Family Values

Its not stealing. As a citizen of this country you are required to pay taxes son. You need to go back to school and have someone teach you about economics. Obvioulsy you are too poor to afford your taxes. I'm not. Even if it was a struggle to pay my taxes I under what its used for. I hope you never drive on the roads or go to any national parks. You dont want to be compliant in any "stealing" do you?

Taxes for public infrastructure and taxation to support others unwilling to live from the efforts of their own is hand is the distinction.
We voted on the distinction and you lose. We also support those that may be down on their luck with our tax dollars. If you dont like it stop paying taxes and see what happens.
Its not stealing. As a citizen of this country you are required to pay taxes son. You need to go back to school and have someone teach you about economics. Obvioulsy you are too poor to afford your taxes. I'm not. Even if it was a struggle to pay my taxes I under what its used for. I hope you never drive on the roads or go to any national parks. You dont want to be compliant in any "stealing" do you?

Taxes for public infrastructure and taxation to support others unwilling to live from the efforts of their own is hand is the distinction.
We voted on the distinction and you lose. We also support those that may be down on their luck with our tax dollars. If you dont like it stop paying taxes and see what happens.

You have made "down on your luck" a sustainable lifestyle, imprinted and manifested in successive generations of "down on their luck". You draw political power on perpetual "down on your luck". Vote and pass laws that depend on and foster the reality that more comes from work and sacrifice.........than the ".gov teat" packaged as luck of social status or race.
Its not stealing. As a citizen of this country you are required to pay taxes son. You need to go back to school and have someone teach you about economics. Obvioulsy you are too poor to afford your taxes. I'm not. Even if it was a struggle to pay my taxes I under what its used for. I hope you never drive on the roads or go to any national parks. You dont want to be compliant in any "stealing" do you?

Taxes for public infrastructure and taxation to support others unwilling to live from the efforts of their own is hand is the distinction.
We voted on the distinction and you lose. We also support those that may be down on their luck with our tax dollars. If you dont like it stop paying taxes and see what happens.

You have made "down on your luck" a sustainable lifestyle, imprinted and manifested in successive generations of "down on their luck". You draw political power on perpetual "down on your luck". Vote and pass laws that depend on and foster the reality that more comes from work and sacrifice.........than the ".gov teat" packaged as luck of social status or race.

Sorry fake indian. Your people may have done that but not me. I would do just that if I could guarantee the kids would get to eat while the masses are educated on how to accomplish this and start making the money necessary to feed their families. Until then I have no problem supporting you until you get off welfare.
Your president doesnt foster that. He is implementing a solution. What are you doing?

Come on. He foments race, gender, wealth, sexuality divides at every move.

It is all he has.
I see you have drunk the kool-aide.

So it is your contention Obama does not use "identity politics".

And any such suggestion of such is evidence of a cult-like aversion to him......probably cause he is "black" .......right ?
I recognize that. The problem still remains. What do you do with those people? Leave them to starve or educate and help them?

A good starter is your President doesn't foster that it is white people doing it to them.
Your president doesnt foster that. He is implementing a solution. What are you doing?

He's not "our President" he's called us "The enemy"
You must be an inbred racist then if he called you the enemy.
Your president doesnt foster that. He is implementing a solution. What are you doing?

Come on. He foments race, gender, wealth, sexuality divides at every move.

It is all he has.
I see you have drunk the kool-aide.

So it is your contention Obama does not use "identity politics".

And any such suggestion of such is evidence of a cult-like aversion to him......probably cause he is "black" .......right ?
Everyone uses identity politics including your handlers. Why do you think you believe the stuff you do?
I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


I'm not a loser, and you're not a compassionate conservative (as if one ever existed). You are a callous conservative and hold to the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" ideology. That's okay for you, ever since your Messiah President Reagan made avarice into a virtue it gives you and others like you and excuse to be callous, self righteous and greedy.

hey whiner.. That "I got mine" thing is a worn out horseshit liberal talking point. So you can just stow it.
The fact is the majority of us working people are SICK AND TIRED of watching government officials telling us they are going to do something but never explain how they will do it. They then prey on the emotions of people like you and there goes our money down a rat hole.
We are busting our asses just to take care of our stuff and you bastards have the fucking GALL to label us as selfish.
Here's an idea....Write a check.

First of all that "talking point" is one I promulgated, thus I'm free to use my own creation. Secondly, I write a big check; I probably pay more in taxes than you bring home in a year.

I don't like paying some of the salary and benefits to members of the H. of Rep. who have spent more time on vacation and raising money for their next election than actually at work.

I do support my money being used to repair, replace and renew our nations infrastructrue, work done by private contractors, BTW.

I'm sorry you bust your ass every day, and feel the taxes you pay go to non worthy people, in fact we agree in the principle, simply not on the details. Here are some details you might one to consider:

" A year ago, we wrote about a fantastic episode of the radio program This American Life, which was all about lobbying. One part of it revealed just how much time our elected officials in Congress spend fundraising, and the numbers were somewhat astounding. Both major political parties have set up phone banks across the street from the Capitol (because it's seen as demeaning to do the calls directly from your Congressional office) and members of the House and the Senate spend a ridiculous amount of time there. The report suggested multiple hours each day on average, just focused on raising money for their re-election campaign. It's really quite incredible."

Link and to read more:

How Much Does It Cost To Win Election To Congress Techdirt

You can support your own money being taken and used for these purposes. That doesn't give you any moral or ethical right to force others to pay for your belief.


I'm not forcing you to do anything, least of which is to read my posts and comment on them. Since you are so outraged by 'THEM' stealing from you, I suggest you put on face paint, stick a feather in your hair (if you have any) and storm The White House, The Congress and The Supreme Court.

Keep in mind we all pay taxes, but not all of us are cry babies. Not all of us agree on what our tax money should pay for, you hate the fact that the poor recieve food subsidies and their kids get health care subsidies. Me, I'm okay with that since I'm not a callous conservative - I piss and moan, a little bit, when Members of Congress spent 1/3 of their time when working (which is about half the time of a FT American Worker) raising money for their reelection. Do you know they won't be back to work until after the November election?
Its not stealing. As a citizen of this country you are required to pay taxes son. You need to go back to school and have someone teach you about economics. Obvioulsy you are too poor to afford your taxes. I'm not. Even if it was a struggle to pay my taxes I under what its used for. I hope you never drive on the roads or go to any national parks. You dont want to be compliant in any "stealing" do you?

Taxes for public infrastructure and taxation to support others unwilling to live from the efforts of their own is hand is the distinction.

"unwilling to live from the efforts of their own hand" is the distinction which separates the working poor from the slackers and addicts. Food, clothing, transportation and shelter are the must haves, low wadges with few or no benefits makes even meeting these needs difficult.

Painting all those in need with the same brush is the foundation, framing the thinking of callous conservatives; it takes a bit of compassion/empathy and an open mind to see past this perfidious propaganda parroted by so many.
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

I hope they vote "no".

Me too. And since when to republicans fund unemployment benefits? Do democrat law makers pull money out of their own pocket for that?

You are seriously confused about who pays for these things. There is no compassionate, ethical or moral high ground in stealing from working people to extend money to those who aren't. It's not the fault of working folks that legislators and chartered bank cartels fucked up the economy. Those working folks feel it too.

You get no moral credit for attempting a messageboard shaming of republicans on "family values" when it involves theft by force.


Also, you need to separate social conservatives and fiscal conservatives.

This is the biggest factor. The fiscal conservatives could pull from both sides of the aisle, if they would simply shove the social conservatives off the platform. Worry about balancing the budget and taking care of the business of government, and quit shoving your nose into people bedrooms and beliefs.
Well, we haven't heard Family Values being important to the Republican Brand in years, but in the days to come the H. or Rep. has an opportunity to prove they do care about our nations families.

Unemployment benefits bill headed to House

Dems care so much about the economy they want EVERYONE to be unemployed AND on food stamps

And CrusaderFrank wonders why I consider him to be stupid.

Like every other member of the modern American Progressive Hive, Wry believes that the American Dream is complete dependence on the government: Obamaphone, food stamps and unemployment checks are the highest of aspirations
I recognize that. The problem still remains. What do you do with those people? Leave them to starve or educate and help them?

A good starter is your President doesn't foster that it is white people doing it to them.
Your president doesnt foster that. He is implementing a solution. What are you doing?

He's not "our President" he's called us "The enemy"
You must be an inbred racist then if he called you the enemy.

Maybe your President is just a fucking scumbag?

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