Family Values

Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

Dems care so much about the economy they want EVERYONE to be unemployed AND on food stamps

And CrusaderFrank wonders why I consider him to be stupid.

Like every other member of the modern American Progressive Hive, Wry believes that the American Dream is complete dependence on the government: Obamaphone, food stamps and unemployment checks are the highest of aspirations

The only thing I believe that you would know is that I believe you're stupid.
That's fucking retarded, sir. Stealing from people via the ballot box is even more cowardice than doing it yourself. Which makes you worse than a parasite. To make matters worse for your worthless statement, it doesn't increase the standard of living of those you steal from for redistribution purposes. It lowers it. You fucking simpleton. Take an economics course and come back, or just stfu and let people wonder if you're a moron instead of removing all doubt.

Its not stealing. As a citizen of this country you are required to pay taxes son. You need to go back to school and have someone teach you about economics. Obvioulsy you are too poor to afford your taxes. I'm not. Even if it was a struggle to pay my taxes I under what its used for. I hope you never drive on the roads or go to any national parks. You dont want to be compliant in any "stealing" do you?

Now you're trying to tell me compulsion is good, and required and therefore not theft.

It's like you haven't got a fucking clue what's going on in this world.
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

I hope they vote "no".
Ditto. And this has squat to do with family values Leftytoon.

I suggest Politico define what s/he believes family values are, and then we can begin to debate why I believe the GOP has moved so far right that bigotry has negated any claim that the GOP can claim to moral values.
A progressive authoritarian nutjob calling out the other side for being just like him. Isn't that cute?
That's fucking retarded, sir. Stealing from people via the ballot box is even more cowardice than doing it yourself. Which makes you worse than a parasite. To make matters worse for your worthless statement, it doesn't increase the standard of living of those you steal from for redistribution purposes. It lowers it. You fucking simpleton. Take an economics course and come back, or just stfu and let people wonder if you're a moron instead of removing all doubt.

Its not stealing. As a citizen of this country you are required to pay taxes son. You need to go back to school and have someone teach you about economics. Obvioulsy you are too poor to afford your taxes. I'm not. Even if it was a struggle to pay my taxes I under what its used for. I hope you never drive on the roads or go to any national parks. You dont want to be compliant in any "stealing" do you?

Now you're trying to tell me compulsion is good, and required and therefore not theft.

It's like you haven't got a fucking clue what's going on in this world.

You're a goof. Drivers compelled to adhere to the speed limit, bartenders compelled not to serve minors, Judges (well, except for the Supreme Court of the US) compelled to follow a written code of ethics, and citizens compelled to pay an income tax are all necessary for a society to operate within a social structure, vis a vis, a state of chaos.

The income tax was passed via a Constitutional Amendment, a high hurdle and thus, your claim that paying such a tax is theft is both ignorant and an affront to the COTUS.

STFU or moved somewhere where there are no taxes - I suggest antarctica (if the penguins will have you, which I doubt).
The income tax was passed via a Constitutional Amendment, a high hurdle and thus, your claim that paying such a tax is theft is both ignorant and an affront to the COTUS.

Yes, but it is still enforced with a gun...refuse to pay it and guys with guns will grab you and take your stuff...
Worry about balancing the budget and taking care of the business of government, and quit shoving your nose into people bedrooms and beliefs.

Yeah, let the democrats shove their noses into your bedroom and beliefs....they have much more experience controlling other people so leave it to them...and believe me...if you think the Republicans are bad because you think they want to control your bedroom....wait till the democrats actually do it...they don't play games...and they won't stop with the bedroom...they want to control every aspect of your life...

and unlike the Republicans who keep wanting to insult half of their party, the democrats embrace the side of their party that wants to invade your bedroom and every other aspect of your life...that is why they win elections..they aren't cutting out half of their party in every election...and the republicans wonder why they lose...
The income tax was passed via a Constitutional Amendment, a high hurdle and thus, your claim that paying such a tax is theft is both ignorant and an affront to the COTUS.

Yes, but it is still enforced with a gun...refuse to pay it and guys with guns will grab you and take your stuff...

Yep, so my advice would be to pay it. Oh, and not rob banks, rape or murder, otherwise "guys with guns will grab you and take your stuff".

This may be a difficult concept for you to understand, laws require enforcement.
This may be a difficult concept for you to understand, laws require enforcement.

Yes, the underpinning belief of all totalitarians...if we pass a law... it is a is just, because we passed it...and therefore we will use lethal force to make you comply...and if that law gives more power of the state over you, the cog in the becomes holy and sacred....
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

I'm still fuzzy on what they're referencing when they mention "traditional family values." Anyone who's seen "Kinsey" or "Masters of Sex" is probably pretty happy we're far removed from the 1950s "science" and "family values" yes? :)
Worry about balancing the budget and taking care of the business of government, and quit shoving your nose into people bedrooms and beliefs.

Yeah, let the democrats shove their noses into your bedroom and beliefs....they have much more experience controlling other people so leave it to them...and believe me...if you think the Republicans are bad because you think they want to control your bedroom....wait till the democrats actually do it...they don't play games...and they won't stop with the bedroom...they want to control every aspect of your life...

First of all, most Americans are democrats. If you meant to claim only members of the Democratic Party "shove their noses into your bedroom and beliefs" then you would be wrong on both counts.

Are Democrats those who strive to deny gays and lesbains the right to marry, women the right to an abortion or to be treated equally before the law with men, workers to unionize and bargain collectively, or is it Republicans?

You can still buy that 64 oz soda, in fact I encourage you to do so you can prove you have the freedom and liberty to destroy your health. Smoke tobacco too, no one can force you to read the label on the pack of smokes.
This may be a difficult concept for you to understand, laws require enforcement.

Yes, the underpinning belief of all totalitarians...if we pass a law... it is a is just, because we passed it...and therefore we will use lethal force to make you comply...and if that law gives more power of the state over you, the cog in the becomes holy and sacred....

Which law do we first eliminate, the COTUS? Would doing so create the Libertarian Utopia?
Are Democrats those who strive to deny gays and lesbains the right to marry, women the right to an abortion or to be treated equally before the law with men, workers to unionize and bargain collectively, or is it Republicans?

You can still buy that 64 oz soda, in fact I encourage you to do so you can prove you have the freedom and liberty to destroy your health. Smoke tobacco too, no one can force you to read the label on the pack of smokes.

Hmmmm...seems to me it isn't conservatives who want people to I.D. their sexual preference on college admission forms...or who sue bakers and photographers who have religious objections to gay weddings or who prevent parents from knowing their daughters are going to planned parenthood...when they are underage...who are currently not paying female white house staff members the same as men...or congressional workers the same as men...or who want parents of diabled children to be forced into unions against their will...or who won't allow people to work if they aren't members of a union...

Seems like they poke their nose into all those things...
Which law do we first eliminate, the COTUS? Would doing so create the Libertarian Utopia?

See, now that is how the liberals/progressives/democrats/socialists want the world to be....libertarians support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as do the Conservatives and Tea Party members...if we want to get rid of the income tax we will do it by another per the actual process

It is the democrats who by pass the constitution because it is a "living" document...
You can still buy that 64 oz soda, in fact I encourage you to do so you can prove you have the freedom and liberty to destroy your health. Smoke tobacco too, no one can force you to read the label on the pack of smokes.

We can do these things only because the democrats have failed to enforce these things...not because they were opposed to and the other democrats are the ones pushing control of all these activities...and only a court decision stopped him...
Which law do we first eliminate, the COTUS? Would doing so create the Libertarian Utopia?

See, now that is how the liberals/progressives/democrats/socialists want the world to be....libertarians support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as do the Conservatives and Tea Party members...if we want to get rid of the income tax we will do it by another per the actual process

It is the democrats who by pass the constitution because it is a "living" document...

Really, was your opinion on the "living" Constitution formed while earning your Juris Doctorate? Or was it formed while drinking Kool-Aid and reading a blog?

And what would be the result of a repeal of the 16th Amendment? IMO, PLUTOCRACY in America. You believe your liberty and freedom are constrained now, wait until you get what you want. Oligarchs are not nice.
You can still buy that 64 oz soda, in fact I encourage you to do so you can prove you have the freedom and liberty to destroy your health. Smoke tobacco too, no one can force you to read the label on the pack of smokes.

We can do these things only because the democrats have failed to enforce these things...not because they were opposed to and the other democrats are the ones pushing control of all these activities...and only a court decision stopped him...

Where in the Constitution of the United States is the authority to deny a Mayor of a City the right to enforce public health laws? Aren't you and the rest of the idiot fringe loud advocates for local control, and and defenders of the 10th Amendment?

BTW, Bloomberg isn't a Democrat, he once was; and he once was a Republican. He's smart, so he's never been a Libertarian.

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