Family Values

You know what, if paying taxes is stealing go today down to the City or County Tax Office and take the Tax Collector into custody. Carry a sidearm and make sure you let everyone know you are acting within your natural rights to take that scofflaw into custody.

Or if you're too chicken shit to do that, simply don't pay your taxes. Just say NO! But don't go whining on a message board and pretend you're anything but an armchair loudmouth. Members of the Whiskey Rebellion had the balls to stand up for what they believed - why don't you?

So your only remaining defense to your position of hypocrisy is to come up with retarded options for "me" to attempt, knowing full well that VIOLENCE will be exacted against me by the State and tards like you will support that. I know I'm in the minority, there is no disputing that. And you love the idea of using the FORCE and THREATS of a majority to enslave those who dont agree.

You're a hypocrite, Wry. The first step in the road to recovery, even if you're hopeless, is acknowledging you have a hypocrisy problem.

Never did I use the phrase Force or violence, those are your terms used several times in a very odd rant defending your dislike of taxes. You're not alone, most people don't like to pay taxes, but taxes exist and always will.

At least you're smart enough to recognize your only recourse is to whine and call others thugs and thieves - that's a good thing since so many seem to think violence is the only way to effect change. The fact that I support using the tax dollars my family pays to aid those in need, rebuild are nations infrastructure and enforce regulations to protect our air, water and soil seems to piss you off. I think, at best, you're myopic and have an unrealistic world view. I don't know if you're small minded, or a tard, but I'm not; I'm pragmatic and agnostic, yet hold to the values of Jesus as taught me by the Nuns in my youth. Those values don't appear to be included in your opinion or those who support the former GOP or Libertarians.

You didn't have to use the phrase. it's what you meant by passing a law to extend out money to the unemployed with money that belongs to other people. You're pragmatic with other people's money. You like violence and force as a means of getting what you think is right with people social, economically and legally. You're a self righteous, hypocritical bully. You lack morals,ethics and consistency. You simply call that "pragmatic". I call it authoritarian asshole.
So your only remaining defense to your position of hypocrisy is to come up with retarded options for "me" to attempt, knowing full well that VIOLENCE will be exacted against me by the State and tards like you will support that. I know I'm in the minority, there is no disputing that. And you love the idea of using the FORCE and THREATS of a majority to enslave those who dont agree.

You're a hypocrite, Wry. The first step in the road to recovery, even if you're hopeless, is acknowledging you have a hypocrisy problem.

Never did I use the phrase Force or violence, those are your terms used several times in a very odd rant defending your dislike of taxes. You're not alone, most people don't like to pay taxes, but taxes exist and always will.

At least you're smart enough to recognize your only recourse is to whine and call others thugs and thieves - that's a good thing since so many seem to think violence is the only way to effect change. The fact that I support using the tax dollars my family pays to aid those in need, rebuild are nations infrastructure and enforce regulations to protect our air, water and soil seems to piss you off. I think, at best, you're myopic and have an unrealistic world view. I don't know if you're small minded, or a tard, but I'm not; I'm pragmatic and agnostic, yet hold to the values of Jesus as taught me by the Nuns in my youth. Those values don't appear to be included in your opinion or those who support the former GOP or Libertarians.

You didn't have to use the phrase. it's what you meant by passing a law to extend out money to the unemployed with money that belongs to other people. You're pragmatic with other people's money. You like violence and force as a means of getting what you think is right with people social, economically and legally. You're a self righteous, hypocritical bully. You lack morals,ethics and consistency. You simply call that "pragmatic". I call it authoritarian asshole.

I admit to being self righteous. Calling you and others like you callous conservatives is judgmental, and from what you written in the past on this thread and others I have no doubt you're selfish and likely not very successful in life. If true that's sad, but I do understand how someone powerless as you appear to be would be angry all the time.
Never did I use the phrase Force or violence, those are your terms used several times in a very odd rant defending your dislike of taxes. You're not alone, most people don't like to pay taxes, but taxes exist and always will.

At least you're smart enough to recognize your only recourse is to whine and call others thugs and thieves - that's a good thing since so many seem to think violence is the only way to effect change. The fact that I support using the tax dollars my family pays to aid those in need, rebuild are nations infrastructure and enforce regulations to protect our air, water and soil seems to piss you off. I think, at best, you're myopic and have an unrealistic world view. I don't know if you're small minded, or a tard, but I'm not; I'm pragmatic and agnostic, yet hold to the values of Jesus as taught me by the Nuns in my youth. Those values don't appear to be included in your opinion or those who support the former GOP or Libertarians.

You didn't have to use the phrase. it's what you meant by passing a law to extend out money to the unemployed with money that belongs to other people. You're pragmatic with other people's money. You like violence and force as a means of getting what you think is right with people social, economically and legally. You're a self righteous, hypocritical bully. You lack morals,ethics and consistency. You simply call that "pragmatic". I call it authoritarian asshole.

I admit to being self righteous. Calling you and others like you callous conservatives is judgmental, and from what you written in the past on this thread and others I have no doubt you're selfish and likely not very successful in life. If true that's sad, but I do understand how someone powerless as you appear to be would be angry all the time.

Your inability to form a cogent argument to justify your hypocritical, authoritarian asshole-ish outlook is noted. I'm plenty successful DESPITE you turds constant attack on my private property for your failures at social engineering. As it turns out, engineering is my forte. I'm quite good at it. You? A fuckin' retired Government worker who has done nothing but leech of others and promote theft and violence. you're not only a hypocritical, authoritarian asshole, you're a parasite to boot. Come back with a better argument for theft by force to promote programs YOU think is right. Or just admit what you are and quit trying, unsuccessfully i might add, to make your fucked up positions look negative on me.

Typical morally/ethically bankrupt liberal.
You didn't have to use the phrase. it's what you meant by passing a law to extend out money to the unemployed with money that belongs to other people. You're pragmatic with other people's money. You like violence and force as a means of getting what you think is right with people social, economically and legally. You're a self righteous, hypocritical bully. You lack morals,ethics and consistency. You simply call that "pragmatic". I call it authoritarian asshole.

I admit to being self righteous. Calling you and others like you callous conservatives is judgmental, and from what you written in the past on this thread and others I have no doubt you're selfish and likely not very successful in life. If true that's sad, but I do understand how someone powerless as you appear to be would be angry all the time.

Your inability to form a cogent argument to justify your hypocritical, authoritarian asshole-ish outlook is noted. I'm plenty successful DESPITE you turds constant attack on my private property for your failures at social engineering. As it turns out, engineering is my forte. I'm quite good at it. You? A fuckin' retired Government worker who has done nothing but leech of others and promote theft and violence. you're not only a hypocritical, authoritarian asshole, you're a parasite to boot. Come back with a better argument for theft by force to promote programs YOU think is right. Or just admit what you are and quit trying, unsuccessfully i might add, to make your fucked up positions look negative on me.

Typical morally/ethically bankrupt liberal.

Temper, temper cry baby. I guess we can agree on something, you resent me and consider me an "authoritarian asshole" and I think you're a piece of human excrement.
Boys, Boys Boys...please. Differences in perspective and opinions need not degenerate into a pissing contest of slurs and name calling...u both clearly have intelligence...why not argue with ur big head; not ur little head...

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Now that we settled the pissing contest, maybe someone sane can explain what the Republicans consider are Family Values? I doubt very much, "I got mine, screw the rest of you" is what they meant.
Now that we settled the pissing contest, maybe someone sane can explain what the Republicans consider are Family Values? I doubt very much, "I got mine, screw the rest of you" is what they meant.

You think your version of family values is better? You want to commit theft to give to those who it doesn't belong to and you call it pragmatism. It's theft by force. Nothing more , nothing less. You get no moral or ethical credit for doing it the name of "family values".
I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

Thankfully their ilk is dying off , its their last gasp. the younger generation and the demographic shit will bury them.

Aging White Guys: The Real Losers of 2012

Forget Romney and the Republicans. The real loser was the bitter legacy of “white supremacy.” That poisonous prejudice has endured in political reality and the national culture for two centuries. It still does, though it is now cultivated most zealously only by white Southerners who took over the party of Abraham Lincoln (who surely weeps for his Grand Old Party).

In 2012, white supremacy not only lost the election. It was a crucial factor in explaining how Obama won. Good for Obama and really good for the American people. Whose “status quo” are these pundits clinging to forlornly? Maybe their own. They have typically belittled the struggles by excluded minorities as “identity politics.” Well, yes, these people intend to be identified as citizens, fully endowed with the rights any other American enjoy. This election confirmed their goal.

The re-election of a black president is the most precious fact of 2012, perhaps even more significant than his original election in 2008. If Obama had lost, a wise history professor pointed out to me, it would have taken many years, probably many decades, before either major party would ever again dare to nominate a person of color for president. Black Americans understood this, probably better than most of us white folks. So did Latinos, Asians and a whole bunch of other “minority” voters. African-Americans might have had quarrels or disappointments with Obama, but they understood their historic stakes in winning a second term for him.

Obama has instead cleared a path for a very different American future. Generations from now, people of all sorts will be able to look back and say this is where it began, a new drama of self-realization now available to many once-excluded Americans and the new politics that they can generate.

Think about how children will interpret this event. For many millions, their dreams and personal ambitions are enlarged by this election. If Obama had lost, wise guys would have dismissed his presidency as a fluke, even a disaster. The kids know better, don’t they?
Maybe someone sane is willing to define Family Values as it was once used by the GOP when seeking votes? And why do they no longer use the phrase?
Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

Thankfully their ilk is dying off , its their last gasp. the younger generation and the demographic shit will bury them.

Aging White Guys: The Real Losers of 2012

Forget Romney and the Republicans. The real loser was the bitter legacy of “white supremacy.” That poisonous prejudice has endured in political reality and the national culture for two centuries. It still does, though it is now cultivated most zealously only by white Southerners who took over the party of Abraham Lincoln (who surely weeps for his Grand Old Party).

In 2012, white supremacy not only lost the election. It was a crucial factor in explaining how Obama won. Good for Obama and really good for the American people. Whose “status quo” are these pundits clinging to forlornly? Maybe their own. They have typically belittled the struggles by excluded minorities as “identity politics.” Well, yes, these people intend to be identified as citizens, fully endowed with the rights any other American enjoy. This election confirmed their goal.

The re-election of a black president is the most precious fact of 2012, perhaps even more significant than his original election in 2008. If Obama had lost, a wise history professor pointed out to me, it would have taken many years, probably many decades, before either major party would ever again dare to nominate a person of color for president. Black Americans understood this, probably better than most of us white folks. So did Latinos, Asians and a whole bunch of other “minority” voters. African-Americans might have had quarrels or disappointments with Obama, but they understood their historic stakes in winning a second term for him.

Obama has instead cleared a path for a very different American future. Generations from now, people of all sorts will be able to look back and say this is where it began, a new drama of self-realization now available to many once-excluded Americans and the new politics that they can generate.

Think about how children will interpret this event. For many millions, their dreams and personal ambitions are enlarged by this election. If Obama had lost, wise guys would have dismissed his presidency as a fluke, even a disaster. The kids know better, don’t they?

So you have no idea what is being discussed. White supremacy? You think only white men pay taxes in order to have parasites collect for free?

Are you semi, or full blown retard?
Let me tell you about family values. When my grandmother, may she rest in peace, found herself unable to pay for massive repairs on her aging house, her son in law (my father) agreed to move our family in with her, take care of the repairs and expenses, and take care of her. Which we did. After she died, my parents inherited the house, which was worth about $6 thousand dollars. They had put at least three times that amount into it.

When Uncle Jim became sick and incontinent, we took him in, and my mother cared for him until he died.

When Aunt Jerry left her husband (a drunk) we made room for her and supported her while she sorted out her differences and eventually went back with her husband (about 2 years).

Around the time my father was getting ready to retire, he was mugged twice in the neighborhood where he lived (and I grew up), so my wife and I bought a bigger house and invited him to live with us - which he did for the last dozen years or so before he died.

So fuck your government handouts; they have nothing to do with "family values."
Let me tell you about family values. When my grandmother, may she rest in peace, found herself unable to pay for massive repairs on her aging house, her son in law (my father) agreed to move our family in with her, take care of the repairs and expenses, and take care of her. Which we did. After she died, my parents inherited the house, which was worth about $6 thousand dollars. They had put at least three times that amount into it.

When Uncle Jim became sick and incontinent, we took him in, and my mother cared for him until he died.

When Aunt Jerry left her husband (a drunk) we made room for her and supported her while she sorted out her differences and eventually went back with her husband (about 2 years).

Around the time my father was getting ready to retire, he was mugged twice in the neighborhood where he lived (and I grew up), so my wife and I bought a bigger house and invited him to live with us - which he did for the last dozen years or so before he died.

So fuck your government handouts; they have nothing to do with "family values."

Well good for you and your family. Don't pretend every family is capable of taking on the tasks you described, many are not.
I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

Thankfully their ilk is dying off , its their last gasp. the younger generation and the demographic shit will bury them.

Aging White Guys: The Real Losers of 2012

Forget Romney and the Republicans. The real loser was the bitter legacy of “white supremacy.” That poisonous prejudice has endured in political reality and the national culture for two centuries. It still does, though it is now cultivated most zealously only by white Southerners who took over the party of Abraham Lincoln (who surely weeps for his Grand Old Party).

In 2012, white supremacy not only lost the election. It was a crucial factor in explaining how Obama won. Good for Obama and really good for the American people. Whose “status quo” are these pundits clinging to forlornly? Maybe their own. They have typically belittled the struggles by excluded minorities as “identity politics.” Well, yes, these people intend to be identified as citizens, fully endowed with the rights any other American enjoy. This election confirmed their goal.

The re-election of a black president is the most precious fact of 2012, perhaps even more significant than his original election in 2008. If Obama had lost, a wise history professor pointed out to me, it would have taken many years, probably many decades, before either major party would ever again dare to nominate a person of color for president. Black Americans understood this, probably better than most of us white folks. So did Latinos, Asians and a whole bunch of other “minority” voters. African-Americans might have had quarrels or disappointments with Obama, but they understood their historic stakes in winning a second term for him.

Obama has instead cleared a path for a very different American future. Generations from now, people of all sorts will be able to look back and say this is where it began, a new drama of self-realization now available to many once-excluded Americans and the new politics that they can generate.

Think about how children will interpret this event. For many millions, their dreams and personal ambitions are enlarged by this election. If Obama had lost, wise guys would have dismissed his presidency as a fluke, even a disaster. The kids know better, don’t they?

So you have no idea what is being discussed. White supremacy? You think only white men pay taxes in order to have parasites collect for free?

Are you semi, or full blown retard?

guno is sane, and that cannot be said of you. I suggest you get counseling before your anger boils over into the real world.
Social Coffer

The modern age really is marked by a connectiveness between social values and economics. Unemployment rates, especially in consumerism-rich America, is subliminally associated with a given nation's GDP.

Perhaps this is because of media mercantilism (i.e., Facebook). Remember the Fisher-Buttafuoco extra-marital/attempted murder scandal so widely distributed in the American press?

One area to investigate is the European mail-order-bride market. Many Russian women, for example, list themselves on Internet mail order bride registries, hoping to find eligible American men to offer them a way out of their financially challenged country.

The new age Devil seems to be a harlequin of settlement sloth (perhaps suburbia cynicism).

I personally think that the election of an ethnic minority First Lady of the USA (Michelle Obama) offers leaders and critics alike to search for creative ways to connect progressive politics with community values.


The Amy Fisher Story - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.

U do realize that unemployment benefits r only extended to those who were employed and payed into the fund along with the employer...and then only if job loss came from layoff..not being fired for cause...right?

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And who pays for this additional extension?

Who paid for the Savings and Loan Crisis? Now, this may be a bit off topic, but, asking who paid for the extension of UE opened a door to explore other issues where we, the taxpayer, got stuck. Getting stuck helping a family out of financial trouble due to no fault of their own is one thing, this is another:

The Bush family and the S L Savings and Loan Scandal
Let me tell you about family values. When my grandmother, may she rest in peace, found herself unable to pay for massive repairs on her aging house, her son in law (my father) agreed to move our family in with her, take care of the repairs and expenses, and take care of her. Which we did. After she died, my parents inherited the house, which was worth about $6 thousand dollars. They had put at least three times that amount into it.

When Uncle Jim became sick and incontinent, we took him in, and my mother cared for him until he died.

When Aunt Jerry left her husband (a drunk) we made room for her and supported her while she sorted out her differences and eventually went back with her husband (about 2 years).

Around the time my father was getting ready to retire, he was mugged twice in the neighborhood where he lived (and I grew up), so my wife and I bought a bigger house and invited him to live with us - which he did for the last dozen years or so before he died.

So fuck your government handouts; they have nothing to do with "family values."

And thank you!
The "Family Values" is a subterfuge to further the liberal agenda of attacking GOP candidates on inane subjects. It is used to divert from their own failures which have and are causing a break up of American society.

The most important and binding factor of American society was a family unit supporting and succoring one another.

Liberals, on the other hand, want government to replace that unit so they can have more control over the masses.
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years...
Which proves you're a moron that doesn't know what's going on.

Oh do tell oh wise one, what is going on? Let's see what the GOP is currently offering:

Family values? Nope, not recently; a Big Tent? Nope; Fiscal Conservativism? Well they talk the talk, but history suggests it is only talk for they fund what benefits them and theirs, and cut what has no benefit to them and theirs.

Compassionate Conservativism? That's a laugh. Strong on Defense? Only when it supports the stock values of Defense Contractors. How about tradtional values? Hmmm, avarice once was considered to be a deadly sin, that is until Ronald Reagan made it into a virture, "IT'S YOUR MONEY!"
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years...
Which proves you're a moron that doesn't know what's going on.

Oh do tell oh wise one, what is going on? Let's see what the GOP is currently offering:

Family values? Nope, not recently; a Big Tent? Nope; Fiscal Conservativism? Well they talk the talk, but history suggests it is only talk for they fund what benefits them and theirs, and cut what has no benefit to them and theirs.

Compassionate Conservativism? That's a laugh. Strong on Defense? Only when it supports the stock values of Defense Contractors. How about tradtional values? Hmmm, avarice once was considered to be a deadly sin, that is until Ronald Reagan made it into a virture, "IT'S YOUR MONEY!"
You keep proving me correct. But since you are too lazy to look for yourself: (feel free to contribute, it's up top to the left, literally, not figuratively)

Republican Party Platform GOP

      • Country is exceptional
      • Constitution should be honored, valued, and upheld
      • Leaders should serve people, not special interests
      • Families and communities should be strong and free from government intrusion
      • Institution of traditional marriage is the foundation of society
      • Government should be smaller, smarter and more efficient
      • Health care decisions should be made by us and our doctors
      • Paychecks should not be wasted on poorly run government programs
      • Military must be strong and prepared to defend our shores
      • Culture should respect and protect life
      • Children should never be left in failing schools
      • Veterans should have the best care and opportunities in the world
      • Social programs should help lift people out of poverty
      • America should be energy independent
    • Have other ideas? Add yours:
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