Fake News Triumphed this election

Too bad for you Trump won the vote that counted, stop whining and accept it. It's done, over and Trump is President-elect

We cannot accept a man-baby who lied and flimflammed his way into the White House with the help of FBI malfeasance and Facebook "fake news". We cannot accept that. We will NOT accept that.

LOL Then what's your plan, Sloping Brow? You whine about the EC but ignore dem super delegates. You can't even begin to make this shit up

HC won the total number of votes cast in the Democratic Primary. I'm a die-hard Bernie supporter, but she got more votes, period. Super Delegates didn't win it for her.

And anyway, the DNC is a private club. It's not beholden to Democracy, or the Constitution. Same with the RNC. They could've nominated Clint Eastwood if they wanted to.

Your spin is duly noted...I laughed at it but it was noted

It's not spin. Hillary won the people's vote for DNC nomination, AND president.

This is not in any way a Democracy.
Too bad for you Trump won the vote that counted, stop whining and accept it. It's done, over and Trump is President-elect

We cannot accept a man-baby who lied and flimflammed his way into the White House with the help of FBI malfeasance and Facebook "fake news". We cannot accept that. We will NOT accept that.

LOL Then what's your plan, Sloping Brow? You whine about the EC but ignore dem super delegates. You can't even begin to make this shit up

HC won the total number of votes cast in the Democratic Primary. I'm a die-hard Bernie supporter, but she got more votes, period. Super Delegates didn't win it for her.

And anyway, the DNC is a private club. It's not beholden to Democracy, or the Constitution. Same with the RNC. They could've nominated Clint Eastwood if they wanted to.

Your spin is duly noted...I laughed at it but it was noted

It's not spin. Hillary won the people's vote for DNC nomination, AND president.

This is not in any way a Democracy.

You must have snoozed thru the Wikileaks revealing the fix was in on Sanders.
WHEN will the "US" media show us the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon?

WHEN will the "US" media ask the following questions:

1. Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9+ times the ice of the Arctic?
2. If CO2 is melting Arctic Sea ice, why is Antarctic Sea ice growing?
3. Did Obama shut up about climate 2010-2012 because the FBI had a fraud prosecution ready for the climate "scientists?"

That's just it there no "actual" warming or harm being done, it's all "projected" and "predicted" by Computer Models working off of data the "scientists" PROGRAMMED in. It would be funny if it weren't so tragic and stupid.
This is hilarious.

"Fake news" = CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NPR

CNN gave the friggin debate questions to Hillary, and still has not come clean about that. This is the "news" that is "real."


70% of Americans no longer believe the bullshit from the "US" media.


The bottom line is this. The LEFT LIES. It ALWAYS lies. The LEFT has never not LIED.

The American people are no longer fooled...
Don't be ignorant... the Right is just as bad as the Left... both parties run on lies and manipulation
Only if you believe and are party to this manipulation.
This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.
The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.
Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.
What a load of bullshit.

Clinton got a rapist of a 12 year old girl off via use of legalistic tricks that had nothing to do with merely representing her client. Evidence was throne out that proved the mans guilt and she is recorded admitting she knew he was guilty and she laughed recuringly throughout the interview.

And she most certainly did leave 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, though Dimocrats and the leftwing major media did their damned bets to bury the story.

"Fake news site" does not mean what the left wants it to mean; "Any conservative news outlet that disagrees with them."

All of this is bullshit, debunked 1,000 times. You're a willfully ignorant shill for the Con-Artist-In-Chief.

Debunked by whom?


Nothing was debunked.. Your confusing opinions from facts again

We cannot accept a man-baby who lied and flimflammed his way into the White House with the help of FBI malfeasance and Facebook "fake news". We cannot accept that. We will NOT accept that.

LOL Then what's your plan, Sloping Brow? You whine about the EC but ignore dem super delegates. You can't even begin to make this shit up

HC won the total number of votes cast in the Democratic Primary. I'm a die-hard Bernie supporter, but she got more votes, period. Super Delegates didn't win it for her.

And anyway, the DNC is a private club. It's not beholden to Democracy, or the Constitution. Same with the RNC. They could've nominated Clint Eastwood if they wanted to.

Your spin is duly noted...I laughed at it but it was noted

It's not spin. Hillary won the people's vote for DNC nomination, AND president.

This is not in any way a Democracy.

You must have snoozed thru the Wikileaks revealing the fix was in on Sanders.

Even if true - was the so-called "fix" ever used? How was it used? Give us "credible" proof...
This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.
The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.
Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.
What a load of bullshit.

Clinton got a rapist of a 12 year old girl off via use of legalistic tricks that had nothing to do with merely representing her client. Evidence was throne out that proved the mans guilt and she is recorded admitting she knew he was guilty and she laughed recuringly throughout the interview.

And she most certainly did leave 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, though Dimocrats and the leftwing major media did their damned bets to bury the story.

"Fake news site" does not mean what the left wants it to mean; "Any conservative news outlet that disagrees with them."

All of this is bullshit, debunked 1,000 times. You're a willfully ignorant shill for the Con-Artist-In-Chief.
No, it has not been debunked, you stupid fuck. It actually happened, every bit of what I posted did indeed happen.

It isnt made up or fake just because it doesnt fit your Marxist narrative.
It's not spin. Hillary won the people's vote for DNC nomination, AND president.

This is not in any way a Democracy.
No, you freaking ignoramus, we are not a democracy and never have been,.

We are a democratic republic, Twinkle Toes.
This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.
The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.
Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.
What a load of bullshit.

Clinton got a rapist of a 12 year old girl off via use of legalistic tricks that had nothing to do with merely representing her client. Evidence was throne out that proved the mans guilt and she is recorded admitting she knew he was guilty and she laughed recuringly throughout the interview.

And she most certainly did leave 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, though Dimocrats and the leftwing major media did their damned bets to bury the story.

"Fake news site" does not mean what the left wants it to mean; "Any conservative news outlet that disagrees with them."
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
The dude got time served and probation, and did not spend one additional day in jail after the prosecution was boondoggled into a deal.

Just ask the victim if she thinks she got justice; she does not.

See this is what is so typical of the "Thats fake news" line of argument. It is 100% based on semantics and technical contortions that belie the underlying Truth of what is said.

If your 12 year old daughter got raped by a 40ish year old male who then got a few months of previous jail time as time served with a a handful of years under probation, you would be outraged; admit it or be a lying punk.
We cannot accept a man-baby who lied and flimflammed his way into the White House with the help of FBI malfeasance and Facebook "fake news". We cannot accept that. We will NOT accept that.
Doesnt stop it from happening.

Maybe it will, maybe it won't. The electors have never departed en masse from the EC. Then again, no other candidate has so thoroughly and completely won the popular vote yet lost the election. We're in uncharted waters. The country resoundingly rejected Trump, yet he'll be president. The electors may take notice of that.
I just don't see it happening.

Had all eligible voters participated and the outcome were different I would think most would accept it.

You can't stay home on election day and then complain.

With the availability of absentee ballots and early voting there was and is no excuse.

Meh. Voter ID laws have become more aggressive, and many millions in the country don't have photo ID (they don't drive, some were poor and never born in a hospital, etc.).

I agree, may stayed home, and those people should STFU. But there is a significant portion of the population (a plurality of them Democrats) who were denied voting when they wanted to.

Voter Suppression Laws Are Working

North Carolina GOP Brags Racist Voter Suppression Is Working—and They’re Right

I have never seen anyone who was denied a right to vote for the 40 years in 4 States that I have resided in.

I've seen people show up and not have ID or not on the rolls and fill out a provisional ballot and have it submitted.

"Your honor, I object!"
"On what basis?"
"My own personal experience and feelings!"

-Said no judge in a court of law or equity EVER
Doesnt stop it from happening.

Maybe it will, maybe it won't. The electors have never departed en masse from the EC. Then again, no other candidate has so thoroughly and completely won the popular vote yet lost the election. We're in uncharted waters. The country resoundingly rejected Trump, yet he'll be president. The electors may take notice of that.
I just don't see it happening.

Had all eligible voters participated and the outcome were different I would think most would accept it.

You can't stay home on election day and then complain.

With the availability of absentee ballots and early voting there was and is no excuse.

Meh. Voter ID laws have become more aggressive, and many millions in the country don't have photo ID (they don't drive, some were poor and never born in a hospital, etc.).

I agree, may stayed home, and those people should STFU. But there is a significant portion of the population (a plurality of them Democrats) who were denied voting when they wanted to.

Voter Suppression Laws Are Working

North Carolina GOP Brags Racist Voter Suppression Is Working—and They’re Right

I have never seen anyone who was denied a right to vote for the 40 years in 4 States that I have resided in.

I've seen people show up and not have ID or not on the rolls and fill out a provisional ballot and have it submitted.

"Your honor, I object!"
"On what basis?"
"My own personal experience and feelings!"

-Said no judge in a court of law or equity EVER
Your lies do not make it magically true, idiot.
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
The dude got time served and probation, and did not spend one additional day in jail after the prosecution was boondoggled into a deal.

Just ask the victim if she thinks she got justice; she does not.

See this is what is so typical of the "Thats fake news" line of argument. It is 100% based on semantics and technical contortions that belie the underlying Truth of what is said.

If your 12 year old daughter got raped by a 40ish year old male who then got a few months of previous jail time as time served with a a handful of years under probation, you would be outraged; admit it or be a lying punk.
Lol at "prosecution was boondoggled"

They have ALL the power in criminal law. If they were "boondoggled" (don't think you even know what that term means), it was their own fault.
Doesnt stop it from happening.

Maybe it will, maybe it won't. The electors have never departed en masse from the EC. Then again, no other candidate has so thoroughly and completely won the popular vote yet lost the election. We're in uncharted waters. The country resoundingly rejected Trump, yet he'll be president. The electors may take notice of that.
I just don't see it happening.

Had all eligible voters participated and the outcome were different I would think most would accept it.

You can't stay home on election day and then complain.

With the availability of absentee ballots and early voting there was and is no excuse.

Meh. Voter ID laws have become more aggressive, and many millions in the country don't have photo ID (they don't drive, some were poor and never born in a hospital, etc.).

I agree, may stayed home, and those people should STFU. But there is a significant portion of the population (a plurality of them Democrats) who were denied voting when they wanted to.

Voter Suppression Laws Are Working

North Carolina GOP Brags Racist Voter Suppression Is Working—and They’re Right

I have never seen anyone who was denied a right to vote for the 40 years in 4 States that I have resided in.

I've seen people show up and not have ID or not on the rolls and fill out a provisional ballot and have it submitted.

"Your honor, I object!"
"On what basis?"
"My own personal experience and feelings!"

-Said no judge in a court of law or equity EVER
Save it.

I never said it doesn't happen.

I've never seen anyone denied the right to vote.

For these 40 years I have been a Democrat and I would have informed the party that they have a right to a preliminary ballot.
This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.
The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.
Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.
What a load of bullshit.

Clinton got a rapist of a 12 year old girl off via use of legalistic tricks that had nothing to do with merely representing her client. Evidence was throne out that proved the mans guilt and she is recorded admitting she knew he was guilty and she laughed recuringly throughout the interview.

And she most certainly did leave 4 Americans to die in Benghazi, though Dimocrats and the leftwing major media did their damned bets to bury the story.

"Fake news site" does not mean what the left wants it to mean; "Any conservative news outlet that disagrees with them."
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist

More opinions and not facts

Hillary's own words in 1980


This jives with what I saw. People repeating ridiculously debunked rumors picked up SUBSTANTIALLY on my feed in October. The Clinton bodybags myth really caught fire, the allegation she "freed a rapist" and "laughed at the victim" -- both thoroughly debunked by real outlets -- was bandied about religiously. Lies repeated about "leaving people to die" in Benghazi and other atrocious articles that made no effort to address policy.

The # 1 victim of this election was truth. And if 60% of people get their news from social media (lol @ that), that's no small thing.

Small wonder we elected an Internet Troll President.
Who determines what's fake, myth or real?

You? The partisan media?
This is hilarious.

"Fake news" = CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NPR

CNN gave the friggin debate questions to Hillary, and still has not come clean about that. This is the "news" that is "real."


70% of Americans no longer believe the bullshit from the "US" media.


The bottom line is this. The LEFT LIES. It ALWAYS lies. The LEFT has never not LIED.

The American people are no longer fooled...

6 major mutinational corporations have come to own your entire media machine since Clinton's deregulation of the FCC. There's your bottom line mang.
Just curious, was congress involved in the deregulation with a Bill or did Clinton do this via an executive order???
You prove the OPs point. The rapist you just said Clinton got off, didn't get off, he plead guilty and there was a plea deal which is how over 90% of cases end. He got a 5 year sentences which the judge sispended 4 years, so he served a year.

Wanna start being honest now?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
The dude got time served and probation, and did not spend one additional day in jail after the prosecution was boondoggled into a deal.

Just ask the victim if she thinks she got justice; she does not.

See this is what is so typical of the "Thats fake news" line of argument. It is 100% based on semantics and technical contortions that belie the underlying Truth of what is said.

If your 12 year old daughter got raped by a 40ish year old male who then got a few months of previous jail time as time served with a a handful of years under probation, you would be outraged; admit it or be a lying punk.
If it were my daughter I'd want the dude castrated and lock in a cage. That said, the claim that Hillary got the guy off and laughed about it, is jut BS. She, made her case, which was her job, plead to a 5 year sentence which the opposing attorney accepted, and then the judge made the decision about the sentence time. Why is nobody going after the judge or prosecutor?

I've heard the recording of her laughing and it was not tasteful at all. It was also many years later and a snip of a secret recording, who knows what the context was, she could have been laughing at the irony, or obserdity of what happened.

All in all, I don't know what your gripe is over what happened. Take the recording out of the picture, what did she do wrong?

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