Famous Anti-Racist Speaker SHOCKED After Antifa Calls HIM A White Suprmacist

Antifa are a bunch of college conditioned thug wanna bes. College professors are responsible for this new attitude that compels people to shoot others who don't agree with them.
Antifa are a bunch of college conditioned thug wanna bes. College professors are responsible for this new attitude that compels people to shoot others who don't agree with them.
Well it sounds as if ANTIFA are hired hit-men that goes around stopping those that are revealing the truth about things that has kept us apart.

the WS word and the R word mean nothing now--since they use it for EVERYONE
..again, WS are NOT a major problem /not the problem at all..I put out the links and stats before
There are people that are being paid to stage a racial incident, in order to build up racial tension. Most children will be clueless in a incident like this one. That they will be thinking that this man is a bad man, because he is not doing what his father telling him to do. That this child is playing a role as if he is the sweet little child that wants to vote in the next election to get rid of Deplorables. And his father is acting so cool and calm about being around a complete stranger. That he is not telling his son to stand away from the stranger while he calling the cops. In incidents like this one. Most people keeps their children far away as possible. So that they will not get hurt, in case something do happens.
And then they puts these videos on t.v. just to make it sound so real as if this really has taken place.
People better learn on how to see between the lines. Because there are a lot of deception going on in this world.


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