Faith no more: how the British are losing their religion


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
In Canada we've experienced the same. It's replacement has been massive government and citizens all too happy to submissively assist them in any request the creepy covert police have. Along with the social decline has been the economic destruction.

A nation doesn't need to be primarily religious to succeed, but it probably reflects a society that is more optimistic and curious about the unknown than simply possessing a tactile existence.

Faith no more: how the British are losing their religion | Andrew Brown
Leftism has been the most successful religion of the last century, bar none

Now we have a Pope giving sermons about the evils of building walls and essentially ignoring what the church has identified as the mass genocide of abortion world wide.

But then, they did not come out publicly against the Holocaust either, so it really is of no surprise, nor is the church demise that much of a surprise considering it has been infiltrated by Leftists.

But that is what Leftists are best at, they infiltrate and subvert.

Here is a taste of the Leftist religion

What is unfolding before our eyes is a new secular religion. For all its claims of “inclusivity,” this new faith is deeply intolerant. It has roots in the American past that would likely surprise its adherents: the Puritan era of our nation’s earliest religious zealots. Progressives are now engaged in doing theology without God. “ Woke is the new Saved,” in the words of commentator John Zmirak.
Parallels abound. One of Puritan theology’s core tenets is “innate depravity” — the doctrine that humans are inherently wicked as a result of original sin. The woke faith preaches an updated version: America’s original sin is white supremacy.
For white people, “having racist assumptions is inevitable,” according to Robin DiAngelo, author of the bestselling book “White Fragility.” “Straight white men have been involved in a witness protection program” that “absolves them of their crimes,” she declares.
The Puritans divided humans into the saved and the damned, the saints and the sinners. The woke faith does the same, classifying people as either oppressors (white) or victims (nonwhite).
The new faith’s adherents view themselves as the “elect,” redeemed, as it were, by a predestined grace. They are convinced they possess a higher truth, and are committed to imposing it on others.
Like their Puritan forebears, the woke faith’s adherents believe that heretics — whose false doctrine imperils the larger community — must be rooted out. Dissenters must be humiliated, shunned and branded with Hester Prynne’s scarlet “A” of shame.
Yet the new faith does offer a way for white Americans and other sinners to find salvation. To join the righteous, they must confess their sins — “check their privilege” — beg forgiveness, do penance and vow to become an “ally” of the oppressed.
Today, a Puritan-inspired witch-hunt mentality is ablaze all around us, bent on destroying the reputations and livelihoods of those who show the slightest hesitation to profess true doctrine. “Bigot and hater” are the new “witch and wizard,” as commentator Mary Eberstadt has observed.
The list of heretics fired or compelled to resign grows every day. It includes a New York Times editor who dared to publish an opinion piece — reflexively branded as racist — by U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton; Grant Napear, the Sacramento Kings announcer, who tweeted that “ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!”; and leaders of the Poetry Foundation, who issued a statement denouncing systemic racism that some deemed too vague.
“Forced conversions” to the new faith are also becoming commonplace. Drew Brees, the New Orleans Saints quarterback, first criticized athletes’ kneeling during the national anthem and then issued a groveling apology. Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, sought absolution for past sins by shining the shoes of a Black rapper. Politicians kneel in repentance and whites in tony neighborhoods display a “Black Lives Matter” sign on their lawn.
What explains this lightning-speed capitulation? For many young people — restless after the COVID-19 lockdown and often knowing little of history or religion — conversion to the woke faith can be part of a search for meaning in our post-Christian society. For corporations, professing “solidarity” with the new religion is good business.
But for the movement’s leaders, this secular faith offers much more. Its goal is to dismantle as irredeemably racist the sinful nation in which we live and to build — in the Puritan phrase — a new City on a Hill, made in their own image.
Katherine Kersten is a senior policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment. She is at [email protected].
Leftism has been the most successful religion of the last century, bar none

Now we have a Pope giving sermons about the evils of building walls and essentially ignoring what the church has identified as the mass genocide of abortion world wide.

But then, they did not come out publicly against the Holocaust either, so it really is of no surprise, nor is the church demise that much of a surprise considering it has been infiltrated by Leftists.

But that is what Leftists are best at, they infiltrate and subvert.

As people give up worship of that which they believe is responsible for their creation, their very life, they fill the void with worship of power: big government. Citizens go from wanting to be respected believers in Faith, leading by example of that Faith to wanting power of government. A path to a horrible Afterlife, and also a more miserable life on earth (for all).

As an example of Godless socialism, in just the last 10 years alone, the costs of heating and air conditioning our home has gone up exponentially. The cost of the covert police apparatus which has decimated our economy and civil liberties, has also skyrocketed. All for big government and a guaranteed lack of innovation.

If America follows in the footsteps of other nations, they will experience the same end result. Hopefully the more recent close dealings of U.S policing agencies with foreign "allies" hasn't altered their own loyalties to American Values and individual liberty, rather than a respect and admiration for socialist values.
Leftism has been the most successful religion of the last century, bar none

Now we have a Pope giving sermons about the evils of building walls and essentially ignoring what the church has identified as the mass genocide of abortion world wide.

But then, they did not come out publicly against the Holocaust either, so it really is of no surprise, nor is the church demise that much of a surprise considering it has been infiltrated by Leftists.

But that is what Leftists are best at, they infiltrate and subvert.

As people give up worship of that which they believe is responsible for their creation, their very life they fill the void with worship of power: big government. Citizens go from wanting to be respected believers in Faith, leading by example of that Faith to wanting power of government.

Just in the last 10 years alone, the costs of heating and ai conditioning our home has gone up exponentially. The cost of the covert police apparatus which has decimated our economy and civil liberties, has also skyrocketed.

If America follows in the footsteps of other nations, they will experience the same end result. Hopefully the more recent close dealings of U.S policing agencies with foreign "allies" hasn't altered their own loyalties to American Values and individual liberty, not socialist values.
Man has a need for a king. This is an inborn need that we all recognize on some level. It is the need for guidance, protection, leadership, etc. Something will fill that void, so the sheep must choose their shepherd wisely. It is also why decentralized governments, like the one in the US, has increasingly become centralized with increasing power to the President. We crave the strong hand.

In terms of increasing secularism, Leftism is what will fill that void. That is why most conservative folk are religious and most Leftists are Godless.
Have you ever wondered why the Left was at war with Christian morality by promoting immorality?

Ben Franklin understood, and after you read this, you will as well.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

All Leftists embrace despotism, which is why they promote immorality. Despotism is a natural consequence of becoming corrupted.

As for the anarchists, anarchy also leads to despotism.
I would say that modern godless lib cukture worships itself

We - meaning society - seek pleasure and comfort.

its why libs can support the killing of unborn human beings

If the woman wants pleasure without responsibility then it gives her the right kill according to lib morality
Have you ever wondered why the Left was at war with Christian morality by promoting immorality?

Ben Franklin understood, and after you read this, you will as well.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

All Leftists embrace despotism, which is why they promote immorality. Despotism is a natural consequence of becoming corrupted.

As for the anarchists, anarchy also leads to despotism.

It's not just the left though. Neo-Cons are just as bad, potentially worse. Anyone who has a predatory instinct to exploit others and play God, falls into this category.

As Johnny Cash once said "one of these days God will cut you down"
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I would say that modern godless lib cukture worships itself

We - meaning society - seek pleasure and comfort.

its why libs can support the killing of unborn human beings

If the woman wants pleasure without responsibility then it gives her the right kill according to lib morality
Why do you single out the woman ?
I would say that modern godless lib cukture worships itself

We - meaning society - seek pleasure and comfort.

its why libs can support the killing of unborn human beings

If the woman wants pleasure without responsibility then it gives her the right kill according to lib morality
Why do you single out the woman ?
Because men can't have babies?

Abortion is just one example of the immorality of the far Left. Most abortions are done because of financial concerns, because money rules the hearts and minds of the far Left. Marxism reduces us all down to a dollar sign. It is materialism in it's purest form.

And yes, I would say most men push women to do it. In fact, if you took a poll of women regarding abortion, you would find that most women want restrictions on abortion today. But most only poll women regarding banning all abortion, because they much prefer the results because most women don't want abortion banned in all cases.
Have you ever wondered why the Left was at war with Christian morality by promoting immorality?

Ben Franklin understood, and after you read this, you will as well.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

All Leftists embrace despotism, which is why they promote immorality. Despotism is a natural consequence of becoming corrupted.

As for the anarchists, anarchy also leads to despotism.

It's not just the left though. Neo-Cons are just as bad, potentially worse. Anyone who has a predatory instinct to exploit others and play God, falls into this category.

As Johnny Cash once said "one of these days God will cut you down"
Very true. In fact, if you look at CEO's across the world they have all jumped in bed with BLM and their Marxist talking heads. The Left is conquering the world via corporatism.

It is just further evidence that the Left has no principles or morality, just money and power is all they care about.

In the back drop, they hypocritically condemn corporate greed.
Have you ever wondered why the Left was at war with Christian morality by promoting immorality?

Ben Franklin understood, and after you read this, you will as well.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

All Leftists embrace despotism, which is why they promote immorality. Despotism is a natural consequence of becoming corrupted.

As for the anarchists, anarchy also leads to despotism.

It's not just the left though. Neo-Cons are just as bad, potentially worse. Anyone who has a predatory instinct to exploit others and play God, falls into this category.

As Johnny Cash once said "one of these days God will cut you down"
Very true. In fact, if you look at CEO's across the world they have all jumped in bed with BLM and their Marxist talking heads. The Left is conquering the world via corporatism.

It is just further evidence that the Left has no principles or morality, just money and power is all they care about.

In the back drop, they hypocritically condemn corporate greed.

I like greed. Greed is good. It's the Invisible Hand that drives capitalism. This is particularly important to drive innovation and better mouse traps. If someone wants to burn $600 on a new Apple product, that's their right. All of the BLM stuff is a corporate decision, if they find it costs them money or interest in their product, they drop out. Consumers will decide.

However, greed at all costs isn't wise nor sustainable. Corporations have to do their part, but they must be held accountable, just like anyone is held accountable in a functioning society. National Security and basic principles of mutual respect, dignity and civil liberties matter, or else we will go back to a global society in which 20 guys would show up at the docks and some guy would pick out a couple of ass kissers for 4 hours work while the rest go panhandle.

Capitalism, character and traditional Western Values have to win the day. Or, it will be many of us praying to God for relief.
Have you ever wondered why the Left was at war with Christian morality by promoting immorality?

Ben Franklin understood, and after you read this, you will as well.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

All Leftists embrace despotism, which is why they promote immorality. Despotism is a natural consequence of becoming corrupted.

As for the anarchists, anarchy also leads to despotism.

It's not just the left though. Neo-Cons are just as bad, potentially worse. Anyone who has a predatory instinct to exploit others and play God, falls into this category.

As Johnny Cash once said "one of these days God will cut you down"
Very true. In fact, if you look at CEO's across the world they have all jumped in bed with BLM and their Marxist talking heads. The Left is conquering the world via corporatism.

It is just further evidence that the Left has no principles or morality, just money and power is all they care about.

In the back drop, they hypocritically condemn corporate greed.

I like greed. Greed is good. It's the Invisible Hand that drives capitalism. This is particularly important to drive innovation and better mouse traps. If someone wants to burn $600 on a new Apple product, that's their right. All of the BLM stuff is a corporate decision, if they find it costs them money or interest in their product, they drop out. Consumers will decide.

However, greed at all costs isn't wise nor sustainable. Corporations have to do their part, but they must be held accountable, just like anyone is held accountable in a functioning society. National Security and basic principles of mutual respect, dignity and civil liberties matter, or else we will go back to a global society in which 20 guys would show up at the docks and some guy would pick out a couple of ass kissers for 4 hours work while the rest go panhandle.

Capitalism, character and traditional Western Values have to win the day. Or, it will be many of us praying to God for relief.
Corporate are the main problem. Corporations structures are government creations. As such, they have become mini governments in and of themselves. At some point they get so large that the goal is no longer profit, but control. And as corporations merge they become more and more centralized. At that point, the CEO's of these mini governments can easily be controlled by those in government.

In history, we see the use of the British East Indies company as an example of what I'm talking about. The British Empire used them to conquer India, and as they tried to monopolize tea in the colonies, it lead to the Boston Tea Party. In fact, most people think that the Boston Tea Party was over higher taxes on tea, but they would be wrong. It was over the British corporation creating a monopoly on tea that actually drove the price of tea down. They were so powerful, they even had their own standing army.

Here is a taste of the Leftist religion

What is unfolding before our eyes is a new secular religion. For all its claims of “inclusivity,” this new faith is deeply intolerant. It has roots in the American past that would likely surprise its adherents: the Puritan era of our nation’s earliest religious zealots. Progressives are now engaged in doing theology without God. “ Woke is the new Saved,” in the words of commentator John Zmirak.
Parallels abound. One of Puritan theology’s core tenets is “innate depravity” — the doctrine that humans are inherently wicked as a result of original sin. The woke faith preaches an updated version: America’s original sin is white supremacy.
For white people, “having racist assumptions is inevitable,” according to Robin DiAngelo, author of the bestselling book “White Fragility.” “Straight white men have been involved in a witness protection program” that “absolves them of their crimes,” she declares.
The Puritans divided humans into the saved and the damned, the saints and the sinners. The woke faith does the same, classifying people as either oppressors (white) or victims (nonwhite).
The new faith’s adherents view themselves as the “elect,” redeemed, as it were, by a predestined grace. They are convinced they possess a higher truth, and are committed to imposing it on others.
Like their Puritan forebears, the woke faith’s adherents believe that heretics — whose false doctrine imperils the larger community — must be rooted out. Dissenters must be humiliated, shunned and branded with Hester Prynne’s scarlet “A” of shame.
Yet the new faith does offer a way for white Americans and other sinners to find salvation. To join the righteous, they must confess their sins — “check their privilege” — beg forgiveness, do penance and vow to become an “ally” of the oppressed.
Today, a Puritan-inspired witch-hunt mentality is ablaze all around us, bent on destroying the reputations and livelihoods of those who show the slightest hesitation to profess true doctrine. “Bigot and hater” are the new “witch and wizard,” as commentator Mary Eberstadt has observed.
The list of heretics fired or compelled to resign grows every day. It includes a New York Times editor who dared to publish an opinion piece — reflexively branded as racist — by U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton; Grant Napear, the Sacramento Kings announcer, who tweeted that “ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!”; and leaders of the Poetry Foundation, who issued a statement denouncing systemic racism that some deemed too vague.
“Forced conversions” to the new faith are also becoming commonplace. Drew Brees, the New Orleans Saints quarterback, first criticized athletes’ kneeling during the national anthem and then issued a groveling apology. Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, sought absolution for past sins by shining the shoes of a Black rapper. Politicians kneel in repentance and whites in tony neighborhoods display a “Black Lives Matter” sign on their lawn.
What explains this lightning-speed capitulation? For many young people — restless after the COVID-19 lockdown and often knowing little of history or religion — conversion to the woke faith can be part of a search for meaning in our post-Christian society. For corporations, professing “solidarity” with the new religion is good business.
But for the movement’s leaders, this secular faith offers much more. Its goal is to dismantle as irredeemably racist the sinful nation in which we live and to build — in the Puritan phrase — a new City on a Hill, made in their own image.
Katherine Kersten is a senior policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment. She is at [email protected].
She is just stating what everyone knows.
The Left hates straight christian males and they blame them for all of their problems.
The ironic thing about the Left is that they profess to abhor intolerance, hate, prejudice and stereotyping whilst they wallow in it.
The other thing that is very obvious is that why do so many minorities want to immigrate to the countries that were founded by the eeeeviiiil straight white men who she hates?
It is just more proof that with the Left it is really more about cultural antipathy than about policies.
The Left are Tribalist.

Here is a taste of the Leftist religion

What is unfolding before our eyes is a new secular religion. For all its claims of “inclusivity,” this new faith is deeply intolerant. It has roots in the American past that would likely surprise its adherents: the Puritan era of our nation’s earliest religious zealots. Progressives are now engaged in doing theology without God. “ Woke is the new Saved,” in the words of commentator John Zmirak.
Parallels abound. One of Puritan theology’s core tenets is “innate depravity” — the doctrine that humans are inherently wicked as a result of original sin. The woke faith preaches an updated version: America’s original sin is white supremacy.
For white people, “having racist assumptions is inevitable,” according to Robin DiAngelo, author of the bestselling book “White Fragility.” “Straight white men have been involved in a witness protection program” that “absolves them of their crimes,” she declares.
The Puritans divided humans into the saved and the damned, the saints and the sinners. The woke faith does the same, classifying people as either oppressors (white) or victims (nonwhite).
The new faith’s adherents view themselves as the “elect,” redeemed, as it were, by a predestined grace. They are convinced they possess a higher truth, and are committed to imposing it on others.
Like their Puritan forebears, the woke faith’s adherents believe that heretics — whose false doctrine imperils the larger community — must be rooted out. Dissenters must be humiliated, shunned and branded with Hester Prynne’s scarlet “A” of shame.
Yet the new faith does offer a way for white Americans and other sinners to find salvation. To join the righteous, they must confess their sins — “check their privilege” — beg forgiveness, do penance and vow to become an “ally” of the oppressed.
Today, a Puritan-inspired witch-hunt mentality is ablaze all around us, bent on destroying the reputations and livelihoods of those who show the slightest hesitation to profess true doctrine. “Bigot and hater” are the new “witch and wizard,” as commentator Mary Eberstadt has observed.
The list of heretics fired or compelled to resign grows every day. It includes a New York Times editor who dared to publish an opinion piece — reflexively branded as racist — by U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton; Grant Napear, the Sacramento Kings announcer, who tweeted that “ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!”; and leaders of the Poetry Foundation, who issued a statement denouncing systemic racism that some deemed too vague.
“Forced conversions” to the new faith are also becoming commonplace. Drew Brees, the New Orleans Saints quarterback, first criticized athletes’ kneeling during the national anthem and then issued a groveling apology. Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, sought absolution for past sins by shining the shoes of a Black rapper. Politicians kneel in repentance and whites in tony neighborhoods display a “Black Lives Matter” sign on their lawn.
What explains this lightning-speed capitulation? For many young people — restless after the COVID-19 lockdown and often knowing little of history or religion — conversion to the woke faith can be part of a search for meaning in our post-Christian society. For corporations, professing “solidarity” with the new religion is good business.
But for the movement’s leaders, this secular faith offers much more. Its goal is to dismantle as irredeemably racist the sinful nation in which we live and to build — in the Puritan phrase — a new City on a Hill, made in their own image.
Katherine Kersten is a senior policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment. She is at [email protected].
She is just stating what everyone knows.
The Left hates straight christian males and they blame them for all of their problems.
The ironic thing about the Left is that they profess to abhor intolerance, hate, prejudice and stereotyping whilst they wallow in it.
The other thing that is very obvious is that why do so many minorities want to immigrate to the countries that were founded by the eeeeviiiil straight white men who she hates?
It is just more proof that with the Left it is really more about cultural antipathy than about policies.
The Left are Tribalist.
I really believe that behind it all are globalists in corporations that want some sort of one world government to make trade easier and efficient world wide. They are driving this and they have the money and power to do it.

My guess is that the next step is crash the system in order to reboot it, thus shedding things like the Constitution into obscurity as well as sovereign nation states.

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