False rape claims on campus

We're a nation of liars. It could be rape or a racist attack or an attack on gays. All grievance groups have learned that a lie is better than the truth. We have a presidunce and a government that lies continually so it must be okay.
University administrations should immediately get out of the law enforcement business. If someone is raped, they need to file a complaint with the civil authorities. Getting colleges in the middle of this mess can lead to nothing but trouble.

Making an accusation that could ruin someone's life - especially if true - is serious business, and making it convenient and painless (filing a complaint) is a bad idea.
University administrations should immediately get out of the law enforcement business. If someone is raped, they need to file a complaint with the civil authorities. Getting colleges in the middle of this mess can lead to nothing but trouble.

Making an accusation that could ruin someone's life - especially if true - is serious business, and making it convenient and painless (filing a complaint) is a bad idea.
Especially if true?!:eek:
NovaSteve would have been pushing the day care satanic worship scare from the get go if he was old enough.

Let the sexual assault "scare" on campus and in the military play out.

Steve will be shown to be wrong once again.
University administrations should immediately get out of the law enforcement business. If someone is raped, they need to file a complaint with the civil authorities. Getting colleges in the middle of this mess can lead to nothing but trouble.

Making an accusation that could ruin someone's life - especially if true - is serious business, and making it convenient and painless (filing a complaint) is a bad idea.

The issue is what some of these campuses are calling rape doesn't meet the criminal definition of rape, or at a minimum, the evidence won't support a rape conviction.

Regrets from a mutually drunken hookup can be considered an assault or rape on some campuses.
I do believe that rape is a very serious crime and should be investigated fully.

On that same note, we have to remember that we are a nation of laws and the accused is innocent until proven guilty. Sometimes these rape victim advocacy want to paint it as rape victims are 100% telling the truth all the time and that's not always the case.

There was a young woman from Servjustice who said she was raped by two men but never saw justice. Then she went on to say the administration was asking questions that according to her made her feel like a victim again. Well what do you want them to do? This woman said she was raped? Find the guy she said did it and throw him in jail for the rest of their lives with no trial! I mean let's not learn from our mistakes like we did with the Brian Banks case.

Look there are clear cut cases of rape such as a girl is raped by a man she doesn't know who broke into her house. But some of these campus rapes are two drunk kids getting it on. If both participants admit they were drunk, than neither of them could have legally consented. And she didn't get a rape kit. That's leaves reasonable doubt and a DA will not want to take it to trial. Not only would it be a loss but he could be painted as a person who let a rapist roam free on the streets in a campaign for political office from their opponents.

If you believe you were raped, you need to go to the hospital and get a rape kit done and go to the police. Yes you will get some hard questions thrown at you. And if it was at a party and you knew that person and they say it's consensual with no other obvious signs of rape, then a jury will not convict.
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Feminazis want a 100 percent conviction rate. That means if soneone is accused they are guilty, period.
Feminazis and liberal limp wristers say that punishing false claimants will discourage real victims from coming forward

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