Family laughing and joking while boiling dog alive.

Chinese believe that the adrenaline released by the animal at the time of death, when consumed by humans can lead to good health and virility.
I don't find it to be a bad meat, but I wouldn't eat dog everyday. Maybe it was the way it was prepared? IDK.

Other that that they sure are ramping of the anti China propaganda. The media whores are certainly doing their part.
Telling the truth about the Chinese should have been done long ago.
This is merely the tuning of the drums of war. People are so rock stupid they can't see the same tactics performed over and over.
Another see how those people do that to that dog? What do you think they are gonna be like in a war?
Americans have no concept of the mentality and culture which produces that.
Watch this. Is there really that much of a difference? Listen to the laughter while that animal has its bones broken, internal injuries, and slowly dies in agony, if a dog doesn't eat it first.

Thank you! LOL! That is hilarious!
Chinese believe that the adrenaline released by the animal at the time of death, when consumed by humans can lead to good health and virility.
I don't find it to be a bad meat, but I wouldn't eat dog everyday. Maybe it was the way it was prepared? IDK.

Other that that they sure are ramping of the anti China propaganda. The media whores are certainly doing their part.

The Chinese believe a lot of really stupid shit. By and large they're almost as stupid as Democrats in some areas. Almost all involving food in some way but other really silly shit too, like a bird crapping on your car brings good luck for example. They're also compulsive gamblers and highly superstitious. Food is very central to their everyday thoughts. They also have some dishes that'll gag a maggot. They are simply retarded when it comes to basic sanitation and basic hygiene. They still havent figured out the basics of basic plumbing like sanitation traps in drains for example. I worked in a mostly Chinese company for 7 years or so.
It is a very different culture. I have spent a very limited time in China. I was not a fan of it at all. There are certain things they do which annoy the shit out of me. A few are
Spitting, a disgusting practice that promotes disease. Open public pissing. Encouraging young boys to do the same. The inability to form a queue or line. Personal space. LOUD TALKING. Chewing like cows...while talking very loudly. Staring...for extended periods of time.

I had to be in Shanghai for a solid month once, no break and no round eyes around, I was amongst em. I gotta tell ya it was a long long time before I'd go out to a Chinese restaurant with the wife for dinner after I got back.
Chinese believe that the adrenaline released by the animal at the time of death, when consumed by humans can lead to good health and virility.
I don't find it to be a bad meat, but I wouldn't eat dog everyday. Maybe it was the way it was prepared? IDK.

Other that that they sure are ramping of the anti China propaganda. The media whores are certainly doing their part.
Telling the truth about the Chinese should have been done long ago.
This is merely the tuning of the drums of war. People are so rock stupid they can't see the same tactics performed over and over.
Another see how those people do that to that dog? What do you think they are gonna be like in a war?
Americans have no concept of the mentality and culture which produces that.
Watch this. Is there really that much of a difference? Listen to the laughter while that animal has its bones broken, internal injuries, and slowly dies in agony, if a dog doesn't eat it first.

Here's some culture. Dual citizen style an shit, Dat Ryte !
As Senator Byrd said " I seen allotta white niggaz too"
Chinese believe that the adrenaline released by the animal at the time of death, when consumed by humans can lead to good health and virility.
I don't find it to be a bad meat, but I wouldn't eat dog everyday. Maybe it was the way it was prepared? IDK.

Other that that they sure are ramping of the anti China propaganda. The media whores are certainly doing their part.
Telling the truth about the Chinese should have been done long ago.
This is merely the tuning of the drums of war. People are so rock stupid they can't see the same tactics performed over and over.
Another see how those people do that to that dog? What do you think they are gonna be like in a war?
Americans have no concept of the mentality and culture which produces that.
Watch this. Is there really that much of a difference? Listen to the laughter while that animal has its bones broken, internal injuries, and slowly dies in agony, if a dog doesn't eat it first.

Here's some culture. Dual citizen style an shit, Dat Ryte !
As Senator Byrd said " I seen allotta white niggaz too"

I can't get down with that. I think dog fighting is cruel regardless of the breed.
Now cock fighting...I am down with some chicken fightin!
Chinese believe that the adrenaline released by the animal at the time of death, when consumed by humans can lead to good health and virility.
I don't find it to be a bad meat, but I wouldn't eat dog everyday. Maybe it was the way it was prepared? IDK.

Other that that they sure are ramping of the anti China propaganda. The media whores are certainly doing their part.
Telling the truth about the Chinese should have been done long ago.
This is merely the tuning of the drums of war. People are so rock stupid they can't see the same tactics performed over and over.
Another see how those people do that to that dog? What do you think they are gonna be like in a war?
Americans have no concept of the mentality and culture which produces that.
Watch this. Is there really that much of a difference? Listen to the laughter while that animal has its bones broken, internal injuries, and slowly dies in agony, if a dog doesn't eat it first.

Here's some culture. Dual citizen style an shit, Dat Ryte !
As Senator Byrd said " I seen allotta white niggaz too"

Imagine we had that taking place in public markets legally.
The dog was yelping in agony and it looked like it probably took a while to die.

I do NOT want to see that video. The level of evil and cruelty is beyond normal comprehension. They should be taken out and not shot that's too easy for them, they should be taken out and slowly TORTURED to death over a period of several days. Then a hole in the ground, throw them in, put quicklime down it, cover the hole up. Burn and Rot In Hell you Devils.
I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I am with ya. I eat far far far less meat than I used to. Only an occasional hamburger at Red Robin’s. I don’t fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog but the least they can do is shoot it.
I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I am with ya. I eat far far far less meat than I used to. Only an occasional hamburger at Red Robin’s. I don’t fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog but the least they can do is shoot it.

Just the thought in the description of the thread gives me a feeling of sin in my head. It's disturbing at times to think of what humans are capable of. There is a great amount of cowardice and cruelty in this world. I avoid being around it as best I can.
Of course we do the same to lobsters, crabs and other sea creatures.
Lobsters don't have enough of a brain to feel pain, say researchers. It's like stepping on a bug. That's why fishermen call them "bugs."
I am not so sure about that. It may be that they simply have no vocal chords. One Christmas my step daughter showed up and brought her contribution for Christmas dinner. Crayfish. Live catfish and yes, you can hear them scream when they hit that boiling water. Never will happen again in this house. Shrimp are already dead when you boil them. Crab are alive.
I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I am with ya. I eat far far far less meat than I used to. Only an occasional hamburger at Red Robin’s. I don’t fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog but the least they can do is shoot it.

Just the thought in the description of the thread gives me a feeling of sin in my head. It's disturbing at times to think of what humans are capable of. There is a great amount of cowardice and cruelty in this world. I avoid being around it as best I can.
I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I am with ya. I eat far far far less meat than I used to. Only an occasional hamburger at Red Robin’s. I don’t fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog but the least they can do is shoot it.

You say, you don't fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog..............

I will have to disagree with you on this one.. I fault them totally .....look, better don't get me started., this is very sad and disturbing, for me.
I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I am with ya. I eat far far far less meat than I used to. Only an occasional hamburger at Red Robin’s. I don’t fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog but the least they can do is shoot it.

You say, you don't fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog..............

I will have to disagree with you on this one.. I fault them totally .....look, better don't get me started., this is very sad and disturbing, for me.
I know. I used to feel as you do. We see them as pets. They see them as food. Read about the aboriginal peoples of Australia. Europeans invaded their land. Brought house cats with them. Let the cats roam freely outside. Soon cats overtook the country, ate up the small mammals the aborigines lived on. Now the aborigines eat cats!
You know...I have to say this - and, I'm a confirmed pro dog extremist - but is this a thread to BASH China (for which there are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize) or is it about the dog?

I don't care if it was Chinese or leftwingers in S.F.

That is simply the most disgusting display of barbarism there is.

I don't know how thier property rights work over there...

But I do know a few people (almost all women) who might have grabbed one of those bastards and boiled them alive if they had been there.
I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I am with ya. I eat far far far less meat than I used to. Only an occasional hamburger at Red Robin’s. I don’t fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog but the least they can do is shoot it.

You say, you don't fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog..............

I will have to disagree with you on this one.. I fault them totally .....look, better don't get me started., this is very sad and disturbing, for me.
I know. I used to feel as you do. We see them as pets. They see them as food. Read about the aboriginal peoples of Australia. Europeans invaded their land. Brought house cats with them. Let the cats roam freely outside. Soon cats overtook the country, ate up the small mammals the aborigines lived on. Now the aborigines eat cats!

Still....for me it will be forever wrong....things that only savages do...things that only barbarians do

Human creatures (if you can call them human ...) that are very, very low in the Spiritual scale of evolution.
I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I am with ya. I eat far far far less meat than I used to. Only an occasional hamburger at Red Robin’s. I don’t fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog but the least they can do is shoot it.

You say, you don't fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog..............

I will have to disagree with you on this one.. I fault them totally .....look, better don't get me started., this is very sad and disturbing, for me.
I know. I used to feel as you do. We see them as pets. They see them as food. Read about the aboriginal peoples of Australia. Europeans invaded their land. Brought house cats with them. Let the cats roam freely outside. Soon cats overtook the country, ate up the small mammals the aborigines lived on. Now the aborigines eat cats!

Still....for me it will be forever wrong....things that only savages do...things that only barbarians do

Human creatures (if you can call them human ...) that are very, very low in the Spiritual scale of evolution.
Agree. No need whatsoever for the torture.
I can't click such a video, it's far too evil for me to hear.

One of the reason I've tried to become a vegetarian for so long, and, have cut down significantly on my eating of meat. Just had a veggie burger today in fact for Easter Friday. I am confident, someday, I will achieve vegetarianism.

We engage in too much horror against the innocent, be they other vulnerable humans or animals. It's one thing to hunt and be humane about if you must, in order it to feed your family, quite another to take joy, glee and indifference to another animals suffering. It's pure evil. Few would stand by and allow it to happen. These types of sends one to hell and has me avoiding such people in case God judges me too.

As I always say, "nature don't bother shockedcanadian, shockcanadian don't bother nature". I use the same standard in my day to day life. Never back down, but don't start it, just finish it.
I am with ya. I eat far far far less meat than I used to. Only an occasional hamburger at Red Robin’s. I don’t fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog but the least they can do is shoot it.

You say, you don't fault a country of a billion and a half people for eating dog..............

I will have to disagree with you on this one.. I fault them totally .....look, better don't get me started., this is very sad and disturbing, for me.
I know. I used to feel as you do. We see them as pets. They see them as food. Read about the aboriginal peoples of Australia. Europeans invaded their land. Brought house cats with them. Let the cats roam freely outside. Soon cats overtook the country, ate up the small mammals the aborigines lived on. Now the aborigines eat cats!

Still....for me it will be forever wrong....things that only savages do...things that only barbarians do

Human creatures (if you can call them human ...) that are very, very low in the Spiritual scale of evolution.
Agree. No need whatsoever for the torture.

Agree ^^^

And no need to eat dogs and cats.

In the midst of those trying circumstances, you have the choice to become a vegetarian, It won't kill you.

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