Family Values

Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.

Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


Also, you need to separate social conservatives and fiscal conservatives.
Family Values is not punishing success or putting onerous regulations on businesses causing them to severely cut back their workforce.

Unemployment checks are a vote buying scheme by Democrat Scum. $17,000,000,000,000.00 in debt is not a family value either, leftist pig.
The relevant facts are as follows:

(1) The federal government HAS NO MONEY for this. If money is doled out it must be borrowed, with interest paid by the taxpayers FOREVER.

(1.5) There is no provision in the United States Constitution giving Congress the power to take Federal Tax dollars and ship them out to private citizens in the name of "charity," "compassion," or, God forbid, "social justice." None.

(2) Unemployment Compensation is INSURANCE. A fixed premium is paid (a percentage of your pay), and as with any other type of insurance, if the indemnified event occurs (you lose your job), the insurance pays you a stipend for 26 weeks. That is what you have paid for with your UEC premiums. 26 weeks.

(3) There are millions and millions of Americans who are not employed and not getting any money from either government or employers, but would very much like to. Some of these are recent high school and college grads desperately looking for work, some are people who have been out of the job market (raising kids, taking care of infirm relatives perhaps) and now realize that they need to work, some of them had to leave jobs for reasons that were personal (and thus could not collect UEC). We also have the "hard working" people that Democrats are always talking about who have - shall we say - shitty jobs that don't pay enough to live on. And even with an ill-advised increase in the minimum wage - which will take years to roll out - they still will not be making enough to live on.

None of the aforementioned people get anything from Government, unless they go on welfare. And none of these unfortunates are part of the current discussion. NOBODY is proposing to do anything for them.

But there is an additional class of people who fall into another category: the people who lost their jobs and have exhausted their UEC benefits. Some of them have already received "bonus" benefits for which they did not pay with their premiums - i.e., beyond the 26 weeks. And as an election year ploy, the Democrats want to isolate THIS group of unfortunates, and claim that if the Republicans don't provide months and months of additional FREE MONEY for them, then the Republicans have no heart.

Please review numbers (1) and (2) above.

Why should THIS PARTICULAR GROUP of unemployed unfortunates be singled out for special, generous, unconstitutional largesse? On what basis should Congress borrow even more money to make their lives easier?

Please explain. Inquiring minds want to know.
I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


Also, you need to separate social conservatives and fiscal conservatives.

It doesn't really matter. There is nothing conservative, fiscal, liberal or social about theft by force to give something to someone else as a measurement of vote garnering. It's actually the opposite of all of those things.
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Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.
I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

Name calling doesn't address the fact your entire position rests on hypocrisy. You want to insight "family values" on some moral level, to justify theft by force. And to make matters worse. it's a hyper partisan post where you're actually calling out social conservatives for not being on board with it.

Family Values is not punishing success or putting onerous regulations on businesses causing them to severely cut back their workforce.

Unemployment checks are a vote buying scheme by Democrat Scum. $17,000,000,000,000.00 in debt is not a family value either, leftist pig.

UE checks have been around for a long time, and up until the GOP turned hard right and made avarice a virtue, began to blame the poor for being poor and defended the banksters, a vote to extend UE benefits would have received bipartisan support.

Democrats are not "scum" and I'm not a "leftist pig"! Keep in mind when you call me names I spent a career in LE and early on became immune to the taunts of angry little punks calling me and others names.
Family Values is not punishing success or putting onerous regulations on businesses causing them to severely cut back their workforce.

Unemployment checks are a vote buying scheme by Democrat Scum. $17,000,000,000,000.00 in debt is not a family value either, leftist pig.

UE checks have been around for a long time, and up until the GOP turned hard right and made avarice a virtue, began to blame the poor for being poor and defended the banksters, a vote to extend UE benefits would have received bipartisan support.

Democrats are not "scum" and I'm not a "leftist pig"! Keep in mind when you call me names I spent a career in LE and early on became immune to the taunts of angry little punks calling me and others names.

Why can't you people on the left be honest?

Who is to blame for the poor being poor?

I'll tell who is to blame for making sure the poor stays poor and that's the Democrats.
Both have perpetuated the welfare/warfare State. Calling one out over the other is just ridiculous. Just as ridiculous as inciting "family values" when promoting theft by force. The problem is that both sides suffers from moral inconsistency. Which makes them such an argument about "family values" meaningless.

It's family values for Wry's side for the family's receiving the property that belongs to other families. And this someone how makes a just moral case. Except it doesn't. It's hypocrisy right on its face. And there is no escaping that.
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.

U do realize that unemployment benefits r only extended to those who were employed and payed into the fund along with the employer...and then only if job loss came from layoff..not being fired for cause...right?

Sent from my iPhone using
I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.

U do realize that unemployment benefits r only extended to those who were employed and payed into the fund along with the employer...and then only if job loss came from layoff..not being fired for cause...right?

Sent from my iPhone using

And who pays for this additional extension?
Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

Name calling doesn't address the fact your entire position rests on hypocrisy. You want to insight "family values" on some moral level, to justify theft by force. And to make matters worse. it's a hyper partisan post where you're actually calling out social conservatives for not being on board with it.


No, I didn't "insight" family values, I inserted family values to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the right wing which has taken over the former GOP. I haven't called out social conservatives or fiscal conservatives or Neo conservatives or any other faction of conservatives within or outside of the former GOP. The former GOP 'leadership' and those who support it are callous conservatives, and that includes many though not all members of the factions noted.

The Libertarian Party is passively callous, willing to let the poor, infirm and elders suffer in the freedom of economic slavery. How we got the where we are is as amazing as it is disconcerting to anyone who truly embraced the American Dream and the American sense of Community.
I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

Name calling doesn't address the fact your entire position rests on hypocrisy. You want to insight "family values" on some moral level, to justify theft by force. And to make matters worse. it's a hyper partisan post where you're actually calling out social conservatives for not being on board with it.


No, I didn't "insight" family values, I inserted family values to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the right wing which has taken over the former GOP. I haven't called out social conservatives or fiscal conservatives or Neo conservatives or any other faction of conservatives within or outside of the former GOP. The former GOP 'leadership' and those who support it are callous conservatives, and that includes many though not all members of the factions noted.

The Libertarian Party is passively callous, willing to let the poor, infirm and elders suffer in the freedom of economic slavery. How we got the where we are is as amazing as it is disconcerting to anyone who truly embraced the American Dream and the American sense of Community.

Except it doesn't do that. It only shows you for what you are. A pure hypocrite. Calling on compassion for the "poor" while stealing from those who aren't that much better off for no other reason than to perpetuate the same hypocritical agenda you've probably supported your entire life - theft and violence.

The libertarian position is consistent with their moral/ethical beliefs. No one said we can not help the poor, and many do. The difference, one you can't manage to wrap that tiny, minute mind of yours around, is that it's only acceptable if it is voluntary. When you go FORCING people to do what you think is right, you get no moral or ethical credit. And furthermore, you're a hypocrite for being a proponent of theft by force for the purposes of helping someone else. It's a hypocritical position, just as ALL of your ideological stances are.

And it is incite, not insight. Loser.
Name calling doesn't address the fact your entire position rests on hypocrisy. You want to insight "family values" on some moral level, to justify theft by force. And to make matters worse. it's a hyper partisan post where you're actually calling out social conservatives for not being on board with it.


No, I didn't "insight" family values, I inserted family values to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the right wing which has taken over the former GOP. I haven't called out social conservatives or fiscal conservatives or Neo conservatives or any other faction of conservatives within or outside of the former GOP. The former GOP 'leadership' and those who support it are callous conservatives, and that includes many though not all members of the factions noted.

The Libertarian Party is passively callous, willing to let the poor, infirm and elders suffer in the freedom of economic slavery. How we got the where we are is as amazing as it is disconcerting to anyone who truly embraced the American Dream and the American sense of Community.

Except it doesn't do that. It only shows you for what you are. A pure hypocrite. Calling on compassion for the "poor" while stealing from those who aren't that much better off for no other reason than to perpetuate the same hypocritical agenda you've probably supported your entire life - theft and violence.

The libertarian position is consistent with their moral/ethical beliefs. No one said we can not help the poor, and many do. The difference, one you can't manage to wrap that tiny, minute mind of yours around, is that it's only acceptable if it is voluntary. When you go FORCING people to do what you think is right, you get no moral or ethical credit. And furthermore, you're a hypocrite for being a proponent of theft by force for the purposes of helping someone else. It's a hypocritical position, just as ALL of your ideological stances are.

And it is incite, not insight. Loser.

You know what, if paying taxes is stealing go today down to the City or County Tax Office and take the Tax Collector into custody. Carry a sidearm and make sure you let everyone know you are acting within your natural rights to take that scofflaw into custody.

Or if you're too chicken shit to do that, simply don't pay your taxes. Just say NO! But don't go whining on a message board and pretend you're anything but an armchair loudmouth. Members of the Whiskey Rebellion had the balls to stand up for what they believed - why don't you?
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No, I didn't "insight" family values, I inserted family values to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the right wing which has taken over the former GOP. I haven't called out social conservatives or fiscal conservatives or Neo conservatives or any other faction of conservatives within or outside of the former GOP. The former GOP 'leadership' and those who support it are callous conservatives, and that includes many though not all members of the factions noted.

The Libertarian Party is passively callous, willing to let the poor, infirm and elders suffer in the freedom of economic slavery. How we got the where we are is as amazing as it is disconcerting to anyone who truly embraced the American Dream and the American sense of Community.

Except it doesn't do that. It only shows you for what you are. A pure hypocrite. Calling on compassion for the "poor" while stealing from those who aren't that much better off for no other reason than to perpetuate the same hypocritical agenda you've probably supported your entire life - theft and violence.

The libertarian position is consistent with their moral/ethical beliefs. No one said we can not help the poor, and many do. The difference, one you can't manage to wrap that tiny, minute mind of yours around, is that it's only acceptable if it is voluntary. When you go FORCING people to do what you think is right, you get no moral or ethical credit. And furthermore, you're a hypocrite for being a proponent of theft by force for the purposes of helping someone else. It's a hypocritical position, just as ALL of your ideological stances are.

And it is incite, not insight. Loser.

You know what, if paying taxes is stealing go today down to the City or County Tax Office and take the Tax Collector into custody. Carry a sidearm and make sure you let everyone know you are acting within your natural rights to take that scofflaw into custody.

Or if you're too chicken shit to do that, simply don't pay your taxes. Just say NO! But don't go whining on a message board and pretend you're anything but an armchair loudmouth. Members of the Whiskey Rebellion had the balls to stand up for what they believed - why don't you?

So your only remaining defense to your position of hypocrisy is to come up with retarded options for "me" to attempt, knowing full well that VIOLENCE will be exacted against me by the State and tards like you will support that. I know I'm in the minority, there is no disputing that. And you love the idea of using the FORCE and THREATS of a majority to enslave those who dont agree.

You're a hypocrite, Wry. The first step in the road to recovery, even if you're hopeless, is acknowledging you have a hypocrisy problem.
Except it doesn't do that. It only shows you for what you are. A pure hypocrite. Calling on compassion for the "poor" while stealing from those who aren't that much better off for no other reason than to perpetuate the same hypocritical agenda you've probably supported your entire life - theft and violence.

The libertarian position is consistent with their moral/ethical beliefs. No one said we can not help the poor, and many do. The difference, one you can't manage to wrap that tiny, minute mind of yours around, is that it's only acceptable if it is voluntary. When you go FORCING people to do what you think is right, you get no moral or ethical credit. And furthermore, you're a hypocrite for being a proponent of theft by force for the purposes of helping someone else. It's a hypocritical position, just as ALL of your ideological stances are.

And it is incite, not insight. Loser.

You know what, if paying taxes is stealing go today down to the City or County Tax Office and take the Tax Collector into custody. Carry a sidearm and make sure you let everyone know you are acting within your natural rights to take that scofflaw into custody.

Or if you're too chicken shit to do that, simply don't pay your taxes. Just say NO! But don't go whining on a message board and pretend you're anything but an armchair loudmouth. Members of the Whiskey Rebellion had the balls to stand up for what they believed - why don't you?

So your only remaining defense to your position of hypocrisy is to come up with retarded options for "me" to attempt, knowing full well that VIOLENCE will be exacted against me by the State and tards like you will support that. I know I'm in the minority, there is no disputing that. And you love the idea of using the FORCE and THREATS of a majority to enslave those who dont agree.

You're a hypocrite, Wry. The first step in the road to recovery, even if you're hopeless, is acknowledging you have a hypocrisy problem.

Never did I use the phrase Force or violence, those are your terms used several times in a very odd rant defending your dislike of taxes. You're not alone, most people don't like to pay taxes, but taxes exist and always will.

At least you're smart enough to recognize your only recourse is to whine and call others hypocrites or thugs and thieves - that's a good thing since so many seem to think violence is the only way to effect change. The fact that I support using the tax dollars my family pays to aid those in need, rebuild are nations infrastructure and enforce regulations to protect our air, water and soil seems to piss you off. I think, at best, you're myopic and have an unrealistic world view. I don't know if you're small minded, or a tard, but I'm not; I'm pragmatic and agnostic, yet hold to the values of Jesus as taught me by the Nuns in my youth. Those values don't appear to be included in your opinion or those who support the former GOP or Libertarians.
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