Far Right Experiment In Kansas Is Failing

Keep in mind, Kansas is what would happen to America if Conservatism ever managed to get enough power in the federal government.

That's the dirty little secret of Conservatism. We have never seen how disastrous it would be for this nation as a whole because conservatives can't win enough seats in Congress, plus the presidency.

But we get glaring smaller examples, such as this mess in Kansas, as a warning.

The conservative economic policies were implemented on a national level many times.

The one that most now know about was in the hoover years. He implemented the same tired, disastrous conservative economic policies.

The obvious outcome of that very irresponsible policy was a total collapse of our economy. Which started with the stock market crash in 1929.

We saw it again in 1981 to the mid 80s.

We also saw it again in 2008.

If you look back at the economic history of America, every time conservative economics has been implemented it crashed the economy.

So we have seen the results of their policies. It's just that some people don't pay much attention and vote mostly on social issues.

Which I don't understand either, republican social policy is just as irresponsible and toxic as their economic policies.
As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas

The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

Lol, you asshats have had 50+ years in the inner cities, and yet you keep plugging away at the "more taxes, more regulations, fuck the rich" mantra that has done SOOOO well for said cities.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

It has everything to do with you calling a policy a failure after less than a decade while you are fine giving progressive policies multiple decades to fuck up places. "Just a little more time, just a little more tax money, just a little more regulation"
Yeah, let's flush even more education tax dollars down the toilet in hopes of one day dispelling that old saying about doing things the same way and expecting a different outcome.

It's the parents' responsibility to instill in their kids the attitude that they're expected to obey all school rules and work hard to achieve a good education. Until such is the norm no amount of money in the world will improve anything.
Yeah, let's flush even more education tax dollars down the toilet in hopes of one day dispelling that old saying about doing things the same way and expecting a different outcome.

It's the parents' responsibility to instill in their kids the attitude that they're expected to obey all school rules and work hard to achieve a good education. Until such is the norm no amount of money in the world will improve anything.

PROOF, that liberalism a real mental disorder
As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas

The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

Lol, you asshats have had 50+ years in the inner cities, and yet you keep plugging away at the "more taxes, more regulations, fuck the rich" mantra that has done SOOOO well for said cities.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

No distraction of falsehood. its just comical that you can call any non-progressive policy a failure after less than a decade where the shit your side spews has been failing for 5 plus decades.

Stock market going through the roof, we are getting out of Bush's two wars, and jobs are being created each month. The GDP is not in a downfall as it was under W and we are seeing solid economic growth.

Oh, and even after you GOP elitist tried to kill the ACA, millions of people now have health insurance and are seeing a Doctor for the first time in years...

What a flipping Disaster, huh?
As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas

The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

Lol, you asshats have had 50+ years in the inner cities, and yet you keep plugging away at the "more taxes, more regulations, fuck the rich" mantra that has done SOOOO well for said cities.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

No distraction of falsehood. its just comical that you can call any non-progressive policy a failure after less than a decade where the shit your side spews has been failing for 5 plus decades.

Stock market going through the roof, we are getting out of Bush's two wars, and jobs are being created each month. The GDP is not in a downfall as it was under W and we are seeing solid economic growth.

Oh, and even after you GOP elitist tried to kill the ACA, millions of people now have health insurance and are seeing a Doctor for the first time in years...

What a flipping Disaster, huh?

1. it's done that before, it has a habit of going down again.
2. LOL
3. Crappy jobs, government jobs, not good private sector jobs.
4. LOL
5. And now the effects are being known. Obamacare is forcing my company to make us either participate in wellness programs or be shunted to a high deductible catastrophic package. and I can't FUCKING WAIT to see how much my premiums go up.
anyone know who John Elgin is and why the hell someone would take his word for ANYTHING?

oh well lookie here:
The latest Tweets from John Eligon (@jeligon). KC Correspondent for The New York Times. Kansas City, MO

I did notice though they had the celebrated one life long Republican who was so depressed he was now going to VOTE Democrat

But when he casts his ballot for governor in November, he plans to shun the leader of this state’s conservative movement, the Republican incumbent, Sam Brownback, and vote for the Democratic challenger.

how pathetic taking this mans words as if the GOSPEL TRUTH and how dare he call conservative an EXPERIMENT. this what the left thinks of you people in this country
Are you on the left that DESPERATE? and Mr. Elgin you can go to hell for all I care
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one of the comments from the article:

florida 2 hours ago
So much hate and smugness. And that vitriol is almost all from people who have never been to Kansas and do not know the state or its people.

As the author notes, Kansans have elected Democrats as Governors five times in the last fifty years - 20 years to be precise. The Republicans elected during that period have been, what we call in Kansas, "mainstream Republicans" in the mold of Eisenhower, Landon and Dole. The people of Kansas are not rabid and hateful as commentators on this article suggest - those commenting on this article are.

The "fact" is that Kansas was and is a high-tax state. The top income tax bracket rate was 7.5%, sales tax was 8.5%+ and homes are taxed at almost 1% of market value. There are also personal property taxes on cars and boats.
Something had to be done to curb a bloated, inefficient, corrupt state government. Brownback's answer was to "starve the beast". It has not yet worked and may not but it addresses a serious problem. Personally, I do not agree with the Governor but am willing to give him a chance to see if the experiment works. Liberal programs have not worked overnight, there is no reason to expect a conservative program to be instantaneously successful.

And, please, do not quote Robert Frank. He is from one of the wealthiest communities in the country (Mission Hills) and is as qualified to talk about Kansas as some kid from Beverly Hills is to talk about the inland empire.
Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.

oh brother. that's your uppity opinion. I'm sure the people who lives could really care
some of you have LONG noses to look down on others at

I've said it before when I've seen posts like this. I have no problem with removing these subsidies from the fly over states. Just let the farmers market the food they produce to those who feel so superior at what the farmer feels is fair.

The coasts would empty out in no time.

Hard to plant crops in concrete.
Even absent Kansas, I think there's ample evidence that if state govt wants a growing economy, it has to present industry with a place it can make and distribute it's product, find educated employees, and have employees live where there is affordable housing and successful public k-12 and colleges.
Republicans will never likely admit the lie known as trickledown economics. This is a consumption based economy. It thrives on consumer spending. Stimulating the wealthy class does very little because investment is a smaller part of the economy and wealthy people typically sit on the money they make.

We need to stimulate economic demand in the lower classes. That is how the economy grows.
Lets see, how many years and how much billions of dollars has been put into "edemacating" the childreeeeeeeeeeeeen?

and what do we have show for it? take Ferguson Missouri as an example

I do swear liberalism really is a mental disorder

we have you to show for it, so that shows our educational system is a failure. Nobody that is your level of stupid should have any diploma.

Not really sure what Ferguson has to do with this.
Kansas is, and has always been, entirely dependent upon transfer payments from the federal government . . . this is a common trait of the sparsely populated hinterlands of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Wyoming, etc. They have never been self-supporting in terms of tax revenue and expenditures.

If farm subsidies, social security, medicare, medicaid, and disability were taken from Kansas, it would completely collapse. It is effectively a welfare state--and a costly one to the rest of the nation.

oh brother. that's your uppity opinion. I'm sure the people who lives could really care
some of you have LONG noses to look down on others at

I actually live in one of those states, and these are among the laziest people I have known anywhere. Farmers work rarely, relative to wage earners; they don't take loans and self-invest in college educations; many of them simply wait for someone to die so that they can get their inheritance.

But don't listen to me, check out the statistics, Stephanie. The rurual Midwest is not exactly an economic powerhouse.

well simple solution, MOVE from there. go live amongst people you think are worthy

I'm not moving. I've worked very hard my entire life; I'm not a farmer; I earn a good living; I enjoy the change of seasons. I'm not actually that political, so I don't much care what happens to state governments. That's an issue for the welfare-dependent farmers and rural poor. Curiously, they generally vote Republican.

all I can say is I'm glad you aren't my neighbor
of course thats all you can say, because you can't offer anything beyond 1st grade level thoughts. You have the depth of a puddle after a light drizzle.
As the revenues said...

...I don't think we're in Kansas
Lol, you asshats have had 50+ years in the inner cities, and yet you keep plugging away at the "more taxes, more regulations, fuck the rich" mantra that has done SOOOO well for said cities.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the colossal failure of rightwing economic policy in Kansas?

Distractions and Falsehoods usually work well for the Far Right....Remember the Death Panels? Remember all the pro-tobacco congressmen who claimed nicotine is not addicting? In a few years, we can say "Remember all the naysayers to global warming?" "Well, their beaches are now gone."

No distraction of falsehood. its just comical that you can call any non-progressive policy a failure after less than a decade where the shit your side spews has been failing for 5 plus decades.

Stock market going through the roof, we are getting out of Bush's two wars, and jobs are being created each month. The GDP is not in a downfall as it was under W and we are seeing solid economic growth.

Oh, and even after you GOP elitist tried to kill the ACA, millions of people now have health insurance and are seeing a Doctor for the first time in years...

What a flipping Disaster, huh?

1. it's done that before, it has a habit of going down again.
2. LOL
3. Crappy jobs, government jobs, not good private sector jobs.
4. LOL
5. And now the effects are being known. Obamacare is forcing my company to make us either participate in wellness programs or be shunted to a high deductible catastrophic package. and I can't FUCKING WAIT to see how much my premiums go up.

Ronald Reagan's recovery plan relied on more governmental jobs, procentually, as does President Obama's. What a fucking socialist that Reagan was, what?

The far right will hang on to the Reagan trickle down economics until all of the budget for education has trickled away. And this is the type of ultra-right policies that GOP wants the nation to accept. REALLY? :dig:

Why not? Yes, REALLY!

an increase in the number of private-sector jobs since the tax cuts went into effect in January 2013.

promote a record number of new business filings — more than 15,000 — in the state last year as a sign that businesses were attracted to Kansas.

increased the total state dollars that go toward primary and secondary schools by more than $200 million. He has put tens of millions of dollars toward new programs for technical education and reading initiatives.

most of the increase has gone toward things like teacher pensions and building maintenance. When adjusted for inflation, state spending on classroom-related expenses has remained flat, if not decreased slightly, each year, according to an analysis by Mark Tallman of the Kansas Association of School Boards.
The Tax-and-Spend crowd will continue to be butt-hurt when taxes and spending are cut.
Lets see, how many years and how much billions of dollars has been put into "edemacating" the childreeeeeeeeeeeeen?

and what do we have show for it? take Ferguson Missouri as an example

I do swear liberalism really is a mental disorder

we have you to show for it, so that shows our educational system is a failure. Nobody that is your level of stupid should have any diploma.

Not really sure what Ferguson has to do with this.

Ferguson is in MO.

MO is next to KS

Thus, naturally, everything that happens in MO may as well happen in KS.

Keep in mind, Kansas is what would happen to America if Conservatism ever managed to get enough power in the federal government.

That's the dirty little secret of Conservatism. We have never seen how disastrous it would be for this nation as a whole because conservatives can't win enough seats in Congress, plus the presidency.

But we get glaring smaller examples, such as this mess in Kansas, as a warning.

The conservative economic policies were implemented on a national level many times.

The one that most now know about was in the hoover years. He implemented the same tired, disastrous conservative economic policies.

The obvious outcome of that very irresponsible policy was a total collapse of our economy. Which started with the stock market crash in 1929.

We saw it again in 1981 to the mid 80s.

We also saw it again in 2008.

If you look back at the economic history of America, every time conservative economics has been implemented it crashed the economy.

So we have seen the results of their policies. It's just that some people don't pay much attention and vote mostly on social issues.

Which I don't understand either, republican social policy is just as irresponsible and toxic as their economic policies.

Actually, what you see is when republican economic practices are in place, improvement takes place..and then is immediately and disastrously destroyed by liberal policies meant to bring the country to it's knees. You'll see the upswell caused by Republican policies..and the immediate backlash of vindictive and criminal progressives.
Actually, what you see is when republican economic practices are in place, improvement takes place..and then is immediately and disastrously destroyed by liberal policies meant to bring the country to it's knees. You'll see the upswell caused by Republican policies..and the immediate backlash of vindictive and criminal progressives.[/QUOTE]

Democrat policies were implemented in Kan?

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