Fair taxation.

LOL! What percent of the workers have a union ? It's less than 10% ... it doesnt make sense !!

a low percentage but the threat to any company the moves here is always huge. Thats why all the big factories, especially in the auto industry, open in the south where there are no liberal unions. Do you understand now? Our union auto inducstry moved out, and now foreign companies are filling the gap but in non union places?

Still over your head?
LOL! What percent of the workers have a union ? It's less than 10% ... it doesnt make sense !!

a low percentage but the threat to any company the moves here is always huge. Thats why all the big factories, especially in the auto industry, open in the south where there are no liberal unions. Do you understand now? Our union auto inducstry moved out, and now foreign companies are filling the gap but in non union places?

Still over your head?
That's not really the case. Companies have not moved only to China, but through out the world. To counter your argument I'll say some factories have moved to Mexico , where unions are a lot more popular than in the USA. What drove them there in spite of the unions?
Yes, wages, wages about 8 time lower, and in some cases cheaper raw materials ( this is specially true in China ).
You really think it is about unions?
Once I reviewd the financial statements of a pharmaceuticall company in Mexico. Labour costs represented the 2.5% of the COGS, unions notwithstanding.

When a company takes that decission there are many factors into play, yes , unions are one of the many factors which will play some role in the proffit estimates, but by no means it is the first or the most important one.
LOL! What percent of the workers have a union ? It's less than 10% ... it doesnt make sense !!

a low percentage but the threat to any company the moves here is always huge. Thats why all the big factories, especially in the auto industry, open in the south where there are no liberal unions. Do you understand now? Our union auto inducstry moved out, and now foreign companies are filling the gap but in non union places?

Still over your head?
That's not really the case. Companies have not moved only to China, but through out the world. To counter your argument I'll say some factories have moved to Mexico , where unions are a lot more popular than in the USA. What drove them there in spite of the unions?
Yes, wages, wages about 8 time lower, and in some cases cheaper raw materials ( this is specially true in China ).
You really think it is about unions?
Once I reviewd the financial statements of a pharmaceuticall company in Mexico. Labour costs represented the 2.5% of the COGS, unions notwithstanding.

dear we all agree companies move offshore for lower wages and taxes. And your point is?????
LOL! What percent of the workers have a union ? It's less than 10% ... it doesnt make sense !!

a low percentage but the threat to any company the moves here is always huge. Thats why all the big factories, especially in the auto industry, open in the south where there are no liberal unions. Do you understand now? Our union auto inducstry moved out, and now foreign companies are filling the gap but in non union places?

Still over your head?
That's not really the case. Companies have not moved only to China, but through out the world. To counter your argument I'll say some factories have moved to Mexico , where unions are a lot more popular than in the USA. What drove them there in spite of the unions?
Yes, wages, wages about 8 time lower, and in some cases cheaper raw materials ( this is specially true in China ).
You really think it is about unions?
Once I reviewd the financial statements of a pharmaceuticall company in Mexico. Labour costs represented the 2.5% of the COGS, unions notwithstanding.

dear we all agree companies move offshore for lower wages and taxes. And your point is?????

That unions do not play a significant role in the aforementioned migration.
LOL! What percent of the workers have a union ? It's less than 10% ... it doesnt make sense !!

a low percentage but the threat to any company the moves here is always huge. Thats why all the big factories, especially in the auto industry, open in the south where there are no liberal unions. Do you understand now? Our union auto inducstry moved out, and now foreign companies are filling the gap but in non union places?

Still over your head?
That's not really the case. Companies have not moved only to China, but through out the world. To counter your argument I'll say some factories have moved to Mexico , where unions are a lot more popular than in the USA. What drove them there in spite of the unions?
Yes, wages, wages about 8 time lower, and in some cases cheaper raw materials ( this is specially true in China ).
You really think it is about unions?
Once I reviewd the financial statements of a pharmaceuticall company in Mexico. Labour costs represented the 2.5% of the COGS, unions notwithstanding.

dear we all agree companies move offshore for lower wages and taxes. And your point is?????

That unions do not play a significant role in the aforementioned migration.

dear BWM's biggest plant in the world is not in Detroit was all the experienced liberal union workers are, its down south where the unions aren't .

Do you understand now?? See why we say the liberal will be slow?
LOL! What percent of the workers have a union ? It's less than 10% ... it doesnt make sense !!

a low percentage but the threat to any company the moves here is always huge. Thats why all the big factories, especially in the auto industry, open in the south where there are no liberal unions. Do you understand now? Our union auto inducstry moved out, and now foreign companies are filling the gap but in non union places?

Still over your head?
That's not really the case. Companies have not moved only to China, but through out the world. To counter your argument I'll say some factories have moved to Mexico , where unions are a lot more popular than in the USA. What drove them there in spite of the unions?
Yes, wages, wages about 8 time lower, and in some cases cheaper raw materials ( this is specially true in China ).
You really think it is about unions?
Once I reviewd the financial statements of a pharmaceuticall company in Mexico. Labour costs represented the 2.5% of the COGS, unions notwithstanding.

dear we all agree companies move offshore for lower wages and taxes. And your point is?????

That unions do not play a significant role in the aforementioned migration.

dear BWM's biggest plant in the world is not in Detroit was all the experienced liberal union workers are, its down south where the unions aren't .

Do you understand now?? See why we say the liberal will be slow?

No, it isnt.
Biggest plant
BMW Plant Dingolfing
Oh , and they have unions there too.
If Unions Are Breaking Automakers Why Are BMW and Mercedes So Rich by Thom Hartmann mdash YES Magazine
a low percentage but the threat to any company the moves here is always huge. Thats why all the big factories, especially in the auto industry, open in the south where there are no liberal unions. Do you understand now? Our union auto inducstry moved out, and now foreign companies are filling the gap but in non union places?

Still over your head?
That's not really the case. Companies have not moved only to China, but through out the world. To counter your argument I'll say some factories have moved to Mexico , where unions are a lot more popular than in the USA. What drove them there in spite of the unions?
Yes, wages, wages about 8 time lower, and in some cases cheaper raw materials ( this is specially true in China ).
You really think it is about unions?
Once I reviewd the financial statements of a pharmaceuticall company in Mexico. Labour costs represented the 2.5% of the COGS, unions notwithstanding.

dear we all agree companies move offshore for lower wages and taxes. And your point is?????

That unions do not play a significant role in the aforementioned migration.

dear BWM's biggest plant in the world is not in Detroit was all the experienced liberal union workers are, its down south where the unions aren't .

Do you understand now?? See why we say the liberal will be slow?

No, it isnt.
Biggest plant
BMW Plant Dingolfing
Oh , and they have unions there too.
If Unions Are Breaking Automakers Why Are BMW and Mercedes So Rich by Thom Hartmann mdash YES Magazine

because they are making more and more cars in places where their are no unions like S.Carolina!
That's not really the case. Companies have not moved only to China, but through out the world. To counter your argument I'll say some factories have moved to Mexico , where unions are a lot more popular than in the USA. What drove them there in spite of the unions?
Yes, wages, wages about 8 time lower, and in some cases cheaper raw materials ( this is specially true in China ).
You really think it is about unions?
Once I reviewd the financial statements of a pharmaceuticall company in Mexico. Labour costs represented the 2.5% of the COGS, unions notwithstanding.

dear we all agree companies move offshore for lower wages and taxes. And your point is?????

That unions do not play a significant role in the aforementioned migration.

dear BWM's biggest plant in the world is not in Detroit was all the experienced liberal union workers are, its down south where the unions aren't .

Do you understand now?? See why we say the liberal will be slow?

No, it isnt.
Biggest plant
BMW Plant Dingolfing
Oh , and they have unions there too.
If Unions Are Breaking Automakers Why Are BMW and Mercedes So Rich by Thom Hartmann mdash YES Magazine

because they are making more and more cars in places where their are no unions like S.Carolina!

Wrong answer!

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much - Forbes

Read the articles. Then we shall discuss. I'm getting tired of your pre-constructed ideas supported by no evidence or references.
dear we all agree companies move offshore for lower wages and taxes. And your point is?????

That unions do not play a significant role in the aforementioned migration.

dear BWM's biggest plant in the world is not in Detroit was all the experienced liberal union workers are, its down south where the unions aren't .

Do you understand now?? See why we say the liberal will be slow?

No, it isnt.
Biggest plant
BMW Plant Dingolfing
Oh , and they have unions there too.
If Unions Are Breaking Automakers Why Are BMW and Mercedes So Rich by Thom Hartmann mdash YES Magazine

because they are making more and more cars in places where their are no unions like S.Carolina!

Wrong answer!

How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much - Forbes

Read the articles. Then we shall discuss. I'm getting tired of your pre-constructed ideas supported by no evidence or references.

dear we dont take reading assignments from liberals. If reading taught you something that you want to share please feel free to do so or admit you lack the IQ to be here as a typical liberal.
The graph which was the basis for the OP is misleading. It it showing the revenue from corporate tax versus the GDP. Revenues are down because there are fewer corporations and the ones remaining have only been able to do so because they make good profits. When a corporation moves operations to Mexico, they pay taxes to Mexico. The overwhelming majority of GDP revenue is coming from small business who don't pay corporate taxes. Their taxes show up as income tax.

With ANY taxation, imposition causes less of the activity being taxed, 100% of the time. There is never ANYTHING taxed where the taxation increases whatever is taxed. If you tax corporate revenue more, you get less corporate revenue to tax. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, and you want to raise it higher because you misunderstand a graph.

The best solution for creating wealth, prosperity, jobs and economic growth out the ying-yang, would be to ELIMINATE corporate taxation. Can you imagine if there was no corporate tax in the USA? Every corporation worldwide would be busting our door down to open up shop here, in the huge consumerist, high-tech-savvy, skilled work force US. Jobs would be so plentiful and the supply of labor to fill them so in demand, we might have to freakin annex Mexico to fill positions. More demand for labor means higher wages as well. All the new jobs, all the new economic prosperity, would ultimately result in greater tax revenues across the board.
The graph which was the basis for the OP is misleading. It it showing the revenue from corporate tax versus the GDP. Revenues are down because there are fewer corporations and the ones remaining have only been able to do so because they make good profits. When a corporation moves operations to Mexico, they pay taxes to Mexico. The overwhelming majority of GDP revenue is coming from small business who don't pay corporate taxes. Their taxes show up as income tax.

With ANY taxation, imposition causes less of the activity being taxed, 100% of the time. There is never ANYTHING taxed where the taxation increases whatever is taxed. If you tax corporate revenue more, you get less corporate revenue to tax. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, and you want to raise it higher because you misunderstand a graph.

The best solution for creating wealth, prosperity, jobs and economic growth out the ying-yang, would be to ELIMINATE corporate taxation. Can you imagine if there was no corporate tax in the USA? Every corporation worldwide would be busting our door down to open up shop here, in the huge consumerist, high-tech-savvy, skilled work force US. Jobs would be so plentiful and the supply of labor to fill them so in demand, we might have to freakin annex Mexico to fill positions. More demand for labor means higher wages as well. All the new jobs, all the new economic prosperity, would ultimately result in greater tax revenues across the board.

great point!! As it is now we have the highest corporate tax rates in the world, collect little revenue from the tax, and drive our corps, capital, and jobs off shore in the process. Its perfect liberal lunacy!!

Libs are taught to parrot Marx in their hatred of corporations so they do it like good little Nazis all in a row.
Libs are taught to parrot Marx in their hatred of corporations so they do it like good little Nazis all in a row.

And of course, they will deny it and call you an extremist, having probably never actually read Marx. When everything your political party is doing and everything they stand for is found within Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, you are promoting Marxism. I saw the course this ship was on back in the late 90s when somebody asked college students about the following quote: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." The majority, almost half, thought the statement came from the Constitution or Declaration of Independence. SMDH
Libs are taught to parrot Marx in their hatred of corporations so they do it like good little Nazis all in a row.

And of course, they will deny it and call you an extremist, having probably never actually read Marx. When everything your political party is doing and everything they stand for is found within Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, you are promoting Marxism. I saw the course this ship was on back in the late 90s when somebody asked college students about the following quote: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." The majority, almost half, thought the statement came from the Constitution or Declaration of Independence. SMDH

You disregard as if the drop in corporate tax share had occured in the last 10 years. Take a close look , it has dropped steadily.

Corporations , by their sheer size are able to distort markets and set prices, hence the need to regulate them.
Finally , other countries, like germany have been able to
Libs are taught to parrot Marx in their hatred of corporations so they do it like good little Nazis all in a row.

And of course, they will deny it and call you an extremist, having probably never actually read Marx. When everything your political party is doing and everything they stand for is found within Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, you are promoting Marxism. I saw the course this ship was on back in the late 90s when somebody asked college students about the following quote: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." The majority, almost half, thought the statement came from the Constitution or Declaration of Independence. SMDH

Oh boy , where to start from ... yes, some countries, like luxemburg take advantage of such policies.
The only problem is that a zero corporate tax means a zero revenue... and not to many advantages as an office with an address is enough to change the corporate address.

Second, corporations, tend to create monopolies and oligopolies, they manipulate markets, and distort the market.
Thus regulations for corporations and taxations must be applied.

I would not have any trouble at all with the declining share of corporate revenue if the average income was increasing. This is not the case. While corporate proffits are on the rise the average wages are declining and the share of income tax is declining.
This is not a good sign. In the long run, this will shrink the market size and create economic stagnation, corporate proffits notwithstanding.
The slave labor corporations get in other countries is easy to resolve and it's right up the U.S gov's alley. Just set up labor unions there, to accelerate the increases in wages among workers to the point the corporation sees little to no reason to move. This will happen eventually, because you can't exploit people forever.

Too many people advocate bending over for corporations and their businesses...if they raise the taxes they'll do this and that blahblah... They have manipulated the public into believing this nonsense, and have been lobbying politicians to push this bullcrap for years. Congratulations, your puppet words are exactly what they want and look. We're fighting among each others instead of against them even though they've pushed the taxes they don't pay onto us.

To people saying to eliminate the corporate tax....lol. It is a corporations duty to pay taxes, because they would be nothing without the people they serve and the lands they occupy. Your answers are consumerism. Yup consumerism is the answer. Making people work their lives away to buy little skirts and ipads.
You disregard as if the drop in corporate tax share had occured in the last 10 years. Take a close look , it has dropped steadily.

Yes, it has steadily dropped as corporations went tits up or relocated entirely. Again, you are looking at corporate tax revenue versus GDP.

Corporations , by their sheer size are able to distort markets and set prices, hence the need to regulate them.

Sorry, but they certainly are not. Prices are established by supply and demand in a free market system, and this is the most fair and equitable system ever devised by man. Capitalism can exploit circumstances, which is why we regulate them.

Finally , other countries, like germany have been able to

Why don't liberals understand that I really couldn't give two shits what other Eurotrash, non-constitutional-democratic-free-market countries do?

Oh boy , where to start from ... yes, some countries, like luxemburg take advantage of such policies.
The only problem is that a zero corporate tax means a zero revenue... and not to many advantages as an office with an address is enough to change the corporate address.

No, it would mean zero corporate tax revenue, all other tax revenue would be exponentially higher. I don't know what your point is about the office with an address, sure corporations could come here and open and office and say they are an American corporation, but their taxes will still have to be paid wherever they earn them. Only here they would have no taxes, so what would be the point of just setting up an office for the address?

Second, corporations, tend to create monopolies and oligopolies, they manipulate markets, and distort the market.
Thus regulations for corporations and taxations must be applied.

Again... No... We have anti-trust laws which prohibit monopolies. Capitalism has to be monitored in a free market system or it turns into Corporatism. Markets can't really be manipulated by single corporate entities anymore. Ford was able to do this in the early 50s in their war with GM for automotive supremacy, but it's just not practical in most cases. We are much more of a cosmopolitan and international market now, single corporations simply can't compete with everyone.

Your head is full of mumbo-jumbo from Marxist Socialists who want you to believe Capitalism is evil. You have been brainwashed to think that taxing the corporation somehow punishes them punitively for being rich greedy bastards who don't care about the little guy. As others have pointed out, corporations don't really pay tax, the consumer does.

I would not have any trouble at all with the declining share of corporate revenue if the average income was increasing. This is not the case. While corporate proffits are on the rise the average wages are declining and the share of income tax is declining.
This is not a good sign. In the long run, this will shrink the market size and create economic stagnation, corporate proffits notwithstanding.

Well hold on now, corporate profits are on the rise because there are fewer corporations and the ones who thrive in poor economic times are doing well. Most of the companies at risk of going under, have gone under. Your own chart shows you the revenue from corporate tax has diminished, and the tax rates have been relatively stable, so this can be the only logical explanation.

What is not a good sign is that we have complete economic morons in power who don't understand the first thing about what they are doing and they are supported by 47% knuckleheads like you, cheering them on in your ignorance.
The slave labor corporations get in other countries is easy to resolve and it's right up the U.S gov's alley. Just set up labor unions there, to accelerate the increases in wages among workers to the point the corporation sees little to no reason to move. This will happen eventually, because you can't exploit people forever.

Too many people advocate bending over for corporations and their businesses...if they raise the taxes they'll do this and that blahblah... They have manipulated the public into believing this nonsense, and have been lobbying politicians to push this bullcrap for years. Congratulations, your puppet words are exactly what they want and look. We're fighting among each others instead of against them even though they've pushed the taxes they don't pay onto us.

To people saying to eliminate the corporate tax....lol. It is a corporations duty to pay taxes, because they would be nothing without the people they serve and the lands they occupy. Your answers are consumerism. Yup consumerism is the answer. Making people work their lives away to buy little skirts and ipads.

Wow.... So, for the record... People shouldn't be able to buy little skirts and ipads? Or, people shouldn't have to work to buy them?

"Just set up labor unions there!" Priceless liberal goofballery. You realize that the Emperor of China isn't going to cotton to the idea of organized labor? And hey, look at what a fine example we have for organized labor here in our own country.... seen Detroit lately?

And how about let's stop it with the "duty to pay tax" crap, it's not MY duty to pay for your social engineering or to pass the cost on to my great-grandkids. No corporate tax would mean literally MILLIONS of jobs, more than you could conceive in your pea-sized liberal brain. It would mean TRILLIONS in economic prosperity. More people building new houses and paying property tax, more incomes paying more income tax, people buying new cars and car tags, Land being developed, contractor jobs too numerous to count all over the country, and none of it... not one red dime is being funded by the government, it is all pure free market private sector capitalism at work.
The slave labor corporations get in other countries is easy to resolve and it's right up the U.S gov's alley. Just set up labor unions there, to accelerate the increases in wages among workers to the point the corporation sees little to no reason to move. This will happen eventually, because you can't exploit people forever.

Too many people advocate bending over for corporations and their businesses...if they raise the taxes they'll do this and that blahblah... They have manipulated the public into believing this nonsense, and have been lobbying politicians to push this bullcrap for years. Congratulations, your puppet words are exactly what they want and look. We're fighting among each others instead of against them even though they've pushed the taxes they don't pay onto us.

To people saying to eliminate the corporate tax....lol. It is a corporations duty to pay taxes, because they would be nothing without the people they serve and the lands they occupy. Your answers are consumerism. Yup consumerism is the answer. Making people work their lives away to buy little skirts and ipads.

Wow.... So, for the record... People shouldn't be able to buy little skirts and ipads? Or, people shouldn't have to work to buy them?

"Just set up labor unions there!" Priceless liberal goofballery. You realize that the Emperor of China isn't going to cotton to the idea of organized labor? And hey, look at what a fine example we have for organized labor here in our own country.... seen Detroit lately?

And how about let's stop it with the "duty to pay tax" crap, it's not MY duty to pay for your social engineering or to pass the cost on to my great-grandkids. No corporate tax would mean literally MILLIONS of jobs, more than you could conceive in your pea-sized liberal brain. It would mean TRILLIONS in economic prosperity. More people building new houses and paying property tax, more incomes paying more income tax, people buying new cars and car tags, Land being developed, contractor jobs too numerous to count all over the country, and none of it... not one red dime is being funded by the government, it is all pure free market private sector capitalism at work.

No, little skirts and ipads shouldn't exist. They are not necessary. They are products of consumerism which corporations have created - the facade that people actually need these products.

Labor unions serve a great purpose in developing nations like China. For them, safe working places, stopping child labor and higher wages will probably not be achieved until labor unions are able to get there as strongly as they once were here.

Yes...it is a duty to pay taxes. If you don't want to pay taxes, go move to a 3rd world country where you don't receive and don't make use of any public goods.
Go, shoo, shoo.

Sounds like a lot of busy work to get a few people rich lol. These things....all the things you listed, so unnecessary to life on this planet. Consumerism to the extent this country has done in the past is bad.
The slave labor corporations get in other countries is easy to resolve and it's right up the U.S gov's alley. Just set up labor unions there, to accelerate the increases in wages among workers to the point the corporation sees little to no reason to move. This will happen eventually, because you can't exploit people forever.

Too many people advocate bending over for corporations and their businesses...if they raise the taxes they'll do this and that blahblah... They have manipulated the public into believing this nonsense, and have been lobbying politicians to push this bullcrap for years. Congratulations, your puppet words are exactly what they want and look. We're fighting among each others instead of against them even though they've pushed the taxes they don't pay onto us.

To people saying to eliminate the corporate tax....lol. It is a corporations duty to pay taxes, because they would be nothing without the people they serve and the lands they occupy. Your answers are consumerism. Yup consumerism is the answer. Making people work their lives away to buy little skirts and ipads.

Wow.... So, for the record... People shouldn't be able to buy little skirts and ipads? Or, people shouldn't have to work to buy them?

"Just set up labor unions there!" Priceless liberal goofballery. You realize that the Emperor of China isn't going to cotton to the idea of organized labor? And hey, look at what a fine example we have for organized labor here in our own country.... seen Detroit lately?

And how about let's stop it with the "duty to pay tax" crap, it's not MY duty to pay for your social engineering or to pass the cost on to my great-grandkids. No corporate tax would mean literally MILLIONS of jobs, more than you could conceive in your pea-sized liberal brain. It would mean TRILLIONS in economic prosperity. More people building new houses and paying property tax, more incomes paying more income tax, people buying new cars and car tags, Land being developed, contractor jobs too numerous to count all over the country, and none of it... not one red dime is being funded by the government, it is all pure free market private sector capitalism at work.

No, little skirts and ipads shouldn't exist. They are not necessary. They are products of consumerism which corporations have created - the facade that people actually need these products.

Labor unions serve a great purpose in developing nations like China. For them, safe working places, stopping child labor and higher wages will probably not be achieved until labor unions are able to get there as strongly as they once were here.

Yes...it is a duty to pay taxes. If you don't want to pay taxes, go move to a 3rd world country where you don't receive and don't make use of any public goods.
Go, shoo, shoo.

Sounds like a lot of busy work to get a few people rich lol. These things....all the things you listed, so unnecessary to life on this planet. Consumerism to the extent this country has done in the past is bad.

First of all, you don't get to decide what kind of world the rest of us get to live in. If you and a group of like-minded nincompoops want to find yourself a deserted island in the South Pacific and form your own consumer-less society, where you all sit around in loin cloths and grass skirts lamenting the evils of capitalism, you are welcome to do that. Where you live now is America and we are a FREE country where people can make up their own minds.

Unlike China, a country that is not free and where the people can't make up their own minds because the Emperor makes up their minds for them. They will never see labor unions in China, unless China establishes constitutional democracy like we have here. Of course, that would mean FREEDOM and that would bring CONSUMERISM.

It's NOT a duty to pay taxes. I can live without any of the "public goods" government provides. I didn't ask for them and don't need them. I'm not going to just keep paying for whatever YOU think we need, you're a crazy person. And not a very smart cray-cray at that... you don't seem to comprehend Communist China is not the same civilized society as we have here. In fact, China's system is based on your anti-consumerist idiocy, so you should be proud. There is little consumerism, all the people live in the same shitty style house, eat the same shitty food and work for the same shitty wage, as they listen to morons tell them what they need and what is their "duty" to do.

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