Fake News Triumphed this election

This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.
The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.
Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.
What a load of bullshit.

Clinton got a rapist of a 12 year old girl off via use of legalistic tricks that had nothing to do with merely representing her client. Evidence was throne out that proved the mans guilt and she is recorded admitting she knew he was guilty and she laughed recuringly throughout the interview.

And she most certainly did leave 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, though Dimocrats and the leftwing major media did their damned bets to bury the story.

"Fake news site" does not mean what the left wants it to mean; "Any conservative news outlet that disagrees with them."
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist

More opinions and not facts

Hillary's own words in 1980

What's your point?
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
The dude got time served and probation, and did not spend one additional day in jail after the prosecution was boondoggled into a deal.

Just ask the victim if she thinks she got justice; she does not.

See this is what is so typical of the "Thats fake news" line of argument. It is 100% based on semantics and technical contortions that belie the underlying Truth of what is said.

If your 12 year old daughter got raped by a 40ish year old male who then got a few months of previous jail time as time served with a a handful of years under probation, you would be outraged; admit it or be a lying punk.
If it were my daughter I'd want the dude castrated and lock in a cage. That said, the claim that Hillary got the guy off and laughed about it, is jut BS. She, made her case, which was her job, plead to a 5 year sentence which the opposing attorney accepted, and then the judge made the decision about the sentence time. Why is nobody going after the judge or prosecutor?

I've heard the recording of her laughing and it was not tasteful at all. It was also many years later and a snip of a secret recording, who knows what the context was, she could have been laughing at the irony, or obserdity of what happened.

All in all, I don't know what your gripe is over what happened. Take the recording out of the picture, what did she do wrong?
That she engaged in shenanigans to get he guy off is what goes way beyond the normal public defender role. The little manuever Hillary pulled was unexpected by the prosecutor and he lost he primary evidence in his case, and so agreed to the plea deal.

Then Hillary campaigns as the defender of children and women, roflmao, she is the biggest hypocrit on the planet as are the libtards who defend her conduct in the 12 year old girls rape case and her silencing of her husbands victims. But I guess that is just fake news too, huh?
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
The dude got time served and probation, and did not spend one additional day in jail after the prosecution was boondoggled into a deal.

Just ask the victim if she thinks she got justice; she does not.

See this is what is so typical of the "Thats fake news" line of argument. It is 100% based on semantics and technical contortions that belie the underlying Truth of what is said.

If your 12 year old daughter got raped by a 40ish year old male who then got a few months of previous jail time as time served with a a handful of years under probation, you would be outraged; admit it or be a lying punk.
If it were my daughter I'd want the dude castrated and lock in a cage. That said, the claim that Hillary got the guy off and laughed about it, is jut BS. She, made her case, which was her job, plead to a 5 year sentence which the opposing attorney accepted, and then the judge made the decision about the sentence time. Why is nobody going after the judge or prosecutor?

I've heard the recording of her laughing and it was not tasteful at all. It was also many years later and a snip of a secret recording, who knows what the context was, she could have been laughing at the irony, or obserdity of what happened.

All in all, I don't know what your gripe is over what happened. Take the recording out of the picture, what did she do wrong?
That she engaged in shenanigans to get he guy off is what goes way beyond the normal public defender role. The little manuever Hillary pulled was unexpected by the prosecutor and he lost he primary evidence in his case, and so agreed to the plea deal.

Then Hillary campaigns as the defender of children and women, roflmao, she is the biggest hypocrit on the planet as are the libtards who defend her conduct in the 12 year old girls rape case and her silencing of her husbands victims. But I guess that is just fake news too, huh?
Under that logic and public defender is dirty and Gilliland of hypocrisy. It's a bad argument, they have a job to do that is essential to our justice system. You are politicizing that and it is BS. You can have your opinions about how she handled the case, that's fine. But you can't deny that there were many lies and mischaracterizations about the situation in the news. Just like the statement that started this conversation "she got a rapist off and laughed about it" you know that is distorted BS
Under that logic and public defender is dirty and Gilliland of hypocrisy. It's a bad argument, they have a job to do that is essential to our justice system. You are politicizing that and it is BS. You can have your opinions about how she handled the case, that's fine. But you can't deny that there were many lies and mischaracterizations about the situation in the news. Just like the statement that started this conversation "she got a rapist off and laughed about it" you know that is distorted BS
1. Hillary could have declined that case. She took it to "make her bones" with the Arkansas legal establishment.

2.Public defenders hardly do more than file paperwork, and they do not engage themselves in elaborate scams to get evidence destroyed by sending it out of state to "labs" that specialize in using up all available evidence so that none is left, which is what she did.

3. And then for her to laugh about it years later after posing for 30+ years as the champion of women and children is just a window into Hillary's soulless existence.
This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.
The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.
Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.
What a load of bullshit.

Clinton got a rapist of a 12 year old girl off via use of legalistic tricks that had nothing to do with merely representing her client. Evidence was throne out that proved the mans guilt and she is recorded admitting she knew he was guilty and she laughed recuringly throughout the interview.

And she most certainly did leave 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, though Dimocrats and the leftwing major media did their damned bets to bury the story.

"Fake news site" does not mean what the left wants it to mean; "Any conservative news outlet that disagrees with them."

All of this is bullshit, debunked 1,000 times. You're a willfully ignorant shill for the Con-Artist-In-Chief.

Debunked by whom?


Nothing was debunked.. Your confusing opinions from facts again


By facts. Court documents. Remember all the investigations we paid Congress for.
Under that logic and public defender is dirty and Gilliland of hypocrisy. It's a bad argument, they have a job to do that is essential to our justice system. You are politicizing that and it is BS. You can have your opinions about how she handled the case, that's fine. But you can't deny that there were many lies and mischaracterizations about the situation in the news. Just like the statement that started this conversation "she got a rapist off and laughed about it" you know that is distorted BS
1. Hillary could have declined that case. She took it to "make her bones" with the Arkansas legal establishment.

2.Public defenders hardly do more than file paperwork, and they do not engage themselves in elaborate scams to get evidence destroyed by sending it out of state to "labs" that specialize in using up all available evidence so that none is left, which is what she did.

3. And then for her to laugh about it years later after posing for 30+ years as the champion of women and children is just a window into Hillary's soulless existence.

Jimbo proves himself to be a liar once again.
Under that logic and public defender is dirty and Gilliland of hypocrisy. It's a bad argument, they have a job to do that is essential to our justice system. You are politicizing that and it is BS. You can have your opinions about how she handled the case, that's fine. But you can't deny that there were many lies and mischaracterizations about the situation in the news. Just like the statement that started this conversation "she got a rapist off and laughed about it" you know that is distorted BS
1. Hillary could have declined that case. She took it to "make her bones" with the Arkansas legal establishment.

2.Public defenders hardly do more than file paperwork, and they do not engage themselves in elaborate scams to get evidence destroyed by sending it out of state to "labs" that specialize in using up all available evidence so that none is left, which is what she did.

3. And then for her to laugh about it years later after posing for 30+ years as the champion of women and children is just a window into Hillary's soulless existence.
Point taken, I respectfully disagree with your perspective on the points. I am not a Clinton fan, but I also hate all the distortion and politicalization going on in our media, this is one example.
It always does. American 'News' is fake. It has been for many years. Funny that it took the corrupt Clintons losing, for Democrats to wake up. Of course American 'News' is fake...

Who determines what's fake, myth or real?

Left wing propagandists

So when you read that the clintons were involved in pedophilia or that HRC had an affair with Yoko Ono, your first thought was, “Typical…the liberal media isn’t covering these facts?”

No, my first thought was move those threads to the Rubber Room or Conspiracy Theory section because anyone with more than a second grade education knows extreme claims like that are bullshit. Those examples were not the norm of what was reported.
Under that logic and public defender is dirty and Gilliland of hypocrisy. It's a bad argument, they have a job to do that is essential to our justice system. You are politicizing that and it is BS. You can have your opinions about how she handled the case, that's fine. But you can't deny that there were many lies and mischaracterizations about the situation in the news. Just like the statement that started this conversation "she got a rapist off and laughed about it" you know that is distorted BS
1. Hillary could have declined that case. She took it to "make her bones" with the Arkansas legal establishment.

2.Public defenders hardly do more than file paperwork, and they do not engage themselves in elaborate scams to get evidence destroyed by sending it out of state to "labs" that specialize in using up all available evidence so that none is left, which is what she did.

3. And then for her to laugh about it years later after posing for 30+ years as the champion of women and children is just a window into Hillary's soulless existence.

What the fuck do you know about what Public Defenders do, you worthless sack of shit?
Who determines what's fake, myth or real?

Left wing propagandists

So when you read that the clintons were involved in pedophilia or that HRC had an affair with Yoko Ono, your first thought was, “Typical…the liberal media isn’t covering these facts?”

No, my first thought was move those threads to the Rubber Room or Conspiracy Theory section because anyone with more than a second grade education knows extreme claims like that are bullshit. Those examples were not the norm of what was reported.

Yet Hillary's kill list WAS the norm. Hillary leaving 4 to die in Benghazi WAS the norm. Hillary "freeing a rapist" WAS the norm. All that shit was the "norm", and if it wasn't reported. it was deemed a lefty conspiracy.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't. The electors have never departed en masse from the EC. Then again, no other candidate has so thoroughly and completely won the popular vote yet lost the election. We're in uncharted waters. The country resoundingly rejected Trump, yet he'll be president. The electors may take notice of that.
I just don't see it happening.

Had all eligible voters participated and the outcome were different I would think most would accept it.

You can't stay home on election day and then complain.

With the availability of absentee ballots and early voting there was and is no excuse.

Meh. Voter ID laws have become more aggressive, and many millions in the country don't have photo ID (they don't drive, some were poor and never born in a hospital, etc.).

I agree, may stayed home, and those people should STFU. But there is a significant portion of the population (a plurality of them Democrats) who were denied voting when they wanted to.

Voter Suppression Laws Are Working

North Carolina GOP Brags Racist Voter Suppression Is Working—and They’re Right

I have never seen anyone who was denied a right to vote for the 40 years in 4 States that I have resided in.

I've seen people show up and not have ID or not on the rolls and fill out a provisional ballot and have it submitted.

"Your honor, I object!"
"On what basis?"
"My own personal experience and feelings!"

-Said no judge in a court of law or equity EVER
Save it.

I never said it doesn't happen.

I've never seen anyone denied the right to vote.

For these 40 years I have been a Democrat and I would have informed the party that they have a right to a preliminary ballot.

I don't give a fuck what you've seen or haven't seen. You're one person. I'm reading reports and empirical data. Save your anecdotes for someone who wants to be impressed with you.

This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.

The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.

Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.

Generally most of the far left news is fake news, but the far left religious followers swallow it like it is the gospel.
This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.
The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.
Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.
What a load of bullshit.

Clinton got a rapist of a 12 year old girl off via use of legalistic tricks that had nothing to do with merely representing her client. Evidence was throne out that proved the mans guilt and she is recorded admitting she knew he was guilty and she laughed recuringly throughout the interview.

And she most certainly did leave 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, though Dimocrats and the leftwing major media did their damned bets to bury the story.

"Fake news site" does not mean what the left wants it to mean; "Any conservative news outlet that disagrees with them."
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist

More opinions and not facts

Hillary's own words in 1980

What's your point?

What do you mean what's my point?

The facts remain Hillary volunteered to take a rape case, got him off on a plea bargain and laughed about it a decade later...

Then decades later every one changes their tune.

You post a link to scopes who rated it mostly false. How the heck is that debunking anything?

The Op says it's been debunked 1,000s of times and again I say debunked by whom?

.a left leaning blog?
With the help of Wilkileaks, this election season proved the MSM is "fake news."

You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
The dude got time served and probation, and did not spend one additional day in jail after the prosecution was boondoggled into a deal.

Just ask the victim if she thinks she got justice; she does not.

See this is what is so typical of the "Thats fake news" line of argument. It is 100% based on semantics and technical contortions that belie the underlying Truth of what is said.

If your 12 year old daughter got raped by a 40ish year old male who then got a few months of previous jail time as time served with a a handful of years under probation, you would be outraged; admit it or be a lying punk.
If it were my daughter I'd want the dude castrated and lock in a cage. That said, the claim that Hillary got the guy off and laughed about it, is jut BS. She, made her case, which was her job, plead to a 5 year sentence which the opposing attorney accepted, and then the judge made the decision about the sentence time. Why is nobody going after the judge or prosecutor?

I've heard the recording of her laughing and it was not tasteful at all. It was also many years later and a snip of a secret recording, who knows what the context was, she could have been laughing at the irony, or obserdity of what happened.

All in all, I don't know what your gripe is over what happened. Take the recording out of the picture, what did she do wrong?

Guess you missed the part the girls mom didn't want the case to go to trial... And you just admitted that the Op was lying by saying it was a fake story..
Hillary didn't do anything wrong she did her job just like trump didn't do anything wrong about using laws on the books to help him.

But Hillary was a hypocrite for saying she was always for womens rights... She didn't have to take that case this is America not North Korea.

This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.
The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.
Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.
What a load of bullshit.

Clinton got a rapist of a 12 year old girl off via use of legalistic tricks that had nothing to do with merely representing her client. Evidence was throne out that proved the mans guilt and she is recorded admitting she knew he was guilty and she laughed recuringly throughout the interview.

And she most certainly did leave 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, though Dimocrats and the leftwing major media did their damned bets to bury the story.

"Fake news site" does not mean what the left wants it to mean; "Any conservative news outlet that disagrees with them."
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist

More opinions and not facts

Hillary's own words in 1980

What's your point?

What do you mean what's my point?

The facts remain Hillary volunteered to take a rape case, got him off on a plea bargain and laughed about it a decade later...

Then decades later every one changes their tune.

You post a link to scopes who rated it mostly false. How the heck is that debunking anything?

The Op says it's been debunked 1,000s of times and again I say debunked by whom?

.a left leaning blog?

Read the whole snopes link. It isn't all opinion there are facts that debunk your argument
What a load of bullshit.

Clinton got a rapist of a 12 year old girl off via use of legalistic tricks that had nothing to do with merely representing her client. Evidence was throne out that proved the mans guilt and she is recorded admitting she knew he was guilty and she laughed recuringly throughout the interview.

And she most certainly did leave 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, though Dimocrats and the leftwing major media did their damned bets to bury the story.

"Fake news site" does not mean what the left wants it to mean; "Any conservative news outlet that disagrees with them."
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist

More opinions and not facts

Hillary's own words in 1980

What's your point?

What do you mean what's my point?

The facts remain Hillary volunteered to take a rape case, got him off on a plea bargain and laughed about it a decade later...

Then decades later every one changes their tune.

You post a link to scopes who rated it mostly false. How the heck is that debunking anything?

The Op says it's been debunked 1,000s of times and again I say debunked by whom?

.a left leaning blog?

Read the whole snopes link. It isn't all opinion there are facts that debunk your argument

I read the entire thing.. The OPINION was mostly false.. So what does that tell a bi partisan guy? Who knows scopes leans left?

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