Farrakhan talks of 'Satanic Jews' at Catholic church address

right-----that and the jews caused the Bubonic plague-----
I am very well aware of the teachings of the catholic
church. I attended "midnite mass" Christmas eve for YEARS

The Grim Reaper comes from the Bubonic Plague era, Medieval Europeans simply said they saw demonic beasts with reapers in the fields before the Plague hit.

It was a simple mistake to think a Jew was a demonic beast too.

"simple mistake"??? nothing "simple" about the genocides
enacted by the catholic church

Yet, Catholic Poland accepted those Jewish refugees.

All you Heebs do is kick, and scream about Polish Catholics.

No wonder why so many people despise ungrateful Jews.

LOL "accepted the refugees" ------and by the 1800s those
refugees were ON THE RUN from Poland -----my own ancestors--------even the survivors that did not make it to the USA----were
sent BACK TO POLAND to be gassed -------and some of those not
gassed were murdered by their catholic neighbors ("""grateful"""")

You're very dumb, blaming Poles for Russian Pogroms, and Nazi Germany's Holocaust.

My impression of Jews is they're dumb, but extremely desperate, and extremely ambitious.

No wonder why so many people despise Jews.

You should watch The Pianist. Good flick.
right-----that and the jews caused the Bubonic plague-----
I am very well aware of the teachings of the catholic
church. I attended "midnite mass" Christmas eve for YEARS

The Grim Reaper comes from the Bubonic Plague era, Medieval Europeans simply said they saw demonic beasts with reapers in the fields before the Plague hit.

It was a simple mistake to think a Jew was a demonic beast too.

"simple mistake"??? nothing "simple" about the genocides
enacted by the catholic church

Yet, Catholic Poland accepted those Jewish refugees.

All you Heebs do is kick, and scream about Polish Catholics.

No wonder why so many people despise ungrateful Jews.

LOL "accepted the refugees" ------and by the 1800s those
refugees were ON THE RUN from Poland -----my own ancestors--------even the survivors that did not make it to the USA----were
sent BACK TO POLAND to be gassed -------and some of those not
gassed were murdered by their catholic neighbors ("""grateful"""")

You're very dumb, blaming Poles for Russian Pogroms, and Nazi Germany's Holocaust.

My impression of Jews is they're dumb, but extremely desperate, and extremely ambitious.

No wonder why so many people despise Jews.

my ancestors from Poland were never in Russia and-----adolf was not even a glimmer in his father's eye----BACK THEN WHEN THEY
The Grim Reaper comes from the Bubonic Plague era, Medieval Europeans simply said they saw demonic beasts with reapers in the fields before the Plague hit.

It was a simple mistake to think a Jew was a demonic beast too.

"simple mistake"??? nothing "simple" about the genocides
enacted by the catholic church

Yet, Catholic Poland accepted those Jewish refugees.

All you Heebs do is kick, and scream about Polish Catholics.

No wonder why so many people despise ungrateful Jews.

LOL "accepted the refugees" ------and by the 1800s those
refugees were ON THE RUN from Poland -----my own ancestors--------even the survivors that did not make it to the USA----were
sent BACK TO POLAND to be gassed -------and some of those not
gassed were murdered by their catholic neighbors ("""grateful"""")

You're very dumb, blaming Poles for Russian Pogroms, and Nazi Germany's Holocaust.

My impression of Jews is they're dumb, but extremely desperate, and extremely ambitious.

No wonder why so many people despise Jews.

my ancestors from Poland were never in Russia and-----adolf was not even a glimmer in his father's eye----BACK THEN WHEN THEY

There was no Poland in the 1800's, you stupid bestial savage.
Nearly everyone in the entire western world lives in fear of being labeled an Antisemite

You seem quite proud of your antisemitism. Kudos to you.

I don't know any Jews in real life. Unlike black people who I see causing trouble every day, if there's any Jews around I can't tell them apart from random white people. So I come by my opinion towards black people honestly. Jews on the other hand, I've heard a lot of mythology about in my online alt-right circles but I remained skeptical. This forum is the first time Ive really had personal interactions with Jews and I must say, it's been an eye opening experience.

Long ago----I met lots of people who had never before met a jew.
They were muslims educated in muslim countries---mostly.
If you frequent Nazi websites------then you are familiar with THE
grammar school curriculum on jews in muslim countries and the
stuff taught in mosques---even in the USA

I don't know why we're on the topic of Muslims all of a sudden...

but yes I've heard a bit about what they say about you in their Mosques.

They want to cut the necks of all infidels though, which includes me and everyone I care about so I don't get why I should be more upset about what they say about Jews.

your information is very incomplete------it is true that they are still
ranting about killing "ALL KAFFIRIN"-------but you are very unaware
of the details. I got it all from muslims themselves (besides visiting a mosque). There is no reason to be more concerned \
about jewish victims of Islamic persecution than Christians,
Hindus, Buddhists, etc etc -------the details thereof is VERY INTERESTING-------it was actually written by Christians and transmitted to muslim children as a kind of REQUIRED study
They have almost a fanatical devotion to keeping your people safe.

From 1948 to 1967 ... the American xtians who are so fanatical to keep us 'safe' had an arms embargo against the State of Israel. Americans went to jail for even sending money for Israel to help protect itself. American administrations since Truman didn't believe Israel would survive the decade.

It wasn't till Israel won the Six Day War (with British, French, and Israeli-made weapons) that America finally realized that Israel wasn't going to get wiped out any minute and could actually be a lucrative weapons market that the embargo was lifted.

The only people on this Earth keeping Israelis safe ares Israelis


How many people do you reckon are alive today who voted for Truman? Unless you're positively ancient, there's no way you could have been old enough in 1967 to be politically aware.

Was it your parents who taught you to hold a grudge? Is that a jewish thing?

My mom is 98 -----no dementia. I did not vote for Truman,------
I was very politically aware in 1967----in fact I watched (on channel 13) ALL OF THE UN proceedings on "CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE
EAST" ----late May thru June. Feel free to ask questions-----

Here's a question. Are you aware of the near worshipful attitude protestant Christians in America have for Israel and Jews? Do you think a modicum of respect for their faith is too much to ask in return for them sending their sons to die in the middle east to make Israel just a little bit safer?

you know virtually nothing about Protestant Christians in the USA----I do ----I grew up with them. I also know about the US military----
I IS A VETERAN. Not one US soldier was sent to the Middle
east to fight for Israel EVER. Some American protestants are
avid "Zionists"------a small, very intelligent and opened minded
minority. "RESPECT FOR THEIR FAITH"------you have some
information about "level of respect" jews have for protestants?----
feel free to ask questions

Sounds to me you grew up hating Protestants. I grew up raised by them, surrounded by them and nobody ever, ever told me I should hate Jews.
"simple mistake"??? nothing "simple" about the genocides
enacted by the catholic church

Yet, Catholic Poland accepted those Jewish refugees.

All you Heebs do is kick, and scream about Polish Catholics.

No wonder why so many people despise ungrateful Jews.

LOL "accepted the refugees" ------and by the 1800s those
refugees were ON THE RUN from Poland -----my own ancestors--------even the survivors that did not make it to the USA----were
sent BACK TO POLAND to be gassed -------and some of those not
gassed were murdered by their catholic neighbors ("""grateful"""")

You're very dumb, blaming Poles for Russian Pogroms, and Nazi Germany's Holocaust.

My impression of Jews is they're dumb, but extremely desperate, and extremely ambitious.

No wonder why so many people despise Jews.

my ancestors from Poland were never in Russia and-----adolf was not even a glimmer in his father's eye----BACK THEN WHEN THEY

There was no Poland in the 1800's, you stupid bestial savage.

in 1925. No wonder none of my relatives spoke it
From 1948 to 1967 ... the American xtians who are so fanatical to keep us 'safe' had an arms embargo against the State of Israel. Americans went to jail for even sending money for Israel to help protect itself. American administrations since Truman didn't believe Israel would survive the decade.

It wasn't till Israel won the Six Day War (with British, French, and Israeli-made weapons) that America finally realized that Israel wasn't going to get wiped out any minute and could actually be a lucrative weapons market that the embargo was lifted.

The only people on this Earth keeping Israelis safe ares Israelis


How many people do you reckon are alive today who voted for Truman? Unless you're positively ancient, there's no way you could have been old enough in 1967 to be politically aware.

Was it your parents who taught you to hold a grudge? Is that a jewish thing?

My mom is 98 -----no dementia. I did not vote for Truman,------
I was very politically aware in 1967----in fact I watched (on channel 13) ALL OF THE UN proceedings on "CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE
EAST" ----late May thru June. Feel free to ask questions-----

Here's a question. Are you aware of the near worshipful attitude protestant Christians in America have for Israel and Jews? Do you think a modicum of respect for their faith is too much to ask in return for them sending their sons to die in the middle east to make Israel just a little bit safer?

you know virtually nothing about Protestant Christians in the USA----I do ----I grew up with them. I also know about the US military----
I IS A VETERAN. Not one US soldier was sent to the Middle
east to fight for Israel EVER. Some American protestants are
avid "Zionists"------a small, very intelligent and opened minded
minority. "RESPECT FOR THEIR FAITH"------you have some
information about "level of respect" jews have for protestants?----
feel free to ask questions

Sounds to me you grew up hating Protestants. I grew up raised by them, surrounded by them and nobody ever, ever told me I should hate Jews.

nope------I grew up in a very Christian town. My parents never
spoke about hating anyone------I did attend sunday school lots.
and learned what you learned what Christian children are taught
about jews THERE------and in the homes of my Christian friends---
and school mates. I am a bit surprised that you never heard anything about jews in church-------when did you come to know that
Jesus was a jew ? (if ever..)
Nearly everyone in the entire western world lives in fear of being labeled an Antisemite

You seem quite proud of your antisemitism. Kudos to you.

I don't know any Jews in real life. Unlike black people who I see causing trouble every day, if there's any Jews around I can't tell them apart from random white people. So I come by my opinion towards black people honestly. Jews on the other hand, I've heard a lot of mythology about in my online alt-right circles but I remained skeptical. This forum is the first time Ive really had personal interactions with Jews and I must say, it's been an eye opening experience.

Long ago----I met lots of people who had never before met a jew.
They were muslims educated in muslim countries---mostly.
If you frequent Nazi websites------then you are familiar with THE
grammar school curriculum on jews in muslim countries and the
stuff taught in mosques---even in the USA

I don't know why we're on the topic of Muslims all of a sudden...

but yes I've heard a bit about what they say about you in their Mosques.

They want to cut the necks of all infidels though, which includes me and everyone I care about so I don't get why I should be more upset about what they say about Jews.

your information is very incomplete------it is true that they are still
ranting about killing "ALL KAFFIRIN"-------but you are very unaware
of the details. I got it all from muslims themselves (besides visiting a mosque). There is no reason to be more concerned \
about jewish victims of Islamic persecution than Christians,
Hindus, Buddhists, etc etc -------the details thereof is VERY INTERESTING-------it was actually written by Christians and transmitted to muslim children as a kind of REQUIRED study

More paranoid conspiracy theories. If this is the sort of crap Jews teach their children to believe, it's no wonder why "antisemites" think you are all out to destroy western civilization.
Yet, Catholic Poland accepted those Jewish refugees.

All you Heebs do is kick, and scream about Polish Catholics.

No wonder why so many people despise ungrateful Jews.

LOL "accepted the refugees" ------and by the 1800s those
refugees were ON THE RUN from Poland -----my own ancestors--------even the survivors that did not make it to the USA----were
sent BACK TO POLAND to be gassed -------and some of those not
gassed were murdered by their catholic neighbors ("""grateful"""")

You're very dumb, blaming Poles for Russian Pogroms, and Nazi Germany's Holocaust.

My impression of Jews is they're dumb, but extremely desperate, and extremely ambitious.

No wonder why so many people despise Jews.

my ancestors from Poland were never in Russia and-----adolf was not even a glimmer in his father's eye----BACK THEN WHEN THEY

There was no Poland in the 1800's, you stupid bestial savage.

in 1925. No wonder none of my relatives spoke it

The Polish language goes back over 1,000 years.
Jews simply refused to assimilate, because they are trash, come on now we all know this except Evangelical idiots.
How many people do you reckon are alive today who voted for Truman? Unless you're positively ancient, there's no way you could have been old enough in 1967 to be politically aware.

Was it your parents who taught you to hold a grudge? Is that a jewish thing?

My mom is 98 -----no dementia. I did not vote for Truman,------
I was very politically aware in 1967----in fact I watched (on channel 13) ALL OF THE UN proceedings on "CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE
EAST" ----late May thru June. Feel free to ask questions-----

Here's a question. Are you aware of the near worshipful attitude protestant Christians in America have for Israel and Jews? Do you think a modicum of respect for their faith is too much to ask in return for them sending their sons to die in the middle east to make Israel just a little bit safer?

you know virtually nothing about Protestant Christians in the USA----I do ----I grew up with them. I also know about the US military----
I IS A VETERAN. Not one US soldier was sent to the Middle
east to fight for Israel EVER. Some American protestants are
avid "Zionists"------a small, very intelligent and opened minded
minority. "RESPECT FOR THEIR FAITH"------you have some
information about "level of respect" jews have for protestants?----
feel free to ask questions

Sounds to me you grew up hating Protestants. I grew up raised by them, surrounded by them and nobody ever, ever told me I should hate Jews.

nope------I grew up in a very Christian town. My parents never
spoke about hating anyone------I did attend sunday school lots.
and learned what you learned what Christian children are taught
about jews THERE------and in the homes of my Christian friends---
and school mates. I am a bit surprised that you never heard anything about jews in church-------when did you come to know that
Jesus was a jew ? (if ever..)

Of course we heard about Jews in church, but we weren't taught to hate them. What I've noticed in my limited interactions with you people is that you're extremely sensitive to the mere mention of the word "Jew" and immediately start thinking you're being persecuted.

What is it about the biblical Jews that offends you the most?
You seem quite proud of your antisemitism. Kudos to you.

I don't know any Jews in real life. Unlike black people who I see causing trouble every day, if there's any Jews around I can't tell them apart from random white people. So I come by my opinion towards black people honestly. Jews on the other hand, I've heard a lot of mythology about in my online alt-right circles but I remained skeptical. This forum is the first time Ive really had personal interactions with Jews and I must say, it's been an eye opening experience.

Long ago----I met lots of people who had never before met a jew.
They were muslims educated in muslim countries---mostly.
If you frequent Nazi websites------then you are familiar with THE
grammar school curriculum on jews in muslim countries and the
stuff taught in mosques---even in the USA

I don't know why we're on the topic of Muslims all of a sudden...

but yes I've heard a bit about what they say about you in their Mosques.

They want to cut the necks of all infidels though, which includes me and everyone I care about so I don't get why I should be more upset about what they say about Jews.

your information is very incomplete------it is true that they are still
ranting about killing "ALL KAFFIRIN"-------but you are very unaware
of the details. I got it all from muslims themselves (besides visiting a mosque). There is no reason to be more concerned \
about jewish victims of Islamic persecution than Christians,
Hindus, Buddhists, etc etc -------the details thereof is VERY INTERESTING-------it was actually written by Christians and transmitted to muslim children as a kind of REQUIRED study

More paranoid conspiracy theories. If this is the sort of crap Jews teach their children to believe, it's no wonder why "antisemites" think you are all out to destroy western civilization.

why are you bringing up "jews teaching their children..."? I never
attended any jewish "schooling" at all------my parents were COMPLETELY SECULAR. That which I know about both Christians and muslims came from both Christians and muslims----
and THEIR WRITINGS. I never heard the word "muslim"
"Christian" ''new testament" or "Koran" in a synagogue.
My husband had a jewish education-----orthodox parents----etc---
and Talmud. He is so unaware of "Christian" that I explain
the reason for "Christmas" and "easter" to him------year after
year--------it just makes no impression and he forgets
I don't know any Jews in real life. Unlike black people who I see causing trouble every day, if there's any Jews around I can't tell them apart from random white people. So I come by my opinion towards black people honestly. Jews on the other hand, I've heard a lot of mythology about in my online alt-right circles but I remained skeptical. This forum is the first time Ive really had personal interactions with Jews and I must say, it's been an eye opening experience.

Long ago----I met lots of people who had never before met a jew.
They were muslims educated in muslim countries---mostly.
If you frequent Nazi websites------then you are familiar with THE
grammar school curriculum on jews in muslim countries and the
stuff taught in mosques---even in the USA

I don't know why we're on the topic of Muslims all of a sudden...

but yes I've heard a bit about what they say about you in their Mosques.

They want to cut the necks of all infidels though, which includes me and everyone I care about so I don't get why I should be more upset about what they say about Jews.

your information is very incomplete------it is true that they are still
ranting about killing "ALL KAFFIRIN"-------but you are very unaware
of the details. I got it all from muslims themselves (besides visiting a mosque). There is no reason to be more concerned \
about jewish victims of Islamic persecution than Christians,
Hindus, Buddhists, etc etc -------the details thereof is VERY INTERESTING-------it was actually written by Christians and transmitted to muslim children as a kind of REQUIRED study

More paranoid conspiracy theories. If this is the sort of crap Jews teach their children to believe, it's no wonder why "antisemites" think you are all out to destroy western civilization.

why are you bringing up "jews teaching their children..."? I never
attended any jewish "schooling" at all------my parents were COMPLETELY SECULAR. That which I know about both Christians and muslims came from both Christians and muslims----
and THEIR WRITINGS. I never heard the word "muslim"
"Christian" ''new testament" or "Koran" in a synagogue.
My husband had a jewish education-----orthodox parents----etc---
and Talmud. He is so unaware of "Christian" that I explain
the reason for "Christmas" and "easter" to him------year after
year--------it just makes no impression and he forgets

So you keep trying to indoctrinate your husband into hating Christians because of ancient fairy tales but he doesn't care? I'd say he's a smart fellow, if only he didnt marry someone like you.
LOL "accepted the refugees" ------and by the 1800s those
refugees were ON THE RUN from Poland -----my own ancestors--------even the survivors that did not make it to the USA----were
sent BACK TO POLAND to be gassed -------and some of those not
gassed were murdered by their catholic neighbors ("""grateful"""")

You're very dumb, blaming Poles for Russian Pogroms, and Nazi Germany's Holocaust.

My impression of Jews is they're dumb, but extremely desperate, and extremely ambitious.

No wonder why so many people despise Jews.

my ancestors from Poland were never in Russia and-----adolf was not even a glimmer in his father's eye----BACK THEN WHEN THEY

There was no Poland in the 1800's, you stupid bestial savage.

in 1925. No wonder none of my relatives spoke it

The Polish language goes back over 1,000 years.
Jews simply refused to assimilate, because they are trash, come on now we all know this except Evangelical idiots.

right-----the POLISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE AND CATHOLICISM go back over 1000 years and jews were
excluded from that society during their unfortunate sojourn
CHURCH. Assimilate into "polish society'-----meant getting
Long ago----I met lots of people who had never before met a jew.
They were muslims educated in muslim countries---mostly.
If you frequent Nazi websites------then you are familiar with THE
grammar school curriculum on jews in muslim countries and the
stuff taught in mosques---even in the USA

I don't know why we're on the topic of Muslims all of a sudden...

but yes I've heard a bit about what they say about you in their Mosques.

They want to cut the necks of all infidels though, which includes me and everyone I care about so I don't get why I should be more upset about what they say about Jews.

your information is very incomplete------it is true that they are still
ranting about killing "ALL KAFFIRIN"-------but you are very unaware
of the details. I got it all from muslims themselves (besides visiting a mosque). There is no reason to be more concerned \
about jewish victims of Islamic persecution than Christians,
Hindus, Buddhists, etc etc -------the details thereof is VERY INTERESTING-------it was actually written by Christians and transmitted to muslim children as a kind of REQUIRED study

More paranoid conspiracy theories. If this is the sort of crap Jews teach their children to believe, it's no wonder why "antisemites" think you are all out to destroy western civilization.

why are you bringing up "jews teaching their children..."? I never
attended any jewish "schooling" at all------my parents were COMPLETELY SECULAR. That which I know about both Christians and muslims came from both Christians and muslims----
and THEIR WRITINGS. I never heard the word "muslim"
"Christian" ''new testament" or "Koran" in a synagogue.
My husband had a jewish education-----orthodox parents----etc---
and Talmud. He is so unaware of "Christian" that I explain
the reason for "Christmas" and "easter" to him------year after
year--------it just makes no impression and he forgets

So you keep trying to indoctrinate your husband into hating Christians because of ancient fairy tales but he doesn't care? I'd say he's a smart fellow, if only he didnt marry someone like you.

what are you calling "ancient fairy tales"? The NT? I read it and he did not. Where did you see "hating Christians"? For him
"hating Christians" would be something like "hating martians"
My mom is 98 -----no dementia. I did not vote for Truman,------
I was very politically aware in 1967----in fact I watched (on channel 13) ALL OF THE UN proceedings on "CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE
EAST" ----late May thru June. Feel free to ask questions-----

Here's a question. Are you aware of the near worshipful attitude protestant Christians in America have for Israel and Jews? Do you think a modicum of respect for their faith is too much to ask in return for them sending their sons to die in the middle east to make Israel just a little bit safer?

you know virtually nothing about Protestant Christians in the USA----I do ----I grew up with them. I also know about the US military----
I IS A VETERAN. Not one US soldier was sent to the Middle
east to fight for Israel EVER. Some American protestants are
avid "Zionists"------a small, very intelligent and opened minded
minority. "RESPECT FOR THEIR FAITH"------you have some
information about "level of respect" jews have for protestants?----
feel free to ask questions

Sounds to me you grew up hating Protestants. I grew up raised by them, surrounded by them and nobody ever, ever told me I should hate Jews.

nope------I grew up in a very Christian town. My parents never
spoke about hating anyone------I did attend sunday school lots.
and learned what you learned what Christian children are taught
about jews THERE------and in the homes of my Christian friends---
and school mates. I am a bit surprised that you never heard anything about jews in church-------when did you come to know that
Jesus was a jew ? (if ever..)

Of course we heard about Jews in church, but we weren't taught to hate them. What I've noticed in my limited interactions with you people is that you're extremely sensitive to the mere mention of the word "Jew" and immediately start thinking you're being persecuted.

What is it about the biblical Jews that offends you the most?

try again-----"biblical jews" ??? you mean the ones who hated
baby jesus so much that they threw his pregnant mama into
the stable? the ones who FORCED poor innocent SAINT
PONTIUS PILATE into crucifying him? The word "JEW" was
among the last words my great uncles and aunts heard before they
were gassed. Context is ALL
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan spoke at a Catholic church in Chicago Thursday night ...

During his roughly hour-and-a-half address at St. Sabina, Farrakhan denied having ever used hateful or bigoted rhetoric, despite a long history of racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and black supremacist comments.
Farrakhan sounds like Trump!
Tell them what they want to hear, even if it means deny, deny, deny and LIE, LIE, LIE.

Both are political a-holes.
Why are they hating on Farrakhan? ... :dunno:

As far as I see Mr. Farrakhan is under suspicion to be a preacher of hate. And Mr. Michael Pfleger is under suspicion to be a supporter of his hate speech.

Even the Bible talks about the Synagogue of Satan. ... :cool:

But this refers to people, who are not Jews.

Last edited:
Here's a question. Are you aware of the near worshipful attitude protestant Christians in America have for Israel and Jews? Do you think a modicum of respect for their faith is too much to ask in return for them sending their sons to die in the middle east to make Israel just a little bit safer?

you know virtually nothing about Protestant Christians in the USA----I do ----I grew up with them. I also know about the US military----
I IS A VETERAN. Not one US soldier was sent to the Middle
east to fight for Israel EVER. Some American protestants are
avid "Zionists"------a small, very intelligent and opened minded
minority. "RESPECT FOR THEIR FAITH"------you have some
information about "level of respect" jews have for protestants?----
feel free to ask questions

Sounds to me you grew up hating Protestants. I grew up raised by them, surrounded by them and nobody ever, ever told me I should hate Jews.

nope------I grew up in a very Christian town. My parents never
spoke about hating anyone------I did attend sunday school lots.
and learned what you learned what Christian children are taught
about jews THERE------and in the homes of my Christian friends---
and school mates. I am a bit surprised that you never heard anything about jews in church-------when did you come to know that
Jesus was a jew ? (if ever..)

Of course we heard about Jews in church, but we weren't taught to hate them. What I've noticed in my limited interactions with you people is that you're extremely sensitive to the mere mention of the word "Jew" and immediately start thinking you're being persecuted.

What is it about the biblical Jews that offends you the most?

try again-----"biblical jews" ??? you mean the ones who hated
baby jesus so much that they threw his pregnant mama into
the stable? the ones who FORCED poor innocent SAINT
PONTIUS PILATE into crucifying him? The word "JEW" was
among the last words my great uncles and aunts heard before they
were gassed. Context is ALL

The main players in the Jesus story were either Romans or Jews. Some of them were good, some of them were bad and some of them were just bystanders. They were portrayed as flawed human beings, not monsters. You seem to take issue with the fact that the Jews in the bible were not portrayed as perfect angels capable of doing no wrong. That seems quite paranoid and rather supremacist of you...
you know virtually nothing about Protestant Christians in the USA----I do ----I grew up with them. I also know about the US military----
I IS A VETERAN. Not one US soldier was sent to the Middle
east to fight for Israel EVER. Some American protestants are
avid "Zionists"------a small, very intelligent and opened minded
minority. "RESPECT FOR THEIR FAITH"------you have some
information about "level of respect" jews have for protestants?----
feel free to ask questions

Sounds to me you grew up hating Protestants. I grew up raised by them, surrounded by them and nobody ever, ever told me I should hate Jews.

nope------I grew up in a very Christian town. My parents never
spoke about hating anyone------I did attend sunday school lots.
and learned what you learned what Christian children are taught
about jews THERE------and in the homes of my Christian friends---
and school mates. I am a bit surprised that you never heard anything about jews in church-------when did you come to know that
Jesus was a jew ? (if ever..)

Of course we heard about Jews in church, but we weren't taught to hate them. What I've noticed in my limited interactions with you people is that you're extremely sensitive to the mere mention of the word "Jew" and immediately start thinking you're being persecuted.

What is it about the biblical Jews that offends you the most?

try again-----"biblical jews" ??? you mean the ones who hated
baby jesus so much that they threw his pregnant mama into
the stable? the ones who FORCED poor innocent SAINT
PONTIUS PILATE into crucifying him? The word "JEW" was
among the last words my great uncles and aunts heard before they
were gassed. Context is ALL

The main players in the Jesus story were either Romans or Jews. Some of them were good, some of them were bad and some of them were just bystanders. They were portrayed as flawed human beings, not monsters. You seem to take issue with the fact that the Jews in the bible were not portrayed as perfect angels capable of doing no wrong. That seems quite paranoid and rather supremacist of you...

it is clear to me that you never read the book. -----also that you
know nothing of the times. You are not alone. MOST people
never read it or anything that elucidates the era-------but if you are
anything like MOST Christians you have been told LOTS about it.
Your statement ".... you seem to take issue with the fact that the
jews in the bible are not portrayed as perfect angels....."------comes
from the depth of your imagination. Just how do you know HOW
the jews are portrayed since you never read the books. Try to be
candid--------and a tiny bit specific. I will try to help------is it your
impression that the person PONTIUS PILATE was reluctant
to crucify Jesus?
Sounds to me you grew up hating Protestants. I grew up raised by them, surrounded by them and nobody ever, ever told me I should hate Jews.

nope------I grew up in a very Christian town. My parents never
spoke about hating anyone------I did attend sunday school lots.
and learned what you learned what Christian children are taught
about jews THERE------and in the homes of my Christian friends---
and school mates. I am a bit surprised that you never heard anything about jews in church-------when did you come to know that
Jesus was a jew ? (if ever..)

Of course we heard about Jews in church, but we weren't taught to hate them. What I've noticed in my limited interactions with you people is that you're extremely sensitive to the mere mention of the word "Jew" and immediately start thinking you're being persecuted.

What is it about the biblical Jews that offends you the most?

try again-----"biblical jews" ??? you mean the ones who hated
baby jesus so much that they threw his pregnant mama into
the stable? the ones who FORCED poor innocent SAINT
PONTIUS PILATE into crucifying him? The word "JEW" was
among the last words my great uncles and aunts heard before they
were gassed. Context is ALL

The main players in the Jesus story were either Romans or Jews. Some of them were good, some of them were bad and some of them were just bystanders. They were portrayed as flawed human beings, not monsters. You seem to take issue with the fact that the Jews in the bible were not portrayed as perfect angels capable of doing no wrong. That seems quite paranoid and rather supremacist of you...

it is clear to me that you never read the book. -----also that you
know nothing of the times. You are not alone. MOST people
never read it or anything that elucidates the era-------but if you are
anything like MOST Christians you have been told LOTS about it.
Your statement ".... you seem to take issue with the fact that the
jews in the bible are not portrayed as perfect angels....."------comes
from the depth of your imagination. Just how do you know HOW
the jews are portrayed since you never read the books. Try to be
candid--------and a tiny bit specific. I will try to help------is it your
impression that the person PONTIUS PILATE was reluctant
to crucify Jesus?

My impression is that Pilate didn't really give a damn and only wanted to keep the peace. My impression is that Jesus was seen as a trouble maker and a heretic by the religious leaders. My impression is that a story set in ancient Israel is naturally going to feature a lot of Jewish people and just because some of them are bad is not a condemnation of ALL jewish people, forever.

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