Family laughing and joking while boiling dog alive.

I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I am with ya. I eat far far far less meat than I used to. Only an occasional hamburger at Red Robin’s. I don’t fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog but the least they can do is shoot it.

You say, you don't fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog..............

I will have to disagree with you on this one.. I fault them totally .....look, better don't get me started., this is very sad and disturbing, for me.
I know. I used to feel as you do. We see them as pets. They see them as food. Read about the aboriginal peoples of Australia. Europeans invaded their land. Brought house cats with them. Let the cats roam freely outside. Soon cats overtook the country, ate up the small mammals the aborigines lived on. Now the aborigines eat cats!

Still....for me it will be forever wrong....things that only savages do...things that only barbarians do

Human creatures (if you can call them human ...) that are very, very low in the Spiritual scale of evolution.
Agree. No need whatsoever for the torture.

Agree ^^^

And no need to eat dogs and cats.

In the midst of those trying circumstances, you have the choice to become a vegetarian, It won't kill you.
Teach a man to fish and.......
Be nice and lick the kitty and you'll probably receive a decent dinner :heehee:
Chinese believe that the adrenaline released by the animal at the time of death, when consumed by humans can lead to good health and virility.
I don't find it to be a bad meat, but I wouldn't eat dog everyday. Maybe it was the way it was prepared? IDK.

Other that that they sure are ramping of the anti China propaganda. The media whores are certainly doing their part.
Telling the truth about the Chinese should have been done long ago.
This is merely the tuning of the drums of war. People are so rock stupid they can't see the same tactics performed over and over.
Another see how those people do that to that dog? What do you think they are gonna be like in a war?
Americans have no concept of the mentality and culture which produces that.
Considering that they harvest organs from living conscious persons and burn their sick alive what do you think they would be like?
I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I am with ya. I eat far far far less meat than I used to. Only an occasional hamburger at Red Robin’s. I don’t fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog but the least they can do is shoot it.

You say, you don't fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog..............

I will have to disagree with you on this one.. I fault them totally .....look, better don't get me started., this is very sad and disturbing, for me.
I know. I used to feel as you do. We see them as pets. They see them as food. Read about the aboriginal peoples of Australia. Europeans invaded their land. Brought house cats with them. Let the cats roam freely outside. Soon cats overtook the country, ate up the small mammals the aborigines lived on. Now the aborigines eat cats!

Still....for me it will be forever wrong....things that only savages do...things that only barbarians do

Human creatures (if you can call them human ...) that are very, very low in the Spiritual scale of evolution.
Agree. No need whatsoever for the torture.

Agree ^^^

And no need to eat dogs and cats.

In the midst of those trying circumstances, you have the choice to become a vegetarian, It won't kill you.
Teach a man to fish and.......
Be nice and lick the kitty and you'll probably receive a decent dinner :heehee:

I had my doubts about you!

hehe ....

Now... I don't have any more doubts!:biggrin:
Simply remember, it's not too disgusting to do, it's only too disgusting to talk about.

Just one more reason this nation shouldn’t allow ONE more foreigner in. The world is sick and full of subhuman filth...KEEP THEM ALL OUT!
Before the LefTards get started, know this, I take great pride in my xenophobia.

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