Famous Epic Journalist Meltdown...The True Story

The problem with it is it was all fake news.

This guy is just an actor and he practiced this meltdown and pulled it off after an unknown number of takes and it was convincing.

How much of the news we see every day is exactly this.....just pure entertainment and made up news?
I think 99% of what CNN, Fox, and MSNBC puts out is pure entertainment. Very little news at all.
So here we have a serious news source hosting a former comedian asking his opinion on fake news stories they're trying to massage into a scandal.

So Anderson Pooper is doing what the actor above did....making up a story, but not a funny one, using unnamed sources again and trying to sell this to voters.

The point is this......you have to question everything you see today.

These people have an agenda....and what they're trying to do is bring out the worst in us.

Obama spent most of his presidency ginning up racism.
The left is busy using all media sources to turn the people against the Trump Administration.
They're all just a bunch of liberal globalist elitists trying to control our thoughts.

A female comedian on this special claims Trump is starting wars because he's bored.

Weird......Obama started 2 and restarted Afghanistan but obviously that's just peachy.
This former Fox News talking head wants John Sununu to speculate.....and doesn't get the answer she was fishing for.

This is what passes for news. Pure speculation.


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