Fake News CNN Attacks President Trump For Commenting on South Africa's Zimbambe-like Policies


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Opps, fake news CNN probably should have continued to be silent like other fake news stations such as MSNBC on the White genocide that Brock Obama recently celebrated in South Africa.
White genocide seems to be right up there on CNN's favored policies. I am sure that just like NYT they have hired plenty of people intent on #CancellingWhitePeople.
Fake news CNN opened up a pandoras box. They had no choice because President Trump exposed the truth. Here is a video that goes over some history of South Africa with the current atrocities committed against White farmers and their families. Like with several American Indian tribes, some Afro African tribes were genocidal savages from way back.

Civilized South Africans are celebrating the fact President Trump is addressing the White genocide in South Africa. Another slap in the face to Brock Hussaine Obama and The Swamp.

Civilized South Africans are celebrating the fact President Trump is addressing the White genocide in South Africa. Another slap in the face to Brock Hussaine Obama and The Swamp.

Preventing white genocide should be illegal.
There is no white genocide going on in South Africa. This is just a pathetic attempt at deflection from the skuzzball and crook in the White house. Don't buy into this bullshit from a desperate and pathetic right wing.

To put in terms the desperate right can understand: You are all butthurt over Cohen and Manafort and you are scared to death of Trump going down.
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These very troubling policies need reform. Repeal and replace.


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