Fantastic Businessman Trump Loses 55 Year Golf Event To Mexico

Trump is running on sending people HOME and Jobs.

So did Hitler.

His supporters are not the ones acting like Brownshirts, those are YOUR political allies lefty.

I see trumps supporters beating up people they don't like and Trump encouraging it.

2. Guess because ONCE a long time ago, one bad person blamed a certain group for economic woes, doesn't mean that no group will EVER be responsible for "economic woes" again. The Law of Supply and Demand applies to labor and wages.

Uh, not really. the fact is, the jobs illegals do are ones white people won't do. We can also look at how some of our economic policies have contributed to the problem. Such as subsidized American corn putting mexican corn farmers out of business so they have to seek jobs here. But it is probably easier to appeal to stupid rednecks like you by calling them murderers and rapists.

4. Even stupider. The Professional Class in the GOP resisted to the last minute, against the democratic wishes of their members. And it was not "anti-demagoguery" but anti-democratic. And Hillary isn't giving up.

If the GOP political class had any integrity, it would announce that it is not supporting Trump, not workign for him and run a third party candidate. They would announce that his racism and demogougery have no place in our democracy.

Instead, they are still trying to manipulate the system. Again, Von Papen did this. And they didn't even hang the bastard after the war.
What? We aren't allowed to discuss Hispanics? We discuss Whites all the time.

Is it taboo? Are they to be treated with MORE respect than whites? Are their different rules of etiquette for people of different races?

We most certainly are allowed to discuss Hispanics. ...t.

So, what did he do that was supposedly so bad?

Suggesting enforcing the law and deporting illegals?

Or is this where you admit that you are just Race Baiting?

Why did the RNC lose their Hispanic Media Director? Maybe something was going on you missed.

That does not answer my question.

what did he do that was supposedly so bad?

Suggesting enforcing the law and deporting illegals?

It's a simple question.

If you can't identify what Trump has done that is so wrong then why are you so against him?




Of course we can't leave out the smear of a Federal Judge just this week. Every single incident and there are quite a few more, point to a man not ready for the job of president.

From that right wing rag the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing THinktank Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

"Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."

So, Trump mentions a politically incorrect truth, and you lefties flip out.

Trump isn't the problem. YOu lefties are.

Trump is the answer to you.
We most certainly are allowed to discuss Hispanics. ...t.

So, what did he do that was supposedly so bad?

Suggesting enforcing the law and deporting illegals?

Or is this where you admit that you are just Race Baiting?

Why did the RNC lose their Hispanic Media Director? Maybe something was going on you missed.

That does not answer my question.

what did he do that was supposedly so bad?

Suggesting enforcing the law and deporting illegals?

It's a simple question.

If you can't identify what Trump has done that is so wrong then why are you so against him?




Of course we can't leave out the smear of a Federal Judge just this week. Every single incident and there are quite a few more, point to a man not ready for the job of president.

From that right wing rag the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing THinktank Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

"Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."

So, Trump mentions a politically incorrect truth, and you lefties flip out.

Trump isn't the problem. YOu lefties are.

Trump is the answer to you.

"When asked to provide evidence for his claim that Latino immigrants crossing the border were rapists on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Trump told host Don Lemon he got his information from a Fusion article. When Lemon corrected him — explaining that article actually said 80 percent of women and girls from Central America are raped by human smugglers, gang members other migrants or government authorities while immigrating to the U.S. — Trump shot back dismissing the victims and suggesting Latino immigrants were the ones raping the victims."
Trump is running on sending people HOME and Jobs.

So did Hitler.

His supporters are not the ones acting like Brownshirts, those are YOUR political allies lefty.

I see trumps supporters beating up people they don't like and Trump encouraging it.

2. Guess because ONCE a long time ago, one bad person blamed a certain group for economic woes, doesn't mean that no group will EVER be responsible for "economic woes" again. The Law of Supply and Demand applies to labor and wages.

Uh, not really. the fact is, the jobs illegals do are ones white people won't do. We can also look at how some of our economic policies have contributed to the problem. Such as subsidized American corn putting mexican corn farmers out of business so they have to seek jobs here. But it is probably easier to appeal to stupid rednecks like you by calling them murderers and rapists.

4. Even stupider. The Professional Class in the GOP resisted to the last minute, against the democratic wishes of their members. And it was not "anti-demagoguery" but anti-democratic. And Hillary isn't giving up.

If the GOP political class had any integrity, it would announce that it is not supporting Trump, not workign for him and run a third party candidate. They would announce that his racism and demogougery have no place in our democracy.

Instead, they are still trying to manipulate the system. Again, Von Papen did this. And they didn't even hang the bastard after the war.

1. No, he didn't.

2. Then you haven't been paying attention.

3.a The idea that Americans won't do those jobs is nonsense.

b Law of Supply and Demand. Over supply of cheap labor, drives down price, ie wages.

4. a If the GOP political class had integrity they would not have tried to thwart the Will of the People. They fought the people as long as they could.

Well, he has warned're going to get sick of winning...

Yeah................Carrier went to Mexico, his clothing line is made there, and now he's managed to piss off the PGA enough so that they sent their tournament to Mexico.

Hmmm.....................sounds like Charlie Sheen's definition of "winning".

No. What it sounds like is Carlos Slim has decided to buy the event. It will take someone like him to bankroll the event because the PGA would otherwise lose their asses by moving it to Mexico.

You have any links to prove Carlos Slim has decided to buy the event?

No, but it makes sense. Slim despises Trump, has waaaay more money than Trump thanks to the corruption in Mexico and the fact they can foist off their malcontents north to us dumb asses who accept them. The PGA will lose their ass at the tournament in Mexico. Golf isn't exactly a popular sport down there. There are over 24 million players here in the USA, and there are maybe 250,000 in Mexico.

Mexico is the number two destination behind Hawaii for American golfers with over 100 top notch courses. Golf is hugely popular in Mexico.

Yes. For the RICH. No average Mexican can afford to play, unlike your average Americans. If it's so popular how about giving us a link to the Mexican golf economy and the numbers of players they have.
So, what did he do that was supposedly so bad?

Suggesting enforcing the law and deporting illegals?

Or is this where you admit that you are just Race Baiting?

Why did the RNC lose their Hispanic Media Director? Maybe something was going on you missed.

That does not answer my question.

what did he do that was supposedly so bad?

Suggesting enforcing the law and deporting illegals?

It's a simple question.

If you can't identify what Trump has done that is so wrong then why are you so against him?




Of course we can't leave out the smear of a Federal Judge just this week. Every single incident and there are quite a few more, point to a man not ready for the job of president.

From that right wing rag the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing THinktank Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

"Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."

So, Trump mentions a politically incorrect truth, and you lefties flip out.

Trump isn't the problem. YOu lefties are.

Trump is the answer to you.

"When asked to provide evidence for his claim that Latino immigrants crossing the border were rapists on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Trump told host Don Lemon he got his information from a Fusion article. When Lemon corrected him — explaining that article actually said 80 percent of women and girls from Central America are raped by human smugglers, gang members other migrants or government authorities while immigrating to the U.S. — Trump shot back dismissing the victims and suggesting Latino immigrants were the ones raping the victims."

So, your argument is not that large numbers of rapist AREN'T crossing the border from Mexico, you are arguing that they are more the traffickers than the illegal immigrants themselves?

I read the article. Even in your cut and paste portion it discusses rape from fellow migrants as part of the huge problem.

Here from your post right above.

"other migrants"
Yeah................Carrier went to Mexico, his clothing line is made there, and now he's managed to piss off the PGA enough so that they sent their tournament to Mexico.

Hmmm.....................sounds like Charlie Sheen's definition of "winning".

No. What it sounds like is Carlos Slim has decided to buy the event. It will take someone like him to bankroll the event because the PGA would otherwise lose their asses by moving it to Mexico.

You have any links to prove Carlos Slim has decided to buy the event?

No, but it makes sense. Slim despises Trump, has waaaay more money than Trump thanks to the corruption in Mexico and the fact they can foist off their malcontents north to us dumb asses who accept them. The PGA will lose their ass at the tournament in Mexico. Golf isn't exactly a popular sport down there. There are over 24 million players here in the USA, and there are maybe 250,000 in Mexico.

Mexico is the number two destination behind Hawaii for American golfers with over 100 top notch courses. Golf is hugely popular in Mexico.

Yes. For the RICH. No average Mexican can afford to play, unlike your average Americans. If it's so popular how about giving us a link to the Mexican golf economy and the numbers of players they have.

I have news for you golf is getting prohibitively expensive for average Americans, if it weren't for public links many people couldn't get a game in. Here are your links:
Mexico - Top 100 Golf Courses
Mexican Golf Federation - IGF National Member
Why did the RNC lose their Hispanic Media Director? Maybe something was going on you missed.

That does not answer my question.

what did he do that was supposedly so bad?

Suggesting enforcing the law and deporting illegals?

It's a simple question.

If you can't identify what Trump has done that is so wrong then why are you so against him?




Of course we can't leave out the smear of a Federal Judge just this week. Every single incident and there are quite a few more, point to a man not ready for the job of president.

From that right wing rag the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing THinktank Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

"Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."

So, Trump mentions a politically incorrect truth, and you lefties flip out.

Trump isn't the problem. YOu lefties are.

Trump is the answer to you.

"When asked to provide evidence for his claim that Latino immigrants crossing the border were rapists on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Trump told host Don Lemon he got his information from a Fusion article. When Lemon corrected him — explaining that article actually said 80 percent of women and girls from Central America are raped by human smugglers, gang members other migrants or government authorities while immigrating to the U.S. — Trump shot back dismissing the victims and suggesting Latino immigrants were the ones raping the victims."

So, your argument is not that large numbers of rapist AREN'T crossing the border from Mexico, you are arguing that they are more the traffickers than the illegal immigrants themselves?

I read the article. Even in your cut and paste portion it discusses rape from fellow migrants as part of the huge problem.

Here from your post right above.

"other migrants"

NO NO NO. I am saying Trump wasn't sensitive to the fallout. He isn't up to the challenge of being a diplomat and thinks he can get the job done by being a bully. How did losing the Doral tour work out for him?
Mexico steals more American jobs.

Anyone surprised?
And Dishonest Don is a powerless LOSER unable to best the Mexicans yet again.

This is on the asswipes at Cadillac and the PGA who are pursuing their personal political agenda at the expense of their professional responsibilities.

It was not Trump's job to fix that.

Au contraire mon ami, when Trump opened his mouth about Hispanics the first time he should have had the common sense to know he had to do damage control, This is the price for his own arrogance and he did nothing to stop it.
The price?
He's worth billions and this cost him hundreds of thousands. Bfd

Get a grip scrub
That does not answer my question.

what did he do that was supposedly so bad?

Suggesting enforcing the law and deporting illegals?

It's a simple question.

If you can't identify what Trump has done that is so wrong then why are you so against him?




Of course we can't leave out the smear of a Federal Judge just this week. Every single incident and there are quite a few more, point to a man not ready for the job of president.

From that right wing rag the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing THinktank Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

"Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."

So, Trump mentions a politically incorrect truth, and you lefties flip out.

Trump isn't the problem. YOu lefties are.

Trump is the answer to you.

"When asked to provide evidence for his claim that Latino immigrants crossing the border were rapists on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Trump told host Don Lemon he got his information from a Fusion article. When Lemon corrected him — explaining that article actually said 80 percent of women and girls from Central America are raped by human smugglers, gang members other migrants or government authorities while immigrating to the U.S. — Trump shot back dismissing the victims and suggesting Latino immigrants were the ones raping the victims."

So, your argument is not that large numbers of rapist AREN'T crossing the border from Mexico, you are arguing that they are more the traffickers than the illegal immigrants themselves?

I read the article. Even in your cut and paste portion it discusses rape from fellow migrants as part of the huge problem.

Here from your post right above.

"other migrants"

NO NO NO. I am saying Trump wasn't sensitive to the fallout. He isn't up to the challenge of being a diplomat and thinks he can get the job done by being a bully. How did losing the Doral tour work out for him?

So, it's not that what he said wasn't TRUE, but that that truth hurt people's feelings.

Thanks for admitting that.

Diplomacy isn't always about being nice.

We have been nice to too many people for too long.

We have been the world's bitch when it comes to immigration and trade.

When we stop those who have been taking advantage of US, are going to be pissed.

THat's the way it is going to be, unless we want to keep getting fucked.

America First!
What's amazing is the joy the losers on the left feel for the few dollars Trump lost while ignoring the money lost to American workers & the US economy.

Could they be any less despicable?
Mexico steals more American jobs.

Anyone surprised?
And Dishonest Don is a powerless LOSER unable to best the Mexicans yet again.

This is on the asswipes at Cadillac and the PGA who are pursuing their personal political agenda at the expense of their professional responsibilities.

It was not Trump's job to fix that.

Au contraire mon ami, when Trump opened his mouth about Hispanics the first time he should have had the common sense to know he had to do damage control, This is the price for his own arrogance and he did nothing to stop it.
The price?
He's worth billions and this cost him hundreds of thousands. Bfd

Get a grip scrub

He's going to find himself in Bankruptcy court. He spent $500 million improving Doral and made (or so he says) $132 million off of it last year. The Doral purse was $10 million it is highly likely it brought in more than hundreds of thousands.
No. What it sounds like is Carlos Slim has decided to buy the event. It will take someone like him to bankroll the event because the PGA would otherwise lose their asses by moving it to Mexico.

You have any links to prove Carlos Slim has decided to buy the event?

No, but it makes sense. Slim despises Trump, has waaaay more money than Trump thanks to the corruption in Mexico and the fact they can foist off their malcontents north to us dumb asses who accept them. The PGA will lose their ass at the tournament in Mexico. Golf isn't exactly a popular sport down there. There are over 24 million players here in the USA, and there are maybe 250,000 in Mexico.

Mexico is the number two destination behind Hawaii for American golfers with over 100 top notch courses. Golf is hugely popular in Mexico.

Yes. For the RICH. No average Mexican can afford to play, unlike your average Americans. If it's so popular how about giving us a link to the Mexican golf economy and the numbers of players they have.

I have news for you golf is getting prohibitively expensive for average Americans, if it weren't for public links many people couldn't get a game in. Here are your links:
Mexico - Top 100 Golf Courses
Mexican Golf Federation - IGF National Member

So....according to YOUR link, the entire country of Mexico is host to 204 golf courses with 24,631 registered golfers. Compared to 15,372 golf courses and over 24 MILLION golfers in the USA. Sooooo, according to you, Mexico has less than TWO PERCENT the number of golf courses as exist in the USA, and they have around ONE TENTH of ONE PERCENT the number of golfers in the USA.

Thank you for making my point so eloquently.
Mexico steals more American jobs.

Anyone surprised?
And Dishonest Don is a powerless LOSER unable to best the Mexicans yet again.

This is on the asswipes at Cadillac and the PGA who are pursuing their personal political agenda at the expense of their professional responsibilities.

It was not Trump's job to fix that.

Au contraire mon ami, when Trump opened his mouth about Hispanics the first time he should have had the common sense to know he had to do damage control, This is the price for his own arrogance and he did nothing to stop it.
The price?
He's worth billions and this cost him hundreds of thousands. Bfd

Get a grip scrub

He's going to find himself in Bankruptcy court. He spent $500 million improving Doral and made (or so he says) $132 million off of it last year. The Doral purse was $10 million it is highly likely it brought in more than hundreds of thousands.
You're going to find yourself on my I don't give a fuck list. Your name alone is reason enough to put you there.



Of course we can't leave out the smear of a Federal Judge just this week. Every single incident and there are quite a few more, point to a man not ready for the job of president.

From that right wing rag the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing THinktank Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

"Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."

So, Trump mentions a politically incorrect truth, and you lefties flip out.

Trump isn't the problem. YOu lefties are.

Trump is the answer to you.

"When asked to provide evidence for his claim that Latino immigrants crossing the border were rapists on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Trump told host Don Lemon he got his information from a Fusion article. When Lemon corrected him — explaining that article actually said 80 percent of women and girls from Central America are raped by human smugglers, gang members other migrants or government authorities while immigrating to the U.S. — Trump shot back dismissing the victims and suggesting Latino immigrants were the ones raping the victims."

So, your argument is not that large numbers of rapist AREN'T crossing the border from Mexico, you are arguing that they are more the traffickers than the illegal immigrants themselves?

I read the article. Even in your cut and paste portion it discusses rape from fellow migrants as part of the huge problem.

Here from your post right above.

"other migrants"

NO NO NO. I am saying Trump wasn't sensitive to the fallout. He isn't up to the challenge of being a diplomat and thinks he can get the job done by being a bully. How did losing the Doral tour work out for him?

So, it's not that what he said wasn't TRUE, but that that truth hurt people's feelings.

Thanks for admitting that.

Diplomacy isn't always about being nice.

We have been nice to too many people for too long.

We have been the world's bitch when it comes to immigration and trade.

When we stop those who have been taking advantage of US, are going to be pissed.

THat's the way it is going to be, unless we want to keep getting fucked.

America First!

Diplomacy is exactly about not making enemies, not about being a bully. People push back and nothing gets accomplished. We have been the leader in Diplomatic efforts for centuries and have done well by it. Turning it over to a fraud and a charlatan is foolish.
Mexico steals more American jobs.

Anyone surprised?
And Dishonest Don is a powerless LOSER unable to best the Mexicans yet again.

This is on the asswipes at Cadillac and the PGA who are pursuing their personal political agenda at the expense of their professional responsibilities.

It was not Trump's job to fix that.

Au contraire mon ami, when Trump opened his mouth about Hispanics the first time he should have had the common sense to know he had to do damage control, This is the price for his own arrogance and he did nothing to stop it.
The price?
He's worth billions and this cost him hundreds of thousands. Bfd

Get a grip scrub

He's going to find himself in Bankruptcy court. He spent $500 million improving Doral and made (or so he says) $132 million off of it last year. The Doral purse was $10 million it is highly likely it brought in more than hundreds of thousands.

You think that an investment where you only make ONE FIFTH your investment in a year, is a property heading for bankurpcy court?

You have any links to prove Carlos Slim has decided to buy the event?

No, but it makes sense. Slim despises Trump, has waaaay more money than Trump thanks to the corruption in Mexico and the fact they can foist off their malcontents north to us dumb asses who accept them. The PGA will lose their ass at the tournament in Mexico. Golf isn't exactly a popular sport down there. There are over 24 million players here in the USA, and there are maybe 250,000 in Mexico.

Mexico is the number two destination behind Hawaii for American golfers with over 100 top notch courses. Golf is hugely popular in Mexico.

Yes. For the RICH. No average Mexican can afford to play, unlike your average Americans. If it's so popular how about giving us a link to the Mexican golf economy and the numbers of players they have.

I have news for you golf is getting prohibitively expensive for average Americans, if it weren't for public links many people couldn't get a game in. Here are your links:
Mexico - Top 100 Golf Courses
Mexican Golf Federation - IGF National Member

So....according to YOUR link, the entire country of Mexico is host to 204 golf courses with 24,631 registered golfers. Compared to 15,372 golf courses and over 24 MILLION golfers in the USA. Sooooo, according to you, Mexico has less than TWO PERCENT the number of golf courses as exist in the USA, and they have around ONE TENTH of ONE PERCENT the number of golfers in the USA.

Thank you for making my point so eloquently.

Oh please you're comparing Mexico to the United States? Mexico is doing fine and growing, hell they stole the Doral from Donald Trump, they have to have something on the ball.
And Dishonest Don is a powerless LOSER unable to best the Mexicans yet again.

This is on the asswipes at Cadillac and the PGA who are pursuing their personal political agenda at the expense of their professional responsibilities.

It was not Trump's job to fix that.

Au contraire mon ami, when Trump opened his mouth about Hispanics the first time he should have had the common sense to know he had to do damage control, This is the price for his own arrogance and he did nothing to stop it.
The price?
He's worth billions and this cost him hundreds of thousands. Bfd

Get a grip scrub

He's going to find himself in Bankruptcy court. He spent $500 million improving Doral and made (or so he says) $132 million off of it last year. The Doral purse was $10 million it is highly likely it brought in more than hundreds of thousands.

You think that an investment where you only make ONE FIFTH your investment in a year, is a property heading for bankurpcy court?


I don't think Doral will make anything close to that, we'll have to wait and see if Donald releases his tax returns.
From that right wing rag the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing THinktank Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

"Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."

So, Trump mentions a politically incorrect truth, and you lefties flip out.

Trump isn't the problem. YOu lefties are.

Trump is the answer to you.

"When asked to provide evidence for his claim that Latino immigrants crossing the border were rapists on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Trump told host Don Lemon he got his information from a Fusion article. When Lemon corrected him — explaining that article actually said 80 percent of women and girls from Central America are raped by human smugglers, gang members other migrants or government authorities while immigrating to the U.S. — Trump shot back dismissing the victims and suggesting Latino immigrants were the ones raping the victims."

So, your argument is not that large numbers of rapist AREN'T crossing the border from Mexico, you are arguing that they are more the traffickers than the illegal immigrants themselves?

I read the article. Even in your cut and paste portion it discusses rape from fellow migrants as part of the huge problem.

Here from your post right above.

"other migrants"

NO NO NO. I am saying Trump wasn't sensitive to the fallout. He isn't up to the challenge of being a diplomat and thinks he can get the job done by being a bully. How did losing the Doral tour work out for him?

So, it's not that what he said wasn't TRUE, but that that truth hurt people's feelings.

Thanks for admitting that.

Diplomacy isn't always about being nice.

We have been nice to too many people for too long.

We have been the world's bitch when it comes to immigration and trade.

When we stop those who have been taking advantage of US, are going to be pissed.

THat's the way it is going to be, unless we want to keep getting fucked.

America First!

Diplomacy is exactly about not making enemies, not about being a bully. People push back and nothing gets accomplished. We have been the leader in Diplomatic efforts for centuries and have done well by it. Turning it over to a fraud and a charlatan is foolish.

Pursuing American interests is not being a bully.

Being liked is less important than the interests of American citizens.

America First!

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