. THEY decided they wouldn't have any more elections because OFFICIAL Palestine Authority REFUSED TO EVEN TALK to Hamas in Gaza about NATIONAL politics. Palestinians ABHOR "national politics". Their honor is to tribal and family roots.

State of ISRAEL cant CREATE a government FOR Palestine. They play no role in RESISISTING a govt of Palestine. They wouyld PREFER a UNIFIED Palestine to have 2nd state status along side them, but that AINT GONNA HAPPEN because Hamas would have maybe 25 or 30% representation (with some minor other terrorist orgs in the number.


Go talk to THEM about it. You cannot CREATE A STATELESS GOVT!!!!!!!!

Is that too hard for you to understand??????

It really is that simple.

Only way to make it happen is to rid Gaza and the West Bank of the radicals. That's NOT our job. And shouldn't even ever BE Israel's job until current events transpired. Israel is now AIDING the creation of an actual Palestinian nation by vowing to rid Gaza of Hamas.

Get woke.
Your opinion is irrelevant. I got my information from citizens who live in Israel, not some opinionate right wing American. What I said is correct and it's just that simple.

I said white racism will kill this economy and that's a fact.

The United States economy could be $8 trillion larger by 2050 if the country eliminated racial disparities in health, education, incarceration and employment, according to "The Business Case for Racial Equity: A Strategy for Growth." The gains would be equivalent to a continuous boost in GDP growth of 0.5 percent per year, increasing the competitiveness of the country for decades to come. The national study released today by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) and Altarum concludes that while racial inequities needlessly stifle economic growth, there is a path forward.

The report projects a tremendous boost to the country’s workforce and consumer spending when organizations take the necessary steps to advance racial equity. Led by Ani Turner, co-director of Sustainable Health Spending Strategies at Altarum, researchers analyzed data from public and private sources, including the U.S. Census, Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, Brandeis University and Harvard University. Their methodology included applying established models to estimate the economic impact of the disparities faced by people of color.

Key Findings

  • There’s a potential economic gain of $135 billion per year if racial disparities in health are eliminated, including $93 billion in excess medical care costs and $42 billion in untapped productivity.
  • Greater opportunity has already led to economic growth. Researchers at Stanford University and the University of Chicago have estimated that more than 25 percent of the growth in productivity from 1960 through 2008 was associated with reducing occupational barriers faced by Blacks and women. Further reducing barriers to opportunity will help drive the level of economic growth possible over the next 50 years.
  • Nine million potential jobs would be created if people of color owned businesses at rates comparable to Whites.
  • State and federal prison costs would be cut $30 billion annually if Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos were incarcerated at the rate of Whites. Currently Black men are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of White men, while Hispanic/Latino men are incarcerated at twice the rate of White men.

Now you can pretend this is Marxist, leftist, or whatever you guys make up when the facts don't fit your narrative and recognize that white racism is not just a bunch of slurs, that democrats make up racism to make people believe they are victums or whatever other silly nonsense you "conservatives" make up, and understand it's complete impact.

Not gonna do this in Israel / Palestine. Maybe some other day in Race Relations.
Your opinion is irrelevant. I got my information from citizens who live in Israel, not some opinionate right wing American. What I said is correct and it's just that simple.

DId those geniuses you used as sources tell you that "ISRAEL is the entity BLOCKING the creation of a Palestinian nation"????

I;m pretty sure they did not. If they DID -- POST that specific allegation here.

You got that virus ridden crap from your crap pile of leftist propaganda that you feast on. NOT from "actual Israelis". Certainly not any Israelis since the Pali Authority was elected and formed and RECOGNIZED by Israel and internationally.
You mean you want it to be.
No, it is as written in reports by citizens who live in Israel right now and who have lived there for their entire lives.

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