Far left writer calls on black people to start barking at white people who speak out of turn

While it's a helpful reminder that blacks are less than human, all liberalism has devolved into mindless animals. Licking toilets, scream-ins, now barking like a dog.........Jesus Christ, you don't even see mentally disturbed small children behaving like these human filth.
A writer for popular far-left website The Root has penned an article calling for black people to start barking at white people who “speak out of turn”.
Far-Left Writer Calls On Black People to Start Barking at White People “Who Speak Out of Turn”

If you leftist Trump haters can't see your own retardations in action and how pathetically stupid you all constantly make yourselves look you might stop being such morons.
There is only one proper response, if this happens to you. Call animal control, right away.
The best part that goes right over the heads of leftards ;



Once AGAIN ---- your own link admits what it's quoting is satire.

Your own link. Even Alex John Brinkley Jones gets that.



No, this is not a parody.

Complaining that the fictional African country of Wakanda could never be created in reality because, “We’re too infected with colonization and its myriad residues and peripheral effects,” The Root’s Damon Youngdoes think one thing from the Black Panther movie could be implemented immediately – barking at white people to shut them up.

“One thing, however, that we can and definitely should start doing is what M’Baku and his Que Dog Jabari Tribe did when encountering a problematic white dude who was speaking when there was no ask or need or purpose for the thoughts and opinions of problematic white dudes.


“Not a purposeless bark. This isn’t a shih tzu barking through the window at a squirrel. Instead this would
The best part that goes right over the heads of leftards ;



Once AGAIN ---- your own link admits what it's quoting is satire.

Your own link. Even Alex John Brinkley Jones gets that.



No, this is not a parody.

Complaining that the fictional African country of Wakanda could never be created in reality because, “We’re too infected with colonization and its myriad residues and peripheral effects,” The Root’s Damon Youngdoes think one thing from the Black Panther movie could be implemented immediately – barking at white people to shut them up.

“One thing, however, that we can and definitely should start doing is what M’Baku and his Que Dog Jabari Tribe did when encountering a problematic white dude who was speaking when there was no ask or need or purpose for the thoughts and opinions of problematic white dudes.


“Not a purposeless bark. This isn’t a shih tzu barking through the window at a squirrel. Instead this would

The best part that goes right over the heads of leftards ;



Once AGAIN ---- your own link admits what it's quoting is satire.

Your own link. Even Alex John Brinkley Jones gets that.



No, this is not a parody.

Complaining that the fictional African country of Wakanda could never be created in reality because, “We’re too infected with colonization and its myriad residues and peripheral effects,” The Root’s Damon Youngdoes think one thing from the Black Panther movie could be implemented immediately – barking at white people to shut them up.

“One thing, however, that we can and definitely should start doing is what M’Baku and his Que Dog Jabari Tribe did when encountering a problematic white dude who was speaking when there was no ask or need or purpose for the thoughts and opinions of problematic white dudes.


“Not a purposeless bark. This isn’t a shih tzu barking through the window at a squirrel. Instead this would

Dear Illiterati:

>> Despite its tongue-in-cheek nature, the article is yet another example of how identity politics-obsessed “progressives” are using the Black Panthermovie to stoke more racism and division amongst Americans. <<​

see if you can find the clue.

And next time you're licking the dirt between Alex John Brinkley Jones' toes, ya might want to remind him that "Progressives" have been gone for a hundred years and maybe he might want to catch the fuck up.

And finally, here's the irony of your chosen source:

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A writer for popular far-left website The Root has penned an article calling for black people to start barking at white people who “speak out of turn”.
Far-Left Writer Calls On Black People to Start Barking at White People “Who Speak Out of Turn”

If you leftist Trump haters can't see your own retardations in action and how pathetically stupid you all constantly make yourselves look you might stop being such morons.

Why do you wanna restrict to "leftist Rump haters"? Isn't this discrimination against "rightist Rump haters", "middle of the road Rump haters", "independent Rump haters" and "apolitical Rump haters"?

Besides which, what do Rump, or his haters, have to do with the linked topic at all? It doesn't even mention Rump.

Besides all of which, your own link acknowledges that the piece is a satire, so this should be in that forum. It's certainly not any kind of "current event".
Well I don't think a conservative black person would lower themselves to barking at someone. You leftist have lost what little mind you have.
A writer for popular far-left website The Root has penned an article calling for black people to start barking at white people who “speak out of turn”.
Far-Left Writer Calls On Black People to Start Barking at White People “Who Speak Out of Turn”

If you leftist Trump haters can't see your own retardations in action and how pathetically stupid you all constantly make yourselves look you might stop being such morons.
Leftists literally consider blacks as animals. Pets.
Best thing to do is to stop acting afraid around black people, despite the fact that they are more likely to cause you harm than other white people.
A writer for popular far-left website The Root has penned an article calling for black people to start barking at white people who “speak out of turn”.
Far-Left Writer Calls On Black People to Start Barking at White People “Who Speak Out of Turn”

If you leftist Trump haters can't see your own retardations in action and how pathetically stupid you all constantly make yourselves look you might stop being such morons.

Why do you wanna restrict to "leftist Rump haters"? Isn't this discrimination against "rightist Rump haters", "middle of the road Rump haters", "independent Rump haters" and "apolitical Rump haters"?

Besides which, what do Rump, or his haters, have to do with the linked topic at all? It doesn't even mention Rump.

Besides all of which, your own link acknowledges that the piece is a satire, so this should be in that forum. It's certainly not any kind of "current event".
Well I don't think a conservative black person would lower themselves to barking at someone. You leftist have lost what little mind you have.

That's why I pointed out 82 times that the referenced article is satire.

A writer for popular far-left website The Root has penned an article calling for black people to start barking at white people who “speak out of turn”.
Far-Left Writer Calls On Black People to Start Barking at White People “Who Speak Out of Turn”

If you leftist Trump haters can't see your own retardations in action and how pathetically stupid you all constantly make yourselves look you might stop being such morons.

Why do you wanna restrict to "leftist Rump haters"? Isn't this discrimination against "rightist Rump haters", "middle of the road Rump haters", "independent Rump haters" and "apolitical Rump haters"?

Besides which, what do Rump, or his haters, have to do with the linked topic at all? It doesn't even mention Rump.

Besides all of which, your own link acknowledges that the piece is a satire, so this should be in that forum. It's certainly not any kind of "current event".
Well I don't think a conservative black person would lower themselves to barking at someone. You leftist have lost what little mind you have.

That's why I pointed out 82 times that the referenced article is satire.

With you loons, I doubt it.

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