Famous Liberals in our history

Cons would condemn Jesus as a Liberal if he returned today.
Cons would condemn Jesus as a Liberal if he returned today.

whats wrong with it? it makes Jesus look like a sissy.

this is what you get wiht Christ!

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." — Revelation 19:11-16
"Jesus was a Conservative"......:cuckoo:
No more or less fucked up than claiming that he was a liberal.

Of corse, if the notion of the same people who wet themselves should a manger diorama be displayed in front of city hall, and want to remove "In God We Trust" from the money suddenlyu invoking Christ as the standard bearer for their political agenda doesn't reek to high Heaven of sanctimony, nothing does.
1. Jesus Christ
2. George Washington
3. Abe Lincoln
4. Gandhi
5. Martin Luther King
6. Ben Franklin
7. FDR
8. Thomas Jefferson
9. JFK
10. James Madison

And what exactly have the conservatives done for us?

Not one of those people even remotely resemble today's insane moonbat lib.

try again. :cuckoo:

Even JFK would be considered a neocon wingnut by you lunatics.

Correct - JFK was the first modern era neocon president...

American Thinker: JFK, neo-con.

We'll never know for sure, but history suggests that JFK would have felt utterly disgusted by today's crew of Democrat leaders. Today's Left does not sound any different than the Marxists he so despised --- one of whom assassinated him, after all. As president, Jack Kennedy had more in common with Nixon, Reagan, and George W. Bush than with any Democrat frontrunner today.

Chances are that JFK would be pretty tough on terrorists and fascist regimes rushing toward nukes. Once you're mugged by reality, you just don't want it to happen again.

Scratch John F. Kennedy and your find a neocon.

American Thinker: JFK, neo-con.
1. Jesus Christ
2. George Washington
3. Abe Lincoln
4. Gandhi
5. Martin Luther King
6. Ben Franklin
7. FDR
8. Thomas Jefferson
9. JFK
10. James Madison

And what exactly have the conservatives done for us?

Not one of those people even remotely resemble today's insane moonbat lib.

try again. :cuckoo:

Even JFK would be considered a neocon wingnut by you lunatics.

Correct - JFK was the first modern era neocon president...
Actually, Teddy Roosevelt owns that dubious title.
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Not one of those people even remotely resemble today's insane moonbat lib.

try again. :cuckoo:

Even JFK would be considered a neocon wingnut by you lunatics.

Correct - JFK was the first modern era neocon president...
Actually, Teddy Roosevelt owns that dubious title.

Not quite - the Teddy predates the modern neocon era.

JFK was da Neocon man. His Sec. of Defense was every bit the neocon as Rummy - perhaps more so.

Contrary to Camelot myth, it was JFK who first beefed up US troops in Vietnam to fight Ho Chi Minh, not his hated successor Lyndon Baines Johnson. It was JFK who picked Robert MacNamara to be SecDef, and solidly backed his ideas to fight Communist insurgencies around the world. On foreign policy Kennedy ran to the right of Nixon in 1960, charging that the United States suffered from a "missile gap" in its titanic struggle with the Soviet Union. Just think --- in 1960 the Democrats were stronger on national security than Richard M. Nixon. They even tried to out-do Nixon's anti-Communism. Jack and Bobby were out to assassinate El Jefe Fidel with explosive cigars. That's hard to fit into the legend of Camelot. Stubborn facts.

American Thinker: JFK, neo-con.
Correct - JFK was the first modern era neocon president...
Actually, Teddy Roosevelt owns that dubious title.
Neo-cons hate environmentalists.

...And Liberals hate overt projections of America's military might in order to intimidate foreign nations.

(As long as we're putting everyone into neat little boxes and all. Just showing that Roosevelt doesn't fit into either)
1. Jesus Christ
2. George Washington
3. Abe Lincoln
4. Gandhi
5. Martin Luther King
6. Ben Franklin
7. FDR
8. Thomas Jefferson
9. JFK
10. James Madison

And what exactly have the conservatives done for us?

Unfortunately for your little thread, the above were God-fearing, conservative liberals. Not the fucktards we have today, currently infesting this country.
Jesus was a Liberal

The Romans who crucified him were Republicans
Correct - JFK was the first modern era neocon president...
Actually, Teddy Roosevelt owns that dubious title.

Not quite - the Teddy predates the modern neocon era.

JFK was da Neocon man. His Sec. of Defense was every bit the neocon as Rummy - perhaps more so.

Contrary to Camelot myth, it was JFK who first beefed up US troops in Vietnam to fight Ho Chi Minh, not his hated successor Lyndon Baines Johnson. It was JFK who picked Robert MacNamara to be SecDef, and solidly backed his ideas to fight Communist insurgencies around the world. On foreign policy Kennedy ran to the right of Nixon in 1960, charging that the United States suffered from a "missile gap" in its titanic struggle with the Soviet Union. Just think --- in 1960 the Democrats were stronger on national security than Richard M. Nixon. They even tried to out-do Nixon's anti-Communism. Jack and Bobby were out to assassinate El Jefe Fidel with explosive cigars. That's hard to fit into the legend of Camelot. Stubborn facts.

American Thinker: JFK, neo-con.

shoot? no one. but he might throw your ass into the lake of fire.
I've already been booked for a first class passage to Hell.

See ya there chump!

ill be sure to wave to you as you go past down into the grave, ill have a front row seat; oh, and dont worry youll be able to see me smile..
You see...this is what makes conservatives so precious.

Goddess bless their little souls./
I've already been booked for a first class passage to Hell.

See ya there chump!

ill be sure to wave to you as you go past down into the grave, ill have a front row seat; oh, and dont worry youll be able to see me smile..
You see...this is what makes conservatives so precious.

Goddess bless their little souls./

whats wrong dumplin, you upset that i wont be taking that trip south with ya? tuff shit.

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