Calm down Dopey. Don't get a stroke. We need you here to give us laughs.White Jews in America have a racism problem now and we don't have to support the Israeli government. What that government has done is wrong. And let me break this off in your Jewish behind right now. When Hitler was murdering Jews and white American Gentiles didn't want Jews around, blacks stood with Jews. I am sick and fng tired of whites always tying to tell me how damn grateful I am supposed to be or how I am supposed to support some corrupt bs because some white group supposedly did something for blacks. Jews were also slumlords owning properties blacks lived in. Jews also over charged blacks for goods in their stores that were located in the blcak community. Then you have Jews like Donald Sterling, racist. So don't come here with that you need to support the bullshit Netanyahu has done to other human beings that even Jews in his country don't like. I am all in support with the citizens of Israel who do not support this right wing government. You don't know a damn thing about King but one sentance he spoke in one speech. I know what Jews have and have not done and I'm certain the NAACP ain't going to miss your little 20 dollar annual membership.
There are black Jews in America facing racism from white Jews. So don't come here trying to lecture me about anything.