Family Values

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

Name calling doesn't address the fact your entire position rests on hypocrisy. You want to insight "family values" on some moral level, to justify theft by force. And to make matters worse. it's a hyper partisan post where you're actually calling out social conservatives for not being on board with it.


No, I didn't "insight" family values, I inserted family values to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the right wing which has taken over the former GOP. I haven't called out social conservatives or fiscal conservatives or Neo conservatives or any other faction of conservatives within or outside of the former GOP. The former GOP 'leadership' and those who support it are callous conservatives, and that includes many though not all members of the factions noted.

The Libertarian Party is passively callous, willing to let the poor, infirm and elders suffer in the freedom of economic slavery. How we got the where we are is as amazing as it is disconcerting to anyone who truly embraced the American Dream and the American sense of Community.
Your entire premise is designed to elicit emotional responses.
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

hey whiner.. That "I got mine" thing is a worn out horseshit liberal talking point. So you can just stow it.
The fact is the majority of us working people are SICK AND TIRED of watching government officials telling us they are going to do something but never explain how they will do it. They then prey on the emotions of people like you and there goes our money down a rat hole.
We are busting our asses just to take care of our stuff and you bastards have the fucking GALL to label us as selfish.
Here's an idea....Write a check.

First of all that "talking point" is one I promulgated, thus I'm free to use my own creation. Secondly, I write a big check; I probably pay more in taxes than you bring home in a year.

I don't like paying some of the salary and benefits to members of the H. of Rep. who have spent more time on vacation and raising money for their next election than actually at work.

I do support my money being used to repair, replace and renew our nations infrastructrue, work done by private contractors, BTW.

I'm sorry you bust your ass every day, and feel the taxes you pay go to non worthy people, in fact we agree in the principle, simply not on the details. Here are some details you might one to consider:

" A year ago, we wrote about a fantastic episode of the radio program This American Life, which was all about lobbying. One part of it revealed just how much time our elected officials in Congress spend fundraising, and the numbers were somewhat astounding. Both major political parties have set up phone banks across the street from the Capitol (because it's seen as demeaning to do the calls directly from your Congressional office) and members of the House and the Senate spend a ridiculous amount of time there. The report suggested multiple hours each day on average, just focused on raising money for their re-election campaign. It's really quite incredible."

Link and to read more:

How Much Does It Cost To Win Election To Congress Techdirt
You are mixing issues. You place the blame of poverty on the shoulders of the right then in the next thought, hammer members of Congress.
So which is it?
The problems inside the Beltway are complex. Broken down to the simplest parts, one realizes the system is to blame.
Two year terms for House members place them in a mode where they must spend the last 2/3rds of their term preparing for the next campaign.
I believe the problem does not lie in the length of congressional sessions, but lies in the lack of time at HOME facing constituents.
Members of Congress spend most of their time cloistered away from their voters. Refusing to answer queries from the media and refusing to acknowledge the people who go to the polls.
Anyway. the general consensus from taxpayers is "we've done enough".....
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

Screwing over American workers is one of the few things that will get Republicans back from vacation.

War? Not so much. If they voted on that issue, they wouldn't be able to blame Obama.
Workers? They aren't workers if they are not working.
Now that we settled the pissing contest, maybe someone sane can explain what the Republicans consider are Family Values? I doubt very much, "I got mine, screw the rest of you" is what they meant.
You will try as you may to create a narrative and draw out an argument against your premise. No one is going for the bait.
UE insurance and this idea of family values are mutually exclusive.
The former being a policy issue. The latter being a social issue.
I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

Thankfully their ilk is dying off , its their last gasp. the younger generation and the demographic shit will bury them.

Aging White Guys: The Real Losers of 2012

Forget Romney and the Republicans. The real loser was the bitter legacy of “white supremacy.” That poisonous prejudice has endured in political reality and the national culture for two centuries. It still does, though it is now cultivated most zealously only by white Southerners who took over the party of Abraham Lincoln (who surely weeps for his Grand Old Party).

In 2012, white supremacy not only lost the election. It was a crucial factor in explaining how Obama won. Good for Obama and really good for the American people. Whose “status quo” are these pundits clinging to forlornly? Maybe their own. They have typically belittled the struggles by excluded minorities as “identity politics.” Well, yes, these people intend to be identified as citizens, fully endowed with the rights any other American enjoy. This election confirmed their goal.

The re-election of a black president is the most precious fact of 2012, perhaps even more significant than his original election in 2008. If Obama had lost, a wise history professor pointed out to me, it would have taken many years, probably many decades, before either major party would ever again dare to nominate a person of color for president. Black Americans understood this, probably better than most of us white folks. So did Latinos, Asians and a whole bunch of other “minority” voters. African-Americans might have had quarrels or disappointments with Obama, but they understood their historic stakes in winning a second term for him.

Obama has instead cleared a path for a very different American future. Generations from now, people of all sorts will be able to look back and say this is where it began, a new drama of self-realization now available to many once-excluded Americans and the new politics that they can generate.

Think about how children will interpret this event. For many millions, their dreams and personal ambitions are enlarged by this election. If Obama had lost, wise guys would have dismissed his presidency as a fluke, even a disaster. The kids know better, don’t they?
Your racism is duly noted.
Oh, for each person you claim to be what YOU believe to be enlightened that enters the adult world, they quickly find that your brand of socialist progressive polcies are not in their best interest.
Your total disdain for the process signifies your arrogance that non whites are mind numbed gnats who will vote in lockstep for liberals.
You lose on that one.
Conservatives LOVE stepping on the necks of the unemployed! What does it matter that bills go unpaid, utilities get cut off, meals go unprepared for lack of groceries? So long as the bottom line of the Conservative budget is unaffected. More money for defense contractors? No problem! More money to corporate welfare? No problem! More taxes sheltered off shore doing no one any good? No problem! But should one of those impudent poor approach the table and in a truly Dickensian gesture dare to ask for more, please...

Conservatives hate the poor with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.
Now that we settled the pissing contest, maybe someone sane can explain what the Republicans consider are Family Values? I doubt very much, "I got mine, screw the rest of you" is what they meant.

You think your version of family values is better? You want to commit theft to give to those who it doesn't belong to and you call it pragmatism. It's theft by force. Nothing more , nothing less. You get no moral or ethical credit for doing it the name of "family values".

I think you (like most closed fist people) seem to forget one important aspect of economics. In a free market where you can be a capitalist and make as much money as you want, you also have to address the other side of the issue where you are taxed to assist those that have not capitalized on the opportunity.
That statement signifies your lack of understanding of the purpose of government and taxation.
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House
Read very carefully...
In reply, a spokesman for Boehner said, "As the speaker said months ago, we are willing to look at extending emergency unemployment insurance as long as it includes provisions to help create more private sector jobs."

The spokesman, Michael Steel, said Senate Democratic leaders had last week "ruled out adding any job measures at all."
Clearly the democrats are not interested in private sector jobs enhancement legislation. They simply want to pass a handout bill.
One issue....With the manufactured good economic news being planted by the White House and the gleeful exchanges between the left leaning media and their obedient progressive minions, why then do democrats feel it necessary to extend benefits? We have been told by the Obama admin that they have created 5 million new jobs.

What do the people do to survive while waiting on the provision to create more private sector jobs to actually kick in? Thats assuming the provision actually works?
Are you kidding? They LOOK for work. The number of companies looking for qualified employees boggles the mind.
Monster, career builder, etc.....Tons of jobs out there. Tons.
Boehner does the bidding for whomever he feels will help him keep his job, everyone and everything else is secondary. That said, the GOP wants to privatize nearly all jobs. They abhor the public sector and want every worker in American to work in the private sector (or so it seems) without representation and as an independent contractor.

I'm not posting a straw man, we've seen efforts to privatize prisons, our military and the enormous effort to label health care reform as socialism.

The private sector should need no help in creating jobs, many if not most public projects are contracted out to the private sector, and government grants are a common source of work and profit for many businesses and industries.
Of course. Boehner is a politician. When he's not kissing babies, he's stealing their candy.
Never did I use the phrase Force or violence,

Because as a liberal you remove yourself from the violence by giving that power to the don't go out with a gun, stick it in someones face and take their money, then give it to the poor...through your vote, you empower greedy, corrupt politicians and clock punching brueaucrats to do it for don't get your hands dirty but the money is still taken from one person, the ones you don't like, and given to the group of people you like...and the politicians use, and you go on your merry way....even as you wreck the economy doing it...

You probably don't even see the consequences of your actions in the democrat controlled cities around the country...did you know that the 24 of the 25 most violent cities in the country are run by democrats, and have been run by them for decades...your policies have destroyed families, destroyed the education system, driven job creating businesses out of these cities and then you go on your way...

As Mark Levin describes liberal/progreesives/democrats....they are like locusts...they go to a city...raise taxes, raise spending, steal, lose track of the tax money, drive out job creating businesses, undermine families with their welfare/for vote schemes, undermine law enforcement...and then when the people who can escape are gone...and all you have left is Detroit...the liberals/proggressives/ democrats...move...because the city is now too violent, too poor and no place to race the next generation of liberals/progressives/democrats...and then they start the same process on another city....until they destroy that one...and move on again...

Mark Levin laughs at people like you all the way to the bank.
Conservatives LOVE stepping on the necks of the unemployed! What does it matter that bills go unpaid, utilities get cut off, meals go unprepared for lack of groceries? So long as the bottom line of the Conservative budget is unaffected. More money for defense contractors? No problem! More money to corporate welfare? No problem! More taxes sheltered off shore doing no one any good? No problem! But should one of those impudent poor approach the table and in a truly Dickensian gesture dare to ask for more, please...

Conservatives hate the poor with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.
Not much of an argument. Hardly a rebuttal. Barely a statement of refute. With that level of debate, why should we take Conservatives seriously?
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House
Read very carefully...
In reply, a spokesman for Boehner said, "As the speaker said months ago, we are willing to look at extending emergency unemployment insurance as long as it includes provisions to help create more private sector jobs."

The spokesman, Michael Steel, said Senate Democratic leaders had last week "ruled out adding any job measures at all."
Clearly the democrats are not interested in private sector jobs enhancement legislation. They simply want to pass a handout bill.
One issue....With the manufactured good economic news being planted by the White House and the gleeful exchanges between the left leaning media and their obedient progressive minions, why then do democrats feel it necessary to extend benefits? We have been told by the Obama admin that they have created 5 million new jobs.

What do the people do to survive while waiting on the provision to create more private sector jobs to actually kick in? Thats assuming the provision actually works?
Are you kidding? They LOOK for work. The number of companies looking for qualified employees boggles the mind.
Monster, career builder, etc.....Tons of jobs out there. Tons.
What do they and their families eat while they are looking for jobs they don't qualify for or will not support their family?
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House
Read very carefully...
In reply, a spokesman for Boehner said, "As the speaker said months ago, we are willing to look at extending emergency unemployment insurance as long as it includes provisions to help create more private sector jobs."

The spokesman, Michael Steel, said Senate Democratic leaders had last week "ruled out adding any job measures at all."
Clearly the democrats are not interested in private sector jobs enhancement legislation. They simply want to pass a handout bill.
One issue....With the manufactured good economic news being planted by the White House and the gleeful exchanges between the left leaning media and their obedient progressive minions, why then do democrats feel it necessary to extend benefits? We have been told by the Obama admin that they have created 5 million new jobs.

What do the people do to survive while waiting on the provision to create more private sector jobs to actually kick in? Thats assuming the provision actually works?
Are you kidding? They LOOK for work. The number of companies looking for qualified employees boggles the mind.
Monster, career builder, etc.....Tons of jobs out there. Tons.
What do they and their families eat while they are looking for jobs they don't qualify for or will not support their family?

Yes, there still are dumb ^^^ questions.

Let's see:

Joe S. and his family collect cans and bottles to earn a few dollars and splurge for a meal at McDonalds; Jill and her kids sell lemonade on the sidewalk after stealing lemons from the neighbors house; Justine does typing and Jaylyn does Johns; Mitt sells snake oil which he makes out of rotten fruit he gleans from orchards and ...
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

hey whiner.. That "I got mine" thing is a worn out horseshit liberal talking point. So you can just stow it.
The fact is the majority of us working people are SICK AND TIRED of watching government officials telling us they are going to do something but never explain how they will do it. They then prey on the emotions of people like you and there goes our money down a rat hole.
We are busting our asses just to take care of our stuff and you bastards have the fucking GALL to label us as selfish.
Here's an idea....Write a check.

First of all that "talking point" is one I promulgated, thus I'm free to use my own creation. Secondly, I write a big check; I probably pay more in taxes than you bring home in a year.

I don't like paying some of the salary and benefits to members of the H. of Rep. who have spent more time on vacation and raising money for their next election than actually at work.

I do support my money being used to repair, replace and renew our nations infrastructrue, work done by private contractors, BTW.

I'm sorry you bust your ass every day, and feel the taxes you pay go to non worthy people, in fact we agree in the principle, simply not on the details. Here are some details you might one to consider:

" A year ago, we wrote about a fantastic episode of the radio program This American Life, which was all about lobbying. One part of it revealed just how much time our elected officials in Congress spend fundraising, and the numbers were somewhat astounding. Both major political parties have set up phone banks across the street from the Capitol (because it's seen as demeaning to do the calls directly from your Congressional office) and members of the House and the Senate spend a ridiculous amount of time there. The report suggested multiple hours each day on average, just focused on raising money for their re-election campaign. It's really quite incredible."

Link and to read more:

How Much Does It Cost To Win Election To Congress Techdirt

You can support your own money being taken and used for these purposes. That doesn't give you any moral or ethical right to force others to pay for your belief.

I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

hey whiner.. That "I got mine" thing is a worn out horseshit liberal talking point. So you can just stow it.
The fact is the majority of us working people are SICK AND TIRED of watching government officials telling us they are going to do something but never explain how they will do it. They then prey on the emotions of people like you and there goes our money down a rat hole.
We are busting our asses just to take care of our stuff and you bastards have the fucking GALL to label us as selfish.
Here's an idea....Write a check.

First of all that "talking point" is one I promulgated, thus I'm free to use my own creation. Secondly, I write a big check; I probably pay more in taxes than you bring home in a year.

I don't like paying some of the salary and benefits to members of the H. of Rep. who have spent more time on vacation and raising money for their next election than actually at work.

I do support my money being used to repair, replace and renew our nations infrastructrue, work done by private contractors, BTW.

I'm sorry you bust your ass every day, and feel the taxes you pay go to non worthy people, in fact we agree in the principle, simply not on the details. Here are some details you might one to consider:

" A year ago, we wrote about a fantastic episode of the radio program This American Life, which was all about lobbying. One part of it revealed just how much time our elected officials in Congress spend fundraising, and the numbers were somewhat astounding. Both major political parties have set up phone banks across the street from the Capitol (because it's seen as demeaning to do the calls directly from your Congressional office) and members of the House and the Senate spend a ridiculous amount of time there. The report suggested multiple hours each day on average, just focused on raising money for their re-election campaign. It's really quite incredible."

Link and to read more:

How Much Does It Cost To Win Election To Congress Techdirt

You can support your own money being taken and used for these purposes. That doesn't give you any moral or ethical right to force others to pay for your belief.


Yeah it does. Thats why we vote. If we vote people in that think like you we pay less taxes and other people suffer. We vote in people that believe in everyone sharing the load your taxes go up and people have a better standard of living.
That's fucking retarded, sir. Stealing from people via the ballot box is even more cowardice than doing it yourself. Which makes you worse than a parasite. To make matters worse for your worthless statement, it doesn't increase the standard of living of those you steal from for redistribution purposes. It lowers it. You fucking simpleton. Take an economics course and come back, or just stfu and let people wonder if you're a moron instead of removing all doubt.
That's fucking retarded, sir. Stealing from people via the ballot box is even more cowardice than doing it yourself. Which makes you worse than a parasite. To make matters worse for your worthless statement, it doesn't increase the standard of living of those you steal from for redistribution purposes. It lowers it. You fucking simpleton. Take an economics course and come back, or just stfu and let people wonder if you're a moron instead of removing all doubt.
Are all tax dollars taken for what you consider illegitimate purposes? Is every dollar in taxes paid 'stolen'? Should the government, be it local, state or federal have some money to perform services?

Or do you disdain poor people so much that any largess granted them in order that they have some means of survival simply robbery?

Should senior citizens have Social Security or Medicaid? Should farmers be compensated for failed crops? Should banks be deemed 'too big to fail' and then enjoy generous federal bailouts? Should billionaires be able to avoid every penny of taxation by moving their wealth to an off shore account?

Who paves your roads? Builds your universities and hospitals? Who dredges your rivers and maintains your ports? Should a minimum standard of living be provided for the most destitute, or should they accept their fate and pray for the Dickensian days of work houses?

Please avoid the profanity you laced your last post with. Such language betrays a small mind incapable of independent thought.
Theft is illegitimate in any ethical or moral manner. Whether you use it to save someone else from poverty, or pretend that only government can manege roads. If the States cause is so damned noble, why must it extort money from people instead of receiving it voluntarily? I'll tell you why. Because the state is nothing more than organized crime on a scale that would make the Italian mafia of the 70s blush in a big way.

That you're a trained monkey to repeat parrot soundbites doesn't change that, either. Come back with a better argument, or recognize that no matter for what purpose you steal, you fucking stole. Or perhaps cheered for it.

That's fucking retarded, sir. Stealing from people via the ballot box is even more cowardice than doing it yourself. Which makes you worse than a parasite. To make matters worse for your worthless statement, it doesn't increase the standard of living of those you steal from for redistribution purposes. It lowers it. You fucking simpleton. Take an economics course and come back, or just stfu and let people wonder if you're a moron instead of removing all doubt.

Its not stealing. As a citizen of this country you are required to pay taxes son. You need to go back to school and have someone teach you about economics. Obvioulsy you are too poor to afford your taxes. I'm not. Even if it was a struggle to pay my taxes I under what its used for. I hope you never drive on the roads or go to any national parks. You dont want to be compliant in any "stealing" do you?
Its not stealing. As a citizen of this country you are required to pay taxes son. You need to go back to school and have someone teach you about economics. Obvioulsy you are too poor to afford your taxes. I'm not. Even if it was a struggle to pay my taxes I under what its used for. I hope you never drive on the roads or go to any national parks. You dont want to be compliant in any "stealing" do you?

Taxes for public infrastructure and taxation to support others unwilling to live from the efforts of their own is hand is the distinction.

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