Fake Ivermectin story spread by leftist media...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
What happened to the two source rule? One simple phone call could have...and eventually did...reveal the fakeness of this news...but that call wasn't made by MSNBC, Rolling Stone, the Daily Mail, or the Guardian...

Here's a big clue for you dumb shits next time around...there aren't a rash of gunshot wounds in rural Oklahoma.
What happened to the two source rule? One simple phone call could have...and eventually did...reveal the fakeness of this news...but that call wasn't made by MSNBC, Rolling Stone, the Daily Mail, or the Guardian...

Here's a big clue for you dumb shits next time around...there aren't a rash of gunshot wounds in rural Oklahoma.
This is what we’re up against, constant drum beats vibrating lies. Those who fight for truth can and will (eventually) call the outcome. It requires staying the course and continuing to call out and/or engage those who parrot national media sourced lies. Some knowingly parrot deception while the uninformed bite hook, line, sinker and repeat.
What happened to the two source rule? One simple phone call could have...and eventually did...reveal the fakeness of this news...but that call wasn't made by MSNBC, Rolling Stone, the Daily Mail, or the Guardian...

Actually there were things made up, "on both sides". The Ivermectin study cited has been taken down because a phony data, and flawed conclusions.

ivermectin as Covid treatment withdrawn over ethical concerns

Jul 15, 2021 — The preprint endorsing ivermectin as a coronavirus therapy has been widely cited, but independent researchers find glaring discrepancies

This is what we’re up against, constant drum beats vibrating lies. Those who fight for truth can and will (eventually) call the outcome. It requires staying the course and continuing to call out and/or engage those who parrot national media sourced lies. Some knowingly parrot deception while the uninformed bite hook, line, sinker and repeat.

Stop the steal?
Two more studies supporting the use of human Ivermectin for COVID-19. A five-day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness - PubMed

This is what we’re up against, constant drum beats vibrating lies. Those who fight for truth can and will (eventually) call the outcome. It requires staying the course and continuing to call out and/or engage those who parrot national media sourced lies. Some knowingly parrot deception while the uninformed bite hook, line, sinker and repeat.

As I pointed. Stop the steal?

No. Wrong drum lol

If the drum fits?
Actually there were things made up, "on both sides". The Ivermectin study cited has been taken down because a phony data, and flawed conclusions.

ivermectin as Covid treatment withdrawn over ethical concerns

Jul 15, 2021 — The preprint endorsing ivermectin as a coronavirus therapy has been widely cited, but independent researchers find glaring discrepancies

There will come a day, when all the lies can no longer support themselves and they will all implode on themselves..........and the truth will be undeniable by anyone.

What happened to the two source rule? One simple phone call could have...and eventually did...reveal the fakeness of this news...but that call wasn't made by MSNBC, Rolling Stone, the Daily Mail, or the Guardian...

Here's a big clue for you dumb shits next time around...there aren't a rash of gunshot wounds in rural Oklahoma.
Only the most gullible in this Country still believe ANYTHING the Marxist Fake News MSM publishes today.

There is a good reason to give ivermectin to afghan refugees. Because 1/4 of them suffer from parasites.

Among adults, 9/37 (24.3%) patients were infected with intestinal parasites including Ascaris lumbricoides and Giardia intestinalis. Conclusions: The Afghan community, living in poor sanitary conditions with limited access to health services, is one of the most infected populations in the world.

Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug that is used to treat river blindness and intestinal roundworm infection in humans
Hospitals should be aggressively treating patients with Ivermectin and HCQ but they still largely refuse to do so. Ask yourself who benefits from hospitals packed with Covid patients.

You might have a point if the USA were the only medical system on the planet. But there are over 170 other countries who aren't influenced, and they haven't been able to demonstrate statistically significant success.
Small minded Democrat bigots just have a hard time admitting someone else could be right. India says Ivermectin almost single handedly kept New Delhi from imploding. Just imagine how many lives could be saved if Democrats weren't so closed minded and stubborn. There's a lot of blood on Democrats hands for blocking the use of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. And our media goes right along with these killers. What they're doing is evil.
Actually there were things made up, "on both sides". The Ivermectin study cited has been taken down because a phony data, and flawed conclusions.

ivermectin as Covid treatment withdrawn over ethical concerns

Jul 15, 2021 — The preprint endorsing ivermectin as a coronavirus therapy has been widely cited, but independent researchers find glaring discrepancies

As you should know, that is not the subject of this thread. If you want to discuss the effectiveness of the drug, start a thread.
As you should know, that is not the subject of this thread. If you want to discuss the effectiveness of the drug, start a thread.
The subject is fake ivermectin stories. That would include fake stories "on both sides"
Fake Ivermectin story spread by leftist media...

Of course, refusing to talk about fake ivermectin stories spread by the right is par for the course.
Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug that is used to treat river blindness and intestinal roundworm infection in humans
Then why would NPR call it Horse Medicine?

[Joe Rogan's] methods included taking ivermectin, a deworming veterinary drug that is formulated for use in cows and horses.

Another lie from the leftist media.

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