Fantastic Businessman Trump Loses 55 Year Golf Event To Mexico

You: Mexico is not a hotbed of golf.
Me: Mexico is the number two travel destination for American golfers.

That means a thriving industry. Mexicans and golf are a growing industry and in ten years those numbers will certainly grow. They already have the PGA Doral tour which has a $10 million dollar purse. Mexico will do just fine and golf will thrive there.
You: Mexico is not a hotbed of golf.
Me: Mexico is the number two travel destination for American golfers.

That means a thriving industry. Mexicans and golf are a growing industry and in ten years those numbers will certainly grow. They already have the PGA Doral tour which has a $10 million dollar purse. Mexico will do just fine and golf will thrive there.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: No. Golf will never thrive there. Mexico is too poor to have golf thrive. The reason why Mexico is number two as a destination is location, location, location. Ever bothered to look where those golf courses are located? All 200 of them?
You: Mexico is not a hotbed of golf.
Me: Mexico is the number two travel destination for American golfers.

That means a thriving industry. Mexicans and golf are a growing industry and in ten years those numbers will certainly grow. They already have the PGA Doral tour which has a $10 million dollar purse. Mexico will do just fine and golf will thrive there.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: No. Golf will never thrive there. Mexico is too poor to have golf thrive. The reason why Mexico is number two as a destination is location, location, location. Ever bothered to look where those golf courses are located? All 200 of them?

Then why is the PGA bailing on Donald Trump for Mexico? It's because Mexicans see the future of golf and are willing to invest to see it so. Something the Donald could learn from them.
The PGA announced they are moving their tour event held at Miami's famed Trump National Doral course for the last 55 years to Mexico City. In 2013, the PGA announced a ten year extension to the Trump National Doral to be held through 2023, but when Cadillac, the sponsor did not renew sponsorship of the event, it was dropped.

Trump National Doral was unable to find a sponsor and criticized the move when Donald Trump said "he hopes they have good kidnapping insurance." Tour moves event from Trump Doral to Mexico

Trump losing, again. He loses all the time now, isn't he tired of losing he loses so much?
The PGA announced they are moving their tour event held at Miami's famed Trump National Doral course for the last 55 years to Mexico City. In 2013, the PGA announced a ten year extension to the Trump National Doral to be held through 2023, but when Cadillac, the sponsor did not renew sponsorship of the event, it was dropped.

Trump National Doral was unable to find a sponsor and criticized the move when Donald Trump said "he hopes they have good kidnapping insurance." Tour moves event from Trump Doral to Mexico

Trump losing, again. He loses all the time now, isn't he tired of losing he loses so much?

I thought that Donald the Chump told us that we would be tired of winning.
sponsors are and will continue pulling away from Donnie's MOUTH.

shit happens to shit-slinger's, and he is TOP GUN.
Businesses are nervous about identifying themselves with Trump. His hateful and racist rhetoric is creating a backlash among women, Hispanics and Muslims. Many organizations and businesses are choosing not to be identified with Trump.

HIs rhetoric is not racist or hateful.

And he will get the majority of the white vote.

Why aren't organizations worried about pissing them off?

His rhetoric is most definitely hateful and racist.

It is NOT common sense to restrict Muslim immigration. In fact it's harkens back to WWII when western counties refused to accept Jews who desperately tried to escape Germany. When asked how many Jews that Canada would take, the then Immigration Minister said "None is too many". Canadians are determined to do things differently this time.

Americans are in more danger from white guys with guns that they are from Muslims, but say the word "terrorist" and they freak. School shootings are the price you pay for the 2nd Amendment, but if one Muslim kills somebody, all Muslim immigration must stop. This isn't even logical, not to mention, it violates the Constitution.

He will NOT get the majority of the white vote. I have a lot of American friends, almost all of whom are white, and NONE of them will vote for Trump. Not one.

Organizations aren't worried about Trumps supporters because they don't want to offend the 60% who aren't voting for him.

1. His rhetoric is not hateful or racist.

2. Mexico is not 1939 Nazi Germany. Try to be less dishonest.

3. Your lack of Trump supporting friends just shows how you have limited your social circle to exclude anyone who is different than you. Trump is polling ahead in the white vote.

4. Organizations aren't worried about offending the half of the country that WILL vote for Trump, because if their officials are lefties, they put their personal political feelings ahead of their professional responsibilities.

#2 was about Syrian Muslims, not Mexicans. Try to keep up.

I don't pick my friends according to their political beliefs. I pick them because they are good people, who treat others with respect. Most are liberal, but some are devoted Republicans, and none of them are voting for Drumpf either.

Remember that few polling companies call cell phones, which skews their results. Older voters have land lines. Younger voters don't have a land line.

Last election, you believed polls which said Mittens was going to win. How'd that work out for you?

2. Fine. Most muslim nations are not Nazi Germany 1939. And Muslims are not Jews. And banning Muslims is just common sense.

3. But you judge who is a good person based on your political beliefs, that you cannot imagine anyone would disagree with without being stupid or evil.

4. No, I didn't. I hoped that Romney would win. I am well aware that the left's near complete dominance of the media and pop culture allow them to be very effective with propaganda combined with their long term strategy of importing Third World Voters has given them the electoral advantage and it is growing.

4b And nearly ever time I recall a poll being WRONG, it was underestimating the Republican.
Trump imported 1,100 Mexicans TO THE US over the years to work at his events ..

The PGA is creating jobs IN MEXICO FOR MEXICANS

all you anti immigration nutbags should thank them ..

The PGA officials are fucking their members and the people of Miami, in order to make a personal political point.

They are assholes.

Trump's policies on immigration are BADLY needed, and would be in this nation's best interests.
The PGA members are golf professionals, who don't have a dog in the fight. The PGA's purpose is to encourage people to play golf. Since Latinos are the fastest growing segment of the population, the PGA is looking towards it's future. And, this move might encourage some golf tourism to Mexico. Arguably, the people who would have attended Doral are being put out, but it's not like there will never be another tourney in Mia.

But I realize golf has nothing to do with your post.

The PGA members want ATTENDANCE. That is their dog.

Vastly increasing the distance, time and cost for potential attendees, is not in their interest.

Forcing them to go further to compete, is not in their interest.

Forcing them to go to a shitty Third World Nation to compete is not in their interests.

This whole issue has nothing to do with golf, that's the point.
At this point I bring up the bankruptcies and detail the failed businesses. I'm sorry they are inescapable when discussing Trump's business dealings. I suggest that the man is not as good as he would like you to believe.

I agree that America should be number one. You won't get an argument from me there. How it is accomplished is the difference.

It's the nature of the successful business man that you win some and you lose some. The good ones win more than they lose and Trump has clearly done that. hitlery has never done anything that didn't screw over the middle class in some way. And she is the only POTUS candidate who's actions (or inaction as the case may be) led to the deaths of Americans.
I'm not satisfied that Trump is what he says he is, no doubt he is very wealthy but I seriously doubt he is worth the $10 billion that he claims. I won't accaept his word until he releases his tax returns,

I say this because the number of gimmicky small business actions he has involved himself in for the last 25 years. The vodka, the game, the steak, and on and on. The problem I have is that these businesses are something a much less wealthy person would involve themselves in, not something that someone with the resources that Trump says he has.

There is the possibility I am wrong, but in 2002, Deutsche bank (and they should know) said Trump was worth $788 million, that's a far cry from what he stated and it is doubtful that amount grew by the factor of ten over the years especially since Trump hasn't been involved in anything major since 2005.

Whatever, I would just like to see something before he is elected and I think that's fair to ask for.

Who cares what you think? Certainly not I. You have shown that you lack basic perceptual skills when you claimed that Mexico was a hotbed of golf. The facts presented by you show that golf is a sport enjoyed by the elite of Mexico. Exactly as i stated. Based on that lack of common sense why on Earth would I care what you have to say?

I don't know what disturbs me more about Westwall's comments in this thread, his specious argument, his illogical reasoning, his obscurantist claims, his unreasonable speculations, or all of the pseudo-scholarship we see in his posts. then I realized it's none of those, when I realized he didn't even want to engage in conversation and had to make an insult to make himself look good about it, I realized this is just an old sausage, fizzing and sputtering in his own grease.

You're the one using all the three dollar words dude. You're the only one here who is putting on airs, and you are the only one who was proven to be ridiculously wrong.

One can see in the quote tree about that you have been addressing his points.

And, to be fair, at least he had initial points, unlike many leftists.

BUT, when the discussion reached the point where he ran out of answers to YOUR points, he started ridiculing you, "old sausage".

Which is a common tactic of the Left, and a Logical Fallacy that renders their argument invalid.

Thought to be fair, it took him longer than most lefties to get to it.
I thought you weren't talking to me. Got some butthurt?

When did I ever say I wasn't going to talk to you? And, no, I don't do "butthurt". I'm an adult.

Gee, "Who cares what you think? Certainly not I. You have shown that you lack basic perceptual skills when you claimed that Mexico was a hotbed of golf. The facts presented by you show that golf is a sport enjoyed by the elite of Mexico. Exactly as i stated. Based on that lack of common sense why on Earth would I care what you have to say?

Sounds like butthurt to me.

NOne of us here are in a position to claim to be Authorities that can end a debate with our own analysis. Unless we want to link to our homepages showing that we are, indeed world class experts in some subject.

Our arguments have to stand on their own merits or fall on the lack of them.
The PGA announced they are moving their tour event held at Miami's famed Trump National Doral course for the last 55 years to Mexico City. In 2013, the PGA announced a ten year extension to the Trump National Doral to be held through 2023, but when Cadillac, the sponsor did not renew sponsorship of the event, it was dropped.

Trump National Doral was unable to find a sponsor and criticized the move when Donald Trump said "he hopes they have good kidnapping insurance." Tour moves event from Trump Doral to Mexico

Trump losing, again. He loses all the time now, isn't he tired of losing he loses so much?

I thought that Donald the Chump told us that we would be tired of winning.

Trump has defeated 16 serious accomplished rivals to be the Nominee.

Anyone who dismisses that is lying or stupid.

Or both.
You: Mexico is not a hotbed of golf.
Me: Mexico is the number two travel destination for American golfers.

That means a thriving industry. Mexicans and golf are a growing industry and in ten years those numbers will certainly grow. They already have the PGA Doral tour which has a $10 million dollar purse. Mexico will do just fine and golf will thrive there.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: No. Golf will never thrive there. Mexico is too poor to have golf thrive. The reason why Mexico is number two as a destination is location, location, location. Ever bothered to look where those golf courses are located? All 200 of them?

Then why is the PGA bailing on Donald Trump for Mexico? It's because Mexicans see the future of golf and are willing to invest to see it so. Something the Donald could learn from them.

Or it could be as I have said, an unprofessional and unethical action on the part of the PGA officials based on their personal political feelings.
Trump has defeated 16 serious accomplished rivals to be the Nominee.

Anyone who dismisses that is lying or stupid.

Or both.
So your argument is that because your party is dysfunctional, that is an accoplisment?
Trump has defeated 16 serious accomplished rivals to be the Nominee.

Anyone who dismisses that is lying or stupid.

Or both.
So your argument is that because your party is dysfunctional, that is an accoplisment?

And AGAIN joe comes along to prove my point.

Thanks Joe.

Any alleged "dysfunction" is irrelevant. Everyone of those 16 people were republicans with long histories of winning in the GOP.

Hell, Jeb Bush is related to TWO LIVING PRESIDENTS, and Trump crushed him like a bug.
The PGA announced they are moving their tour event held at Miami's famed Trump National Doral course for the last 55 years to Mexico City. In 2013, the PGA announced a ten year extension to the Trump National Doral to be held through 2023, but when Cadillac, the sponsor did not renew sponsorship of the event, it was dropped.

Trump National Doral was unable to find a sponsor and criticized the move when Donald Trump said "he hopes they have good kidnapping insurance." Tour moves event from Trump Doral to Mexico

Trump losing, again. He loses all the time now, isn't he tired of losing he loses so much?

I thought that Donald the Chump told us that we would be tired of winning.

Trump has defeated 16 serious accomplished rivals to be the Nominee.

Anyone who dismisses that is lying or stupid.

Or both.

Those rivals were anything but ‘accomplished.’

Some were loons who had no business running for president, such as Carson and Paul.

Others were dangerous social right extremists like Cruz and Huckabee.

Then there were the washed up has-beens: Bush, Perry, Pataki.

The collection of sitting governors whose campaigns imploded: Christie, Walker, Jindal.

Last were a contingent of wackos, weirdos, and misfits – Rubio was out of his league and in way over his head; Kasich, dreadful politician and campaigner; clueless neophyte Fiorina; religious nutcase Santorum; Lindsey Graham, who himself couldn’t explain why he should be president; and the permanently forgotten Jim Gilmore.

And now you and other partisan republicans are left with the ridiculous, impossible task of defending the indefensible Donald Trump – and like a delusional blind partisan you’ll try to do just that.

Businesses are nervous about identifying themselves with Trump. His hateful and racist rhetoric is creating a backlash among women, Hispanics and Muslims. Many organizations and businesses are choosing not to be identified with Trump.

HIs rhetoric is not racist or hateful.

And he will get the majority of the white vote.

Why aren't organizations worried about pissing them off?

His rhetoric is most definitely hateful and racist.

It is NOT common sense to restrict Muslim immigration. In fact it's harkens back to WWII when western counties refused to accept Jews who desperately tried to escape Germany. When asked how many Jews that Canada would take, the then Immigration Minister said "None is too many". Canadians are determined to do things differently this time.

Americans are in more danger from white guys with guns that they are from Muslims, but say the word "terrorist" and they freak. School shootings are the price you pay for the 2nd Amendment, but if one Muslim kills somebody, all Muslim immigration must stop. This isn't even logical, not to mention, it violates the Constitution.

He will NOT get the majority of the white vote. I have a lot of American friends, almost all of whom are white, and NONE of them will vote for Trump. Not one.

Organizations aren't worried about Trumps supporters because they don't want to offend the 60% who aren't voting for him.

1. His rhetoric is not hateful or racist.

2. Mexico is not 1939 Nazi Germany. Try to be less dishonest.

3. Your lack of Trump supporting friends just shows how you have limited your social circle to exclude anyone who is different than you. Trump is polling ahead in the white vote.

4. Organizations aren't worried about offending the half of the country that WILL vote for Trump, because if their officials are lefties, they put their personal political feelings ahead of their professional responsibilities.

#2 was about Syrian Muslims, not Mexicans. Try to keep up.

I don't pick my friends according to their political beliefs. I pick them because they are good people, who treat others with respect. Most are liberal, but some are devoted Republicans, and none of them are voting for Drumpf either.

Remember that few polling companies call cell phones, which skews their results. Older voters have land lines. Younger voters don't have a land line.

Last election, you believed polls which said Mittens was going to win. How'd that work out for you?

2. Fine. Most muslim nations are not Nazi Germany 1939. And Muslims are not Jews. And banning Muslims is just common sense.

3. But you judge who is a good person based on your political beliefs, that you cannot imagine anyone would disagree with without being stupid or evil.

4. No, I didn't. I hoped that Romney would win. I am well aware that the left's near complete dominance of the media and pop culture allow them to be very effective with propaganda combined with their long term strategy of importing Third World Voters has given them the electoral advantage and it is growing.

4b And nearly ever time I recall a poll being WRONG, it was underestimating the Republican.
More whining, ridiculous excuses, and lies from the reprehensible right.

The ‘left’ has no ‘dominance’ of the media and pop culture, ‘near complete’ or otherwise.

And no one is ‘importing Third World Voters,’ the notion is delusional, ignorant nonsense.

American citizens – naturalized or natural born of immigrant parents – are voting for democratic candidates because, unlike the GOP, the democratic party is not pursuing an agenda hostile to immigrants, Hispanic immigrants in particular.

Hispanic Americans aren’t stupid – they correctly understand exactly what motivates the right’s animosity toward Hispanic immigrants: the unwarranted fear, hate, and bigotry directed at Hispanic immigrants common to far too many conservatives, the fear, hate, and bigotry exhibited by the likes of Trump.
The PGA announced they are moving their tour event held at Miami's famed Trump National Doral course for the last 55 years to Mexico City. In 2013, the PGA announced a ten year extension to the Trump National Doral to be held through 2023, but when Cadillac, the sponsor did not renew sponsorship of the event, it was dropped.

Trump National Doral was unable to find a sponsor and criticized the move when Donald Trump said "he hopes they have good kidnapping insurance." Tour moves event from Trump Doral to Mexico

Trump losing, again. He loses all the time now, isn't he tired of losing he loses so much?

I thought that Donald the Chump told us that we would be tired of winning.

Trump has defeated 16 serious accomplished rivals to be the Nominee.

Anyone who dismisses that is lying or stupid.

Or both.

Those rivals were anything but ‘accomplished.’

Some were loons who had no business running for president, such as Carson and Paul.

Others were dangerous social right extremists like Cruz and Huckabee.

Then there were the washed up has-beens: Bush, Perry, Pataki.

The collection of sitting governors whose campaigns imploded: Christie, Walker, Jindal.

Last were a contingent of wackos, weirdos, and misfits – Rubio was out of his league and in way over his head; Kasich, dreadful politician and campaigner; clueless neophyte Fiorina; religious nutcase Santorum; Lindsey Graham, who himself couldn’t explain why he should be president; and the permanently forgotten Jim Gilmore.

And now you and other partisan republicans are left with the ridiculous, impossible task of defending the indefensible Donald Trump – and like a delusional blind partisan you’ll try to do just that.


And what did we field on the Dem side? A corrupt, vain, criminal, an old avowed socialist, an a washed up has been. Face it. The American people haven't been presented a good candidate in years. The Dem super delegate bullshit makes plain that the establishment is running things, that the political system is broken here in the USA, and that we are in desperate need of a revolution to drag the country back to it's original precepts.

My hope is that it is a political, non-violent revolution, but based on the establishments all out assault in their effort to maintain their control, I am ever more doubtful of that.
HIs rhetoric is not racist or hateful.

And he will get the majority of the white vote.

Why aren't organizations worried about pissing them off?

His rhetoric is most definitely hateful and racist.

It is NOT common sense to restrict Muslim immigration. In fact it's harkens back to WWII when western counties refused to accept Jews who desperately tried to escape Germany. When asked how many Jews that Canada would take, the then Immigration Minister said "None is too many". Canadians are determined to do things differently this time.

Americans are in more danger from white guys with guns that they are from Muslims, but say the word "terrorist" and they freak. School shootings are the price you pay for the 2nd Amendment, but if one Muslim kills somebody, all Muslim immigration must stop. This isn't even logical, not to mention, it violates the Constitution.

He will NOT get the majority of the white vote. I have a lot of American friends, almost all of whom are white, and NONE of them will vote for Trump. Not one.

Organizations aren't worried about Trumps supporters because they don't want to offend the 60% who aren't voting for him.

1. His rhetoric is not hateful or racist.

2. Mexico is not 1939 Nazi Germany. Try to be less dishonest.

3. Your lack of Trump supporting friends just shows how you have limited your social circle to exclude anyone who is different than you. Trump is polling ahead in the white vote.

4. Organizations aren't worried about offending the half of the country that WILL vote for Trump, because if their officials are lefties, they put their personal political feelings ahead of their professional responsibilities.

#2 was about Syrian Muslims, not Mexicans. Try to keep up.

I don't pick my friends according to their political beliefs. I pick them because they are good people, who treat others with respect. Most are liberal, but some are devoted Republicans, and none of them are voting for Drumpf either.

Remember that few polling companies call cell phones, which skews their results. Older voters have land lines. Younger voters don't have a land line.

Last election, you believed polls which said Mittens was going to win. How'd that work out for you?

2. Fine. Most muslim nations are not Nazi Germany 1939. And Muslims are not Jews. And banning Muslims is just common sense.

3. But you judge who is a good person based on your political beliefs, that you cannot imagine anyone would disagree with without being stupid or evil.

4. No, I didn't. I hoped that Romney would win. I am well aware that the left's near complete dominance of the media and pop culture allow them to be very effective with propaganda combined with their long term strategy of importing Third World Voters has given them the electoral advantage and it is growing.

4b And nearly ever time I recall a poll being WRONG, it was underestimating the Republican.
More whining, ridiculous excuses, and lies from the reprehensible right.

The ‘left’ has no ‘dominance’ of the media and pop culture, ‘near complete’ or otherwise.

And no one is ‘importing Third World Voters,’ the notion is delusional, ignorant nonsense.

American citizens – naturalized or natural born of immigrant parents – are voting for democratic candidates because, unlike the GOP, the democratic party is not pursuing an agenda hostile to immigrants, Hispanic immigrants in particular.

Hispanic Americans aren’t stupid – they correctly understand exactly what motivates the right’s animosity toward Hispanic immigrants: the unwarranted fear, hate, and bigotry directed at Hispanic immigrants common to far too many conservatives, the fear, hate, and bigotry exhibited by the likes of Trump.

Your claim that the MSM is not dominated by the progressives is laughable. The rest of your screed is likewise not to be taken seriously.
You: Mexico is not a hotbed of golf.
Me: Mexico is the number two travel destination for American golfers.

That means a thriving industry. Mexicans and golf are a growing industry and in ten years those numbers will certainly grow. They already have the PGA Doral tour which has a $10 million dollar purse. Mexico will do just fine and golf will thrive there.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: No. Golf will never thrive there. Mexico is too poor to have golf thrive. The reason why Mexico is number two as a destination is location, location, location. Ever bothered to look where those golf courses are located? All 200 of them?

Then why is the PGA bailing on Donald Trump for Mexico? It's because Mexicans see the future of golf and are willing to invest to see it so. Something the Donald could learn from them.

Or it could be as I have said, an unprofessional and unethical action on the part of the PGA officials based on their personal political feelings.
But you have no foundation to say that. Do you have proof? Why would the PGA deliberately harm a future president of the United States? Seems foolhardy to me.

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