Farage Faction Surging Against England's Fake "Conservatives"


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
As though the Murican GOP of political Dylan Mulvaneys isn't bad enough, the British phonier-than-phony "conservatives" say "hold my stout".

Sunak makes career cucks Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan look like Goldwater, and Farage turns the current "conservative" opponent into the total gaslighting embarrassment that she is in the opening salvo, complete with hoots and guffaws from the audience.

Europe's marked shift towards populism appears to be accelerating, as Nigel Farage’s Reform UK Party has surpassed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservatives in an opinion poll for the first time, signaling a potential shift in the British political landscape as the nation approaches the July 4 general election.
What is the point of this thread? Isn't the Labour Party going to gain the majority in these elections?

For Farage, there is a realistic chance to win in Clacton, where Reform UK is predicted to gain 39% of the vote. The Labour candidate is finished after a bombshell revelation.

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You can’t be Socially Liberal and be a Conservative ( I’m glad they finally figured this out)
They can be anything that they want. They invented the word conservative.
The fact that they havent imported the wacky tenets of american right wing politics
is no shock. Guns for all and abortion bans would see them unelectable in a civil societyi
Do not over complicate .
Nigel has The Donald’s talents in good measure .
Loads of charisma, a nose for PR gains and apparent empathy with the plebs .
The Zeitgeist is for Starmer but he is remarkably bland and boring . Just very lucky to be leader now .
What is the point of this thread? Isn't the Labour Party going to gain the majority in these elections?
Probably....Point is that the "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) are on death's door, and rightly so.

That kayfabe illusion of "difference" between Labour and Conservative parties is only now held by delusional freaks living in their own little worlds, like Tammy the Taint.
They can be anything that they want. They invented the word conservative.
The fact that they havent imported the wacky tenets of american right wing politics
is no shock. Guns for all and abortion bans would see them unelectable in a civil societyi
But bringing in millions of Burnt Pakis and Moroccans and Syrians and Ethiopians and Chadians and Lebanese and Somalis and Tunisians and Tajiks ... is Kosher ( You Folks will long for the good old days when hard working Albanians would come over from Italy then return after the Construction Jobs in Manchester and the outskirts of London were finished )
Trying to use Lackluster Economic Growth on Conservatives is the Far Left & Left’s new plan 😆🤣😝🏴‍☠️
But bringing in millions of Burnt Pakis and Moroccans and Syrians and Ethiopians and Chadians and Lebanese and Somalis and Tunisians and Tajiks ... is Kosher ( You Folks will long for the good old days when hard working Albanians would come over from Italy then return after the Construction Jobs in Manchester and the outskirts of London were finished )
Nope. I am g;ad they are here. I was in hospital yesterday and cared for by
Pakistani - they were all born in Britain
I am extra glad they are here. But you are a pig who gets his information off nazi websites written by 12 year olds. sucks to be you.

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