Far Right Experiment In Kansas Is Failing

As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas
Lol, you asshats have had 50+ years in the inner cities, and yet you keep plugging away at the "more taxes, more regulations, fuck the rich" mantra that has done SOOOO well for said cities.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

No distraction of falsehood. its just comical that you can call any non-progressive policy a failure after less than a decade where the shit your side spews has been failing for 5 plus decades.

Stock market going through the roof, we are getting out of Bush's two wars, and jobs are being created each month. The GDP is not in a downfall as it was under W and we are seeing solid economic growth.

Oh, and even after you GOP elitist tried to kill the ACA, millions of people now have health insurance and are seeing a Doctor for the first time in years...

What a flipping Disaster, huh?

1. it's done that before, it has a habit of going down again.
2. LOL
3. Crappy jobs, government jobs, not good private sector jobs.
4. LOL
5. And now the effects are being known. Obamacare is forcing my company to make us either participate in wellness programs or be shunted to a high deductible catastrophic package. and I can't FUCKING WAIT to see how much my premiums go up.

My gosh! Don't you have any sense of guilt when you tell a lie? The percentage of government jobs in the total of jobs created is falling. Try to keep up with things....

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution
Lets see, how many years and how much billions of dollars has been put into "edemacating" the childreeeeeeeeeeeeen?

and what do we have show for it? take Ferguson Missouri as an example

I do swear liberalism really is a mental disorder

we have you to show for it, so that shows our educational system is a failure. Nobody that is your level of stupid should have any diploma.

Not really sure what Ferguson has to do with this.

Ferguson is in MO.

MO is next to KS

Thus, naturally, everything that happens in MO may as well happen in KS.

sure.......Thats logical.......
Lets see, how many years and how much billions of dollars has been put into "edemacating" the childreeeeeeeeeeeeen?

and what do we have show for it? take Ferguson Missouri as an example

I do swear liberalism really is a mental disorder

we have you to show for it, so that shows our educational system is a failure. Nobody that is your level of stupid should have any diploma.

Not really sure what Ferguson has to do with this.

Ferguson is in MO.

MO is next to KS

Thus, naturally, everything that happens in MO may as well happen in KS.

sure.......Thats logical.......

As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas
What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

No distraction of falsehood. its just comical that you can call any non-progressive policy a failure after less than a decade where the shit your side spews has been failing for 5 plus decades.

Stock market going through the roof, we are getting out of Bush's two wars, and jobs are being created each month. The GDP is not in a downfall as it was under W and we are seeing solid economic growth.

Oh, and even after you GOP elitist tried to kill the ACA, millions of people now have health insurance and are seeing a Doctor for the first time in years...

What a flipping Disaster, huh?

1. it's done that before, it has a habit of going down again.
2. LOL
3. Crappy jobs, government jobs, not good private sector jobs.
4. LOL
5. And now the effects are being known. Obamacare is forcing my company to make us either participate in wellness programs or be shunted to a high deductible catastrophic package. and I can't FUCKING WAIT to see how much my premiums go up.

My gosh! Don't you have any sense of guilt when you tell a lie? The percentage of government jobs in the total of jobs created is falling. Try to keep up with things....

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

everything is either historic or a frikken record under this man/child
you sallow anything don't you?
How many people you think it took TO RUN THIS MONSTER
Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

No distraction of falsehood. its just comical that you can call any non-progressive policy a failure after less than a decade where the shit your side spews has been failing for 5 plus decades.

Stock market going through the roof, we are getting out of Bush's two wars, and jobs are being created each month. The GDP is not in a downfall as it was under W and we are seeing solid economic growth.

Oh, and even after you GOP elitist tried to kill the ACA, millions of people now have health insurance and are seeing a Doctor for the first time in years...

What a flipping Disaster, huh?

1. it's done that before, it has a habit of going down again.
2. LOL
3. Crappy jobs, government jobs, not good private sector jobs.
4. LOL
5. And now the effects are being known. Obamacare is forcing my company to make us either participate in wellness programs or be shunted to a high deductible catastrophic package. and I can't FUCKING WAIT to see how much my premiums go up.

My gosh! Don't you have any sense of guilt when you tell a lie? The percentage of government jobs in the total of jobs created is falling. Try to keep up with things....

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

everything is either historic or a frikken record under this man/child
you sallow anything don't you?
How many people you think it took TO RUN THIS MONSTER

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

Another GOP lie exposed....
No distraction of falsehood. its just comical that you can call any non-progressive policy a failure after less than a decade where the shit your side spews has been failing for 5 plus decades.

Stock market going through the roof, we are getting out of Bush's two wars, and jobs are being created each month. The GDP is not in a downfall as it was under W and we are seeing solid economic growth.

Oh, and even after you GOP elitist tried to kill the ACA, millions of people now have health insurance and are seeing a Doctor for the first time in years...

What a flipping Disaster, huh?

1. it's done that before, it has a habit of going down again.
2. LOL
3. Crappy jobs, government jobs, not good private sector jobs.
4. LOL
5. And now the effects are being known. Obamacare is forcing my company to make us either participate in wellness programs or be shunted to a high deductible catastrophic package. and I can't FUCKING WAIT to see how much my premiums go up.

My gosh! Don't you have any sense of guilt when you tell a lie? The percentage of government jobs in the total of jobs created is falling. Try to keep up with things....

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

everything is either historic or a frikken record under this man/child
you sallow anything don't you?
How many people you think it took TO RUN THIS MONSTER

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

Another GOP lie exposed....

right, one website is the gospel truth. you're such a tool
just like this dumb thread
What's even more hilarious is the commercials.

The Republican governors have this ad running and it just makes me laugh.

They have this commercial running about how Paul Davis is a "Lawrence liberal" and he is an "Obama Delegate" and they say "Don't send an obama delegate to Topeka" or something of the sorts.

And Brownback is down by 7 in the latest SurveyUSA poll. I give kudos to Kansas, they aren't as dumb as republicans think they are. Brownback has been a disaster in Topeka.
What's even more hilarious is the commercials.

The Republican governors have this ad running and it just makes me laugh.

They have this commercial running about how Paul Davis is a "Lawrence liberal" and he is an "Obama Delegate" and they say "Don't send an obama delegate to Topeka" or something of the sorts.

And Brownback is down by 7 in the latest SurveyUSA poll. I give kudos to Kansas, they aren't as dumb as republicans think they are. Brownback has been a disaster in Topeka.

The GOP lie on giving tax breaks to the wealthy in order to lift the middle class is slowly beginning to emerge. States throughout the nation are now beginning to realize that, as the gap between the upper income and the lower economic class widens, the middle class is being squeezed even more. Even to the point of not being able to support the special tax beaks afforded the wealthy and corporations. Our children in the educational system will be the ones really hurting.

Reagan and his faithful should be proud. The trickle down theory has accomplished exactly what he wanted. The wealthy have becoming wealthier and with citizens unites, they can continue to through their, tax deductible, cash at candidates that will continue to fill their money grubbing hands.
I'd like to see Mr. Elgin write an article with pictures of Detroit and a title,

this is a Democrat experiment that sent the place all to hell

so vote Democrat and bring Detroit to your states and cities
I'd like to see Mr. Elgin write an article with pictures of Detroit and a title,

this is a Democrat experiment that sent the place all to hell

so vote Democrat and bring Detroit to your states and cities

No, Detroit was a victim of the greatest economic downturn since the depression. You remember whose administration was in charge when that happened? Yeah, it was your buddy W. I guess recovering alcoholics just aint' good with numbers/ A tax break for the wealthy and two unfunded wars sent the economy to the edge.
As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas
What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

No distraction of falsehood. its just comical that you can call any non-progressive policy a failure after less than a decade where the shit your side spews has been failing for 5 plus decades.

Stock market going through the roof, we are getting out of Bush's two wars, and jobs are being created each month. The GDP is not in a downfall as it was under W and we are seeing solid economic growth.

Oh, and even after you GOP elitist tried to kill the ACA, millions of people now have health insurance and are seeing a Doctor for the first time in years...

What a flipping Disaster, huh?

1. it's done that before, it has a habit of going down again.
2. LOL
3. Crappy jobs, government jobs, not good private sector jobs.
4. LOL
5. And now the effects are being known. Obamacare is forcing my company to make us either participate in wellness programs or be shunted to a high deductible catastrophic package. and I can't FUCKING WAIT to see how much my premiums go up.

My gosh! Don't you have any sense of guilt when you tell a lie? The percentage of government jobs in the total of jobs created is falling. Try to keep up with things....

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

Wow, you found one thing I was slightly off on. Congrats. go get yourself a cookie. I noticed you glossed over the other points.
I'd like to see Mr. Elgin write an article with pictures of Detroit and a title,

this is a Democrat experiment that sent the place all to hell

so vote Democrat and bring Detroit to your states and cities

No, Detroit was a victim of the greatest economic downturn since the depression. You remember whose administration was in charge when that happened? Yeah, it was your buddy W. I guess recovering alcoholics just aint' good with numbers/ A tax break for the wealthy and two unfunded wars sent the economy to the edge.

Detroit was in the toilet WELL before BushchimpyMcHitler (I know you want to say it) ever took office.

And of course, for some reason, the federal government is responsible for democratic city level politicians for placing said city in the shitter.
I'd like to see Mr. Elgin write an article with pictures of Detroit and a title,

this is a Democrat experiment that sent the place all to hell

so vote Democrat and bring Detroit to your states and cities

No, Detroit was a victim of the greatest economic downturn since the depression. You remember whose administration was in charge when that happened? Yeah, it was your buddy W. I guess recovering alcoholics just aint' good with numbers/ A tax break for the wealthy and two unfunded wars sent the economy to the edge.

Detroit was in the toilet WELL before BushchimpyMcHitler (I know you want to say it) ever took office.

And of course, for some reason, the federal government is responsible for democratic city level politicians for placing said city in the shitter.

Who in the world is that? What planet are you from?

The red: really? This is all the work of democratic city level pols? LOL...
I'd like to see Mr. Elgin write an article with pictures of Detroit and a title,

this is a Democrat experiment that sent the place all to hell

so vote Democrat and bring Detroit to your states and cities

No, Detroit was a victim of the greatest economic downturn since the depression. You remember whose administration was in charge when that happened? Yeah, it was your buddy W. I guess recovering alcoholics just aint' good with numbers/ A tax break for the wealthy and two unfunded wars sent the economy to the edge.

Detroit was in the toilet WELL before BushchimpyMcHitler (I know you want to say it) ever took office.

And of course, for some reason, the federal government is responsible for democratic city level politicians for placing said city in the shitter.

Who in the world is that? What planet are you from?

The red: really? This is all the work of democratic city level pols? LOL...

That line is a oldie but a goodie for making fun of BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome)

And yes, Detroit could have adapted, it could have cut back on government, tried to attract new industries, but it didn't, and that is fault of the locals.
Stock market going through the roof, we are getting out of Bush's two wars, and jobs are being created each month. The GDP is not in a downfall as it was under W and we are seeing solid economic growth.

Oh, and even after you GOP elitist tried to kill the ACA, millions of people now have health insurance and are seeing a Doctor for the first time in years...

What a flipping Disaster, huh?

1. it's done that before, it has a habit of going down again.
2. LOL
3. Crappy jobs, government jobs, not good private sector jobs.
4. LOL
5. And now the effects are being known. Obamacare is forcing my company to make us either participate in wellness programs or be shunted to a high deductible catastrophic package. and I can't FUCKING WAIT to see how much my premiums go up.

My gosh! Don't you have any sense of guilt when you tell a lie? The percentage of government jobs in the total of jobs created is falling. Try to keep up with things....

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

everything is either historic or a frikken record under this man/child
you sallow anything don't you?
How many people you think it took TO RUN THIS MONSTER

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

Another GOP lie exposed....

right, one website is the gospel truth. you're such a tool
just like this dumb thread

But you won't refute it, cause you can't....
1. it's done that before, it has a habit of going down again.
2. LOL
3. Crappy jobs, government jobs, not good private sector jobs.
4. LOL
5. And now the effects are being known. Obamacare is forcing my company to make us either participate in wellness programs or be shunted to a high deductible catastrophic package. and I can't FUCKING WAIT to see how much my premiums go up.

My gosh! Don't you have any sense of guilt when you tell a lie? The percentage of government jobs in the total of jobs created is falling. Try to keep up with things....

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

everything is either historic or a frikken record under this man/child
you sallow anything don't you?
How many people you think it took TO RUN THIS MONSTER

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

Another GOP lie exposed....

right, one website is the gospel truth. you're such a tool
just like this dumb thread

But you won't refute it, cause you can't....

that's because I don't play your all's little games
you post one website and demand people refute it
you want to play go outside
My gosh! Don't you have any sense of guilt when you tell a lie? The percentage of government jobs in the total of jobs created is falling. Try to keep up with things....

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

everything is either historic or a frikken record under this man/child
you sallow anything don't you?
How many people you think it took TO RUN THIS MONSTER

A Record Decline in Government Jobs Implications for the Economy and America s Workforce Brookings Institution

Another GOP lie exposed....

right, one website is the gospel truth. you're such a tool
just like this dumb thread

But you won't refute it, cause you can't....

that's because I don't play your all's little games
you post one website and demand people refute it
you want to play go outside

Are there no periods, commas or semicolons on your keypad, or is that just too difficult for you?
Detroit is flailing... Kansas is quickly becoming a low wage pit..... perhaps neither is any kind of a model to follow. As worker salaries and benefits continue to take it on the chin, there will be less money in the economy. The future isn't pretty for the once strong middle class. Companies want more production for less and less pay.

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