Famous Liberals in our history

how so?

Jesus spoke constantly about taking care of the poor and not judging others .....

interestingly enough, he said not one word about homosexuality.

Jesus was a liberal. Actually, politically, Jesus was a radical, fighting the power of the San Hedrin which he feld dishonored true Judaism.

I disagree that he was liberal, for reasons laid out by myself and others in the thread.

However, he WAS a radical. Of that there is no doubt.
Jesus was the ultimate liberal progressive revolutionary of all history. The conservative religious and social structure that He defied hated and crucified Him. They examined His life and did not like what they saw. He aligned Himself with the poor and the oppressed. He challenged the religious orthodoxy of His day. He advocated pacifism and loving our enemies. He liberated women and minorities from oppression. He healed on the Sabbath and forgave adulterers and prostitutes. He associated with drunks and other social outcasts. He rebuked the religious right of His day because they embraced the letter of the law instead of the Spirit. He loved sinners and called them to Himself. Jesus was the original Liberal. He was a progressive, and He was judged and hated for it. It was the self-righteous religionists that He rebuked and He called them hypocrites.
how so?

Jesus spoke constantly about taking care of the poor and not judging others .....

interestingly enough, he said not one word about homosexuality.

Jesus was a liberal. Actually, politically, Jesus was a radical, fighting the power of the San Hedrin which he feld dishonored true Judaism.

I disagree that he was liberal, for reasons laid out by myself and others in the thread.

However, he WAS a radical. Of that there is no doubt.

Now that's an interesting concept... I know there are now radical rightwingers who aren't libs my any stretch of the imagination. But I've never seen Jesus that way.

I'll have to look back through the thread, I guess. I got distracted by Xen's post and never went back. :redface:
Jesus was the ultimate liberal progressive revolutionary of all history. The conservative religious and social structure that He defied hated and crucified Him. They examined His life and did not like what they saw. He aligned Himself with the poor and the oppressed. He challenged the religious orthodoxy of His day. He advocated pacifism and loving our enemies. He liberated women and minorities from oppression. He healed on the Sabbath and forgave adulterers and prostitutes. He associated with drunks and other social outcasts. He rebuked the religious right of His day because they embraced the letter of the law instead of the Spirit. He loved sinners and called them to Himself. Jesus was the original Liberal. He was a progressive, and He was judged and hated for it. It was the self-righteous religionists that He rebuked and He called them hypocrites.

I agree with everything you said. I just want to make one observation... and that is that saving a life was always permissible on sabbath. ;)
1. Jesus Christ
2. George Washington
3. Abe Lincoln
4. Gandhi
5. Martin Luther King
6. Ben Franklin
7. FDR
8. Thomas Jefferson
9. JFK
10. James Madison

And what exactly have the conservatives done for us?
1. Out-and-out blasphemy.
2. True.
3. False...He was a reactionary.
4. True.
5. Debatable.
6. True.
7. Total lie...He was an authoritarian who stole the New Deal, lock, stock and barrel, from avowed socialist Eugene Debs.
8. True.
9. False....He was a progressive leftist.
10. True.

There's a vast difference between classical liberals, like the framers, and the modern progressive fake "liberals".

Hiding behind Christ to support your politics, in any case, is so far beneath contempt for words to describe.

Jesus would put both parties to shame.
how so?

Jesus spoke constantly about taking care of the poor and not judging others .....

interestingly enough, he said not one word about homosexuality.

Jesus was a liberal. Actually, politically, Jesus was a radical, fighting the power of the San Hedrin which he feld dishonored true Judaism.

I disagree that he was liberal, for reasons laid out by myself and others in the thread.

However, he WAS a radical. Of that there is no doubt.

Now that's an interesting concept... I know there are now radical rightwingers who aren't libs my any stretch of the imagination. But I've never seen Jesus that way.

I'll have to look back through the thread, I guess. I got distracted by Xen's post and never went back. :redface:

He was a radical because he fundamentally changed the course of history by promoting his new concepts of the Jewish religion. What many people do is confuse "change" for liberalism. Just because someone promotes a change in concept does not mean that they are a liberal. Hell, there are many people promoting a fundamental change in this countries tax code. Based on this and this alone, are they liberal?

And it's also pretty obvious, to me at least, that trying to claim Jesus was either a liberal or conservative just simply does not work within today's framework of what a liberal or conservative is. For every example of his "modern" liberalism at work, there is an example of his actions that are defined nowadays as being a "modern" conservative concept.

Jesus doesn't fit in a box, and either side that tries to claim Him as being "on their side of current events" either are being disingenuous or really do not know that much about Him.

All of this can make for an interesting discussion. One thing that we all can agree on however is dear Lord Jesus.....please save us from some of your followers.

Modern money changers in the temple is what 90% of them are.
Jesus was a Liberal
Webster's dictionary defines a Liberal as one who is open minded, not
strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional or established forms or
ways. Jesus was a pluralist Liberal who taught that one need not
conform to strict and orthodox views of God, religion, and life. He
rejected greed, violence, the glorification of power, the amassing of
wealth without social balance, and the personal judging of others, their
lifestyles and beliefs.

Over and over again, He taught us to believe in and live a spiritual and
ethical life based in our essential, inherent goodness. What Jesus
promoted was succinct set of spiritual principals and a way of life
based upon the of love, compassion, tolerance, and a strong belief in
the importance in giving and of generosity to those in need.

Jesus Is A Liberal - Home Page
By your own definition you make yourself wrong, I already gave you an example of how he behaved when the strict rules of conduct where no longer being obeyed.

Sorry it blew up your lil thread, but life sucks that way.

how so?

Jesus spoke constantly about taking care of the poor and not judging others .....

interestingly enough, he said not one word about homosexuality.

Jesus was a liberal. Actually, politically, Jesus was a radical, fighting the power of the San Hedrin which he feld dishonored true Judaism.

You're right. Jesus never said anything directly about homosexuality, which means He completely neglected to say, "Oh, by the way, all those admonitions about homosexuality being an abomination? That's all cancelled. Sorry about that." It's almost like He didn't think it needed any changes, or something.

Not sure how "radical" it is to support a return to the true way of doing things over a more recent perversion thereof. Sounds pretty fundamentally conservative to me.
Care to question the liberal crentials of anyone on the list???

Go for it

It's more that I question YOURS.

Who said I'm Liberal??

I'm a registered republican and voted for Reagan and daddy Bush four times

Oh, SPARE me the disingenuity. My teenagers lie more convincingly than you. You are not in here, smugly listing all the wonderful "liberals" in history because you yourself are a hardcore conservative, or are pretending to be.

Either I'm right and you're a modern-day leftist, which means you have nothing in common with the people on your list, or you're right, and you're a modern-day conservative, which means you have no reason to be starting this thread in the first place.
1. Jesus Christ
2. George Washington
3. Abe Lincoln
4. Gandhi
5. Martin Luther King
6. Ben Franklin
7. FDR
8. Thomas Jefferson
9. JFK
10. James Madison

And what exactly have the conservatives done for us?
1. Out-and-out blasphemy.
2. True.
3. False...He was a reactionary.
4. True.
5. Debatable.
6. True.
7. Total lie...He was an authoritarian who stole the New Deal, lock, stock and barrel, from avowed socialist Eugene Debs.
8. True.
9. False....He was a progressive leftist.
10. True.

There's a vast difference between classical liberals, like the framers, and the modern progressive fake "liberals".

Hiding behind Christ to support your politics, in any case, is so far beneath contempt for words to describe.

Jesus would put both parties to shame.

I would certainly hope so. Not sure I want much truck with a Messiah who can't outshine political parties.
Jesus was a Liberal
Webster's dictionary defines a Liberal as one who is open minded, not
strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional or established forms or
ways. Jesus was a pluralist Liberal who taught that one need not
conform to strict and orthodox views of God, religion, and life. He
rejected greed, violence, the glorification of power, the amassing of
wealth without social balance, and the personal judging of others, their
lifestyles and beliefs.

Over and over again, He taught us to believe in and live a spiritual and
ethical life based in our essential, inherent goodness. What Jesus
promoted was succinct set of spiritual principals and a way of life
based upon the of love, compassion, tolerance, and a strong belief in
the importance in giving and of generosity to those in need.

Jesus Is A Liberal - Home Page
By your own definition you make yourself wrong, I already gave you an example of how he behaved when the strict rules of conduct where no longer being obeyed.

Sorry it blew up your lil thread, but life sucks that way.

how so?

Jesus spoke constantly about taking care of the poor and not judging others .....

interestingly enough, he said not one word about homosexuality.

Jesus was a liberal. Actually, politically, Jesus was a radical, fighting the power of the San Hedrin which he feld dishonored true Judaism.

the armchair theologian speaks...nothing but prattle
Did Jesus ever say anything about how a state should be run?
Jesus was a radical......but I don't think the actual Jesus [if he existed] translates to liberal. He was selling a product.

At the time, Romans were exceedingly liberal. They had a very open culture, most everything was public. They educated their slaves and slaves could work their way to freed men/women status. They adopted religions and languages and they did it by conquering everything by overwhelming force, but we are left with roads and trade and freedom to move about the Risk board because of it.

Comparing Jesus and Rome to modern conservative/liberal ideas is very difficult unless you hone it down to a very specific line of inquiry.
Can anyone remind me which disciple of Jesus it was who came up with the formula to figure out the relative worth of a human life, in order to cut back on expenses??

I forget.

Oh really?

Can you show me where that is in the healthcare plan?
Show me how those decisions aren't made every day right now?
You're right. Jesus never said anything directly about homosexuality, which means He completely neglected to say, "Oh, by the way, all those admonitions about homosexuality being an abomination? That's all cancelled. Sorry about that." It's almost like He didn't think it needed any changes, or something.

Not sure how "radical" it is to support a return to the true way of doing things over a more recent perversion thereof. Sounds pretty fundamentally conservative to me.

you pick and choose... you say you can ignore Leviticus when it suits you and not keep kosher, but you want to rely on it in egging people on to discriminate against their fellow man.

jesus was the one who said not to judge... and he ate with paupers and whores...

you think he'd love gays less?

the only recent perversion is using jesus to foster hate...

oh wait... not so recent. he's been misused that way by lots of people.
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Did Jesus ever say anything about how a state should be run?

actually, he said give unto caesar....

he was more concerned with the politicization of religion....

he'd have just loved jerry falwell and company.

Well yeah. I wonder where Falwell is. Pastors are held to a higher standard and he's passing judgement left and right. even though the bible says do not pass judgement lest ye be judged. he must have forgotten that.

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