'Farmageddon': Government Attacks On Small Family Farms...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
This is a troubling documentary about the Government's war on small family farms. Joel Salitan (Poly Face Farms), featured in this & many other documentaries about food freedom, spoke at a University near me about 2 years ago. After he spoke to a packed crowd about government invasion on small family farms, someone from the crowd asked him "is there anyone in Washington DC who understands what is going on, & who will take a stand?"..to which, without missing a beat. Joel Salitan quickly replied "Ron Paul, he is the only one who gets it". Many in the crowd cheered. Watch the documentary 'Farmageddon' below & spread it to friends & family. Ron Paul is the only politician featured in it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uah8LBUbfc]Farmageddon - The truth about the food and dairy industry - YouTube[/ame]

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This is a troubling documentary about the Government's war on small family farms. Joel Salitan (Poly Face Farms), featured in this & many other documentaries about food freedom, spoke at a University near me about 2 years ago. After he spoke to a packed crowd about government invasion on small family farms, someone from the crowd asked him "is there anyone in Washington DC who understands what is going on, & who will take a stand?"..to which, without missing a beat. Joel Salitan quickly replied "Ron Paul, he is the only one who gets it". Many in the crowd cheered. Watch the documentary 'Farmageddon' below & spread it to friends & family. Ron Paul is the only politician featured in it.

Farmageddon - The truth about the food and dairy industry - YouTube

Watch: Ron Paul Featured in New Documentary 'Farmageddon' About Government Attacks On Small Family Farms | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

I just skimmed through the raw milk stuff. My take? You wanna drink raw milk you should have that option. Just make sure that all this milk is labeled and we know where it comes from. As they say infections are not common. Unfortunately neither are they rare. When they do inevitably strike somebody is going to have to be responsible.

I suspect that these "family farms" selling raw milk will be sued out of business over the course of a couple of decades.

Me? I don't drink much milk but you can be sure that what I do drink is pasteurized.

Raw milk is probably the worst thing possible to hang sustainable foods on.
I drank raw milk for several years while working on a farm. I also ate fresh eggs, homemade butter and ice cream and un-inspected beef, lamb, chicken and deer.

Never got sick from the food even ONCE.

I did get sick of sleeping in the barn, though...
I drank raw milk for several years while working on a farm. I also ate fresh eggs, homemade butter and ice cream and un-inspected beef, lamb, chicken and deer.

Never got sick from the food even ONCE.

I did get sick of sleeping in the barn, though...

I don't think anyone disputes the fact that you can drink raw milk safely. The problem is that the small producer is no less likely to cut corners than the large and no one will dispute the fact that raw milk can be a killer. (not is.........can be)

As far as milk goes it is simply a problem that is easily solved so why take the chance?

There is such a better case to be made against the beef hog and chicken farms
This is a troubling documentary about the Government's war on small family farms. Joel Salitan (Poly Face Farms), featured in this & many other documentaries about food freedom, spoke at a University near me about 2 years ago. After he spoke to a packed crowd about government invasion on small family farms, someone from the crowd asked him "is there anyone in Washington DC who understands what is going on, & who will take a stand?"..to which, without missing a beat. Joel Salitan quickly replied "Ron Paul, he is the only one who gets it". Many in the crowd cheered. Watch the documentary 'Farmageddon' below & spread it to friends & family. Ron Paul is the only politician featured in it.

Farmageddon - The truth about the food and dairy industry - YouTube

Watch: Ron Paul Featured in New Documentary 'Farmageddon' About Government Attacks On Small Family Farms | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

I just skimmed through the raw milk stuff. My take? You wanna drink raw milk you should have that option. Just make sure that all this milk is labeled and we know where it comes from. As they say infections are not common. Unfortunately neither are they rare. When they do inevitably strike somebody is going to have to be responsible.

I suspect that these "family farms" selling raw milk will be sued out of business over the course of a couple of decades.

Me? I don't drink much milk but you can be sure that what I do drink is pasteurized.

Raw milk is probably the worst thing possible to hang sustainable foods on.

The point was that raw milk had a healing power that the federal government will not allow. The government wants to control EVERYTHING! They gain control of it by creating or recognizing a problem and writing regulations to control our behavior. Not only WHAT you ingest but HOW MUCH is under control of some government nerd with a book of laws, the ability to fine or shut you down AND the backing of men with guns to MAKE YOU CONFORM.

We need less government control rather than more.
Pasteurized Milk is allowed to have a lot of contaminates (puss, blood etc..) in it because it's been boiled. Raw Milk is not. I had a half gallon of Raw Milk in my fridge but my wife and I don't drink milk much anymore, we use heavy whipping cream in our coffee instead. Stop drinking milk and watch in amazement as your stomach and intestines settle down.

Also it's easier to account for contaminated beef in small farms as there are fewer cows. If an e-coli outbreak occurs in a small farm then just those cows will need to be destroyed. But on the other hand if an outbreak occurs at a giant feed lot then THOUSANDS of cows and Millions of pounds of beef will have to be destroyed.

Your local farms are FAR more sanitary and safer than the giant feed lots. And don't get me started on the the whole grass fed versus corn fed thing.
It's all about the money. The more they take out; the more they charge. Then they can sell what they took out as butter, cheeze, yogert, ice cream, etc.
I don't see it a an instance of "government control", but rather Big Agra using their ability to influence Congress to drive the small farmer out of business. Just another instance of the way we finance political campaigns resulting in the lessening of freedoms. Let them lobby, but we need to be the ones paying. The one with the gold rules.
I don't see it a an instance of "government control", but rather Big Agra using their ability to influence Congress to drive the small farmer out of business. Just another instance of the way we finance political campaigns resulting in the lessening of freedoms. Let them lobby, but we need to be the ones paying. The one with the gold rules.

Abramoff is on 60 Minutes tonight outlining how it works, i.e. corrupting the system with campaign contributions and jobs.
This is a troubling documentary about the Government's war on small family farms. Joel Salitan (Poly Face Farms), featured in this & many other documentaries about food freedom, spoke at a University near me about 2 years ago. After he spoke to a packed crowd about government invasion on small family farms, someone from the crowd asked him "is there anyone in Washington DC who understands what is going on, & who will take a stand?"..to which, without missing a beat. Joel Salitan quickly replied "Ron Paul, he is the only one who gets it". Many in the crowd cheered. Watch the documentary 'Farmageddon' below & spread it to friends & family. Ron Paul is the only politician featured in it.

Farmageddon - The truth about the food and dairy industry - YouTube

Watch: Ron Paul Featured in New Documentary 'Farmageddon' About Government Attacks On Small Family Farms | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

I just skimmed through the raw milk stuff. My take? You wanna drink raw milk you should have that option. Just make sure that all this milk is labeled and we know where it comes from. As they say infections are not common. Unfortunately neither are they rare. When they do inevitably strike somebody is going to have to be responsible.

I suspect that these "family farms" selling raw milk will be sued out of business over the course of a couple of decades.

Me? I don't drink much milk but you can be sure that what I do drink is pasteurized.

Raw milk is probably the worst thing possible to hang sustainable foods on.

A very simple issue that the free market can deal with, simply by requiring a label and nothing else.
A very simple issue that the free market can deal with, simply by requiring a label and nothing else.

You'd think so, but as long as Big Agra can legally bribe our representitives, that's just another libertarian pipe dream.
A very simple issue that the free market can deal with, simply by requiring a label and nothing else.

You'd think so, but as long as Big Agra can legally bribe our representitives, that's just another libertarian pipe dream.

Just so you know, us libertarians are just as much against "Big ______" as you are.
For instance, I happen to believe that Monsanto is one of the worst things that ever happened to the agriculture sector.
A very simple issue that the free market can deal with, simply by requiring a label and nothing else.

You'd think so, but as long as Big Agra can legally bribe our representitives, that's just another libertarian pipe dream.

Just so you know, us libertarians are just as much against "Big ______" as you are.

Then why aren't they supporting public financing of elections? IMO, as long as they don't, they'll just be another voice in the wilderness. Big __________s' money will make sure it doesn't happen.
You'd think so, but as long as Big Agra can legally bribe our representitives, that's just another libertarian pipe dream.

Just so you know, us libertarians are just as much against "Big ______" as you are.

Then why aren't they supporting public financing of elections? IMO, as long as they don't, they'll just be another voice in the wilderness. Big __________s' money will make sure it doesn't happen.

Because we still believe that big business is free to spend their cash how they want. If they spend it to influence politicians, we're supposed to be there as voters to keep an eye on them and hammer them at election time.
Be more like France and protect the family farm. Vote Dem because you know damn well the Pubs are in big corporations pocketd. It's just a question of who you want in charge of big gov't. Pubs have already proven themselves to be incompetent greedy lying cheats a million times, dupes. Change the channel.

Get rid of or regulate greedy middle men, more local marketing gd it....-touchy feely liberals are the only hope LOL!
Just so you know, us libertarians are just as much against "Big ______" as you are.

Then why aren't they supporting public financing of elections? IMO, as long as they don't, they'll just be another voice in the wilderness. Big __________s' money will make sure it doesn't happen.

Because we still believe that big business is free to spend their cash how they want. If they spend it to influence politicians, we're supposed to be there as voters to keep an eye on them and hammer them at election time.

Libertarian pipe dream. You're playing into their hands. They fund both sides, so there's no real choice and keeping out other voices, like the libertarians.
Then why aren't they supporting public financing of elections? IMO, as long as they don't, they'll just be another voice in the wilderness. Big __________s' money will make sure it doesn't happen.

Because we still believe that big business is free to spend their cash how they want. If they spend it to influence politicians, we're supposed to be there as voters to keep an eye on them and hammer them at election time.

Libertarian pipe dream. You're playing into their hands. They fund both sides, so there's no real choice and keeping out other voices, like the libertarians.

What's libertarian about expecting voters to do their due diligence?
It's no surprise that government supports big business & attacks small business. Small banks are put out of business while big banks are bailed out. Same goes for farmers & all other business.
It's no surprise that government supports big business & attacks small business. Small banks are put out of business while big banks are bailed out. Same goes for farmers & all other business.

As diligent voters it's very easy to go and look at the records of the politicians in our district and state, and vote out the bastards that are responsible for this.

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