Shogun, if Marxism is such a good and wonderful thing, then why are all the countries who have intimate first-hand experience with it (aside from Cuba and North Korea) moving in the opposite direction....Honestly, you liberals would be a lot more tolerable if you dropped the knee-jerk tendency towards centralization in all things. Frankly, it's coming to an end, due to several factors, mainly energy shortages. Don't take my word for it, read some of James Kunstler's writings.
Marxism like capitalism are abstractions or maybe we could call them models of explanation, pure marxism never existed same for pure capitalism. You only have to check out K Street's influence and the power they have over this administration to see the real (un)free market. Google Billy Tauzin. Some things will always require centralization whether it be military, trade regulations, social security, healthcare, laws or even government. Imagine the free market getting us to the moon? We need both.