Fair taxation.

Second, corporations, tend to create monopolies and oligopolies, they manipulate markets, and distort the market.

pure liberal stupidity. There are 60 million corporations and they all compete with each other!! Show your 2 best examples of a tendency toward monopoly or admit to lacking the IQ to be here.
Looking at the charts below I get the impression that corporations are not paying their fair share of taxes.
Is there a way to get to the pre- 70's situation where they payed their fair share of taxes ?



You are a moron.

Corporations Do Not Pay Taxes - they pass them on to customers and lower employee compensation to offset the labor related ones.
. While corporate proffits are on the rise the average wages are declining and the share of income tax is declining.

this is because liberal unions and taxes drove the jobs that average wage earners held off shore!! If you want to correct liberalisn you will correct the problem you write about. Do you understand?
And yet tax revenue is decreasing.

I KNOW I KNOW - reality is actually incorrect. Just raise the tax some more because 'fair share.' One of the most vapid phrases this past decade.

I am not here to rant against corporations. Just, how was it that the income from corporate taxes was 2 or 3 times higher 40 years ago ?

Income tax rates for small corporations were lower.

And yet tax revenue is decreasing.

I KNOW I KNOW - reality is actually incorrect. Just raise the tax some more because 'fair share.' One of the most vapid phrases this past decade.

I am not here to rant against corporations. Just, how was it that the income from corporate taxes was 2 or 3 times higher 40 years ago ?

Income tax rates for small corporations were lower.


and, in the post WW2 era we had the only ecoomy left standing in the entire world so comparisons are not meaningful anyway.
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Sorry, but they certainly are not. Prices are established by supply and demand in a free market system, and this is the most fair and equitable system ever devised by man. Capitalism can exploit circumstances, which is why we regulate them.

Oh man... corporations tend to form monopolies and oligopolies... and then tend to manipulate markets, mostly because they can, they also create entry barriers into their market.


Capitalsm is not fair nor equitable unless it can work in something called perfect competition... and certainly corporations do not fit in the picture.

Perfect competition - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The only problem is that a zero corporate tax means a zero revenue... .

100% stupid and liberal!! 0% corporate tax would create 30 million new jobs in American and huge new personal income tax revenue!!

100% lack of brain !! . Any links to support your claim ?
Oh wait. You don't need to provide them right?
Baiamonte , finish highschool first.
Second, corporations, tend to create monopolies and oligopolies, they manipulate markets, and distort the market.

pure liberal stupidity. There are 60 million corporations and they all compete with each other!! Show your 2 best examples of a tendency toward monopoly or admit to lacking the IQ to be here.
1) Standard Oil
2) Microsoft

That said monopolies are rathe rare. Oligopolies aren't.
If you really want to find where oligopolies are in the US take a look at the areas where the US has higher prices than the rest of the developed world :
broadband access
medicine / pharma
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Sorry, but they certainly are not. Prices are established by supply and demand in a free market system, and this is the most fair and equitable system ever devised by man. Capitalism can exploit circumstances, which is why we regulate them.

Oh man... corporations tend to form monopolies and oligopolies... and then tend to manipulate markets, mostly because they can, they also create entry barriers into their market.


Capitalsm is not fair nor equitable unless it can work in something called perfect competition... and certainly corporations do not fit in the picture.

Perfect competition - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No, corporations are not permitted to form monopolies and this has been the law for years. There have been numerous corporate break ups ordered to prevent monopoly... you cited one such corporation, Microsoft.

Market manipulation is virtually impossible today. We are now in a global market with lots of parties and principals who can easily counterbalance any manipulation attempt. The biggest "entry barrier" into any market here is the U.S. Government.

Capitalism certainly IS fair and equitable, that's what capitalism is in a nutshell. It is the value exchange between two parties to a mutual satisfaction in the transaction. The Capitalist, unlike the Government, does not FORCE anyone to buy what they sell.

I didn't bother looking at your Wiki-link for "perfect competition" because it sounds like socialist gobbledygook. There is no such thing as "perfect" anything, and if you live your life dreaming of perfection, you will end up very disappointed. There is healthy competition in a free market capitalist system, and this is what drives it.

To illustrate how competition forces work, let's take the example of recently declining gas prices. Where I live, gas has now dropped to $1.91 a gallon. Now.... I have to wonder... why aren't all those greedy rich Big Oil types charging me $3 a gallon instead of $1.91? I mean, we know they are greedy rich bastards who want to make every dime they can because of all the record profits, so why are they short-selling the product? They'd have most of us kissing their butts for $3 gas.... they're missing out on a huge capitalist opportunity, right?

But that's where good old competition comes in. A lot of oil on the market right now means low oil prices, so the price of gas goes down as a result. Wholesalers competing with each other sell their gas to dealers at lower and lower prices, dealers reduce prices lower and lower to draw new customers. It's a remarkable example to show how free market capitalism works and continues to be the best economic system ever devised by mankind.
Every dime a corporation makes is taxed sooner or later because it all ends up as someone's income.
, corporations, tend to create monopolies and oligopolies, they manipulate markets, and distort the market.

pure liberal stupidity. There are 60 million corporations and they all compete with each other!! Show your 2 best examples of a tendency toward monopoly or admit to lacking the IQ to be here.

1) Standard Oil
2) Microsoft

Standard oil was broken up100 years ago during a different era and thats your best example?
Microsoft competes with Apple Google and 100's of other companies. If anything Microsoft is losing share to rivals having missed the entire internet, cloud, cell phone, and search businesses. Care to admit you were dead wrong??
, corporations, tend to create monopolies and oligopolies, they manipulate markets, and distort the market.

pure liberal stupidity. There are 60 million corporations and they all compete with each other!! Show your 2 best examples of a tendency toward monopoly or admit to lacking the IQ to be here.

1) Standard Oil
2) Microsoft

Standard oil was broken up100 years ago during a different era and thats your best example?
Microsoft competes with Apple Google and 100's of other companies. If anything Microsoft is losing share to rivals having missed the entire internet, cloud, cell phone, and search businesses. Care to admit you were dead wrong??

the pure beauty of capitalism is that the more you squeeze out competition the more opportunity you create for new competition to offer an alternative. Also, big success like MIcro Soft and IBM had tend to make them miss the next big in technology.

Are you beginning to catch on??
The only problem is that a zero corporate tax means a zero revenue... .

100% stupid and liberal!! 0% corporate tax would create 30 million new jobs in American and huge new personal income tax revenue!!

100% lack of brain !! . Any links to support your claim ?

dear, Ireland dropped its corporate tax to 11% and most of the worlds largest corporations moved there in whole or in part. What does that teach you?
Thats Republican supply side economics in action. If you still don't understand please asl questions.
I didn't bother looking at your Wiki-link for "perfect competition" because it sounds like socialist gobbledygook. There is no such thing as "perfect" anything, and if you live your life dreaming of perfection, you will end up very disappointed. There is healthy competition in a free market capitalist system, and this is what drives it.

To illustrate how competition forces work, let's take the example of recently declining gas prices. Where I live, gas has now dropped to $1.91 a gallon. Now.... I have to wonder... why aren't all those greedy rich Big Oil types charging me $3 a gallon instead of $1.91? I mean, we know they are greedy rich bastards who want to make every dime they can because of all the record profits, so why are they short-selling the product? They'd have most of us kissing their butts for $3 gas.... they're missing out on a huge capitalist opportunity, right?

But that's where good old competition comes in. A lot of oil on the market right now means low oil prices, so the price of gas goes down as a result. Wholesalers competing with each other sell their gas to dealers at lower and lower prices, dealers reduce prices lower and lower to draw new customers. It's a remarkable example to show how free market capitalism works and continues to be the best economic system ever devised by mankind

The concept "perfect competition" is economics 101, not a socialist gobbledygook.
For capitalism to work as you described perfect competition is a requisite, else, market bubbles and market failures start to appear, this is the part where regulations have to be enacted.

I'll give you a counter-example : healthcare. USA has the most expensive healthcare in the world, and believe me it is not the best. Most of the reason this happens is because of the interaction between insurance companies and hospitals

"Between 2000 and 2006, wages in the United States increased by 3.8%, but health care premiums increased by 87%."

18 Ridiculous Statistics About The Health Care Industry That Will Make Tear Your Hair Out - Business Insider

This is what is called market failure: supply and demand are no longer able to yield fair prices. This is a delicate situation specially in healthcare, because demand tends to be quite inelastic.

Market failure - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Same goes for microsofts overpriced products , a company with a monopoly can clearly set the prices, put a bad product into the market ( e.g. windows vista ) and force the consumer to upgrade.
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Second, corporations, tend to create monopolies and oligopolies, they manipulate markets, and distort the market.

pure liberal stupidity. There are 60 million corporations and they all compete with each other!! Show your 2 best examples of a tendency toward monopoly or admit to lacking the IQ to be here.
1) Standard Oil
2) Microsoft

That said monopolies are rathe rare. Oligopolies aren't.
If you really want to find where oligopolies are in the US take a look at the areas where the US has higher prices than the rest of the developed world :
broadband access
medicine / pharma

Next thing you will tell us is that the Time Warner merger with Comcast will mean higher prices and fewer choices.
I didn't bother looking at your Wiki-link for "perfect competition" because it sounds like socialist gobbledygook. There is no such thing as "perfect" anything, and if you live your life dreaming of perfection, you will end up very disappointed. There is healthy competition in a free market capitalist system, and this is what drives it.

To illustrate how competition forces work, let's take the example of recently declining gas prices. Where I live, gas has now dropped to $1.91 a gallon. Now.... I have to wonder... why aren't all those greedy rich Big Oil types charging me $3 a gallon instead of $1.91? I mean, we know they are greedy rich bastards who want to make every dime they can because of all the record profits, so why are they short-selling the product? They'd have most of us kissing their butts for $3 gas.... they're missing out on a huge capitalist opportunity, right?

But that's where good old competition comes in. A lot of oil on the market right now means low oil prices, so the price of gas goes down as a result. Wholesalers competing with each other sell their gas to dealers at lower and lower prices, dealers reduce prices lower and lower to draw new customers. It's a remarkable example to show how free market capitalism works and continues to be the best economic system ever devised by mankind

The concept "perfect competition" is economics 101, not a socialist gobbledygook.
For capitalism to work as you described perfect competition is a requisite, else, market bubbles and market failures start to appear, this is the part where regulations have to be enacted.

I'll give you a counter-example : healthcare. USA has the most expensive healthcare in the world, and believe me it is not the best. Most of the reason this happens is because of the interaction between insurance companies and hospitals

"Between 2000 and 2006, wages in the United States increased by 3.8%, but health care premiums increased by 87%."

18 Ridiculous Statistics About The Health Care Industry That Will Make Tear Your Hair Out - Business Insider

This is what is called market failure: supply and demand are no longer able to yield fair prices. This is a delicate situation specially in healthcare, because demand tends to be quite inelastic.

Market failure - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Same goes for microsofts overpriced products , a company with a monopoly can clearly set the prices, put a bad product into the market ( e.g. windows vista ) and force the consumer to upgrade.

Well no, this concept of "perfect competition" is certainly not part of Economics 101, which I have actually taken.

Health care, where virtually every aspect is strictly regulated by the government, is a really poor example of free market capitalism or how it works. We do have the best medical care in the world and the most expensive. It's also the most litigious, which contributes to the cost.

I don't know why you keep raising Microsoft as an example of monopoly when there is this:
United States v. Microsoft Corp. - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

United States v. Microsoft Corporation253 F.3d 34 (D.C. Cir. 2001) is a US antitrust law case, ultimately settled by the Department of Justice, where Microsoft Corporation was accused of becoming a monopoly and engaging in abusive practices contrary to the Sherman Antitrust Act 1890 sections 1 and 2. It was initiated on May 18, 1998 by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and 20 states.

On November 2, 2001, the DOJ reached an agreement with Microsoft to settle the case. The proposed settlement required Microsoft to share its application programming interfaces with third-party companies and appoint a panel of three people who will have full access to Microsoft's systems, records, and source code for five years in order to ensure compliance.
Same goes for microsofts overpriced products , a company with a monopoly can clearly set the prices, put a bad product into the market ( e.g. windows vista ) and force the consumer to upgrade.

By the way, I am using Vista and have no problems with it. Also, I missed President Obama's mandate that we have to upgrade, was that in the last State of the Union snoozer? As far as I know, there is not a capitalist system which forces the consumer to do anything.
Second, corporations, tend to create monopolies and oligopolies, they manipulate markets, and distort the market.

pure liberal stupidity. There are 60 million corporations and they all compete with each other!! Show your 2 best examples of a tendency toward monopoly or admit to lacking the IQ to be here.
1) Standard Oil
2) Microsoft

That said monopolies are rathe rare. Oligopolies aren't.
If you really want to find where oligopolies are in the US take a look at the areas where the US has higher prices than the rest of the developed world :
broadband access
medicine / pharma

Next thing you will tell us is that the Time Warner merger with Comcast will mean higher prices and fewer choices.

I am really only concerned with the "core" economic activities which can make or break a country : energy,
Same goes for microsofts overpriced products , a company with a monopoly can clearly set the prices, put a bad product into the market ( e.g. windows vista ) and force the consumer to upgrade.

By the way, I am using Vista and have no problems with it. Also, I missed President Obama's mandate that we have to upgrade, was that in the last State of the Union snoozer? As far as I know, there is not a capitalist system which forces the consumer to do anything.

Boss, I had to upgrade , my previous machine had a disk failure at that time... new machines had vista pre-installed.
At that point I could have downgraded to XP, had I known what awaited me I would have done.
Half of the software I had didn't run on Vista and I had to either upgrade to a new version or quit using the software.
I upgraded some , and stopped using some other.

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