Fake News Triumphed this election

The N.Y. Times all but admitted that they skewed the news because they favored Hillary and ditto most of the other mainstream media. The N.Y. Daily news (trimming most of it's staff after the election) was so out of control that even the democrat base treated it like a stupid tabloid and Google even admitted to fixing the search engine to show only good things about Hillary. It seems to me that fake news lost. How the hell did they triumph?
Who determines what's fake, myth or real?

Left wing propagandists

So when you read that the clintons were involved in pedophilia or that HRC had an affair with Yoko Ono, your first thought was, “Typical…the liberal media isn’t covering these facts?”
The ONLY place I ever heard that nonsense was here. Not on any tv network.

Try again

Yeah, that’s my point. And that when the “nonsense” was brought up, there wasn’t a syllable of objection from the right wingers. I guess when you sell BS for a living as Trump does, you wonder about supply when the demand is insatiable from his supporters.
Yes........free speech...that is the problem....I know....how about we let the democrats decide what the "Real News" is.....as Tucker Carlson pointed out on his new show.......we should let obama decide what real news is...you know, the guy who lied about keeping your doctor and your insurance, who lied about the IRS targeting conservatives, and the NSA spying on us.....yeah...that's the ticket....
Who determines what's fake, myth or real?

Left wing propagandists

So when you read that the clintons were involved in pedophilia or that HRC had an affair with Yoko Ono, your first thought was, “Typical…the liberal media isn’t covering these facts?”
The ONLY place I ever heard that nonsense was here. Not on any tv network.

Try again

Yeah, that’s my point. And that when the “nonsense” was brought up, there wasn’t a syllable of objection from the right wingers. I guess when you sell BS for a living as Trump does, you wonder about supply when the demand is insatiable from his supporters.
The op is talking about news and you're talking about Internet trolling. Big difference
Who determines what's fake, myth or real?

Left wing propagandists

So when you read that the clintons were involved in pedophilia or that HRC had an affair with Yoko Ono, your first thought was, “Typical…the liberal media isn’t covering these facts?”
The ONLY place I ever heard that nonsense was here. Not on any tv network.

Try again

Yeah, that’s my point. And that when the “nonsense” was brought up, there wasn’t a syllable of objection from the right wingers. I guess when you sell BS for a living as Trump does, you wonder about supply when the demand is insatiable from his supporters.

Candyass obongo sold the world a lot of B/S...
Who determines what's fake, myth or real?

Left wing propagandists

So when you read that the clintons were involved in pedophilia or that HRC had an affair with Yoko Ono, your first thought was, “Typical…the liberal media isn’t covering these facts?”
The ONLY place I ever heard that nonsense was here. Not on any tv network.

Try again

Yeah, that’s my point. And that when the “nonsense” was brought up, there wasn’t a syllable of objection from the right wingers. I guess when you sell BS for a living as Trump does, you wonder about supply when the demand is insatiable from his supporters.
The op is talking about news and you're talking about Internet trolling. Big difference

You simply do not know what you’re talking about.
Left wing propagandists

So when you read that the clintons were involved in pedophilia or that HRC had an affair with Yoko Ono, your first thought was, “Typical…the liberal media isn’t covering these facts?”
The ONLY place I ever heard that nonsense was here. Not on any tv network.

Try again

Yeah, that’s my point. And that when the “nonsense” was brought up, there wasn’t a syllable of objection from the right wingers. I guess when you sell BS for a living as Trump does, you wonder about supply when the demand is insatiable from his supporters.
The op is talking about news and you're talking about Internet trolling. Big difference

You simply do not know what you’re talking about.

This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.

The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.

Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.

Just as I spoke with a guy who, the day after the election, went on a rant about how he doesn't want to see things about the election, or people's opinions on Facebook, he just wanted them to all have nice happy stories to tell.

Reality is beyond most people. They want their entertainment to be happy and light, and Facebook, the News, the election etc, they're their entertainment.
Guess what the OP is bull shit. MAINSTREAM MEDIA is so biased they don't even try to hide it and they are so untruthful, and purely vile in their agenda IT is disgusting to even see one of their scum reporters on TV. The idea of the electors NOT voting as they were selected to do IS a real problem, AND so the losing candidate won the popular vote by about 800,000, In the 50 states Trump won the popular vote by 500,000, Hillary won New York, and California by over 2 million, and got 92% of the DC popular vote, that means that trumps margin in all of the areas he won was much higher than hers. Mathematically provable because her total popular lead was brought down to 800,000 from what should have been 5 or 6 million with the DC, CA, NY, and Northeast votes. Her popular vote lead encompassed a small area of high density population centers. Why should LA, NY, and DC decide for everyone else in the country who is president when their values are not even close to the rest of the countries? You must also try in your ignorance as a liberal to remember that only about 1/4 of the people in this country voted, and about half of them voted for Trump. You have no idea how those who did not vote would have voted, and if you ASSUME those who did not vote would have voted for dabeech, you are making an ASS out of only you. Conversely most Libertarians vote conservative, and if Johnson with average 8 to 10% was not in the race Trump would PROBABLY, but of course speculatively won the popular, and more electoral college votes too. The green party candidate only got 2 to 3% and those would have in the same fashion gone to clinton.
No, my first thought was move those threads to the Rubber Room or Conspiracy Theory section because anyone with more than a second grade education knows extreme claims like that are bullshit. Those examples were not the norm of what was reported.
Testing an assertion for truth by taking the average of known extremes is a fallacy as well is the test of truth by dismissing things that seem extreme, which is bias confirmation.

But then, I am sure you knew that already, so why say shit like that?
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist

More opinions and not facts

Hillary's own words in 1980

What's your point?

What do you mean what's my point?

The facts remain Hillary volunteered to take a rape case, got him off on a plea bargain and laughed about it a decade later...

Then decades later every one changes their tune.

You post a link to scopes who rated it mostly false. How the heck is that debunking anything?

The Op says it's been debunked 1,000s of times and again I say debunked by whom?

.a left leaning blog?

Read the whole snopes link. It isn't all opinion there are facts that debunk your argument

I read the entire thing.. The OPINION was mostly false.. So what does that tell a bi partisan guy? Who knows scopes leans left?

I'd say the author of that one was defending clinton with the opinion elements. Other pieces I've read in snopes have been more objective. The facts are still the facts and those are grossly distorted by Clintons opponents. Research the case from other sources and you'll see the same thing. Plea deal for 5 years accepted by the prosecutor, judge reduced sentence to one year based on the evidence of the case. I wasn't there nor have I read the transcripts but the facts show a very different story than the Right paints
This is hilarious.

"Fake news" = CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NPR

CNN gave the friggin debate questions to Hillary, and still has not come clean about that. This is the "news" that is "real."


70% of Americans no longer believe the bullshit from the "US" media.


The bottom line is this. The LEFT LIES. It ALWAYS lies. The LEFT has never not LIED.

The American people are no longer fooled...

6 major mutinational corporations have come to own your entire media machine since Clinton's deregulation of the FCC. There's your bottom line mang.
Just curious, was congress involved in the deregulation with a Bill or did Clinton do this via an executive order???

I think you well know the answer to that, I tack it to Clinton for two reasons. The time frame reference, and because I don't buy into the right versus left ruse; neither of what gets labeled right or left in this system deserves any loyalty. They are one in the same to me in terms of the societal cannibalization and oppression of the unsubstantial people.

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