Farrakhan to Obama: Let Trump Do What He Wants, You Failed Inner City Blacks

In a lot of ways Malcolm X was like Martin Luther King and neither advocated violence to achieve their goals. Sadly enough both were assassinated during the prime of their life.

Malcolm X actually did advocate violence as a means of protecting civil rights.

He argued that black people should act civilly, but strike back if they are pushed around. This differs from MLK, who believed in adhering to a stringent policy of passive resistance and non-violence.

I side with Malcolm X in that debate, because for all the laws the federal government passed, the situation has never really changed for black Americans.

Both were peaceful men and you can't disagree with that.
It is likely that Farrakhan had Malcolm X assassinated.

No, that was Elijah Muhammad.

I was going to joke about that though. This is coming from the leader of a cult that killed Malcolm Little, who was undoubtedly the best voice for the interests of the black community in the 20th century.

In a lot of ways Malcolm X was like Martin Luther King and neither advocated violence to achieve their goals. Sadly enough both were assassinated during the prime of their life.
so then just say your racist what the fuck? I never understood that about you neo nazis. If your saying you want a society with laws based around race and you want to divide people by race, and you want different laws for people of different races than your a racist, thats what you are, thats the definition of the fucking word?
By your brain dead logic; simply recognizing the different physical, psychological, and instinctual differences between a Labrador retriever, a Rottweiler, and a dachshund is racist. That makes you a moron
Of course this is what the Left does. One can't talk about race at all, with these nut jobs. We are suppose to ignore the facts and accept ignorance...which the Left does very well.
there is only two scenarios your either racist as all hell and pretending to be stupid like you dont know what your saying, or you are just incredibly stupid

which do you prefer people assume about you, because it has to be one or the other?
But I thought all people on the right are racists.


are seriously bitching about people labeling an entire party something after you just said all that shit about the left?
You are the poster child for "Leftism Fucks Up People's Brains."

Yeah...I like that. That should be a new slogan for all Americans to promote. Don't you agree?
It is likely that Farrakhan had Malcolm X assassinated.

No, that was Elijah Muhammad.

I was going to joke about that though. This is coming from the leader of a cult that killed Malcolm Little, who was undoubtedly the best voice for the interests of the black community in the 20th century.

In a lot of ways Malcolm X was like Martin Luther King and neither advocated violence to achieve their goals. Sadly enough both were assassinated during the prime of their life.

You just proved my point. I am exactly like Malcolm X, hit me on the cheek and I hit back rather than turning the other cheek.
By your brain dead logic; simply recognizing the different physical, psychological, and instinctual differences between a Labrador retriever, a Rottweiler, and a dachshund is racist. That makes you a moron
Of course this is what the Left does. One can't talk about race at all, with these nut jobs. We are suppose to ignore the facts and accept ignorance...which the Left does very well.
there is only two scenarios your either racist as all hell and pretending to be stupid like you dont know what your saying, or you are just incredibly stupid

which do you prefer people assume about you, because it has to be one or the other?
But I thought all people on the right are racists.


are seriously bitching about people labeling an entire party something after you just said all that shit about the left?
You are the poster child for "Leftism Fucks Up People's Brains."

Yeah...I like that. That should be a new slogan for all Americans to promote. Don't you agree?
I'd say you are the poster child for "Racism Fucks Up People's Brains."
Of course this is what the Left does. One can't talk about race at all, with these nut jobs. We are suppose to ignore the facts and accept ignorance...which the Left does very well.
there is only two scenarios your either racist as all hell and pretending to be stupid like you dont know what your saying, or you are just incredibly stupid

which do you prefer people assume about you, because it has to be one or the other?
But I thought all people on the right are racists.


are seriously bitching about people labeling an entire party something after you just said all that shit about the left?
You are the poster child for "Leftism Fucks Up People's Brains."

Yeah...I like that. That should be a new slogan for all Americans to promote. Don't you agree?
I'd say you are the poster child for "Racism Fucks Up People's Brains."
Of course you would, which only means you are really fucked up.
It is likely that Farrakhan had Malcolm X assassinated.

No, that was Elijah Muhammad.

I was going to joke about that though. This is coming from the leader of a cult that killed Malcolm Little, who was undoubtedly the best voice for the interests of the black community in the 20th century.

In a lot of ways Malcolm X was like Martin Luther King and neither advocated violence to achieve their goals. Sadly enough both were assassinated during the prime of their life.

You just proved my point. I am exactly like Malcolm X, hit me on the cheek and I hit back rather than turning the other cheek.
I wasn't trying to prove a point, i was just pointing out that malcolm x and MLK had very different opinions on non violence. Malcolm x was a socialist revolutionary who advocated a violent overthrow of the system, while MLK was a christian preacher who advocated non violence and was basically ignored by the government and the media, until riots began breaking out and the establishment used MLK to negotiate for reform, rather then revolution. Its doubtful that nonviolence by itself wouldve done anything since slavery had been around 400 years (and was pretty nonviolent) if it wasn't for violent protests they wouldve never listened to MLK. The same way the british would never listened to ghandi if there wasn't already a civil war brewing
there is only two scenarios your either racist as all hell and pretending to be stupid like you dont know what your saying, or you are just incredibly stupid

which do you prefer people assume about you, because it has to be one or the other?
But I thought all people on the right are racists.


are seriously bitching about people labeling an entire party something after you just said all that shit about the left?
You are the poster child for "Leftism Fucks Up People's Brains."

Yeah...I like that. That should be a new slogan for all Americans to promote. Don't you agree?
I'd say you are the poster child for "Racism Fucks Up People's Brains."
Of course you would, which only means you are really fucked up.
for someone with all the answers you sure have nothing to say
Obama's legacy might be his willingness to incite a race war.

When a black racist killed five cops in Dallas, he said “The number of people who die from gun-related incidents around this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism.”

When white racist Dylann Roof murdered nine black Christians in Charleston, he said “The motivations of the shooter remind us that racism remains a blight that we have to combat together.”

He is often silent when blacks murder whites, and we know silence is not something he tends to do. When black racist Shannon J. Miles unprovoked, committed cold blooded murder of a white cop, shooting him a total of 15 times, Obama was silent.

i love when racists blame the people they hate for a "race war".
I hate no one Silly Jilly and most certainly I love you babes.

Obama is clearly a racist and his actions and inaction have caused deaths around the nation.

But...sadly I don't expect someone completely in the dark, like you, to comprehend the truth.
your clearly a racist

they're like abusive men who blame their beating up their wife of her not having dinner ready.
I wasn't trying to prove a point, i was just pointing out that malcolm x and MLK had very different opinions on non violence. Malcolm x was a socialist revolutionary who advocated a violent overthrow of the system

So when he preached to the black community to obey the law and respect authority, he was advocating a violent overthrow of the system?

The same way the british would never listened to ghandi if there wasn't already a civil war brewing

This is true.

A loose grip, increasing threats of rebellion, and also a national conscious following WW2 are the real reasons India received independence.
Farrakhan to Obama: Let Trump Do Want He Wants, You Failed Inner City Blacks - Breitbart

Oreobama hates inner city blacks. His favorite pastime is playing golf at Martha's Vineyard or some exclusive Hawaiian golf course with his rich white Hollywood friends while poor blacks are dying and suffering in the inner cities. He does not care about the suffering of blacks. He just wants to send his wife Michelle and his daughters on a vacation to Spain as the guests of the Spanish Royals. Oreobama, like the Hollywood elite, is all show. He's an evil man.
Ur dumb
Both were peaceful men and you can't disagree with that.

I agree. This best describes Malcolm Little's beliefs on the use of violence.


Malcolm X was more in the right than MLK.

MLK did not believe in defending civil rights using violence, so his legacy was helping to inspire the creation of a worthless piece of paper.

MLK must have studied and listened to Mahatma Gandhi who won independence from the Empire of Great Britain.
Obama's legacy might be his willingness to incite a race war.

When a black racist killed five cops in Dallas, he said “The number of people who die from gun-related incidents around this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism.”

When white racist Dylann Roof murdered nine black Christians in Charleston, he said “The motivations of the shooter remind us that racism remains a blight that we have to combat together.”

He is often silent when blacks murder whites, and we know silence is not something he tends to do. When black racist Shannon J. Miles unprovoked, committed cold blooded murder of a white cop, shooting him a total of 15 times, Obama was silent.

i love when racists blame the people they hate for a "race war".
its the slave owner saying its his slaves fault he lynched him

they do seem to have things butt backwards

i'd feel sorry for them if they weren't so vile in their determination to hate everyone else
i disagree. But I do think that Malcolm made what King was able to achieve possible.

Is your disagreement with the civil rights act of 1964 being a worthless piece of paper?

The reality is that document is as meaningless and unimportant as the constitution.

And no, Malcolm X had more of an impact on black separatism and black power than he did the civil rights movement. Most of his recognition came after he died.
i disagree. But I do think that Malcolm made what King was able to achieve possible.

Is your disagreement with the civil rights act of 1964 being a worthless piece of paper?

The reality is that document is as meaningless and unimportant as the constitution.

And no, Malcolm X had more of an impact on black separatism and black power than he did the civil rights movement. Most of his recognition came after he died.

i don't think it was meaningless at all. i think it has been incomplete. there is a difference. the reality is that this county has a long history of racism and that doesn't get changed just by virtue of a law. this is especially true when there are people who are intentional in their efforts to obstruct equality. i read (or heard, i'm not sure which) that when someone owns a human being, they have to do a lot of mental gymnastics to tell themselves that is not a real person. that mentally was burned into this country at its inception and in an historical sense, it hasn't been that long since the civl war. there are generations of people who still are unable to see others as human or equal just because they have more melanin in their skin. (as you can see by the animals on this board)

i was reading a book recently. it talked about how in the 80's the black community was moving toward parity with the white community in income, education and all of the other touchstones of success. and then came the crack epidemic which changed everything. you should read the book freakonomics, it's a worthwhile read. another worthwhile read is probably the New Jim Crow. Either way, the law in and of itself does not change the world. but it's a heck of a lot better. which isn't to say that as a society we don't have a long way to go as proven by the way the racist pond scum treat this president..... on the other hand, we do have this president and that would have been unthinkable when the civil rights laws passed.
the reality is that this county has a long history of racism and that doesn't get changed just by virtue of a law.


It is meaningless paper.

this is especially true when there are people who are intentional in their efforts to obstruct equality.

The state and its lackeys.

The politicization of race is why racism exists. Poor southern farmers would of not got fervent over plantation owner rights, if it were not for politicians screaming in their ear about the tax abusive north. Same deal now.

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