False claims about 40 beheaded babies & 30 Harvard student groups condemning Israel may teach us how the US left, right & liberal process news

Idiotic statement. Totally.

It was Jewish for a long time until Nebuchadnezzar came along. Then it was Persian until Greece kicked the shit out of them and took it over, Several Centuries later it was Roman, then it was Byzantine for almost a 1000 years, then I think the Turks came along, then the British. Almost forgot -- The Crusaders took it back but nobody wanted to live there so Salah ad-Din took it back.

Methinks you don't know what the FUCK you're talking about. You're just blindly repeating propaganda.

Which makes me think you're a professional troll. How many other sites you on??
Wrong! Palestinian's are the direct decendants of the Israelites.
Well as they say, truth is the first casualty of war.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

And I'm surprised this needs to be stated, but the more sensationalistic a story is, the more it shouldn't automatically be taken at face value. When it comes to politics and war, question everything.

Someone is trying to manipulate people's emotions, that couldn't be more obvious to me.

Never hear of anything like that.. at least not in modern times. I still have a hard time believing. Even if Hamas is that evil (no dispute there) how would that action do anything but hurt their cause? Maybe simply explained by getting a bunch of murderers together and just seeing what they do?
She has come across as an honest person to me. Not always informed very well but not with bad intentions.
Just my two cents.

If I had total control Gaza would be a lump of smoldering glass by now. And so would the Taliban.

We will never defeat evil when all we do is play wack a mole with it.
I'm sorry. Even leftists need to realize that there are certain lines in human decency that shouldn't be crossed. Anyone justifying what Hamas did in any form or fashion have crossed that line. I saw part of the video (I couldn't watch it all without being sick) where the Hamas monsters had killed the oldest daughter of a family and was holding the Mom, Dad, sister and little brother at gunpoint in the floor. The father's hands were filled with his dead child's blood. The fucking monster was taunting the little boy (5 maybe 6) when he started to cry. I turned it off when they pushed the family heads down to the floor. I don't want to know the ending. I know the ending of the young soldier pulled from his vehicle when a Hamas murderer pushed him to the ground and exploded his skull by stomping on it. I can't be nice or think decently to or of anyone that says, well, but. We've watched these people weaken our nation to the point that no one fears to do these things. My disdain for the left is quickly turning to literal disgust and getting close to absolute loathing. If Min Trut doesn't want to be known as a terrorist sympathizer, she shouldn't support terrorists.
Bullshit! They have been living there for over 2000 years.
No they havn't you fucking ignorant clod. The JEWS have been there for 2000 years, not the palestinians. Read some history you toad.

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