Far Right Experiment In Kansas Is Failing


The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

Put it to a vote. Think America wants to be run more like Kansas or Detroit?

It might be a good idea to use a real liberal city.


And yes, I would rather America be more like Seattle than Kansas.

However Kansas isn't a city. It's a state so comparing the two really isn't logical.

I'll compare Washington to Kansas. I wouldn't be surprised if Washington is much better off than Kansas.

To the person who said the fracking ban in New York is hurting them, there is no tracking in Washington state. It's not hurting the state at all.
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As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas

The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

Lol, you asshats have had 50+ years in the inner cities, and yet you keep plugging away at the "more taxes, more regulations, fuck the rich" mantra that has done SOOOO well for said cities.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."
Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.
Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.

oh brother. that's your uppity opinion. I'm sure the people who lives could really care
some of you have LONG noses to look down on others at
Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.

oh brother. that's your uppity opinion. I'm sure the people who lives could really care
some of you have LONG noses to look down on others at

I actually live in one of those states, and these are among the laziest people I have known anywhere. Farmers work rarely, relative to wage earners; they don't take loans and self-invest in college educations; many of them simply wait for someone to die so that they can get their inheritance.

But don't listen to me, check out the statistics, Stephanie. The rurual Midwest is not exactly an economic powerhouse.
Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.

oh brother. that's your uppity opinion. I'm sure the people who lives could really care
some of you have LONG noses to look down on others at

I actually live in one of those states, and these are among the laziest people I have known anywhere. Farmers work rarely, relative to wage earners; they don't take loans and self-invest in college educations; many of them simply wait for someone to die so that they can get their inheritance.

But don't listen to me, check out the statistics, Stephanie. The rurual Midwest is not exactly an economic powerhouse.

well simple solution, MOVE from there. go live amongst people you think are worthy
Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.

oh brother. that's your uppity opinion. I'm sure the people who lives could really care
some of you have LONG noses to look down on others at

I actually live in one of those states, and these are among the laziest people I have known anywhere. Farmers work rarely, relative to wage earners; they don't take loans and self-invest in college educations; many of them simply wait for someone to die so that they can get their inheritance.

But don't listen to me, check out the statistics, Stephanie. The rurual Midwest is not exactly an economic powerhouse.

well simple solution, MOVE from there. go live amongst people you think are worthy

I'm not moving. I've worked very hard my entire life; I'm not a farmer; I earn a good living; I enjoy the change of seasons. I'm not actually that political, so I don't much care what happens to state governments. That's an issue for the welfare-dependent farmers and rural poor. Curiously, they generally vote Republican.
Keep in mind, Kansas is what would happen to America if Conservatism ever managed to get enough power in the federal government.

That's the dirty little secret of Conservatism. We have never seen how disastrous it would be for this nation as a whole because conservatives can't win enough seats in Congress, plus the presidency.

But we get glaring smaller examples, such as this mess in Kansas, as a warning.
Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.

In 1936, Governor Alf Landon (R) of Kansas, was nominated for President. He ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility, claiming that Kansas was the only state in the Union to have balanced it's budget. Well, in a perverted sort of way, good old Alf was right: he took the "stimulus" money from FDR's NEW DEAL and misappropriated it to fill the holes in his state's budget. This means that the money did not go where it was supposed to go. Lots and lots of Kansans had it much worse than the rest of the country due to him. Landon lost in the most lopsided D-landslide win in our Union's history.
Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.

oh brother. that's your uppity opinion. I'm sure the people who lives could really care
some of you have LONG noses to look down on others at

Good posting. Not.

"Let's roll", Stephanie!!!


Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.

oh brother. that's your uppity opinion. I'm sure the people who lives could really care
some of you have LONG noses to look down on others at

I actually live in one of those states, and these are among the laziest people I have known anywhere. Farmers work rarely, relative to wage earners; they don't take loans and self-invest in college educations; many of them simply wait for someone to die so that they can get their inheritance.

But don't listen to me, check out the statistics, Stephanie. The rurual Midwest is not exactly an economic powerhouse.

well simple solution, MOVE from there. go live amongst people you think are worthy

I'm not moving. I've worked very hard my entire life; I'm not a farmer; I earn a good living; I enjoy the change of seasons. I'm not actually that political, so I don't much care what happens to state governments. That's an issue for the welfare-dependent farmers and rural poor. Curiously, they generally vote Republican.

all I can say is I'm glad you aren't my neighbor
I'm a great neighbor, Stephanie, but I have little patience for lazy people, and I abhor bigotry.
Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.

oh brother. that's your uppity opinion. I'm sure the people who lives could really care
some of you have LONG noses to look down on others at

I actually live in one of those states, and these are among the laziest people I have known anywhere. Farmers work rarely, relative to wage earners; they don't take loans and self-invest in college educations; many of them simply wait for someone to die so that they can get their inheritance.

But don't listen to me, check out the statistics, Stephanie. The rurual Midwest is not exactly an economic powerhouse.

well simple solution, MOVE from there. go live amongst people you think are worthy

I'm not moving. I've worked very hard my entire life; I'm not a farmer; I earn a good living; I enjoy the change of seasons. I'm not actually that political, so I don't much care what happens to state governments. That's an issue for the welfare-dependent farmers and rural poor. Curiously, they generally vote Republican.

all I can say is I'm glad you aren't my neighbor

I think you are in luck, cuz most people don't like to live in trashy trailer parks.

Whew! for you!!!
You would be surprised at how many rural Midwesterners live in trashy trailer parks. They own guns, have lots of kids (abortions are unheard of), they love Jesus, and collect welfare.

I don't; I live quite well because I work hard and enjoy my life.

The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

So now a lower tax environment is far right?


"Every dollar released from taxation that is spent or invested will help to create a new job and a new salary." - President John F Kennedy 1962
As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas

The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

Lol, you asshats have had 50+ years in the inner cities, and yet you keep plugging away at the "more taxes, more regulations, fuck the rich" mantra that has done SOOOO well for said cities.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

It's already happened in my state.

There used to be ice caves in one of the mountain ranges here. I had been going there since I was a small child.

When reagan started his clear cutting of the rain forest here the climate changed. Things started to get warmer and dryer. The ice caves that had been there for millions of years started to melt.

That was in the 1980s.

Fast forward to the end of the 1990s. Those caves have completely melted and are gone. The sign for the exit off the highway has been removed.

Anyone who says global climate change isn't real is wrong.
As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas

The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

Lol, you asshats have had 50+ years in the inner cities, and yet you keep plugging away at the "more taxes, more regulations, fuck the rich" mantra that has done SOOOO well for said cities.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

It's already happened in my state.

There used to be ice caves in one of the mountain ranges here. I had been going there since I was a small child.

When reagan started his clear cutting of the rain forest here the climate changed. Things started to get warmer and dryer. The ice caves that had been there for millions of years started to melt.

That was in the 1980s.

Fast forward to the end of the 1990s. Those caves have completely melted and are gone. The sign for the exit off the highway has been removed.

Anyone who says global climate change isn't real is wrong.

oh for crying out loud.
you have the world on your shoulders
Look at what Progressive of control over education these past 50 years has given us: we spend the most per student and our kids function on a Third world level. The only thing progressive is how we progressively fall further behind the rest of the world
As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas

The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

Lol, you asshats have had 50+ years in the inner cities, and yet you keep plugging away at the "more taxes, more regulations, fuck the rich" mantra that has done SOOOO well for said cities.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

No distraction of falsehood. its just comical that you can call any non-progressive policy a failure after less than a decade where the shit your side spews has been failing for 5 plus decades.
As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas

The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

Lol, you asshats have had 50+ years in the inner cities, and yet you keep plugging away at the "more taxes, more regulations, fuck the rich" mantra that has done SOOOO well for said cities.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

It's already happened in my state.

There used to be ice caves in one of the mountain ranges here. I had been going there since I was a small child.

When reagan started his clear cutting of the rain forest here the climate changed. Things started to get warmer and dryer. The ice caves that had been there for millions of years started to melt.

That was in the 1980s.

Fast forward to the end of the 1990s. Those caves have completely melted and are gone. The sign for the exit off the highway has been removed.

Anyone who says global climate change isn't real is wrong.

You are now officially the dumbest fuck on this board, She who Must Not be Named dumb.

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