Family Values

Worry about balancing the budget and taking care of the business of government, and quit shoving your nose into people bedrooms and beliefs.
How are they doing that????
Oh come on. Really? Social conservatives are anti-gay, have tried to shut down adult stores and porn, and have pushed for religious displays in gov't buildings and in schools (like teaching ID).
ID theory is them creeping into your bedroom? Anti-gay, how? You just offered smears with nothing substantive.

No, he offered facts; your response offered nothing of substance. Social Conservatives defended bigots who refused to provide services to persons whose sexual orientation that didn't approve,that is, intolerance of families which don't meet their arbitrary standard - gay and lesbian marriage, and straight couples who choose not to marry - are prime examples of a Taliban mentality within this set of the New Right.
Worry about balancing the budget and taking care of the business of government, and quit shoving your nose into people bedrooms and beliefs.
How are they doing that????
Oh come on. Really? Social conservatives are anti-gay, have tried to shut down adult stores and porn, and have pushed for religious displays in gov't buildings and in schools (like teaching ID).
ID theory is them creeping into your bedroom? Anti-gay, how? You just offered smears with nothing substantive.

No, he offered facts; your response offered nothing of substance. Social Conservatives defended bigots who refused to provide services to persons whose sexual orientation that didn't approve,that is, intolerance of families which don't meet their arbitrary standard - gay and lesbian marriage, and straight couples who choose not to marry - are prime examples of a Taliban mentality within this set of the New Right.
No, you offered shit. That's what you do. I asked for specifics, asshole. He had none. The rest of your shit is more of the same. YOU are the bigot!
Worry about balancing the budget and taking care of the business of government, and quit shoving your nose into people bedrooms and beliefs.
How are they doing that????
Oh come on. Really? Social conservatives are anti-gay, have tried to shut down adult stores and porn, and have pushed for religious displays in gov't buildings and in schools (like teaching ID).
ID theory is them creeping into your bedroom? Anti-gay, how? You just offered smears with nothing substantive.

No, he offered facts; your response offered nothing of substance. Social Conservatives defended bigots who refused to provide services to persons whose sexual orientation that didn't approve,that is, intolerance of families which don't meet their arbitrary standard - gay and lesbian marriage, and straight couples who choose not to marry - are prime examples of a Taliban mentality within this set of the New Right.
No, you offered shit. That's what you do. I asked for specifics, asshole. He had none. The rest of your shit is more of the same. YOU are the bigot!

Fuck you. Your response is over-the-top not because I'm wrong, because as myopic as you are, you recognized the truth of my assertion and had an emotional crisis. Tissue?
Prove this wrong: "Social Conservatives defended bigots who refused to provide services to persons whose sexual orientation that didn't approve, that is, intolerance of families which don't meet their arbitrary standard - gay and lesbian marriage, and straight couples who choose not to marry - are prime examples of a Taliban mentality within this set of the New Right."

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