Family Feud

This is where you'll need to school me. And I'd like to hear the pro-Palestinian point of view on this. If it is not the land that caused such deep hatred, where and what exactly did it begin?

Jealousy of Abraham and Sarah with Isaac. Hagar and Ishmael were banished. G-d foretold that Ishmael's descendants would be a great nation, yes, (many millions of Islamists in the world today) but that also they would be 'wild.'

Mohammed got people to convert to Islam (submit to Allah) and those who refused were killed.

He also forbade people to pray facing Jerusalem, as was the practice at that time, but to face Mecca, therefore their backs were to Jerusalem. Mecca and Medina were more important to Islam than Jerusalem which is not mentioned once in their Quoran.

The land that the Palestinians now want is within Israel. They want to squeeze the Jews into a smaller and smaller space thereby making it easy for the annihilation, so while it seems like a conflict of land, the wider goal is to push the Jews out of the region.

The Islamists refer to the Jews as "apes and pigs" and even children refer to Jews that way.

So the origin goes back that far? Is it your opinion that Islam has added flames to the fire?

From the start, yes, I believe so. Of course there have been times when Jews and Muslims have lived peacefully but looking at the bigger picture it seems the conflict between the two religions is deep-rooted and goes way back and in fact now more than ever it seems evident, with our access to various media, that the Islamists really do have an agenda against the Jews calling for their death and in fact some Imams calling for Islamic domination of the world (one even mentioning Vatican City will be Islamic). Furthermore of course we are seeing forced conversions/slaughter by Islamists in countries outside the Middle East and well as some instances within (not in Israel).
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Jealousy of Abraham and Sarah with Isaac. Hagar and Ishmael were banished. G-d foretold that Ishmael's descendants would be a great nation, yes, (many millions of Islamists in the world today) but that also they would be 'wild.'

Mohammed got people to convert to Islam (submit to Allah) and those who refused were killed.

He also forbade people to pray facing Jerusalem, as was the practice at that time, but to face Mecca, therefore their backs were to Jerusalem. Mecca and Medina were more important to Islam than Jerusalem which is not mentioned once in their Quoran.

The land that the Palestinians now want is within Israel. They want to squeeze the Jews into a smaller and smaller space thereby making it easy for the annihilation, so while it seems like a conflict of land, the wider goal is to push the Jews out of the region.

The Islamists refer to the Jews as "apes and pigs" and even children refer to Jews that way.

So the origin goes back that far? Is it your opinion that Islam has added flames to the fire?

From the start, yes, I believe so. Of course there have been times when Jews and Muslims have lived peacefully but looking at the bigger picture it seems the conflict between the two religions is deep-rooted and goes way back and in fact now more than ever it seems evident, with our access to various media, that the Islamists really do have an agenda against the Jews calling for their death and in fact some Imams calling for Islamic domination of the world (one even mentioning Vatican City will be Islamic). Furthermore of course we are seeing forced conversions/slaughter by Islamists in countries outside the Middle East and well as some instances within (not in Israel).

Thanks again. Very informative. On a side note, I was reading the book of Exodus today and it has always intrigued me that as notable as the story is, I have never seen an Egyptian deny it. You would think they would be shouting from the roof tops" Moses? Never was! Red Sea parting? Never happened. 10 plagues? Nyet! Egyptian army drowned? You got to be kidding!" As a matter of fact I have read Egyptian authors who say it happened.
So the origin goes back that far? Is it your opinion that Islam has added flames to the fire?

From the start, yes, I believe so. Of course there have been times when Jews and Muslims have lived peacefully but looking at the bigger picture it seems the conflict between the two religions is deep-rooted and goes way back and in fact now more than ever it seems evident, with our access to various media, that the Islamists really do have an agenda against the Jews calling for their death and in fact some Imams calling for Islamic domination of the world (one even mentioning Vatican City will be Islamic). Furthermore of course we are seeing forced conversions/slaughter by Islamists in countries outside the Middle East and well as some instances within (not in Israel).

Thanks again. Very informative. On a side note, I was reading the book of Exodus today and it has always intrigued me that as notable as the story is, I have never seen an Egyptian deny it. You would think they would be shouting from the roof tops" Moses? Never was! Red Sea parting? Never happened. 10 plagues? Nyet! Egyptian army drowned? You got to be kidding!" As a matter of fact I have read Egyptian authors who say it happened.

Yes, the more moderate Muslims (not extreme radical Islamists) accept the history of the Old Testament. In the Quoran it even says that the Jews are G-d's chosen people and Israel is the land for the Jews, which also may account for the animosity to them.
One point arabs and Jews agree on is that they both are children of Abraham (who was originally from Iraq). He fathered Isaac and Ishmael. The descendants of Isaac are the Jews and the descendants of Ishmael are the arabs. The disagreement comes as to who was the "child of promise". Jews say Isaac and arabs say Ishmael. Abrahams nephew, Lot, and his 2 daughters (now this gets sticky) survived Sodom and Gomorrah. Lots daughters believed they were the only people left on earth, so they got their father drunk and laid with him. They both got pregnant and each bore a son, one named Moab and one named Ammon. The Moabites and Ammonites settled in what is now Jordan. Isaac had two sons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob was renamed Israel and his 12 sons fathered the 12 tribes of Israel. Esau fathered the Edomites, who settled in what is now Israel and Jordan. It seems to me that the conflicts today are just a continuation of the family feud that's been going on for thousands of years. Maybe one day they will kiss and make up?

sorta reminds of my family history...

which of course ain't quite nearly on a Biblical scale...

'course, my Aunt Betty might disagree 'n insist that the family history does indeed approach Biblical proportions...

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