Fairfax County Police spokesman arrested, charged with 2 counts of child porn


Apr 14, 2015
Fairfax County Police spokesman arrested, charged with 2 counts of child porn
Chris Papst, Jeff Goldberg | WJLA ABC 7
April 15, 2015 | Updated: April 16, 2015

FAIRFAX, Va. (WJLA) – The former public face of Fairfax County Police is now sitting in jail. William “Bud” Walker, who gave countless media interviews and earned the public’s trust as the department’s public information officer, has been charged with possessing child pornography.


Bud Walker's mugshot. (Photo: FCPD)

During his long career in law enforcement, Walker was once assigned to help kids as a school resource officer in Fairfax County. Now, he’s charged with hurting kids in one of the worst ways.


On Wednesday, the 16-year cop and former public information officer was arrested and charged with two felony child pornography counts. According to court documents, inside Walker’s home police seized numerous computers, thumb drives and media disks.


Walker is in jail without bail, but is still on administrative leave with pay.....

Full story:

Fairfax County Police spokesman arrested charged with 2 counts of child porn WJLA.com

Ugh. Why are police charged in so many sex crimes? What is the psych makeup behind this?

Lot of cops in this country.

Do you have anything to support your claim that cops are disproportionately committing sex crimes?
Lot of cops in this country.

Do you have anything to support your claim that cops are disproportionately committing sex crimes?

At this point: Intuition. I'll have to research the issue .... and post the results. I would bet that police sex abuse follows domestic violence stats.

We have a study that newly-minted police are involved in domestic violence at a rate 4X the general US citizen population. We have a study that veteran cops are involved in domestic violence at a rate 2X the general US citizen population.

Something has simply gone wrong here.
Fairfax County Police spokesman arrested, charged with 2 counts of child porn
Chris Papst, Jeff Goldberg | WJLA ABC 7
April 15, 2015 | Updated: April 16, 2015

FAIRFAX, Va. (WJLA) – The former public face of Fairfax County Police is now sitting in jail. William “Bud” Walker, who gave countless media interviews and earned the public’s trust as the department’s public information officer, has been charged with possessing child pornography.


Bud Walker's mugshot. (Photo: FCPD)

During his long career in law enforcement, Walker was once assigned to help kids as a school resource officer in Fairfax County. Now, he’s charged with hurting kids in one of the worst ways.


On Wednesday, the 16-year cop and former public information officer was arrested and charged with two felony child pornography counts. According to court documents, inside Walker’s home police seized numerous computers, thumb drives and media disks.


Walker is in jail without bail, but is still on administrative leave with pay.....

Full story:

Fairfax County Police spokesman arrested charged with 2 counts of child porn WJLA.com

Ugh. Why are police charged in so many sex crimes? What is the psych makeup behind this?


There's no uniform psychological profile for pedophilic offenders. There's many kinds of offenders in this classification with many more motives and case histories that led them there. As a police officer though, chances are the material he was caught in possession of was at hand in his working life and curiousity got the better of him and he took a look at it, got into it, and got caught.

As anyone who enjoys porn can tell you looking at the same images or watching the same movies over and over gets boring and you seek new material. Over even greater spans of time the same type of material becomes unsatisfying and you look for something new. Having started with Playboy myself I eventually found that unsatisfying and got into more explicit imagery in more explicit type mags then when that petered out actual sex in xxx type content. Unlike others though I've been content with that and despite giving other things a look find I like what I'd term 'graphic lovemaking' of 70s porn more than newer 'gonzo' type content. With so much in the public discussion about child pornography some are going to wonder what that's all about and take a look, and if they're at the point they need a new kind of porn, or something in their past has steered them that way, they may opt to get into it.

Sometimes it's as simple as people want whatever they're denied, other times they may have been molested and seek to replace memories of being victimized themselves with a sense of control over it by becomming the abuser, others might simply have started sex much earlier than the average and find too-young people sexually desireable since that's their first sexual memories. Others are just plain crazy and perceive youth and little people incorrectly due to some kind of misperceptive mental illness. Like how an annorexic sees themselves as too fat whereas to everyone else they're too skinny. Some kinds of pedophiles may see a young person in the same way, as legitimately desireable even though the child isn't looking at the adult the same way.

Trying to understand pedophilia is like trying to understand what attracts us. It's an infinite array of subtle cues that results in attraction that's hard to define or quantify. But to those cursed with pedophilic inclinations, they're cueing in on things most don't. If your first lover had red hair, you might find yourself attracted your whole life to people with red hair, or those who somehow trigger memories of that first love. Something in a pedophile's brain is triggering memories they have where a child reminds them of something or something they once experienced good or bad.
Still other times it's that their brains are physically different than non-pedophilic people. In effect they have brain damage or malfunction leading to a deficit of 'good judgement' as with inhibited functioning in their frontal lobe where judgement comes from.
Yep. Thats it. Fire all 1, 000, 000 of America's cops and let the Army take over policing.
Fairfax County Police spokesman arrested, charged with 2 counts of child porn
Chris Papst, Jeff Goldberg | WJLA ABC 7
April 15, 2015 | Updated: April 16, 2015

FAIRFAX, Va. (WJLA) – The former public face of Fairfax County Police is now sitting in jail. William “Bud” Walker, who gave countless media interviews and earned the public’s trust as the department’s public information officer, has been charged with possessing child pornography.


Bud Walker's mugshot. (Photo: FCPD)

During his long career in law enforcement, Walker was once assigned to help kids as a school resource officer in Fairfax County. Now, he’s charged with hurting kids in one of the worst ways.


On Wednesday, the 16-year cop and former public information officer was arrested and charged with two felony child pornography counts. According to court documents, inside Walker’s home police seized numerous computers, thumb drives and media disks.


Walker is in jail without bail, but is still on administrative leave with pay.....

Full story:

Fairfax County Police spokesman arrested charged with 2 counts of child porn WJLA.com

Ugh. Why are police charged in so many sex crimes? What is the psych makeup behind this?


Damn, that is just disgusting. Pffft.
Lot of cops in this country.

Do you have anything to support your claim that cops are disproportionately committing sex crimes?

At this point: Intuition. I'll have to research the issue .... and post the results. I would bet that police sex abuse follows domestic violence stats.

We have a study that newly-minted police are involved in domestic violence at a rate 4X the general US citizen population. We have a study that veteran cops are involved in domestic violence at a rate 2X the general US citizen population.

Something has simply gone wrong here.
We? Who the fuck is "we"?
Yep. Thats it. Fire all 1, 000, 000 of America's cops and let the Army take over policing.

We should ask the US victim populations in the middle east how that worked out for them.


An unmuzzled dog appears to be used to frighten a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
Two military dog handlers told investigators that intelligence
personnel ordered them to use dogs to intimidate prisoners.


An Iraqi detainee appears to be restrained after havign suffered injuries to both legs at Abu Ghraib.
It is unclear whether his injuries were from dog bites.

The Washington Post just released new photos (May 20), seen below.


A baton-wielding US soldier, appears to be ordering a naked detainee
covered in a "brown substance" to walk a straight line with his ankles handcuffed.


In what appears to be a hallway, a hooded detainee,
seems to be handcuffed in an awkward position atop two boxes.
The frame seems to show the prisoner's ankle cuffed to the door handle behind him.


A US soldier with his right arm and fist cocked appears
prepared to strike one detainee in a pile of detainees.

May 19

ABC News has obtained two new photos taken at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq showing Spc. Charles Graner and Spc. Sabrina Harmon posing over the body of a detainee who was allegedly beaten to death by CIA or civilian interrogators in the prison's showers. The detainee's name was Manadel al-Jamadi. Mark Rothschild writes about the details of this poor man's death.


May 9: The New Yorker has released this latest photo.


An Iraqi prisoner and American military dog handlers. Other photographs show the Iraqi on the ground, bleeding.

The Washington Post released more photos:


It’s the "liberation" of the Iraqi people – and it isn’t pretty….


These are just some of the photos that led to an investigation into conditions at the Abu Ghraib prison, once Saddam’s torture palace, and now run by the occupation authorities, as revealed in a shocking report broadcast by CBS on 60 Minutes II.


Brig. Gen. Janice Karpinski, in charge of the occupiers’ detention facilities throughout Iraq, has been dismissed from her post, and 6 U.S. soldiers face charges.


"This is international standards," said Karpinski, in an earlier interview with CBS. "It's the best care available in a prison facility."


Anybody can see that….


And even more disturbing screen shots made available from Global Free Press via TheMemoryHole.


These images are from the 60 Minutes II broadcast. CBS says that it has twelve of these photographs, though there are dozens more. Among them:

The Army has photographs that show a detainee with wires attached to his genitals. Another shows a dog attacking an Iraqi prisoner.







Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos - by news
Yep. Thats it. Fire all 1, 000, 000 of America's cops and let the Army take over policing.

We should ask the US victim populations in the middle east how that worked out for them.


An unmuzzled dog appears to be used to frighten a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
Two military dog handlers told investigators that intelligence
personnel ordered them to use dogs to intimidate prisoners.


An Iraqi detainee appears to be restrained after havign suffered injuries to both legs at Abu Ghraib.
It is unclear whether his injuries were from dog bites.

The Washington Post just released new photos (May 20), seen below.


A baton-wielding US soldier, appears to be ordering a naked detainee
covered in a "brown substance" to walk a straight line with his ankles handcuffed.


In what appears to be a hallway, a hooded detainee,
seems to be handcuffed in an awkward position atop two boxes.
The frame seems to show the prisoner's ankle cuffed to the door handle behind him.


A US soldier with his right arm and fist cocked appears
prepared to strike one detainee in a pile of detainees.

May 19

ABC News has obtained two new photos taken at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq showing Spc. Charles Graner and Spc. Sabrina Harmon posing over the body of a detainee who was allegedly beaten to death by CIA or civilian interrogators in the prison's showers. The detainee's name was Manadel al-Jamadi. Mark Rothschild writes about the details of this poor man's death.


May 9: The New Yorker has released this latest photo.


An Iraqi prisoner and American military dog handlers. Other photographs show the Iraqi on the ground, bleeding.

The Washington Post released more photos:


It’s the "liberation" of the Iraqi people – and it isn’t pretty….


These are just some of the photos that led to an investigation into conditions at the Abu Ghraib prison, once Saddam’s torture palace, and now run by the occupation authorities, as revealed in a shocking report broadcast by CBS on 60 Minutes II.


Brig. Gen. Janice Karpinski, in charge of the occupiers’ detention facilities throughout Iraq, has been dismissed from her post, and 6 U.S. soldiers face charges.


"This is international standards," said Karpinski, in an earlier interview with CBS. "It's the best care available in a prison facility."


Anybody can see that….


And even more disturbing screen shots made available from Global Free Press via TheMemoryHole.


These images are from the 60 Minutes II broadcast. CBS says that it has twelve of these photographs, though there are dozens more. Among them:

The Army has photographs that show a detainee with wires attached to his genitals. Another shows a dog attacking an Iraqi prisoner.







Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos - by news

Ah. So you hate the police AND our military. So you dont want either of them enforcing law and order. I assume you dont want a theocracy. And I assume gang rule isnt desirable either.

So...who you want maintaining order?
Ah. So you hate the police AND our military. So you dont want either of them enforcing law and order. I assume you dont want a theocracy. And I assume gang rule isnt desirable either.

So...who you want maintaining order?

There are quotes from a congressman about the existence of photos showing child rape..... and more. Rest assured, the photos we have seen are lightweight. Also, the ACLU turned up autopsy reports from military doctors that demonstrated how a number of detainees died during torture ..... frequently by NGO's (CIA). These horrific written accounts are the stuff of nightmares.

These things, and a great many historical events (like the post civil war occupation in the south), make me absolutely cringe at the thought of *any* troops on our streets. I don't hate 'em, I simply do not want to spend the rest of my existence being plagued by military monsters. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and our civilian monsters (masters?) are bad enough.

The above rant assumes that your eyes are at least partially open:

So ..... who do I want maintaining order?

Start with a disarmed civilian police force that is stripped of *all* military gear, and yes, that includes bayonets. Eliminate all connections between the pentagon and civilian police departments. Eliminate DHS, the FBI and the CIA. Eliminate hot pursuits. Eliminate 90% of all traffic stops. 100% body cam coverage worn by police covering 100% of citizen/police interactions. 100% department oversight by citizen representatives drawn at random with overriding power over the department.

How's that for an opening round?
Damn I live in Fairfax Country and there hasn't been any mention of this anywhere. I'll have to check the paper tomorrow.
Ah. So you hate the police AND our military. So you dont want either of them enforcing law and order. I assume you dont want a theocracy. And I assume gang rule isnt desirable either.

So...who you want maintaining order?

There are quotes from a congressman about the existence of photos showing child rape..... and more. Rest assured, the photos we have seen are lightweight. Also, the ACLU turned up autopsy reports from military doctors that demonstrated how a number of detainees died during torture ..... frequently by NGO's (CIA). These horrific written accounts are the stuff of nightmares.

These things, and a great many historical events (like the post civil war occupation in the south), make me absolutely cringe at the thought of *any* troops on our streets. I don't hate 'em, I simply do not want to spend the rest of my existence being plagued by military monsters. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and our civilian monsters (masters?) are bad enough.

The above rant assumes that your eyes are at least partially open:

So ..... who do I want maintaining order?

Start with a disarmed civilian police force that is stripped of *all* military gear, and yes, that includes bayonets. Eliminate all connections between the pentagon and civilian police departments. Eliminate DHS, the FBI and the CIA. Eliminate hot pursuits. Eliminate 90% of all traffic stops. 100% body cam coverage worn by police covering 100% of citizen/police interactions. 100% department oversight by citizen representatives drawn at random with overriding power over the department.

How's that for an opening round?

HAHAHA!!!! Thats not even worth a response. You sound like a sophomore UC Berkeley loon.

Start off with your idea of disarming all cops. In America? Good luck. We arent England. We'd be overrun by gangs.

So...how would disarmed cops...deal with a man with a big rifle who takes school girls hostage to rape and eventually kill??? Hug him out?
Lot of cops in this country.

Do you have anything to support your claim that cops are disproportionately committing sex crimes?

At this point: Intuition. I'll have to research the issue .... and post the results. I would bet that police sex abuse follows domestic violence stats.

We have a study that newly-minted police are involved in domestic violence at a rate 4X the general US citizen population. We have a study that veteran cops are involved in domestic violence at a rate 2X the general US citizen population.

Something has simply gone wrong here.

Mmm, Links?
Mmm, Links?[/QUOTE]

You paying for research? You'll have to wait till I get to it.

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