Fantastic Businessman Trump Loses 55 Year Golf Event To Mexico

The PGA announced they are moving their tour event held at Miami's famed Trump National Doral course for the last 55 years to Mexico City. In 2013, the PGA announced a ten year extension to the Trump National Doral to be held through 2023, but when Cadillac, the sponsor did not renew sponsorship of the event, it was dropped.

Trump National Doral was unable to find a sponsor and criticized the move when Donald Trump said "he hopes they have good kidnapping insurance." Tour moves event from Trump Doral to Mexico

well that certainly is going to stop the Trump momentum

Trump is a moron and bigot – but you and other partisan rightwing nitwits are too blind to see it.

This is utter incompetence, unmitigated stupidity, and further proof that the idiot Trump has no business being president.

Let’s review:

The PGA dropped its event at Trump’s golf course because they couldn’t find a sponsor.


Because no sponsor wants to be associated with a bigot like Trump who exhibits unwarranted hatred toward Hispanic Americans and Muslim Americans.

And this blithering idiot wants to be ‘president.’

Trump wants to deport illegals and bring manufacturing jobs back to the US.

You lefties have become hysterical about what a bad person he is.

The problem is you.

Trump shot off his mouth.

That had consequences.

When Trump's assholery pisses off more businesses and other countries, that will have consequences for America much worse than losing a golf tournament.

You can whine all you like about "their personal political ideology" when Trump fucks up, but it will be HIS fault.

TRUMP: I hate Mexicans.

HISPANIC VOTER: I won't vote for Trump.

RUBE: I can't believe Hispanic assholes are letting their political ideology affect the way they vote!

Trump did not say he hates Mexicans.

If wanting to enforce the law is Taboo in our society, that is the problem, not Trump.

It is clear to many businesses that there isn't much room for profit and bigotry. Trump can say whatever he wants, but if some people and business don't want to be a partner in that, most people understand.

There is nothing bigoted about wanting to enforce our immigration laws.

The CEOs of those businesses have a professional responsibility to make money for their shareholders, not advance their personal political agenda.

If I was a shareholder, I would not "understand", I would want that CEO to not be a dick with my money.

Some people on this board don't have minds of their own. They hear Rachel Madcow say that Trump is a bigot and they believe it and that's that.
Trump shot off his mouth.

That had consequences.

When Trump's assholery pisses off more businesses and other countries, that will have consequences for America much worse than losing a golf tournament.

You can whine all you like about "their personal political ideology" when Trump fucks up, but it will be HIS fault.

TRUMP: I hate Mexicans.

HISPANIC VOTER: I won't vote for Trump.

RUBE: I can't believe Hispanic assholes are letting their political ideology affect the way they vote!

Trump did not say he hates Mexicans.

If wanting to enforce the law is Taboo in our society, that is the problem, not Trump.

It is clear to many businesses that there isn't much room for profit and bigotry. Trump can say whatever he wants, but if some people and business don't want to be a partner in that, most people understand.

There is nothing bigoted about wanting to enforce our immigration laws.

The CEOs of those businesses have a professional responsibility to make money for their shareholders, not advance their personal political agenda.

If I was a shareholder, I would not "understand", I would want that CEO to not be a dick with my money.

Some people on this board don't have minds of their own. They hear Rachel Madcow say that Trump is a bigot and they believe it and that's that.

Well, there IS the supporting evidence of him being a white male.
If Trump is really serious about bringing jobs back to the US, then why are his clothing line and his wife's perfume line being made outside of this country and being made in places like Mexico (where he wants to build a wall against) and China (who he said he will be so tough on)?

Trump is a con man.
If Trump is really serious about bringing jobs back to the US, then why are his clothing line and his wife's perfume line being made outside of this country and being made in places like Mexico (where he wants to build a wall against) and China (who he said he will be so tough on)?

Trump is a con man.

His job performance as CEO was measured by profits to the shareholders.

His job performance as President will be measured by how well he serves the interests of his constituents.

Different jobs, different responsibilities, thus different actions.

I'm glad I was here to help you with these hard questions.
If Trump is really serious about bringing jobs back to the US, then why are his clothing line and his wife's perfume line being made outside of this country and being made in places like Mexico (where he wants to build a wall against) and China (who he said he will be so tough on)?

Trump is a con man.

His job performance as CEO was measured by profits to the shareholders.

His job performance as President will be measured by how well he serves the interests of his constituents.

Different jobs, different responsibilities, thus different actions.

I'm glad I was here to help you with these hard questions.

Corrie......... That doesn't change a diddly shit........He still the boss........ decision maker. I am THE BOSS the $ stop in my desk.....
He also imported foreign workers because he cannot find American workers like waiters, cooks and janitors. What that tells you? A CON MAN.
So Donald Trump himself, personally, is responsible for it going to Mexico?

The mind of a Liberal is a terrible thing. It's sad.....
So Donald Trump himself, personally, is responsible for it going to Mexico?

The mind of a Liberal is a terrible thing. It's sad.....
Duh, if the PGA moved the tour because of what Donald Trump said about Mexico and Mexicans, yeah, it is all his fault.
So Donald Trump himself, personally, is responsible for it going to Mexico?

The mind of a Liberal is a terrible thing. It's sad.....
Duh, if the PGA moved the tour because of what Donald Trump said about Mexico and Mexicans, yeah, it is all his fault.
So Trump held a gun to their heads and FORCED them to make this decision?!

Why do Liberals hate personal accountability so much?
So Donald Trump himself, personally, is responsible for it going to Mexico?

The mind of a Liberal is a terrible thing. It's sad.....
Duh, if the PGA moved the tour because of what Donald Trump said about Mexico and Mexicans, yeah, it is all his fault.
So Trump held a gun to their heads and FORCED them to make this decision?!

Why do Liberals hate personal accountability so much?

No, and that is a good example of how powerful words can be, and a good example of how you can be held accountable sometimes.
"So Trump held a gun to their heads and FORCED them to make this decision?!"

No, and that is a good example of how powerful words can be, and a good example of how you can be held accountable sometimes.

So AGAIN, Trump did not hold a gun to anyone's head and force them to make THEIR decision. Thank you.

"...that is a good example of how powerful words can be."

No, THAT is a good example of how WEAK some people can be and how easily they can be manipulated / blackmailed by 'PC'.
"So Trump held a gun to their heads and FORCED them to make this decision?!"

No, and that is a good example of how powerful words can be, and a good example of how you can be held accountable sometimes.

So AGAIN, Trump did not hold a gun to anyone's head and force them to make THEIR decision. Thank you.

"...that is a good example of how powerful words can be."

No, THAT is a good example of how WEAK some people can be and how easily they can be manipulated / blackmailed by 'PC'.

Golden Rule: "He who has the gold, rules." in this case the PGA had all the power and money. Donnie lost, poor Donnie.
Golden Rule: "He who has the gold, rules." in this case the PGA had all the power and money. Donnie lost, poor Donnie.
so now you are admitting that the PGA decided on their own to take money. According to you the PGA 'won' and 'Donnie lost', which doesn't sound like 'Donnie' had any real influence over the PGA's decision. MONEY was the deciding factor, not Trump.
If he can't "close that deal' why should we expect him to be able to close deals win Washington?
Did Donnie bring back his suit and tie business from Mexico yet. I don't think should be president until he does.
Golden Rule: "He who has the gold, rules." in this case the PGA had all the power and money. Donnie lost, poor Donnie.
so now you are admitting that the PGA decided on their own to take money. According to you the PGA 'won' and 'Donnie lost', which doesn't sound like 'Donnie' had any real influence over the PGA's decision. MONEY was the deciding factor, not Trump.

I'm not saying any such thing and neither is the PGA. The fact is Donnie has no influence over the PGA, he could have gotten a sponsor and put the whole issue to bed, but he didn't and couldn't. The PGA hasn't commented on why they pulled the tour out of Doral, it's just a guess.
If he can't "close that deal' why should we expect him to be able to close deals win Washington?
I didn't know Trump was working for the PGA and it was his job to keep the event in the US. Does he know that?

Exactly how would he have convinced the PGA NOT to make their own personal decision to take all those 'Pesos' to move the event?! :p

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