Family Gets Kicked Off US Airways Plane for Crying Kids

I can understand that crying kids will disrupt some passengers, and if I am honest, I wouldn't want to sit anywhere near a kid who was crying. But if the family have paid for their ticket, they should expect to fly, crying child or not.
Dunno whether this particular little turd was a paying passenger but he/she/it would not have been on Southwest. THIS from their policy statement on their website:

Traveling with the infant on your lap:

One child over 14 days old and under two (2) years of age, not occupying a seat, may be carried free of charge when traveling with an adult (12 years of age or older).

Although a boarding pass is not required for the infant, you will need a Boarding Verification Document. See below for additional information.

Doncha just love the part about traveling with an adult 12 years of age or older? Didn't they get the word that Obamacare has decreed you can't call anyone an adult until they're 26?
I have an idea.....
Lets create no smoking sections on airplanes and no kid sections on airplanes. make them the same section.

I tell ya, if there is a first class upgrade available, I buy it because I have never seen a person in first class that was under 11.

True story....
Many years ago my daughters and I were flying across country, seated in the row behind us was a mother and her son of about 5-6 years old. The boy kept kicking the back of my 14 yo daughters seat and his mother did nothing other than to tell him to stop doing that. He'd kick it a few times and his mother would tell him to stop. He'd stop for five or ten minutes and then he'd start again. She'd tell him to stop, but she didn't enforce it, threaten punishment or perform punishment. My daughter asked me to intervene so I asked the lady if she could stop her son from kicking the seat. Her response was, "I'll do what I can, but boys will be boys". The kid kept it up and the mother didn't do squat. About 1.5 hours into the flight the mother went to use the restroom and left the boy. He started kicking the back of the seat again. My daughter asked me to intervene again and I told her, "Do whatever you want, just don't touch him".

I was actually quite surprised by my daughter's actions because she is not an aggressive person.
She turned around and leaned over the seat and in a very aggressive voice she told him, "Listen brat, if you kick my seat one more time during this flight I'm going to get you. I'll jump over this seat and keep punching you in the face as hard as I can until until people pull me off of you. I'll punch you so hard you'll be bleeding everywhere and may even bleed to death before this plane lands." Then she added, "If you tell your mother about this, me, my sister and my dad will lie and say this conversation never happened. We'll say you are lying, three against one, nobody will believe you. And then I will get you if your mother leaves you alone again."
He didn't kick her seat again for the rest of the flight, and later on when his mother used the restroom again, he went with her.
I'm guessing he told his mother what happened as soon as he felt safe from my daughter.
How about having child free zones? Those who are bothered by crying children could pay a little extra for a seat away from children.

I personally don't mind sitting next to kids as I always carry my headsets with me while travelling, especially when travelling alone. The music is loud enough to drown out any outside noise. Problem is that with headsets, you need to be extra aware of your surroundings. On one occasion I was not able to hear the flight attendant ask what I wanted for dinner. I almost missed out on the meal!
With my kid, all I had to do was give him the evil eye. no tantrums. No kicking seats. No squaling. All it took was my evil eye. :lol:

My father was like that! One look....that's all it took ....when for example, we were sitting at the table having dinner and we children were misbehaving....just one look from him... I can still remember so well!

His eye was not evil though....but it was a very severe and punishing eye! :eusa_shifty:
Scoot (Singapore)
Maylaysian Airlines

All the above offer child-free flights. Not all flights; just a selection. In the case of Maylasian Airlines the entire upper deck of all their Airbus A380s are designated child-free.

Will it happen here?

Not likely. Quoted in an aviation trade journal one major airline executive confided (asking to go unnamed) that it won't happen because of the probability that some lawyer would try to make money off it.
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With my kid, all I had to do was give him the evil eye. no tantrums. No kicking seats. No squaling. All it took was my evil eye. :lol:

My father was like that! One look....that's all it took ....when for example, we were sitting at the table having dinner and we children were misbehaving....just one look from him... I can still remember so well!

His eye was not evil though....but it was a very severe and punishing eye! :eusa_shifty:

That was probably because once he gave you "the look", you knew that if you didn't straighten up, bad things were in your future. As a boy, I ignored "the look" a few times. Things didn't work out well for me when I did that.
With my kid, all I had to do was give him the evil eye. no tantrums. No kicking seats. No squaling. All it took was my evil eye. :lol:

My father was like that! One look....that's all it took ....when for example, we were sitting at the table having dinner and we children were misbehaving....just one look from him... I can still remember so well!

His eye was not evil though....but it was a very severe and punishing eye! :eusa_shifty:

That was probably because once he gave you "the look", you knew that if you didn't straighten up, bad things were in your future. As a boy, I ignored "the look" a few times. Things didn't work out well for me when I did that.

That is exactly right! We knew better than to ignore "the look" ...oh my .. and how!
My father was like that! One look....that's all it took ....when for example, we were sitting at the table having dinner and we children were misbehaving....just one look from him... I can still remember so well!

His eye was not evil though....but it was a very severe and punishing eye! :eusa_shifty:

That was probably because once he gave you "the look", you knew that if you didn't straighten up, bad things were in your future. As a boy, I ignored "the look" a few times. Things didn't work out well for me when I did that.

That is exactly right! We knew better than to ignore "the look" ...oh my .. and how!

SHAZAMMM! My mom had it. Holy toledo it was like the exorcist. No freaking fooling around.
My father was like that! One look....that's all it took ....when for example, we were sitting at the table having dinner and we children were misbehaving....just one look from him... I can still remember so well!

His eye was not evil though....but it was a very severe and punishing eye! :eusa_shifty:

That was probably because once he gave you "the look", you knew that if you didn't straighten up, bad things were in your future. As a boy, I ignored "the look" a few times. Things didn't work out well for me when I did that.

That is exactly right! We knew better than to ignore "the look" ...oh my .. and how!
My daughters learned what "my look" was, just as I learned my father's and my mother's.
But the "look" . If you could bottle it, we could probably end world strife.
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The ol "this is gonna hurt me more than you" schtick. My mom was a liar. She enjoyed every moment of it. When I got older and had a kid of my own...I used that schtick...and it was true. Whapping a behind clothed in heavy duty jeans hurt my palm more than it did his butt. :lol:
I can understand that crying kids will disrupt some passengers, and if I am honest, I wouldn't want to sit anywhere near a kid who was crying. But if the family have paid for their ticket, they should expect to fly, crying child or not.



Better parenting.

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