Fake computer model generated 'record temps' that even the Biden regime has run away from.

Remember how the media breathlessly ran with this story?

I believe someone even made a thread about it.

Yeah, it was more climate porn.

Source: A gas lobbyist called Steve Milloy , via Opinion piece.
There were a couple threads here where we laughed at the indoctrinated rubes.

The climate bed wetters just love a scary story & safe space to run to.
Between being deathly afraid of weather & tools, it's a wonder they can leave Momma's basement

There were a couple threads here where we laughed at the indoctrinated rubes.

The climate bed wetters just love a scary story & safe space to run to.
Between being deathly afraid of weather & tools, it's a wonder they can leave Momma's basement

View attachment 803304
The op-ed author Steve Milloy is a coal lobbyist who has worked for Murray Energy Corp and the EOP Group. He's also a member of the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank that opposes climate change action. Milloy has a long history of denying climate change and second-hand smoke, and he's been criticized for his ties to tobacco and oil companies. He's also a vocal critic of the EPA and has supported efforts to repeal the Clean Power Plan.
The op-ed author Steve Milloy is a coal lobbyist who has worked for Murray Energy Corp and the EOP Group. He's also a member of the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank that opposes climate change action. Milloy has a long history of denying climate change and second-hand smoke, and he's been criticized for his ties to tobacco and oil companies. He's also a vocal critic of the EPA and has supported efforts to repeal the Clean Power Plan.

So, he's done a useful job for a useful industry. Unlike the green idiots.
Remember how the media breathlessly ran with this story?

I believe someone even made a thread about it.

Yeah, it was more climate porn.

The hottest day i remember was when i got back from London back in 1976, and the tires of the car had melted into the asphalt. My tires since have never ever come close to that. So the feels like hottest days are just bullshit and i grab my wallet so the asshole Marxists cant steal more of my money.
The op-ed author Steve Milloy is a coal lobbyist who has worked for Murray Energy Corp and the EOP Group. He's also a member of the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank that opposes climate change action. Milloy has a long history of denying climate change and second-hand smoke, and he's been criticized for his ties to tobacco and oil companies. He's also a vocal critic of the EPA and has supported efforts to repeal the Clean Power Plan.
It still hasnt been proven that 2nd hand smoke causes cancer. I guess you didnt get that message. It is the Marxists who want to control what people do, instead of allowing people to choose their own lifestyle.

They allow you to smoke POT, which has second hand smoke, but if it is the EVIL cigarette then it just has to be cancerous.

The op-ed author Steve Milloy is a coal lobbyist who has worked for Murray Energy Corp and the EOP Group. He's also a member of the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank that opposes climate change action. Milloy has a long history of denying climate change and second-hand smoke, and he's been criticized for his ties to tobacco and oil companies. He's also a vocal critic of the EPA and has supported efforts to repeal the Clean Power Plan.
So, you're saying that you are NOT a Conservative from Georgia?
So, you're saying that you are NOT a Conservative from Georgia?
I am. You believe that conservatives must hold the same position in every single issue. That’s not how it works, hon hon.
Your are not an “independent thinker”. Instead of making up your mind yourself about issues, you Google “ what is the right position that all conservatives must take in X topic “ and then you follow it like a sheep.
It still hasnt been proven that 2nd hand smoke causes cancer. I guess you didnt get that message. It is the Marxists who want to control what people do, instead of allowing people to choose their own lifestyle.

They allow you to smoke POT, which has second hand smoke, but if it is the EVIL cigarette then it just has to be cancerous.

Good point. Pot smoke is 25 times more potent than the shit in the 70’s when it fucked me over so current second-hand pot smoke can have serious immediate impact when exposed to it. Including on kids or babies in its vicinity. Somehow that’s OK but tobacco smoke, which takes years of constant exposure to have any ill effects, is taboo.
Politicians stand to make money off of pot and demmunists want the population intoxicated for easier manipulation.
I am. You believe that conservatives must hold the same position in every single issue. That’s not how it works, hon hon.
Your are not an “independent thinker”. Instead of making up your mind yourself about issues, you Google “ what is the right position that all conservatives must take in X topic “ and then you follow it like a sheep.
Be honest. You are misrepresenting yourself. The other day you said you were a Desantis backer and yet you are against pretty much everything that Destantis does. Maybe you could tell us all of the things Desantis does that you agree with. It should be a very short list.
Be honest. You are misrepresenting yourself. The other day you said you were a Desantis backer and yet you are against pretty much everything that Destantis does. Maybe you could tell us all of the things Desantis does that you agree with. It should be a very short list.
Why are you lying about Conservative from Georgia? He is a far better Republican and conservative than you. Ah, are you MAGA?
Every time one of the silly AGW threads comes up I remind the Environmental Wackos how the sources for claims have no credibility because we have found them lying many times before.

They don't want to hear it.
Why are you lying about Conservative from Georgia? He is a far better Republican and conservative than you. Ah, are you MAGA?
LOL. Lying? You are only one on here who believes he is a conservative from Georgia. He said he is a Desantis supporter and yet he has never made one post agreeing with anything Desantis does. So, I'm challenging him to list all of the things he agrees with Desantis on to prove he really is a conservative from Georgia.
LOL. Lying? You are only one on here who believes he is a conservative from Georgia. He said he is a Desantis supporter and yet he has never made one post agreeing with anything Desantis does. So, I'm challenging him to list all of the things he agrees with Desantis on to prove he really is a conservative from Georgia.
You are MAGA, and that's the end of it.

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