Farrakhan Warns Whites; Trump Will Lead You Into Hell!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
lol, you just cant make this shit up.

Farrakhan: 'Thug' Trump Will Take America into the Abyss of Hell - Breitbart

Farrakhan said, “Mr. Trump is tearing away the skin of the onion of white civility and the more he pulls the skin of that onion back, he’s beginning to show something in the character of the whites that follow him, that they don’t care what he says. .....

He added, “When you get leadership that is not rooted in justice, then they begin to make the people just like themselves. Be careful America. You’re headed into the abyss of hell, and if you make a mistake in choosing your leaders, maybe you’ll go there faster.
You have to be a simple minded dope to take anything Farrakhan says to heart. The man is a racist moron
WHAT the hell has that idiot done for the Black people and helping them in their communities and lives? he's done nothing. he's a race baiter pos just like Sharpton and Obama. It's just too bad black people don't wake up to these types of people who only USES them and then goes back to their gated Ivory Towers.

screw him
Yes, Farrakhan is a racist moron and he has done nothing to help blacks, but he is respected, trusted and followed by millions of blacks in this country.

Remember the Million Man March he sponsored?
Yes, Farrakhan is a racist moron and he has done nothing to help blacks, but he is respected, trusted and followed by millions of blacks in this country.

Remember the Million Man March he sponsored?

that's the sick and sad thing about it. that man is dangerous to us. he should be arrested for some of the crap he's spewed.
Yes, Farrakhan is a racist moron and he has done nothing to help blacks, but he is respected, trusted and followed by millions of blacks in this country.

Remember the Million Man March he sponsored?

that's the sick and sad thing about it. that man is dangerous to us. he should be arrested for some of the crap he's spewed.
You mean like calling for volunteers to kill whites?
The negro asshole once again proves what an idiot he is.
You would have thought he would be more than happy to have Trump lead his supporters into hell.
Yet he forewarns them.
lol, you just cant make this shit up.

Farrakhan: 'Thug' Trump Will Take America into the Abyss of Hell - Breitbart

Farrakhan said, “Mr. Trump is tearing away the skin of the onion of white civility and the more he pulls the skin of that onion back, he’s beginning to show something in the character of the whites that follow him, that they don’t care what he says. .....

He added, “When you get leadership that is not rooted in justice, then they begin to make the people just like themselves. Be careful America. You’re headed into the abyss of hell, and if you make a mistake in choosing your leaders, maybe you’ll go there faster.

Farrakhan is a old racist bigot piece of shit that has called for the death of White and Jewish people, so him being against Trump is a plus for Trump...
Can anyone rule out Farrakhan being The Democrat Party's nominee? Hey, we all know they aren't going to anoint Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky and also that George Soros hasn't told them yet what they are to do. Disco Louie IS a minority....he's articulate (if yo digs)...sorta cleans up nice and, perhaps most importantly, has never held a real job.

The Perfect Democrat Candidate!
The negro asshole once again proves what an idiot he is.
You would have thought he would be more than happy to have Trump lead his supporters into hell.
Yet he forewarns them.
As they say, never take the advice of ones enemies.
"Farrakhan Warns Whites; Trump Will Lead You Into Hell!"

No one cares what he thinks, he's completely irrelevant, he speaks only for himself, representative of no one.
You mean other than the Million Men he led in a March on Washington DC?

roflmao, you are such a fool.
I am no fan of Farrakhan and his cult.

But he is spot on when he talks about the New World Order and the Jews controlling America. ...... :cool:

No, the Jews dont run America and never have.

Are they wealthy and well organized to represent their own interests? Of course they are, especially after the events of the 1940s.

But the people that run things in our country are the main stream Protestant communities, the Episcopalians, Methodists, Congregationalists, Northern Baptists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, etc. Those groups own 80% of the assets in the US and they control the system of information and all the supporting structures of power in the nation.

They just have guilt about ignoring the Jews in WW2 and so they have been giving the Jews a honeymoon that is coming to an end already, given the anti-semitism one finds today in the Dhimmicratic Party.

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