Fake news kingpin CNN caught editing footage of the Inauguration crowd


USA POLITICS TODAY| Leave it to CNN to try something that you would only think possible in the Soviet Union, but that is the level of propaganda that they have stooped to at this point.

They are beyond desperate to save themselves and are now going to radically left that they are about to fall off the edge.
Here is a photo of the actual crowd and as you can tell it is packed all the way back to the Washington Monument! They couldn’t fit anybody else in there!....................................read more

When it comes to CNN nothing new here as most of the public is becoming more and more aware of CNN and their lies that is why most dub it Clinton News Network.

Did you also watch Fox News, ABC, NBC, Washington post, Chicago News etc. plus other foreign countries correspondents?
Editing this kind of coverage to make it look different from actual is beyond belief.

You also posted about Obama's house in DC building 3 feet fence. You made it a very big deal as if he is building border wall 30 feet tall. His wall is only 3 feet tall as decoration and only front of the his house.
How much FAKE can you be?
Trump only represents 65 millions of Americans it does not represents majority of Americans.
Are you watching the anti Trump rally all over the country and other countries? Are those fake too? Get real.

The word you were looking for is "foot" not feet.
And the height of barry's wall is much higher than three feet.
Why do you lie so much?

Another part of the parade route that was significantly absent of people were the bleachers next to the White House. Trump's staff said it was because of scheduling problems and they couldn't get the people from a luncheon to the parade on time.

There were a lot of empty seats in the stands along Trump's parade route
Who gives a fuck? How stupid can you be. Trump supporters were at work. They did their part in November.

I'm just saying that it's interesting that Trump's staff couldn't get the logistics right for shuttling people from a luncheon to the parade. Simple stuff actually, at least, if you have ANY kind of organization skills at all. And, if they absolutely had to make sure just ONE place was full, the bleachers next to the White House would have been prime real estate.

I also find it interesting that the places where tickets were not required were fairly full, but the places where tickets were required were pretty empty.
Another part of the parade route that was significantly absent of people were the bleachers next to the White House. Trump's staff said it was because of scheduling problems and they couldn't get the people from a luncheon to the parade on time.

There were a lot of empty seats in the stands along Trump's parade route
Who gives a fuck? How stupid can you be. Trump supporters were at work. They did their part in November.

I'm just saying that it's interesting that Trump's staff couldn't get the logistics right for shuttling people from a luncheon to the parade. Simple stuff actually, at least, if you have ANY kind of organization skills at all. And, if they absolutely had to make sure just ONE place was full, the bleachers next to the White House would have been prime real estate.

I also find it interesting that the places where tickets were not required were fairly full, but the places where tickets were required were pretty empty.
Again...what does this have to do with anything about the presidency?
This has to do with a fake OP.

The real true news is that the crowd today protesting is two to three times larger than the one yesterday for Trump.
This has to do with a fake OP.

The real true news is that the crowd today protesting is two to three times larger than the one yesterday for Trump.
They can't actually demonstrate "fake news." All they can do is whine about CNN showing a full shot of the mall which showed a lack-luster turnout for President Tinkles.
To edit or not to edit!

That is the question.......

And when it comes to CNN aka Communist News Network aka Fake News.....the answer is to edit!

....and heavily.

Twist the truth to the point nobody believes you anymore. :dunno:
All companies edit footage. The fact is that at least two times the number from yesterday is attending the march today in DC.

That's true news and when you pull 'fake news' you will get shoved up your ass. Every time.

Active collusion you fascist fake news propaganda whores:

Cruz on CNN
From [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2016-04-28 15:17 Subject: Cruz on CNN
CNN is looking for questions. Please send some topical/interesting ones. Maybe a couple on Fiorina. Someone please take point and send them all together by 3pm. Thank you!

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

RE: Trump Questions for CNN
From:D[email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2016-04-25 12:40 Subject: RE: Trump Questions for CNN
Kelly is making a few edits From: Freundlich, Christina Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 10:34 AM To: Roberts, Kelly; Dillon, Lauren; Sarge, Matthew; Graham, Caroline; Walker, Eric; Bauer, Nick; Brinster, Jeremy Subject: RE: Trump Questions for CNN Obviously I think these are all great. lauren? From: Roberts, Kelly Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 10:21 AM To: Dillon, Lauren; Freundlich, Christina; Sarge, Matthew; Graham, Caroline; Walker, Eric; Bauer, Nick; Brinster, Jeremy Subject: RE: Trump Questions for CNN This is the list Brinster, Sarge and I came up with: - Who helped you write the foreign policy speech you're giving tomorrow? Which advisors specifically did you talk to? What advice did they give you? Did they give you any advice that you chose not to take? - CIA Director Brennan and former CIA Director Hayden have both said that our military and intelligence officers might refuse to follow some of your orders if you were president. What would you do if the military refused to listen to you? Should they be court-martialed if they refuse to follow orders? - You've said you look to Ambassador John Bolton for military advice and called him "terrific," but he was one of the architects of the Iraq war. How do you explain your praise for Bolton if you also claim the war was a mistake? What advice have you taken from him? * TODD: "Who do you talk to for military advice right now?" TRUMP: "Well, I watch the shows. I really see a lot of great -- when you watch your show and all of the other shows and you have the generals and you have certain people that you like." TODD: "But is there somebody -- is there a go to for you?" TRUMP: "Probably there are two or three." TODD: "Every presidential candidate has a go-to." TRUMP: "Well, probably there are two or three. I like Bolton, I think he's a tough cookie, knows what he's talking about. Jacobs is a good guy." TODD: "Do you mean Ambassador John Bolton--" TRUMP: "Yes. I think he's terrific--." [Meet The Press, NBC, 8/16/15] - Do you think American victims of 9/11 should be able to sue Saudi Arabia in court? What role, if any, do you think Saudi Arabia had in the 9/11 attacks? - You've said we should have bombed the "right people" after 9/11 and have suggested that the government has evidence Saudi Arabia was involved. Do you think we should have instead bombed Saudi Arabia? * Trump Said We Needed To Bomb The "Right People," The "People That Knocked Down The World Trade Center" And That Was Not Saddam Hussein. TRUMP: "No, I'm saying that, certainly, it would have been nice if the federal government could have given some of the trillion dollars that we've spent on Iraq. And by the way, I'm worse of a hawk than anybody. I'm worse than Roger Ailes, and that's pretty bad, OK? But you've got to bomb the right people. You've got to bomb the right -- the people that knocked down the World Trade Center. It was not the people of Iraq, and it was not Saddam Hussein. It's sort of interesting. Saddam Hussein used to kill terrorists. Now Iraq is a breeding ground for terrorists. I mean, that's the Harvard of terrorism. So it's a very, very sad situation." [Cavuto, Fox Business, 12/17/08] * Trump Suggested The Redacted Pages Of The 9/11 Report Would Reveal That Saudi Arabia Blew Up The World Trade Center. "'Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn't the Iraqis, it was Saudi - take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents,' Trump told the gang at Fox & Friends Wednesday morning, after defending his bizarre theory that George W. Bush was president on September 11. Trump appeared to be referencing the 28 pages that were redacted from the 2002 Joint Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks." [New York Magazine, 2/17/16<Donald Trump Suggested Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11 Multiple Times Wednesday>] - Would you order U.S. troops to withdraw from South Korea, and if so, how quickly? - How many military bases do you think the U.S. should have in Southeast Asia? - President Obama recently announced he's sending 250 U.S. special operations troops to Syria to help in the fight against ISIS. How many U.S. troops do you think need to be sent to Syria/Iraq and what do they need to do there? - You've said that the U.S. disproportionately funded the U.N., should we cut our funding to the United Nations? How much should we reduce it by? If we get nothing out of the U.N, why should we continue to be a member of it? * Trump Said We Disproportionately Funded The United Nations And Got Nothing Out Of It. TRUMP: "You know, I'll give you another one, I talked about NATO and we fund disproportionately, the United Nations, we get nothing out of the United Nations other than good real estate prices. We get nothing out of the United Nations. They don't respect us, they don't do what we want, and yet we fund them disproportionately again. Why are we always the ones that funds everybody disproportionately, you know? So everything is like that." [New York Times Interview, 3/26/16<http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/27/us/politics/donald-trump-transcript.html?_r=0>] - Which international organizations should the U.S. be a member of? Which treaties do you think it is valuable the U.S. remain a part of? - In 2000, you said you supported a pre-emptive strike against North Korea if it would keep them from getting nuclear weapons. Do you still support that? * Trump: Am I Ready To Bomb North Korea's Reactor? "You're Damned Right." "What would I do in North Korea? Fair question. It's easy to point out the problem, but what should we do to solve it? Am I ready to bomb this reactor? You're damned right." [Donald Trump, The America We Deserve, 1/15/00] * Trump: "A Surgical Strike Would Not Only Put Out The Fire In North Korea, But It Would Also Send A Message Around The World That The United States Is Going To Eliminate Any Serious Threat To Its Security, And Do So Without Apology." [Donald Trump, The America We Deserve, 1/15/00] From: Dillon, Lauren Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 9:05 AM To: Freundlich, Christina; Roberts, Kelly; Sarge, Matthew; Graham, Caroline; Walker, Eric; Bauer, Nick; Brinster, Jeremy Subject: Re: Trump Questions for CNN Reminder Kelly please take lead. Folks, send your questions and any necessary backup to Kelly. On Apr 24, 2016, at 10:24 PM, Dillon, Lauren <[email protected]<mailto:D[email protected]>> wrote: Wolf Blitzer is interviewing Trump on Tues ahead of his foreign policy address on Wed. Please send me thoughts by 10:30 AM tomorrow. Thanks!

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database
You people are no better than RT, Press TV, or Al Jazeera, fascist pigs.
Last edited:
All companies edit footage. The fact is that at least two times the number from yesterday is attending the march today in DC.

That's true news and when you pull 'fake news' you will get shoved up your ass. Every time.

Well fakey, you should know this, there's editing, and then there's "editing". Editing for propaganda purposes is what we are seeing here. Now aren't we....
The far right got knocked on their asses today, period, across the country.

Listen up, Trump, callsignchaos, and westwall. Your kind was put on notice today across the country.
All companies edit footage. The fact is that at least two times the number from yesterday is attending the march today in DC.
That's true news and when you pull 'fake news' you will get shoved up your ass. Every time.
Well fakey, you should know this, there's editing, and then there's "editing". Editing for propaganda purposes is what we are seeing here. Now aren't we....
Yes definitely in the OP, as side by side photos taken at the same time on each day clearly show.


USA POLITICS TODAY| Leave it to CNN to try something that you would only think possible in the Soviet Union, but that is the level of propaganda that they have stooped to at this point.

They are beyond desperate to save themselves and are now going to radically left that they are about to fall off the edge.
Here is a photo of the actual crowd and as you can tell it is packed all the way back to the Washington Monument! They couldn’t fit anybody else in there!....................................read more

When it comes to CNN nothing new here as most of the public is becoming more and more aware of CNN and their lies that is why most dub it Clinton News Network.
WASHINGTON — The Interior Department began tweeting again Saturday, a day after an employee shared tweets that appeared unsympathetic to President Donald Trump and prompted a temporary, department-wide freeze on tweeting from its official accounts.

The Twitter prohibition came Friday after the official account of the National Park Service — a bureau of the department — retweeted a pair of posts to its 315,000 followers that seemed to be a swipe at Trump on his initial day in office. The first was a photo that compared the crowd gathered on the National Mall for Trump to the much-larger gathering that stood in the same spot eight years earlier for President Barack Obama's swearing-in.
National Park Service tweeting again after suspension
The second pointed out that webpages about some issues, including climate change and civil rights, had been removed from the White House site.

A conspiracy theorist calling real news "fake"?

No irony there. Lol
If Trump's inauguration numbers where comparable to the former President, this place would have scores of threads celebrating that fact, but they weren't.

In the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter, the only turnout that mattered were those in the key swings state that voted for President Trump on Election Day.
The Trump press secretary is creating fake news right, including the internet and "all the people" in the world watching Trump was bigger than Obama.

Stop: we are talking about Trump's small turn out yesterday and the much larger turn out today, not only in DC but across the nation and the world.

Trump says he's going to hold the press responsible because it reports the truth.

The media and all of America is going to bear down on Trump. He will be held responsible, you bet.

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