Fake spacecraft New Horizon visits fake planet Pluto - mockery at the end of the show


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Fake spacecraft New Horizon visits fake planet Pluto - mockery at the end of the show
To get this mockery of the "space travel" simulated reality to terminate the show:
Pluto was the first celestial body created by the illuminati, decades before the creation of the space travel hoax, as exposed first by Last Prophet.

BBC's reporter on 9/11 2001 announcing the fall of WTC 7 with the tower still standing behind her - remake with New Horizon and Pluto
"BBC report on it, behind the reporter in the US was a poster of the project. It was Identical to the picture we are being told just came through.
The interviewer pretending not to realise she was still on camera was rolling her eyes at the reporter.

Here's What Pluto Looks Like From About 7,750 Miles Away
by Bloomberg Video 1:56 mins
July 14 -- NASA’s New Horizon spacecraft reaped the rewards of a nine-year, three-billion-mile journey on Tuesday as it sent back pictures from a close flyby near Pluto.
Here s What Pluto Looks Like From About 7 750 Miles Away Watch the video - Yahoo News

BBC remake - Near the end of the programme 45 mins in total.
New Horizons Nasa spacecraft speeds past Pluto - BBC News

ASTRONOMY FOR DUMMIES - The ONE BASIC FACT - read and weep about yourself
Any celestial body that can not be observed with a telescope located ON Earth, is fake.
This one basic fact implies that for instance Pluto (the first example among millions) is an invention created by the illuminati.
Decades later the illuminati used NASA and the soviet space agency to serially produce Pluto type of hoaxes.
Sun Moon and Planets as God showed us ever since Day 1 ASTRONOMY FOR DUMMIES - The ONE BASIC FACT - read and weep about yourself

9/11 was not yet the end of the show. The main goal of BBC's staged "glitch" reporting the fall of WTC7 in advance was not to mock but to terrorize the audience, as explained first by Last Prophet.
9 11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts by Matt M

Simulated reality terminated NOW New Horizon visits fake Pluto mockery
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Psychiatric care sure has changed since obamacare... They used to only allow patients those fat crayons. Now you get internet access.
Pluto may soon be restored to planet status...

Scientists Launch Campaign to Restore Pluto to Planet Club
Wednesday 22nd March, 2017 - A team of scientists seeking to restore Pluto to planethood launched a campaign on Tuesday to broaden the astronomical classifications which led to its demotion to a 'dwarf planet' a decade ago.
Six scientists from institutions across the United States argued that Pluto deserves to be a full planet, along with some 110 other bodies in the solar system, including Earth's moon. In a paper presented at an international planetary science conference at The Woodlands, Texas, the scientists explained that geological properties, such as shape and surface features, should determine what constitutes a planet. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union, struggling with how to classify a newly discovered icy body beyond Pluto, adopted a definition for a planet based on characteristics that include clearing other objects from its orbital path.

Pluto and its newfound kin in the solar system's distant Kuiper Belt region were reclassified as dwarf planets, along with Ceres, the biggest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The decision left the solar system with eight planets. But this definition sidelines the research interests of most planetary scientists, said the paper's lead author, Kirby Runyon, a doctoral candidate at Johns Hopkins University.


Runyon said he and other planetary scientists are more interested in a planet's physical characteristics, such as its shape and whether it has mountains, oceans and an atmosphere. 'If you're interested in the actual intrinsic properties of a world, then the IAU definition is worthless,' he said by phone. Runyon and colleagues argue that the IAU does not have the authority to set the definition of a planet. 'There's a teachable moment here for the public in terms of scientific literacy and in terms of how scientists do science,' Runyon added. 'And that is not by saying, 'Let's agree on one thing.' That's not science at all.'

Runyon's group advocates for a sub-classification system, similar to biology's hierarchal method. This approach would categorize Earth's moon as a type of planet. That idea irks California Institute of Technology astronomer Mike Brown, who discovered the Kuiper Belt object that cast Pluto out of the planet club. 'It really takes blinders to not look at the solar system and see the profound differences between the eight planets in their stately circular orbits and then the millions and millions of tiny bodies flitting in and out between the planets and being tossed around by them,' he wrote in an email.

Scientists Launch Campaign to Restore Pluto to Planet Club

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