Famous Vietcong war hero John Kerry is reportedly colluding with Iran

John Kerry met with North Vietnam agents during the Vietnam war while he was in the Naval reserves. Democrats didn't seem to care.
Talk About Collusion! John Kerry Is Working With Iran Behind Trump's Back To Save The Iran Deal

The famous Vietcong war hero John Kerry is reportedly colluding with the Terrorist State Iran To undermine American foreign policy.
According to a new report by The Boston Globe, under the threat of President Donald Trump pulling out of the Iran Deal, Kerry “engaged in some unusual shadow diplomacy with a top-ranking Iranian official.”

aaand he might be breaking the law

The Logan Act, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953

Did he sell the arms?
What's the problem with these sore losers ????

If they had any guts or intelligence they would accept their defeat like mature adults and not try to stab President Trump in the back at every turn of the road, as he tries to fix the disastrous mess created by the Democrats!

Shame on every single one of them!!! :mad-61:
Talk About Collusion! John Kerry Is Working With Iran Behind Trump's Back To Save The Iran Deal

The famous Vietcong war hero John Kerry is reportedly colluding with the Terrorist State Iran To undermine American foreign policy.
According to a new report by The Boston Globe, under the threat of President Donald Trump pulling out of the Iran Deal, Kerry “engaged in some unusual shadow diplomacy with a top-ranking Iranian official.”

aaand he might be breaking the law

The Logan Act, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953
Ah yes...we know how trumpanzees feel about Viet Nam veterans
Ol’ Horse Face took it upon himself to attempt to prop up the shittiest foreign policy move since Chamberlain met with Hitler in Munich.
John Kerry under fire for reported 'shadow diplomacy' to save Iran deal

Don't forget that Joe Kennedy was behind Chamberlain's decision.

The oldest son, in that family, was the only one with any balls.

and Ted Kennedy tried to undermine Reagan's USSR policies

Left Wingers are traitors

Ignorant traitors.

Jack brought us to the verge of Nuclear War because he would not
deal with the Russians from a position of strength.

He didn't commit American Power at the Bay of Pigs and he didn't
commit American Power at the Berlin Wall. The Soviets took him as
gutless, and moved on into Cuba.

Hell, he could have taken out their missiles in Cuba with airstrikes and they
wouldn't have done anything. They couldn't. In 1962 they did not have
an ICBM first strike capability to reach America, in force. That's why they went into
Cuba in the first place.

If we never see another Kennedy again it will be too soon.
Talk About Collusion! John Kerry Is Working With Iran Behind Trump's Back To Save The Iran Deal

The famous Vietcong war hero John Kerry is reportedly colluding with the Terrorist State Iran To undermine American foreign policy.
According to a new report by The Boston Globe, under the threat of President Donald Trump pulling out of the Iran Deal, Kerry “engaged in some unusual shadow diplomacy with a top-ranking Iranian official.”

aaand he might be breaking the law

The Logan Act, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953
Kerry is a complete self-centered asshole. This piss poor executive agreement (as Secretary of State he never even negotiated a treaty) was a disaster from the start. Never has the United States been so played.
The difference between Chamberlain and Kerry is that Chamberlain represented the actual government. Kerry represents the government to be once the Iranians help overthrow the current government.
What's the problem with these sore losers ????

If they had any guts or intelligence they would accept their defeat like mature adults and not try to stab President Trump in the back at every turn of the road, as he tries to fix the disastrous mess created by the Democrats!

Shame on every single one of them!!! :mad-61:

Anything their people do is just fine. The ends ALWAYS justify to Lefty's who can't even SPELL "integrity".
FAMILY BUSINESS: John Kerry's Daughter Married Iranian National; Best Man Was Son Of Iran's Minister of Foreign Affairs – True Pundit

If he weren’t a corrupt bureaucrat, John Kerry would have recused himself from all negotiations with Iran and for that matter, Israel. Instead, his leadership has proven an epic disaster of foreign policy for the United States, especially in the Middle East.

But why? piece of democrat scum...that's why.. URL=Photo by mikisu]

Family and personal wealth before country. That mantra has served Sec. of State John Kerry well during his decades of public service.

Kerry’s daughter Vanessa is married to an Iranian national and physician. His best man at the ceremony was the son of Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Zarif was also and Kerry’s chief counterpart in the nuclear deal negotiations. Cozy crew.

Look no further why Kerry hates Israel and has green lighted billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to Iran to build its nuclear arsenal. And don’t forget about the millions of dollars paid to Iran in ransoms to get our American hostages back.
Talk About Collusion! John Kerry Is Working With Iran Behind Trump's Back To Save The Iran Deal

The famous Vietcong war hero John Kerry is reportedly colluding with the Terrorist State Iran To undermine American foreign policy.
According to a new report by The Boston Globe, under the threat of President Donald Trump pulling out of the Iran Deal, Kerry “engaged in some unusual shadow diplomacy with a top-ranking Iranian official.”

aaand he might be breaking the law

The Logan Act, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953
Of course he is.

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