Farage Faction Surging Against England's Fake "Conservatives"

Nope. I am g;ad they are here. I was in hospital yesterday and cared for by
Pakistani - they were all born in Britain
I am extra glad they are here. But you are a pig who gets his information off nazi websites written by 12 year olds. sucks to be you.
Your glad when recently Arrived Citizenry behead off duty soldiers on Holiday or knife attack Tube Passengers ok got it
I'm for whatever gives the Tommy Taintants a nasty case of the shits from now until the nukes go off. Honestly, I could give a shit about the ruination of England. Saving Ireland, Wales, and Scotland should be the focus.
Probably....Point is that the "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) are on death's door, and rightly so.

That kayfabe illusion of "difference" between Labour and Conservative parties is only now held by delusional freaks living in their own little worlds, like Tammy the Taint.
From an American standpoint, all European conservatives (including so called 'far right') would be put somewhere to the left from a center.
Its a one man band. Reform is not a party in the traditional sense. Its a company with one shareholder and director. Fagage. There is no one else in that party.

Consider Ben Habib. He was across the airwaves for them until a few weeks ago when this happened..
. Reform UK deputy leader says UK should ‘absolutely’ let migrants drown in the Channel

farage peobably agrees with him but cant say it.
In other words, Farage offers his name and 'umbrella' to those willing to cooperate with him in the parliament. In any case, it seems he will get his share in the Commons this time.
You have a narrow primitive set of references. You are too full blown to reason with.
The Flagship of my Firearm Collection is a 1961 BSA L1A1 the Flagship of my Motorbike Collection is a 1966 BSA 441 Victor Gran Prix Special and the Flagship of my Auto stable is a 2000 Jaguar XJ8 Sovereign ( Aqua Marine )
Indeed....Point being is that a lot of Euros aren't falling for the charade anymore.
What charade? Doesn't matter what 'color' wins there, the 'socialists' are going to rule there in any case.
You mean like in Hungary and Poland?

Oh wait.....
Yes, why not? Because of their rhetoric and migrant policy? But except of that they stay to be nanny states with financial influx from the European budget.
In other words, Farage offers his name and 'umbrella' to those willing to cooperate with him in the parliament. In any case, it seems he will get his share in the Commons this time.
Thats pretty much it. We have been thru this many times with this character.
Do not over complicate .
Nigel has The Donald’s talents in good measure .
Loads of charisma, a nose for PR gains and apparent empathy with the plebs .
The Zeitgeist is for Starmer but he is remarkably bland and boring . Just very lucky to be leader now .
Mussolini had charisma.
But bringing in millions of Burnt Pakis and Moroccans and Syrians and Ethiopians and Chadians and Lebanese and Somalis and Tunisians and Tajiks ... is Kosher ( You Folks will long for the good old days when hard working Albanians would come over from Italy then return after the Construction Jobs in Manchester and the outskirts of London were finished )
Most of those construction workers were east Europeans from Poland Ukraine and the Baltics, i know because my occupation took me to those sites, not from Africa or Albania.
I won't be supporting this Labour party, but you are wrong, why would a Labour Government be worse on Public services? the Tories have spent years slashing them and selling others off, they don't actually believe in Public services and that includes the NHS.
They're preserving their centuries-old cultures and heritages by keeping out the barbarian hordes....That's a big start.
Maybe, but if they don't want to share a burden, they shouldn't get the benefits.
The benefit of no go zones, children being sex trafficed, providing unlimited food and shelter, welfare benefits, and never ending violence? Those benefits of membership?
The benefit of not being underdeveloped agrarian outskirts they were for the most part of their history.

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